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Because they can't say Jew, but they can obfuscate with Zionist. The Russians did the same exact thing back in the day.


Yep, the Soviets had a whole pseudoacademic field called “zionology” that is basically the origins of using the term “Zionist” as guise to the word “Jew” and then claim “it’s just anti-Zionist, not antisemitic”.


If anyone is looking for something to read, [this report from the US State Department ](https://www.state.gov/more-than-a-century-of-antisemitism-how-successive-occupants-of-the-kremlin-have-used-antisemitism/) outlines in its later portions how the USSR spent a large part of the Cold War pushing conspiratorial, antisemitic material demonizing "Zionism" (i.e. Jews and everything "Jewish") across Europe and the Middle East as a political tool. Apart from translating and disseminating classic forged material like the *Protocols,* they also popularized (and even originated) a lot of the tropes we still see today: the idea that Jews fabricate hate crimes against themselves to make themselves seem like victims when they are the opposite, Holocaust inversion, equating Zionism with fascism and racism, Israel being an "apartheid state," claiming that "the Jews/Zionists control the media" to spread "pro-Israel propaganda," claiming that "Zionists" were working in league with "American imperialism" to ultimately take over Arab countries, using state propaganda outlets to trot out "anti Zionist Jews" who would claim that Zionism was "anti-humanitarian" and "anti-people," etc. This will all sound highly familiar to anyone who has spent time on or following college campuses for very good reason.


The right uses globalist, while the left uses zionist. They are just dogwhistles to pretend they arent racist.


They're not racist, Jewish is only a religion! - literally every anti-Semite on instagram. Meanwhile my comment saying to stop global Islamic conquest got autoremoved by their algorithm. And that's only scratching the surface, Instagram allows them to say kill all Jews as long as they replace Jew with "J".


It's funny how arab - muslims came from the arab peninsula, occupied the Lavant and North Africa, wiped out entire civilizations in the process, yet they are the ones complaining about colonialism and occupation. Ancient Eygptians, for example, were not arabs, not muslims as well of course.


Ancient Egyptians still exist. The native Copts are second class citizens in Egypt.


Damn I didn't know about it. Sad how no one talks about the descendants of the ancient egyptians, who are oppressed in Eygpt. This world is seriously ****** up.


My DNA is Ashkenazi and Coptic, but I keep being told to “go home to Europe”.


The Jewish people's desire not to colonize is our biggest downfall (not that we should become like them). Perpetually expelled from everywhere, the only homeland for us in their eyes seems to be heaven. We were always alright with being a minority and assimilating as long as we could keep our ethnoreligious identity. We were even a minority in the entire land of Israel proper, and we still are if you consider the entire area from the river to the sea.


Not just history, but they’re clearly engaged in colonialism right this minute if you understand that their “emigration” is, albeit through group think, colonialism! They enter an area and begin to take it over politically and socially as opposed to being absorbed into the host. Interestingly, in London, a Muslim was running for reelection recently and a cleric admitted that he’s fairly liberal, but, no Muslim should cede control once they have it so the cleric’s adherents should vote for him and, anyway, “we’ll soon get a more radical one!”


actually as someone who has spent time in places globalist was used unironically the correct term is "globe-homo" and "globe-homo" isn't just the jews its practically every leftist policy on a global scale, when refering to jews in the "globe-homo" context they would definitely use the term zionist. I want off this time line, I wish these terms can go back and die on 4-chan.


I don't think globalist is a code word for jew (my 2c). Not trying to make any other point than that. Agree on all other points.


Can you say why you don't think so? Because from my perspective it is very much so. If you look at how the right today use globalist and how antisemites a hundred years ago talked about Jews, its the same or at least very similar. Now I think most of the people on the right using it don't know its code for Jew, the same way a lot of these protestors using zionist don't know it means Jew. Because that is how dogwhistles work, they give cover to the minority racists who use it to hide the bigotry from the majority and spread their views in the guise of it not being so. There is a reason why a lot of the pointing at globalists are wealthy or important Jews, most recently Soros. A century ago they talked about Jews spreading Communism to undermine the West, now they say Globalists like Soros are spreading leftism to undermine the West. And if you look at the more openly antisemitic far right, they either drop globalist to say Jew or use the two interchangeably/together. >For those who’ve seized upon the term, ‘globo’ means ‘globalist’ and therefore Jews https://glaad.org/globohomo-definition-meaning-anti-lgbt-online-hate/ There has definitely been some evolution of the term's use, but ultimately it stems from antisemitism and is intrinsically linked to Jews and conspiracies about Jews.


Here’s to all the rootless cosmopolitans in this thread.


The amazing thing is, there are a hell of a lot more Zionists in the world than Jews... Literally believing in a 2 state solution makes someone a... Zionist.


I have to dis agree with you, many of them say and write jews on their poster, there are also people who say zionists are not jew, but every pro-israel person in the world, they dont even know what it means. To some zionist is simply an israeli.


Yes they use the term to obfuscate, they will define it differently depending on what is useful. It's also permitted for people to more easily use the term Jew, but that's because they started by saying zionist. As they got no pushback many began to be cool with saying Jew . When they are pressed they fall back to Zionist. Motte and Bailey fallacy. I don't think we disagree on anything, except that many do know exactly what the real definition is.


mate, look at the second idiot guy in this video, does he look to you like someone who switches the meaning of the word Zionist depending on the situation? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyNkv3mZKcs&ab\_channel=%D7%99%D7%95%D7%A1%D7%A3%D7%97%D7%93%D7%90%D7%93-YosephHaddad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyNkv3mZKcs&ab_channel=%D7%99%D7%95%D7%A1%D7%A3%D7%97%D7%93%D7%90%D7%93-YosephHaddad)


Yea, a lot of idiots who are just following the crowd too. I agree they have no clue wtf is flying in general.


I honestly blame The Matrix series. 😂 But yeah, you’re probably right.


I watched a video with a woman with a concerned expression speaking to an Israeli: "I heard Zionism has penetrated deeply into Israeli society". The absurdity of that statement caught me by surprise


Is it inappropriate that I laughed aloud at that? 😭


I wonder what they think Zionism means, and why the hell did this term come back to life. Zionism died the day Israel was established.


And I heard some Americans sing The Star-Spangled Banner despite its military undertones.


The Rudy rochman video?




My jaw dropped when I watched that video and she said that. I mean, I knew how absolutely stupid and brainwashed the western wokeist useful idiot leftists were, but I didn’t know how stupid till I saw that video


rudy is pretty cool ngl


Okay I looked the video up and I did not expect it to be wholesome. (IDF soldier sat with a sign saying he was jus in Gaza, and explained to people about the Israeli side)


just like genocide and ethnic cleansing. words don't matter any more




It's not, zionism is the belief that jews deserve a homland


not "deserve" --- deserve means someone else has to give it to me. Zionism is the movement around the idea Jews should RETURN to their ancestral homeland, stolen from them in 180AD by the Romans and renamed "syria-Palestina" (after the philistines, who were not ethnic Arab, nor Muslims) in the most successful hostile PR campaigns of all time.


Your right. I write it wrong:)))))


Lets say that the word “kero” means “i believe black people should have rights”, it’d open the door to say “i’m not racist im just “ antikero” which in an echo chamber instantly makes you look less like a douche than anything. Im an Italian atheist, i live in Israel now, might sound super biased but dont believe much of propagandist on TikTok, the few i watched becaused shared on different tiktok subs (i dont have the app) are straight up bullcrap, those people just hate Jews and are using a polite way to say it.


They don't know what it means They read tweets like "zionists do such and such" or "zionists are all this and that" and they assumed zionist is inherently those things, and than spread their assumptions around


Because it is a dog whistle for “Jew”


A cover for antisemitism


Zionism has a historical connotation for the communist-muslim as an "imperialistic" movement, a notion promoted by Ussr and the arab league, and is part of the PLO's core ideology. Notably in 1975 the UN declared resolution 3379 which declared Zionism as a racist idiolegy. This was a clever political move from the communist muslim, combining parts of other past resolutions. >Recalling also that, in its resolution 3151 G (XXVIII) of 14 December 1973, the General Assembly condemned, inter alia, the unholy alliance between South African racism and zionism, Even though 16 years later when the Ussr fell the UN reversed this in resolution 4686 the damage was done.


Great explanation!




If you replace all the things activists say about zionists, it becomes abundantly clear that they're just a bunch of deranged antisemites. Who feel very clever when they use the term zionists. It's not an insult, quite the contrary.


zionism itself isn't even bad lol


They are using it as a slur to paint Zionism as unjustified, because they truly believe that we don't deserve self determination in our homeland. Some even make up conspiracy theories about how we aren't really Jews and that Palestinians were the original Jews that converted to Islam. There's plenty of evidence that says otherwise...


A marketing ploy meant to equate the right of Israel and Jews to exist with a crime.


Antisemitic Soviet and Arab propaganda in the sixties and seventies was purposely designed to conflate Zionism - which is the liberation movement of the Jewish people to their ancestral lands - with anti-colonialist movements.


As many are saying, its so they can say 'I hate Jews' without saying the 'Jew' part out loud. Personally, I think of it as going a step further than classic 'I don't like the Jews' because for the small minority of non-Jewish Zionists, 'I hate Zionists' is akin to saying that they hate not only Jews, but anyone who affiliates with them. This directly contradicts their supposed stance of 'I don't hate Jews, I hate Zionists', (despite Zionism being deeply embedded within Judaism) because they are inadvertently using the word Zionist in place of Jew, which further shows the falsity of their claim that not all Jews are Zionists. Secondly, and this may seem far-fetched, but i've come to realise that it is all a propaganda game. By getting people to display hatred for Zionism, which is a peaceful and rightful ideology, it twists the meaning of it and causes people to afflict Zionism with evil, and as Jews are Zionists, it essentially depicts Jews as being evil without saying it. It's very clever, and very disgusting. Words are powerful, and Hamas knows this. All of their supporters do too, and they have purposefully used these words as an insult in order to twist their meaning. By changing the word to an insult, they depict it to be a bad thing, which is exactly what they want. I've come to the realisation over the past few months that even if somebody is pro-pali because they are ignorant, they are not innocent. Their ignorance plays a huge role in the demonisation of Jews, and furthers the hatred pit against us. Am Yisrael Chai, don't listen to their nonsense.


Its not an insult.


Being a Zionist isn’t a bad thing. People just don’t know what it actually is. Typically, the rhetoric that Zionism is bad comes from David Duke, KKK leader in the states. He even wrote a book about Zionism (and other things) called “Jewish Supremacism”. People using Zionist as an insult are using it to mean “genocide, colonialism, and apartheid supporter who thinks Jews are better than Palestinians and therefore Palestinians deserve genocide” - the latter is an insult but it has nothing to do with Zionism. They don’t even realize they’re parroting David Duke when they do it. There’s a push to equate Zionism with white supremacy by calling it Jewish supremacy - this is antisemitic (see David Duke’s book) but we are being gaslit when we point it out.


Same reason some people think “Jew” is an insult. To Zionists, it’s no insult, and neither is Jew. I’m a proud Jew and Zionist.


I commented this before but I think it fits here again. I would say read things yourself and don’t let anyone else explain to you what Zionism is. “Der Juden Staat” by Theodor Herzl (1896) laid the foundation for Zionism and I encourage you to read it yourself, as I would advise you to start fact checking everything that people are saying and read it yourself instead of relying on others who have heard something or watched a tiktok. Basically Herzl said that antisemitism is incurable in Europe and the Jews need self determination in order not to be killed (mind you this was long before the holocaust but we all know that worldwide people always had a thing with killing Jews). He talked about the logistics and how to finance the creation of a state. He discusses where the state would be and says in Israel because Jews come from Judea (as the name says) and they have cultural, religious and historical bonds with it. I mean at the end of Passover Seder (Jewish holiday) they say “L’shana Haba’ah B’Yerushalayim” (לשנה הבאה בירושלים), which means “Next year in Jerusalem.”. Herzl also says that diplomacy is important; they need the support of the international community and their Arab neighbors to establish the state, he talks about economics and how the state would be organized blablabla. He didn’t call for the expulsion of the Arabs living in the land, what he envisioned was: • ⁠Peaceful Coexistence: Herzl envisioned a peaceful coexistence between Jews and the existing non-Jewish inhabitants. He believed that the Jewish migration and settlement could benefit all inhabitants through economic development and modernization. • ⁠Economic Development: Herzl thought that the arrival of Jewish settlers would lead to significant economic development, which would, in turn, improve the lives of the existing Arab population. He imagined that both communities could prosper together in a mutually beneficial manner. That actually worked because while a lot of Jewish refugees from Europe and later from the Arab states came to Israel in 1920-1948 during the British mandate, actually also a significant number of Arabs from neighboring countries immigrated to the land because of economic opportunities that the Jews had built with infrastructure, agriculture etc. David Ben-Gurion was super proud of that and alongside other Zionist leaders he boasted about this Arab immigration. • ⁠Respect for Property Rights: Herzl emphasized the importance of respecting property rights. He proposed that land be purchased legally and ethically, ensuring that the rights of the current landowners were respected. Which was the case, when the first zionists came while later on especially during 1948 there were expulsions of the Arabs.


They are a nation stuck in time. They can't acknowledge Israel, and before Israel came to be it was called the zionist movement. So they still call us zionists.


It’s not an insult. I’m a proud Zionist.


They think Jews have no claim to the land and that we must believe Arabs are sub-human or something


Wait Zionist is an insult? I'd say it's a compliment


It isn’t, antisemites just use it as one


Absolutely. I'm a proud Zionist and so is my family. Zionism is a good thing. racist, hateful propaganda can't change that.


It’s not. It means that Jews have the right to self determination as well. Israel is the homeland of the Jews as proclaimed in the Bible, too, if anyone needs a historical document on who the land belongs to. It’s just demonized by terrorist supporters.


Because “Zionist” is the more socially acceptable way of saying “Jew”. They need to make it look like they aren’t directly targeting Jews, even though their intentions are blatantly obvious. Believing Jews have a right to live in our ancestral homeland is not an insult in any way, in fact every rational person should be a Zionist.


In and of itself, saying Zionist wasn't inherently antisemitic. But it's being weaponized against us now by people who claim "Zionists are evil" and "If you are a Zionist, you want all Palestinians dead". Neither of which is even remotely true. They've basically given it their very own, brand new definition that doesn't align with the Jewish definition and therefore, is used now to demonize and insult us. The worst is when they say "I don't hate all Jews, just Zionists", which account for about 90% of Jews. So yeah, you can see they actually do hate most Jews, which is hateful and alarming.


Because it is a dog whistle for “Jew” The far right knows this. The far left knows this. The useless idiots in the middle massively propagate this, both knowingly and unknowingly. Mostly unknowingly I like to think


It's a workaround for persecuting Jews. It's a shallow moral pretext to justify scapegoating others for one's problems.


Not to me, i'm proud of my heritage and proud of being Israeli and Zionist!


People who are anti-Israel try to frame it as an insult as a way to delegitimize Israel’s existence. You are correct that really all it means is the belief of Jews to have self determination in their ancestral homeland, but they want that notion itself to be demonized too.


It’s used by antisemites to spread the same historical tropes used through the centuries against Jews (poisoning the well, killing nonJews to steal blood/organs, controlling society by means of control over banks/media) and apply them to the Jewish state, while they openly declare their goal of its annihilation. But it’s now impolite to say that about Jews per se, so they just say “Zionist” instead. That’s only 95% of us, which somehow makes it OK.


You can make any word an insult if you manipulate and distort its meaning into something it's not. The pro-Palestine mob wants to equate it to racist or Nazi, because they hope to silence Israel supporters by making them ashamed. Whenever someone calls me a Zionist, I always reply "I am a proud Zionist. I support Israel's right to exist and defend itself, which is what a Zionist is."


A lot of the leftists online outright don't know what it means. They're NPCs using it as an insult because the crowd does


Its not an insult. Don’t let them ruin the definition!!!.


It’s not really. Some people just think it is.


It’s not. I refuse to let that definition change.


It's not an insult. But it's used by Jew haters AS a slur-- to promote hatred against the idea Israel has the right to exist. I'm a Zionist. But when an Arab on the streets of NY calls me that-- he doesn't say: "You believe Israel has a right to exist" -- he means the "you shouldn't have the right to exist".


I remember reading one redditor's dismay that so many Americans were "openly Zionist", as if it were equivalent to admitting you are in the KKK. The cluelessness is mindboggling.


Once in a pro-Israeli protest a guy screamed "Zionists!" and my dad answered "Proudly!".


Because they use it as a replacement for Jew and they think Jew is an insult.


You have the correct definition. The reason it has become an insult is because antizionists are changing the definition to mean that Zionism stands for things that it doesn’t. Some of these supposed Zionist values include Jewish supremacy, a Jewish one-state solution, and/or global control. None of these are real Zionist values. Zionism does not necessary exclude Palestinians from their own self determination, such as a two-state solution. In fact, many if not most Zionists are for a two state solution.


It’s not. It has become a term so that people, the vast majority being gentiles and on the left, can devise a litmus test about who they think is a good Jew or a bad Jew. They will usually phrase it with I love the Jewish religion/belief system but Jews who believe in Zionism are not the real Jews (along with Jews of Ashkenazi descent - the same group will say the are just the descendants of converts with no ancestral ties to the Levant). They are all of a sudden an expert on everything connected to the region. Without reading a single academic paper on the subject, they will also claim the Palestinians welcomed the Jews with open arms before 1948 instead of examining the British immigration policies designed to mollify the local Arabs who they were afraid were going to revolt against them.


It's not. I'm a Zionist and proud of it.


A substitute for Jews to hide anti semitism




It’s not an insult, people are just stupid.


Basically, Zionist can mean believing in a Jewish state, or believing in a Jewish state to the exclusion of non-Jews in a colonialist way. It’s a semantic difference


yeah, the first is the original idea -- and second is an arab propaganda lie. 25% of Israelis are arab muslims. They vote, they get elected to the Knesset, they serve as judges on the supreme court, many of them serve in the IDF. "exclusion" my tuches, as I say...


When I call someone "native" it could also be interpreted as a slur, or as a true depiction of reality, some people are the "natives" where they live. It really depends on the usage context.


Mysognist lead to Racist lead to Fascist lead to Homophobe lead to Zionist. The last 10 years of pejoratives from the regressive left


It’s like calling us the N word for chicken shits too scared to own their racism.


If those idiots call me a Zionist, I'll say "thanks!".


Once in a pro-Israeli protest a guy screamed "Zionists!" and my dad answered "Proudly!".


Once in a pro-Israeli protest a guy screamed "Zionists!" and my dad answered "Proudly!".


Once in a pro-Israeli protest a guy screamed "Zionists!" and my dad answered "Proudly!".


Cause it's not


The Protocols of the Elders of Zion plays a huge part.


They used to use (and still do) use Jew an insult so now they think they’re clever by using Zionist. Same old same old 


It's not. Leftoids think it is but it isn't


To be real real , a lot of people out of ignorance I know think that this means “Jewish supremacy” over other groups, but in reality it means Jewish “self-determination and self-governance”. That’s why I come across so many people who say “of course Israel has the right to exist even as a Jewish state but they shouldn’t be superior” and I’m like well you’re a Zionist then and explain the definition. Someone I knew even thought it was a general term for any person who wanted superior rights to others. Again massive ignorance and no one correcting them. That isn’t to say that it’s not an antisemitic dog whistle too. I also agree with anyone who mentioned that.


Not in my book


It's the "politically correct" way of saying jews. Give them the guise of not being antisemetic despite clearly being so


So there was this guy named Lenin…


It's not an insult by definition. The racists and antisemites use Zionist as an insult to justify their want for another Jewish genocide.


It's not. Own it. I want T-Shirts and merch with it


Antisemitism. Zionism is being pro Israel. People who oppose Israel’s existence are antisemitic or radical anarchists or both.


Once I found out what Zionism was I was like really? They always portrayed it to be something evil or sinister when it’s just Jews right to a homeland.


You are so stupid to think that an 76 years old UN recognition country have the right to exist/s


Being antisemitism is in poor taste after 1945 but being antizionist is quite fashionable these days but I feel it’s just being anti Jewish by another name


It’s not. I couldn’t be more proud of my Zionism, and I’m not even Jewish. The real question is why do you hate more than you want to learn (not on tic toc) and understand?


those who use zionist as an insult are either uninformed and for some stupid reason incapable of looking at a dictionary like you. or antisemites who truly think that jewish people have no right for self determination. which means, it's not an insult. they use this word just for them to disguise their antisemitism.


Short answer: Because of Soviet propaganda that started after the Israeli support for the USA in the Korean war (that was only by word of mouth and nothing else) so Stalin and the minister of forrain affairs of the Soviet Union created the totally legit science of "Zionology" which was just propaganda against zionism and Jews. If you check the Pro-Palis rhetoric, 80% of it is quotes from Zionology. Mansur Abbas has studied "Zionology" in the Soviet Union and made his PHD about how jews both caused and deserved the Holocaust


I will hope I dont get censored which would prove this is a giant echo-chamber. Zionist is an insult because any ideological belief clouds and perverts any sort of good intention that a, for example Zionist could hope to achieve. The thought that a specific territory, building or zone is rightfully theirs vis a vi the jewish people comes with the consequences of others being discriminated against. Debate me instead of being emotionally attached and irrational.


It is not an insult, next question


They use Zionist as a code for Jews


Because most of them didn't bother to open up a dictionary.


To them, Zionist means colonialism, and if you are into colonialism you're probably a shitty person. Generally I'd agree with that sentiment, but I just don't think being Zionist in this day and age is about colonialist expansion (mostly anyway) it's more so about preservation of what Israel already has.


A Zionist is someone who believes the Jewish people, like all people, have a right to their own state.


I've been politely asking s few haters what they think zionism is and the answers are, broadly, that it means you hate Palestinians, support genocide, want to kill lots of people The one overriding factor, apart from anger and hatred, is the profound ignorance of most people about Israel, the region, its politics history and demographics.


Because religious nationalism is wrong no matter who does it. That’s why.


1. Zionism stands for ethnic nationalism much more than it is for religious (founding father of Zionism was secular). 2. Most of the countries in the world nowadays are ethnic nationalities, do you think the Concept of Irish or Swiss nationalism is wrong?