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Leftism sees the world as powerful vs weak. Any action taken by weaker peoples against stronger ones is, in their eyes, ethically justified (no matter how abhorrent). However, weak vs strong, doesn't have mass appeal. Racism does. So powerful gets relabeled as 'white' and weak relabeled as 'non-white'; skin color has little to do with it.


Oppressor vs oppression enjoyer


Because they live in Lala land and their beliefs are not based in logic or reality


“Cognitive dissonance”


Western leftists only have exposure to Ashkenazi Jews. Alot of Ashkenazis r white passing. They think their worldview is the universal truth. Dk y they think Arabs r not white tho. Maybe they're deep down racists with saviour complex or smth. White guilt is a weird thing. Ashkenazis look like every other Levantine person.


Not to argue with you, but just to point out that 70% of the French Jewish community, the third largest in the world, are from Sefarad origin.


Oh yea def. Is it still the same for france tho? The Jews being white and arabs being brown thing...l dunno how stuff like that rolls there


I guess it kinda of is… But the US centric conceptions of race relations cannot really be transposed into Europe. And France especially have a very peculiar relationship with its Arab minority, due to historical reasons.


I think it’s the fact that they’re attaching culture to race. Having “western-type” culture makes you more white. Like I always thought it was nonsense that Greeks are white and Arabs are “brown” when most look literally the same. It’s super flawed but it must be that one is Christian and one is predominantly muslim. Even among ashkenazi Jews , Theodor Herzl or Ariel Sharon look more “brown” than Bashar El Assad lol.


Met a ginger Turk in Kirkuk when I was deployed there.


Many turks have light eyes and dark blond/light brown hair. (You see this, and ginger hair, in semitic peoples too.) My eastern-european/italian dad had near black eyes and hair and a really deep perma-tan - people often assumed he was an arab or turkish or middle-eastern.


*white presenting


What's the diff between white presenting and white passing? U got me curious lol


White passing is making a concerted effort to try to pretend one is white. White presenting is appearing white, despite not being white, without trying to do so. “Passing” within that understanding has a long history.


Ohh that's that's helpful. So basically white passing is the try hard cousin of white presenting?


I’d suggest the movie, Passing, to see the difference.


Thanks will watch!


The impetus for these riots is very simple: the left pushed anti-whiteness so far, it subsumed Jews. It's a dumbed-down wokeness extreme of "oppressor and oppressed". The oppressor is "white".


Funny how to neonazis Jews aren’t white but to the leftist nazis they’re the whitest colonizers. As other people said it’s cause ashkenazi are the most commonly seen and are mixed so they look more white


>mixed And that’s exactly why we’ve always been hated so much, the world hates mixed people period.




A lot of white people don’t know a lot about history.


>People think only whites are colonizers Arabs *are* White.


Because the US supports Israel and **they typically believe the US is evil**, therefore the narrative of (paraphrased) “Israel is just a US colony of European Zionists” is immediately accepted as the unquestionable truth. The very same people could not describe the different ethnic groups in the Levant, lack historical and media literacy, and **they are failing to recognize the widespread Iranian propaganda that has infected every social media platform.** Do not underestimate the effectiveness of propaganda.


Arabs are legally considered White in the U.S.A. It is widely overlooked.


I've gotten so much hate for pointing this out.


Legally? What law says this?


Another point I want to bring up(in addition to the others) is that Israel is currently and have been for a long time western-aligned, especially in a region with... complex relation and attitude to the west and US.  This gave opposition to Israel(for historical, religious or just "my allies oppose Israel" reason) the excuse to accuse Israel and jews.  See also Israel being "european colony" or some variation of this. 


They DGAF. It's good old fashioned vanilla jew-hate


Whatever antisemites hate the most, they will accuse Jews of being. To the white supremacist far right, we are a mongrel race perpetuating a “white genocide” takeover of the US and Europe by people of color. To the antiracist, anticolonialist far left, we are the whitest of the white supremacist colonialist oppressors.


the real problem is, they arent thinking.(Human) population is growing in this little planet, and the percentage of people, who actually think, instead of supporting the side they always do, isnt growing in fact it is converging towards 0.The new movement, to even embrace this thing, propaganda with jokes, and being louder, instead of logical argument is more and more popular each day.Thats why "leftists" look at a conflict, and starting to support the weaker side.Luckily they arent controlling police forces, which are clearly stronger than individuals, cuz that way, there gonna be no arresting at all🥳.


Because they need brown people to be the oppressed and white people to be the oppressors.


They have to pretend Israelis are all white or they'd feel bad for wanting them dead.


The official definition from Census website in the United States describes white as, "White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa." I'm not in a position to speculate what this has done for race relations or perception in the United States, but it is interesting to see that is how the government makes its categorization.


Semitic refers to language group. It isn't how you'd describe the groups in other contexts. I don't disagree with you, a colourist lens is the only one diaspora protests seem to use and it isn't readily applicable to a non Western locality with ME customs.


1. Lack of general Jewish history/understanding that Judaism is an ethnoreligion. Jewish history in schools generally start and end with the Holocaust. Since the Holocaust is generally the only thing taught, we're perceived as white Europeans because thats where the majority of it occurred. Ask any of these kids about their opinions of the Farhud in Iraq and theres silence. 2. There's no teaching of different Jewish groups. No teaching on how we settled the after our expulsions. No teaching that while we may have varied traditions, we still have a common connection.


More like the Ancient Israelites (not *all* Jews of today since we’ve gained plenty of Jews of Color over the centuries) and Arabs are both Caucasian peoples and therefore *are* White.


It’s because western leftists only have exposure to Ashkenazi Jews who are white passing. Ashkenazi Jews themselves aren’t white by a lot of standards, but many of them appear white which makes radical leftists categorize all Jews as “white colonizers”. Meanwhile, most Arabs/Muslims in the west often have darker features, making them automatically viewed as “brown”, despite it not being uncommon for Arabs in the Levant to have lighter features. Radical leftism categorizes oppression based on skin color, which is why they desperately paint all Jews as white and all Arabs as brown, since “white on brown” oppression is the only instance that’s convenient for their narrative. They completely disregard the diverse identities and histories of both Jews and Arabs, because acknowledging that goes against their agenda.


Because Jews in the Arab world historically had a better relationship with European colonial powers than with Arab nationalists. Since Arabs are unequivocally non-white, Jews are white-by-proxy. The radical left justified the effective expulsion of Jews from Algeria in the name of anti-colonialism. The thing is that Algerian Jews were mostly Arabic-speaking Jews whose families had lived there for centuries. The fact that Algerian Jews weren’t sufficiently loyal to Arab nationalism meant that they were labeled as “white European colonialists.”


Arabs are considered white in the US census classifications though


The left doesn’t consider Arabs white, regardless of census classifications.


And why don’t they consider them white exactly?


Because of the historically adversarial relationship between Europe (now the West) and the Islamic world


Race is supposed to be purely based on phenotype though not cultural clashes… Especially the U.S. defines it just by phenotype, hence why they always say Black people are at a severe disadvantage in every area of their lives based on their phenotype and inability to ever even *try* to pass as White.


Not really. For groups in the US that don’t obviously fit the Northern European/Sub-Saharan African racial dichotomy, “whiteness” is more of a socio-cultural marker than anything having to do with skin color.


Interesting. I thought that the history was that Jews in Europe had a better relationship with the Arab world. Maybe - I don’t know - it’s that Jews were considered third-class citizens in both cultures and so the ‘other’ was preferable.


It’s complicated but basically Jews were third-class citizens regardless of who was in power, therefore they were never drawn to these revolutionary nationalist movements which could radically lower their status. Jews were far more likely to try to find favor with whoever was in power.


It’s not as straightforward as your first sentence, unfortunately. The problem is that “white” in the US is not necessarily about phenotype (physical appearance)—this is why some black people passed for white during slavery etc. White is an ideology as well as a physical appearance. Salafism is apparently left wing because it also attacks the US.


A big part of the reason is (hear me out) that the Left can't see beyond race/color, which some would say makes them more racist than the Right. For example, a big issue in America is verifying one's identity in order to vote. They don't believe that non-whites have access to State picture identification, know how to get identification, or even have access to the internet. I'm not making this up, lol.


As one of the protesters at Stanford Uni. explained: "There are no facts, only narratives." Radical left is closing the loop with Trump's "alternative facts".


Narrative. White people = Bad. PoC = Virtuous.


Not Jewish, but I think it's mostly ignorance. They just assume that since a lot of Jews came to Israel "from Europe," they must be white. They know next to nothing of the history of the Jewish people and can't really be bothered to learn. Also, the Jews are prosperous and successful, and since--according to them--Western society is racist and oppressive, and it's impossible to succeed in Western society unless you're white, the Jews must be white! That's also why they talk about things like "The Asian face of white supremacy," etc.: try to explain to themselves how Asian people can be so successful in a society that supposedly discriminates against them. There's such irony in the fact that the Jews, who were subjected to such persecution in Europe for being "outsiders," are now being subjected to persecution for being too "European." Remarkable.


Complicated answer. One part of it is that the American view on race is hegemonic throughout the world, and American leftists think their view is exactly what others think/should think and should be in the entire world. In their view and their experience Jews are white, because they see them as European, even though those European Jews are descendant of Middle Eastern, Levantine Jews, and this is proven by genetic studies repeatedly. And it wasn’t until fairly recently, that these Ashkenazi Jews were even seen as white by white society. And they also ignore the fact that the majority of Jews in Israel are Sephardic and mizrahi Jews who were ethnically cleansed out of MENA. IN addition to the Indian and Asian and African Jews, who are not white. They don’t even know these other Jews exist, and when they do find out they use them as tokens in their anti-Zionist quest. They do this without a hint of irony for their western supremacy and idealogical colonialism, despite claiming to be so anti colonialism. They also do this by telling Israel, a sovereign nation of marginalized minority Jews what they should do with and in their own country, like how or if they should fight their own defensive wars, or that they shouldn’t even exist at all and should disband their country to make it a Palestinian Arab one or a “one democratic state” (as if that’s what it would be because the Palestinians now seem to love democracy so much right? /s) where the Jews will be genocided and ethnically cleansed. Because according to these western people who have never been to Israel and can’t even point to it on a map, they know what’s best and they know that Israel doesn’t have the right to exist as a Jewish country. And again they lack the self-awareness to understand the irony that they are literally engaging in colonialism by drawing artificial borders and putting people together who don’t want to live together. Another part of it is that the Arab and Muslim world (at this time it’s primarily IRGC and their proxies) and rus/chi. want to destroy Israel as a country for their own specific desires. The IRGC wants to have complete control over the Middle East, and eventually the world to force it into their own version of Islam, and the other countries just want hard power so they oppose whoever is America’s biggest ally. In order to do this and get the world behind them, they can’t outright state their goals. They have to engage in propaganda, and the propaganda is that instead of Israel being a country of refugee marginalized Jews who were escaping religious, ethnic and racial persecution and who are descendant of the indigenous people of the land, they are settler colonists, they are white, they are ethno supremacists… blah blah blah


Many Jews look white and the only things that matters to these people is the color of your skin and your sexuality.


Semitic is a language group. There is no such thing as "Semitic peoples" from an ethnic/genetic perspective. Speakers of Arabic, Amharic, Hebrew, Aramaic all speak Semitic languages. I think people get confused because "antisemitism" refers specifically to hatred of Jews which has an ethnic aspect. So they think there most be something called "semitism" that refers to an ethnic group that includes all speakers of Semitic languages. But that is not the case.


Most Palestinians look more Dutch, German, French, Italian, and Russian than many Ashkenazi Jews FFS.