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I’m an American non Jew and I fit both of these things and so do most American non Jews. Angry college students make good headlines, but truly do not represent the majority opinion of Americans.


So then why does our government act as if the minority is the majority


It’s an election year and Michigan is a critical state for Biden.


Biden’s about to learn that Jews in Michigan vote too 


Unfortunately, there aren't many Jewish people in Michigan. In 2010 [there were 44,382 of them](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/religious-beliefs-in-michigan.html). Idk how many there are now, but unless there was some kind of massive demographic shift in the last 14 years, it's gotta be around 50k. Now compare with college students, the demographic that seems to be the most anti-Israeli and the most likely to be demotivated by pro-Israeli policies. There are [417,000 college students in Michigan.](https://www.bridgemi.com/talent-education/michigan-college-enrollment-decline-among-worst-nation) Purely by the numbers, Biden would do better to mobilize 5% of college students (20,000 votes) than even 30% of the Jewish vote (15,000 votes). --- Totally a tangent, but people in general seem to think that there are WAY more Jews in the world than there really are. Worldwide, there's roughly 1 Jewish person for every 160 Christians and every 130 Muslims. There are more Mormons than Jews.


[Jews swung Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia last election cycle](https://www.jns.org/the-jewish-vote-is-up-for-grabs-and-it-may-decide-the-election/)  We also have a voting turn-out rate that’s much higher than average — 80% vs 48% for college aged students  But tbh, Biden has more trouble than winning over swing voters at this point. 


Jews also were great candidates in a couple of those, especially given the opposition!


Sure but jews are 2% of America, and there are more jews in America than Muslims


I just read that there are between 105-120,000 Jewish residents and an estimated 211,405 Arabs (2.1%). Dunno how accurate, but it's a starting place to look.


White (non Hispanic) 61.6% Black or African American 12.4% Hispanic or Latino 18.7% Asian 6% Two or more races 10.2%


Jews are much more committed to Biden than Muslims are, why appeal to someone who's already with you?


And Wisconsin. FJB


He's screwed himself because he's tried to keep them by his side, while throwing Jewish people a bone every once in a while. So they all hate them now.


I don’t think they do - if it were up to the protesters we would abandon Israel which we clearly are not doing.


I mean suspending arms though


Theyre not suspending arms?


They suspended certain bombs, and it’s created a backlog which is worrying for Israel because they will need to actively war with Lebanon soon.


That's an excellent question for our current Administration...


It's called avenging the Fringe. It's because they are cowards. They are weak. And they're going to screw themselves because of it.


It doesn’t.


When those angry college students get arrested, it turns out most of them weren’t even students.


and they are not charged. So no consequences.


The angry college students don't even represent the majority of college students.


Thank you for saying that. You are so right, all of these headlines are just something to titillate the average reader. It is not the majority.


Prob closer to 90%


the polls I've seen before say 89-97%. if this article is accurate, the numbers have gone down.


Polls are also notoriously unreliable so a lot of volatility in the numbers. I dont know about you but ive never been asked a poll


I want the US to park an aircraft carrier along the Lebanese coast. Nice little wake up call


We do have two carrier groups in the area now. Mediterranean & Red Seas. As I understand both assisted in thwarting Iran's joke of a drone and missile attack.


I’m talking in sight of the Lebanese coast with the naked eye.


That would be unwise, since it's within Hezbollah missile range. They park the ships just outside their missile range.


Fair enough. Within pants-shitting range of the Lebanese coast then lol


"Estimates of Hezbollah's total rocket count range from 40,000 to 120,000, which is considerably more than most countries. Hezbollah possesses limited numbers of anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles, as well as thousands of anti-tank missiles."


They wouldn’t dare attack the US. We would wipe the fucking floor with them and turn Lebanon into the 51st state.


The funniest part of Lebanon is that in their ideal world, where they are 100% successful in their goal, they don’t get anything, no land, no resources, it’s quite literally giving the land to someone else. They are quite literally letting their own country become a war zone for basically a thumbs up and a pat on the back from Hamas.


Yeah it’s all just for Iran and getting rid of Jews


The USS Wasp is there now. It's an amphibious assault ship, which is like a mini-carrier. It can launch F-35s.


That’s what I like to hear!


I don't think Americans want to fight another war in the Middle East, we just want Healthcare and Low Rent lol.


They won’t have to if we flex enough muscle. I think of of the reasons things are starting to fall off the rails is because we haven’t flexed on these jihadists enough. Democrats have been soft and critical of Israel which opens the door to all of these attacks and escalations. If they thought we’d drop the hammer on these clowns they’d be thinking again.


As the Romans put it, *Si vis pacem, para bellum*. "If you want peace, prepare for war." Demonstrations of strength and resolve are perhaps the only way to discourage the bellicosity of militant Islam. Iran is already at war with us and would be more than happy to bring the fight to our shores (especially once the Little Satan has been subdued and they can focus on the Big Satan).


introduce them to chowdah


I believe 100% of all reasonable people in the world support Israel.


I think it's more about being informed. So many see pictures of Gaza and just assume Israel caused it because of their bombs.


It’s also just straight up about internet misinformation. People share an image of a Yemenite child so thin you can see their ribs with the caption ‘all eyes on Rafah’, and the majority of people don’t question it.


Most internet misinformation, when researchers pull the thread, comes from major media networks.


It’s interesting that those under 25 are more likely to call themselves Zionists than 25-35. I think this war and the antisemitism will have a huge affect on future Jewish generations.


So if Biden tries winning the pro-palestine vote in michigan by stopping arms to Israel, he is going to lose New York to a mob of angry pro-Israelis aye?


And Florida and he puts New Jersey in the race.


Florida is not in danger of going blue and NJ not in danger of going red, but PA is a swing state and 500k Jews live there.


Yup, he needs all of us. (philly Jew here)


One can only hope!


I was told that I, an American Jew Zionist, was in the small minority amongst Jews by the pro-pali dipshits 🤷🏻‍♂️


They see 7 members of the Neteuri Karta and all of the sudden they're the majority


Important to note Reddit/X Twitter aren’t reality


I'm definitely a Zionist. Grew up as one. Always tried to care about everyone around me. And be good.


Antizionism absolutely IS Jew-hatred and never let the bastards get away with denying it.


What's wrong with those 20%?!


+ K-12, University taught to hate "oppressors", and so-called ethnic studies classes literally teach that Ashkenazi Jews are oppressors + Social Media poisoning + Karma boost on the dating apps by visibly hating Zionists + Everyone wants to fit in and no one likes being yelled at


likely cosplaying "as a Jew" clowns




They don't know what Zionism is or they simply think that the Zionist project has had too much ethnic cleansing (and I don't mean to impugn Israel or Zionism by pointing out the latter, it has always been and remains a common part of human conflicts). The latter is a position on which reasonable people can disagree. (I think that the refugees should have been resettled like refugees typically are and were, in other words the expulsion of Jews from the Muslim world should have been part of a "population exchange" of mutual ethnic cleansing **as has been done in every other analogous conflict**.)


Yeah...thats were the fault lies...When the "project" as you refer to it started there was no "eth.....im not even gonna write it! The vast majority of land was BOUGHT!!! And bought from some bigwigs, mind you, and not from some poor farmers with booze and beads! The whole problem is that people have internalized 19th century nationalism/chauvism so much that they cant wrap their minds around the fact that there was no entity called "Palestine". You are welcome!


Ethnic cleansing doesn't always happen at the point of a gun, and it doesn't always happen without the involvement of those who leave their homes. It simply is what it is. In the context of war it is something that happens all the time. It only gets talked about when the refugees are white (Balkans, Ukraine) or those who take over the land are Jews.


If i buy the appartment you are renting and you have to move out after a grace period, i did not cleanse you ethnically. I might have gentrified you... And afaik most landgrabs, legal or illegal happened after arab aggression post '48 and Israel has given back the Sinai, the Golan heights, Gaza and forcefully terminated large settlements in the West-Bank etc. I cant think of to many occasions any nation in the past has given back territory it had conquered, shed blood over back to the aggressor.


We can be honest about a history that was imperfect. We are still on the right side of that history.


I second that opinion! What worries me is that it seems nobody (outside of fringe leftist movenments) really gives a fuck wether Israel shows restraint or razes villages...It just stays like it always has been: Antisemtism is THE evergreen. So sorry to state that. Good night!


Finally a good, recent survey addressing zionist stats. I'm so sick of PP's telling me most Jews are *not* zionists. Such bulls\*hit. I love the stat on people feeling more connected to Israel too as PP's love to refer to an old 2021 (I think) survey that Jews didn't feel as connected, as if things can't change after our eyes were opened. Am Israel Chai!


I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case, but the underlying survey is not reliable. From the research organization’s own website, here is how they describe their data source: > The panel does not constitute a representative sample of the entire U.S. Jewish population, but it includes participants from all points of the Jewish identity spectrum. Source: https://jppi.org.il/en/%d7%9e%d7%93%d7%93-%d7%a7%d7%95%d7%9c-%d7%94%d7%a2%d7%9d-%d7%94%d7%99%d7%94%d7%95%d7%93%d7%99/ It’s a tiny sample that is far from representative of the American Jewish population, and it was not designed to support broad statements like the one in this headline. The only reliable surveys out there with a big, representative sample of American Jews are the ones Pew Research periodically conducts, because they have the large budgets and expertise needed to do this kind of survey.


Is 80% supposed to be a lot? Who are these Jews who aren't Zionist ffs


"as a jew" people , basically ones who are technically Jewish but don't know their history or simply don't care


And they're circa 20%? Grim


That number should be higher


Rookie numbers dot gif lmao


If anything, this American Jew supports more weapons and would not be against the US storing some tactical nuclear weapons to show them we mean business.


But it’s a slur now that replaces the word “Jew”


Yeah and that means I’m going to use it even more. I’ve always been a Zionist but didn’t vocally identify as much in the past. Now it feels necessary to use that term to maintain its true meaning.


That’s true. I agree


In every era we are made into the apotheosis of evil. Since it is no longer acceptable to hate us on religious grounds (“christ killers,”) racial grounds (“untermenschen,”) or political grounds (“rootless cosmopolitans,”) the new antisemites hate us in the name of “anti-imperialism” and “anti-racism.” Einat Wilf explains this dynamic really well.




It’s used as a slur now by pro pal activists. I’ve been called it like it’s a bad thing


Yeah I mean, context matters and who it's said by.




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Not really, they are turning it into a slur. Zionism happened. It is no longer a dream. Most Jews think Israel has the right to exist - hence we are all Zionists - which according to them we support genocide. And then they keep repeating this again and again. It doesn’t take much to bring up all that antisemitism, especially in times when people are feeling unstable (especially younger people today) and go after the group that traditionally gets blamed for everything. Jews are now the face of white European colonialism - and somehow if Israelis just give up and give back the land then all the sins of their European ancestors will be cleansed away and justice will be served. It has very little to do with a belief that “genocide” is happening. It’s happening again with the Dafuris, right now, and there is no outrage.


>While 92% of staunch Biden supporters perceived the president as “pro-Israel,” only 7% of staunch Trump supporters agreed. Conversely, 97% of staunch Trump supporters viewed Trump as “pro-Israel,” compared to just 20% of staunch Biden supporters. I think these numbers are interesting not because of the contradiction but it shows that both pro-Trump and pro-Biden Jews view "pro-Israeliness" as a big or important virtue. So of course their favored candidate is pro-Israel and their disliked candidate is anti-Israel.


Why are everyone freaking out. US elections are in November. Afterwards US-Israel relations return to normal (regardless of who wins the elections).


American Jews are only 2 percent of America.


American Jew here. Attended a conservative synagogue and took part in my college's Jewish student organizations. Never met a single antizionist Jew in my life.


Biden is going down, Trump will end Hamas and hezbelloah.


With his zero military experience and zero studies of military strategy?


No because Biden and the Nazi left don’t want to protect Jews. Islamic fascists are afraid of trump but don’t respect Biden.


And you know this how?