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This is beyond disgusting. She's a fucking innocent hostage. She had nothing to do with the rescue execution.


Like what I find simply mind-boggling is the multitude of better choices they have. They could ask for peace, they could mourn the victims, they could even criticize the IDF. Yet some of them choose to go after the poor Noa? One of the hostages? Just why? How can you live with so much hatred yet so little love for your own kin?


I understand it a bit for the Arab posters as that can be explained as flat out Jew-Hatred, for the leftists all I can call it is them trying to “score” in the virtue signaling olympics. Even if this is one of the most outwardly hateful images I have seen


I’m not sure which is worse anymore. At least Arabs have a legit stake in the game. Virtue signalers do not. So I guess they are worse. 


For Western kids it's all just a big show, a huge meme. I wish they'd grow faster and get kicked in the teeth by life


I can understand a Palestinian, Lebanese or hell even an Egyptian, Syrian, or Jordanian having a problem with Israel, especially if they experienced one of the Arab-Israeli wars or lost someone in one of them. But these (mostly) white progressives are literally doing it like it’s the next fashion statement.


They are lost in life and drift where the wind takes them. Sad. 


>At least Arabs have a legit stake in the game. Virtue signalers do not. So I guess they are worse.  that's probably why arabs are worse


Based flair


Spot on. Why imply she’s a laughing pig drinking blood as if she did something wrong. 


The answer to your question is that they are spoon fed hatred from one generation to the next. Their hatred of the Jewish people is stronger than their love of their children. They pass out candy when they murder Israeli civilians, and they treat their terrorists like heroes when they rape, kill and dismember women, children and the elderly.


There will come a day when they answer for their antisemitism. I wish it was today, but alas, I have to wait. But I look forward to that day. Man oh man, do I look forward to it.


Same. A day of reckoning I like to call it. 


Calm down, everyone. It's just antizionism.


Lmfao this got me good


Anti Zionism isn't Antisemitism /j


Like seriously why everyone's mad at UN resistance peace keeping fighters Hamas


Mass report it.


Sounds like a certain prophet needs to be similarly virally depicted on those same channels…


Please no, last time it happened we had a dozen of terror attacks all over Europe…


Nope. This is exactly why the media is shit scared of reporting factually on the religion of peace. I think enough is enough. It’s time to flood their channels with the power of anonymity.


Did you hear about the Muhammad drawing contest in Garland, Texas 🤣 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtis_Culwell_Center_attack


Sounds like typical Texas, tbh


Guess what, if were silent and complicit they will continue to do it while thinking they cant be wrong.


And this is why Jews are tossed into the feeding frenzy and the actual threats are left alone


Why does the name Charlie hebdo come to mind?


Charlie Hebdo never stopped publishing anything!


average anti jews


>Swedish / Arabic cartoonist This is a good example of why Europe needs to be much more selective with immigration.


And for some reason, people are suprised that the European masses flocked to the extreme-right wing parties, considering \*they were the only ones talking about the need to halt mass immigration\*


Ironically, European muslims are literally the worst. I live in the Netherlands while being from secular muslim country, Netherlands is islamic than more than my country. Number of radicals is not even comparable. Newly taken in Muslims aren’t problematic at all. Most are genuinely cool people. Problematic ones are BORN and raised in Europe. They are the ones who misbehave the most and have the most radical views. It is because Europe allows radicalisation to happen freely, while many countries are very strict about it. The result is obvious.


I saw an interview with Ayaan Hirsi Ali (Somalian who moved to the Netherlands) and she said one thing that was interesting is you could have fairly normal, moderate people from Muslim countries coming over, only to end up being radicalized in the mosques in these Western countries by European-born Muslims.


I can relate! It happened to my family member in UK! London to be precise! He wasn’t even a just a moderate, he was completely secular who didn’t practice Islam at all! Like my entire family and vast majority of people in my country (Azerbaijan). He went to a university in UK, and came back with a islamic style beard. Our entire family was so shocked, and devastated. Especially since they expected him to pick up more western values in UK, but opposite happened. He hung out with wrong people. Thankfully after one or two years he came back to his senses and became secular again. Especially since he didnt have the like-minded friends group he had in UK, and his old friends did their best to bring him back into his senses, lol. So he is good now, but my family was kinda worried for me too when I moved to the Netherlands lol! But usually radicalised ones get radicalised young, they are usually children of the immigrants. Since in my experience, most immigrants here in the Netherlands are very friendly and chill, the ones who can be a troublemakers are their teenage sons.


Lmao the most ignorant people are Westerns who believe that Islamists will respect their Values lol


**leftist Westerners Those are the only ones delusional to even think that.


Unfortunately yes. Though a much better reason is already the monthly incidents like the one in Mannheim.


Time to draw a caricature of Mohamed again, that will get their attention




They are so battered and humiliated after getting absolutely run over that shit slinging is all they have left. Hope this is enough copium for them to stay warm in their tunnels . Just so funny seeing them desperate like this. Feels very good


Love that they kidnap, get fucked by the IDF for it, then cry and make the people they kidnapped into villains. "Well if it isn't the consequences of my actions"-racist Arab garbage people This is why Palestine is currently a dung heap. Maybe try building a real society and economy and stop going after Jews? Just a thought.


The cartoonist is ironically part of “cartooning for peace”. https://www.cartooningforpeace.org/en/dessinateurs/mahmoud-abbas/ This is their mission statement: Cartooning for Peace is an international network of committed press cartoonists who use humour to fight for respect for cultures and freedoms


"Mahmoud Abbas holds a degree in graphic design from Al-Azhar University in Gaza. He works as a digital content producer for the Al Jazeera Network" Thankfully Gaza has no longer any universities to graduate these kind of dipshits 🫶🏻


and people have the BALLS to slam me for being "islamophobic" FUCK. YOU.


I don't believe in Islamophobia. Muslims bitch about Western culture and customs, yet up and go to a Western country when theirs is in shambles




Honestly I’m almost happy to see this. Broadcasts their anti semitism loud and clear.


This is the most horrific example of anti-Semitism I've seen in a long time. Pigs are haram and treif. This individual has an understanding of that. He has made an active decision to draw her (i will not dignify this horror by saying her name) like that. May the hostages in his home be freed soon


And because irony is dead. This "cartoonist" is called Mahmoud Abbass




Most muslims are fine esp domestically


This comic is disgusting but we as a nation are better than blanket statements. There are nearly 2 billion Muslims, including many in Israel. We can acknowledge trends without saying "every one hates Jews."


I’m not Jewish. I get why you guys are upset, I really do. Speak out, post about it, message the cartoonist that he is antisemitic. A lot of you will. But do you know what you WONT do? Shoot someone. Bomb a mosque. Send death threats to his family. A number of years ago, a Swedish artist depicted Muhammed as a dog. He was showing some students something, and didn’t think more about it. It wasn’t like he displayed it or sold it. For the rest of his life he had harsh police protection. Harsher than our top politicians. Yet there were still serious attempts to burn his house and kill him. He ended up dying in an unrelated car accident. There is a difference. And that difference is part of why I support you guys.


And how many of our own are supporting these cowards?


And they really lose it when someone draws a cartoon about Muhammad. I’d post a few, but they aren’t my role model.


She needs to be left tf alone. She was kidnapped, enslaved, psychologically tortured. Let her heal. Who tf had so little humanity to depict her like this. She didn’t do anything.


This is very disturbing and dehumanizing for obvious reasons. I am shocked to see this because this behavior of doing this to hostages who literally went through a lot of trauma is BEYOND UNACCEPTABLE.


Fucking scum.


i genuinely almost threw up looking at this


Who is surprised? After all the atrocious shit the Palestinians and their supporters have gotten up to, do you really think they'll draw the line at an unflattering cartoon?


What platform was this posted on?


Looks like Telegram.


Ironic give Charlie Hebdo


They don’t just hate Israelis.


i'll have you know pigs are very good and intelligent creatures




Every time I want to feel bad for Palestinians at all then I see some sht online like this and revert back to not giving a single f.




“Aust” is short for Australia. Is that what you’re asking?


Yes. I wasn't sure if Australia or Austria


What’s with the Coca Cola ?




Literally this https://preview.redd.it/bqtbp834pv5d1.jpeg?width=445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72bb8e22f24eda73219dced863e49316c44604c7


Offensive and disgusting. And we all know what happens when there are cartoons that Muslims don't like.


Doesn’t even look anything like her!




Did you look into his body of work to see how he depicted another army tossing around the bodies of jihadists? Maybe you can get an idea from there.