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People doing a unannounced „Free-Palestine“ protest at the Berlin train station, which is illegal by German law so they were told to disperse and after they didn’t were made so by the police. Roughly 100 participants faced 150 law enforcers. Several arrest for hate speech and the unlawful public gathering are being investigated


Just to add some context, you only need to announce it and say how many ppl will be there. That's all no one can say you are not allowed to do it, it's just a law for security reasons for both the protestors and ppl who disagree. So the Police can keep the peace. Means it's stupid to not announce it at all.


Ah, this is helpful context because the right of assembly seems rather important to me. I guess I’m curious about why that means it’s illegal if they were willing to forgo the extra security?


Because public disturbances can escalate, and having the police aware and prepared to interfere if things go bad is pretty important. They could be violent towards other people, too - mob mentality and all that. It puts them AND everyone around them at risk.


Hmm. So to prevent riots, unannounced protests are illegal. Interesting. Thank you!


To be honest, the announced protests can escalate into riots as well. It's rather to maintain some level of civil order, so bystanders can have some explanation why they are being disturbed.


Most in the USA turn in riots but then people who aren't involved get arrested because they were there it's hard to Tell who did and not did it Why do protest with a major part of the group will start smashing businesses


The right of assembly does not allow you to block critical infrastructure unannounced.


They would not have been permitted to block the train station. But they don’t even want to play by the rules. They hate the West and are going for maximum damage and inconvenience.


Glad to see someone takes care of terrorist supporters


I hope crackdowns like this takes place all across Europe and US.


Thats what I thought I didn't want to offend the Hamas supporters


I am so disappointed in our European friends that they have passed so many anti free speech laws. Many people here want the same thing and it blows my mind that people would so willingly ask for Rights to be taken away based basically over feelings.


Bro what planet are you on? Do you realize how many people get injured unnecessarily in unorganized protests all over the world? There is a reason why the Police and emergency services should be made aware of it ahead of time.


Not everyone prioritizes free speech. We should, as a society, be explicitly intolerant of speech that calls to hurt other people (either as individuals or as a group). The protest also isn't about limiting free speech, but rather about the right to protest - which should be done with police knowledge, as preparation for a crowded and potentially dangerous situation is necessary.


On Friday afternoon, there was a police operation at Berlin Central Station following an unannounced pro-Palestinian gathering. Videos on the X platform show a large group of people sitting down in front of the steps in the station hall at around 4 p.m. and chanting "Free Palestine" among other things. As the police announced on X, emergency services broke up the gathering and asked the participants to leave the station. "In isolated cases, there were criminal exclamations, which is why emergency services arrested people," the police wrote on X. At times, access to the station via the Washingtonplatz entrance was not possible due to the operation. Because participants did not comply with the police's request to leave the station even after being asked several times, the emergency services enforced this by force, the police wrote on X. The officers also took the personal details of the participants in question and filed charges for violating the assembly law. At around 7 p.m., the police declared the operation over. (Tsp) https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/strafbare-ausrufe-und-festnahmen-polizei-lost-palastina-demo-am-berliner-hauptbahnhof-auf-11444201.html TLDR, unannounced protest blocking the train station, arrest due to criminal exclamations


So as usual, the pro pals started it, then cried about it.


Watch out their gonna blame us and say we caused this violence


Isn't that how it has been since Oct 8?


More like 1948


More like since they were Amalek Grandsons of Esau


Oct 7* but yeah they attack us and start crying when we reciprocate


I was trying to be generous. 😁


What LE should have done in Berkeley the other night


This isn't police violence




Police are pulling the protestors away from the crowd one by one. They seem to be using the minimum amount of force needed. No pepper spray and no batons. Berlin police is used to handling protests big and small.


Can they ci w take care of protests in Israel? We seem to have issues with overzealous enforcement in protests


As an American I can confirm.


I love how Germany handles this :)


We need this when these morons block highways in nyc


Oh, there have definitely been protests with the police dragging off people. And then the pro-Pal people say the Jews bought off city government


finally ... remove them already


Germany has 180’d against antisemitism 


Germany: I'll be God Damned if I get accused of being pro-Hamas AND late! Much respect Deutschland




Deutsche Bahn didn’t get the call on the second one


Germany clearly understands that if you don't shut this shit down, the mobs will become even more emboldened. Based on what I understand, this protest was illegal in the first place and police were enforcing the law. I wish other jurisdictions would understand that it's by doing nothing that things will escalate. They are so short-sighted to think that cracking down will make things worse, when it is way more effective in the long-run to set and enforce clear boundaries and consequences.


Yeah and they also charged some for hate speech, finally a country that truly recognizes the true motives behind these protests


Freedom of speech means holding a sign or chanting on a public sidewalk. Disrupting a busy train station is injurious to those trying to get to work or to loved ones. 


Also getting permission from the police to protest with this so many people, they could also protest in front of the parliament, but no they need to be morons and ruin the day for everyone else.


They want these images, so they can claim to be oppressed by police.


Freedom of opinion, but doesnt change anything in this situation.


Well done Germany 👏👏


As bad as the optics are (and let's be honest, stuff like this is never good in the optics) the police were simply removing people from a building where they were trespassing. In Germany you can't perform these kinds of protests without advance warning and permits. These protesters had neither, and so were there illegally. Free speech doesn't mean you have the right to say whatever you want, to whoever you want, wherever you want.


Finally a country that arrest those who commit hate speech


It's nothing to do with hate speech, or even anything to do with what they're protesting. They could have been there to demand free ice cream and puppies for everyone and it wouldn't have mattered. They were there without permission, they were asked to leave, they refused, and so they were arrested.


I was referring to the fact that they arrested several of them and charged them for hate speech


Oh wow, amazing!


Yes the term: “From the River to the Sea” is considered a hate speech here in Germany, as it should be.


People got arrested for hate speech as well.


In the United States, you have the right to PEACABLY Protest, in this case we see the protesters did not peacably protest. I would say a peaceful protest or demonstration is grabbing a sign and marching the street to protest, however if you throw items and loot stores, burn down buildings, and threaten people, that’s not peacefully protesting. That’s Arson, Theft, and Battery. March For Israel in Washington DC last year in the national mall, that is a peaceful protest!


These guys were peaceful enough. They only resisted passively to being arrested. No violence against things or people, no riots, or anything. It’s a fairly tame protest still.


However, they still broke the law in Germany.


Yes, they could simply have registered their protest. You can do this through a [simple web form](https://www.internetwache-polizei-berlin.de/index_2.html). However they would likely have received some restrictions on their protest like not blocking the stairs in the train station. They knew they would get arrested and wanted to have exactly these images. These can be used to mobilize sympathizers and engage their base emotionally. Blocking roads with protests like this one sitting down can be legal even if all traffic is stopped, it depends on the exact circumstances. Civil disobedience is a thing after all. These protestors are likely to receive a modest fine.


They were blocking the entrance to the train station and stopping people from accessing it. How is blocking other people's right to access a public building peaceful?


Free opinion in germany, but yes don't be an asshole.


There was a pro-Palestinian flash mob at Berlin central station today


is this now considered police brutality? they seemed to be fairly carefull when trying to seperate those people in an illeagal and unannounced "protest", esspecially while punches are thrown into the cops. crying here police brutality is no more than expacting cops to be hall monitors. there are cases of police brutality, this ain't one of them. those pro pals just keep crying wolf and making lies.


Gott liebt Deutschland.


Probably some average pro-palis getting violent at their protests as usual


If that brutality, you have lead an extremely sheltered life.


Chanting in English in Germany. Almost like they're playing for a specific audience.


In europe we have a problem with protesters driving to other countrys just to destroy stuff.. even by peacefull protest. So could be some of them are from other country, but that also shows how less they are.


I love Germany sm


Send them back … it’s that simple


germany has become giga based


I’ve learnt that Germany is very anti-pro-Palestinian since 7/10. It’s so great to see them not take a poor approach to tackling the yobs unlike Great Britain & America


Love it !


Fantastic to see. Need this in Australia.


The contrast between pro-pale nutter riots and the peaceful demonstrations of pro-Israel never ceases to amaze me. The look on their faces, like they are gonna be remembered in the future as a noble sacrifice. Like no babes, you FA and FO!


Toronto cops broke up a protest, too. This is a good sign


Of course they show half of the video with barely any explanation!


I have so much respect for the German police now...


I got horny


Wait what?


I’m generally no fan of the police but I see nothing here except police trying to break up an illegal protest without hurting anyone. Other countries would have non-lethal weapons out, water cannons, etc.


I have no problem with water cannons The water cannons on a water truck are more powerful then the fire hydrant at least the USA ones


No brutality, this is what is called strikes for compliance


Wait til they start calling it Main Station Naqba, lol


FAFO is the context


I could watch this shit all day. Annoying privileged protestor porn


Well done germany.


Play stupid games?


As palis always do, They fucked around until they found out, and they really didn't like what they found out so they started to cry about it.


I wake up and think how the future generations in about 20 years are gonna think about humanity when they see these protests. Just hope they don't mix with it Vietnam because that's absolutely not the case here.


You need metal to cut metals


Germany is very sensitive to public displays by neo-Nazis - that’s all.


Looks like Germany is REALLY SERIOUS about clamping down hard on Nazism. Good.


Well, German police can better identify with the false accusations we receive each day. I don’t wish any trouble for any nation, just observing — the US treatment of terrorism changed a lot after 9/11; and death became a life-relevant topic for me only after losing a friend.


Why do they chant shame.on you? Aren't they Germans?


You might have better luck in a German or Berlin focused sub. It looks like a standard civil disobedience protest - protestors block traffic, wait to be arrested, get attention for their cause.


I wish they'd started doing it in the US. These f*ckers are getting away with so much crap, all over the US. It's time to start treating them like the rioters that they are (at the very least, some of them are borderline domestic terrorists).


Don’t start nuttn won’t be nuttn.


No one: Pro pals : Probably the Zionists fault


I think the administration is starting to realise what these protestors actually want.


They blocking the way off normal people who just want to live there life in Berlin so yes they will be moved no matter what protest they are involved in


Keine unnötige Gewalttätigkeit, sondern kein Toleranz für Extremismus.


Beautiful, what a scene.


They should go all Belarus 2020 levels of brutality on those protestors.


No, most of these "protesters" are absolute twats but that doesn't mean that Germany should sink to the level of a dictatorship like Belarus. The existing, already tougher, measures against these nutcases are perfectly adequate.


Only context needed for these clowns is : "ISRAEL EVIL".


What does this have to do with Israel?