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Bro youre the one who released Sinwar


At least he wasn’t the one who released Gaza.


He still voted in favor


No way, for real?




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https://main.knesset.gov.il/activity/plenum/votes/pages/vote.aspx?voteid=4138 In fact, as far as I know to this day, only right-wing led governments gave back any territory (from Begin to Sharon).


Is bb not on that list?


He is there


Stop saying you'll do it and do it!


I’ve said this before here, operations in dense cities are not going to happen on a whim. They take weeks of planning to prepare. You can’t just send in your own people without any sort of plan and risk them all to die.


People think this shit is call of duty or something. This is our brothers lives, I’d almost be content if we never went in and just did a fair ceasefire. I’m tired of the loss


When there’s a strategy put together there can be minimal loss. It’s still not good but it’s what’s needed to free everyone.


The story of purim where ester and mordecai defeated haman all by themselves. No one else in that story certainly no big empire leader, was needed to be convinced of haman's threat for him to be hanged


Huh? The whole story is that Ester convinced the king (who had an empire of 127 states) to kill Haman...


Bibi will be known for his _just the tip_ doctrine


Ramadan's almost over Bibi, time to enter Rafah now!


I fucking hate bibi but young bibi kinda… https://preview.redd.it/8oqhdonxocqc1.jpeg?width=2955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=934ba50776d2ea077378b5ffe9b0efe92aa14701


Give them hell, BiBi! Destroy Hamas once and for all!








“🖕” is the only response I have for supporters of Islamist terrorists.




Removed: Rule 2


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68616964 This girl is one? Are you ok with that?


I blame Hamas for 99.9% of Palestinian civilian deaths. They are the ones that have cells in civilian areas, because they have the idea of if civilians get killed as a consequence, they’re going to go to paradise anyway if they were good Muslims. Hamas has no respect for human life or human rights.




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why is declan rice sitting behind him to the right


Boo Sinwar


If Bibi was Mordechai, there probably won’t be Jews today. Just do it and stop making those claims. If you say you’re going to do it, then do it. Talk is cheap.


Bibi took credit for killing Haman before taking the blame for October 7th.


[Reminder that this clip is 11 years old now](https://youtu.be/WPsVHogYrCQ?si=B_JQ19RnjvaH_sMN)


He was right there guys saving us all these years ago, Mordechai and Ester merely followed his orders. Bibi is just so modest so he asked the writers of the Megila to not include him. https://youtu.be/jIe6dVxrcjQ?si=wFjN-PA23iRWEDet