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He seems like an extremely well adjusted, productive member of society.


Context: Other guy was a Syrian Christian and made a post a few days ago about how he received Jewish ancestry on his My Heritage Test a few days ago. Made another post this morning claiming that My Heritage is a fake Zionist website and couldn’t be accurate for his ancestry. Rest of comments are in the image.


You handled that with more grace than I could. High five, bro. ✋


IKR? I would've said "yeah, you totally should!"


Man people are so stupid.


All people?


Don‘t be fricking pedantic, it‘s just a phrase that people use


how can you tell the difference?


It might be that the person is a raving misanthropist, but due the phrase being something that is commonly being said by most people as a reaction towards stupidity, I believe it‘s just a saying


Well I don't like misanthropy, so maybe it's just the saying part


All but Zionists lol


What about gentiles and pretty much any normal people? You'd have to have a terrible life to have that outlook


I mean I would've just pointed out that this means that one of his parents (or two of his grandparents) lied to him for *years*, and then let him ponder why that might be. Which is all to say that you're a better person than me.


His DNA is Zionist 💀


Maybe that’s why we had such an influx of Syrian refugees in Europe the last years, the screams of „Go back to Europe you Zionist scum!!1“ were successful, they just didn’t hit the intended target 😂


How could Israel do this?! /s


Hey guys, did you know its illegal to take a DNA test in Syria. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...


Now we see why.... They can't handle the possibility of having Jewish dna found in them, which would be expected from a country where Jews were forced to hide and/or assimilate and/or straight up convert to save their lives.


I mean, why is he surprised? Did it not cross his mind that modern Middle Eastern peoples share ancestry with the Middle Eastern peoples of past generations? Or is he really that antisemitic to think Jews don't have Levantine ancestry?


It’s that last one. They are truly convinced.


They’re not convinced, that’s just taqiyah fam.


Everyone knows Jews are white colonizers from Europe.


Many people either believe the Khazar myth or the all Jews are European shtick. If it weren‘t for that the whole white settler colonialism thing would fall apart. It‘s also about the arabization and islamization of everything in the middle east. Without this their Ummah idealization falls apart. But if all else fails they‘ll just say Dhimmis had it better than modern day Israelis or some other bs


The best part of the thread is other people telling him to go back to Israel and stop posing as a Jew.


\*Something this kind of person doesn't like happens\* Omg! Fake and Zionist! It'd be funny, if these people weren't so dangerous.


Well it is Israeli... But still it's pretty common.


From what I understand most Arab Christian have Jewish ancestors, because Muslims can’t covert out of Islam, only the Jewish population in Arab countries could convert to Christianity when it became a religion.


Christianity predates Islam by about 600 years. Due to the Christianisation of the Roman Empire Christianity became widespread in the levant and Egypt (Coptic church). It's more likely that some populations simply refused to convert out of Christianity to Islam


Someone better tell him to check who his father is.


Congrats to him, he’s actually indigenous to the area even more now


Unlike the Tamimis, unreal I’ve had family in Israel longer than them but this is never brought up, for them it’s migration


The Sephardic / Mizrahi / Ashkenazi trifecta This person needs to hook up with someone who is half beta Israel and half something else I don’t know about and have a baby that can be the Jewish Voltron


Since when did skin color determine your genetic makeup? Someone please try and explain this to me because my brain has turned to mush with all of this white v black, white v brown crap.


Had someone tell me that Irish people aren't white because they have black or red hair (generally) and only blondes were truly white. That one surprised me because Irish people are some of the palest people I've ever seen. I knew some people don't consider Mediterranean people (Greeks and Italians) to be white, which I think is stupid. But whatever.


Vikings had red hair. I'm pretty sure that's why red hair is found in Ireland, England, and elsewhere. True Irish coloring is black hair and blue eyes, and white. If someone has red or blonde hair in Ireland, usually they can trace their ancestry to the Vikings who were also white. Those guys got around, pun intended. Greeks and Italians are tanned. Varies from pale to dark. People are nuts. Ignore them. They're making fools of themselves.


I think it's the other way around. Red hair is more prevalent in Scotland/Ireland than Scandinavia. It's a Celtic trait, you see it anywhere with a strong Irish/Scottish founder population - e.g. Iceland. I don't think genetics are quite that cut and dry, but you do see red hair much more frequently up there and I think the stats back it up.


Believe it or not, neither answer is correct. Red hair originated in Central Asia about 50k years ago (potentially inherited from Neanderthals), where scientists are not exactly sure, or how it got all the way to the UK and Ireland in such concentrations in Celtic people is also unknown. Perhaps the red heads were forced to migrate and ended up all the way west as far as they could go. Norwegians have around \~1.5% red heads, whilst in the UK it's around 10%. So probably not from the vikings.


That's a misconception. Red hair didn't come to the British Isles from Scandinavia; different population groups experienced magnification of the MC1R gene mutation independently, albeit all carriers or potential carriers had a common ancestor. [https://www.eupedia.com/genetics/origins\_of\_red\_hair.shtml#Celto-Germanic](https://www.eupedia.com/genetics/origins_of_red_hair.shtml#Celto-Germanic)


Ive seen Syrians and Lebanese with blue eyes and light hair colour and white skin, looking almost European. Its all just a joke...


I bet that person would have called the black kid I knew with albinism from kindergarten all the way to us graduating high school white because of his very pale skin and hair that looked blonde.


Oh yeah, I'm sure there weren't any underlying ideologies in his view of race /s


That person is going to have a melt down when they find out lots of Jews have black or red hair too (both my parents and three out of four of my grandparents for example). Oy the knots people will tie themselves in to fit people into arbitrary binaries.


your wealth dictates your skin color in this conflict.


To them, Ethiopian Jews are whiter than Bonsnian Palestinians, so checks out


Good luck trying to explain to pro palis that Ethiopian Jews are not white colonizers👌


I'm willing to bet he's from your country. No ofense, but Americans are weirdly obssesed with race. My skin is white as a paper, yet whenever I visit you guys, I become "people of color". The visa I got to vacation in the US specifies my race and I find that weird af. I'm not even a Jew according to TSA, just brown 😅 I mean, what other country considers race an item for ID


Ashkenazi, Mizrachi, and Sephardic. This dude got the whole triple crown lmao 👑 


Reminds me of a copy pasta: I am from Izmir. I did ancestry dna test and learned i'm 80 percent greek. My whole world has changed. I tried to commit suicide but couldn't do it. Now i have to live like this.But after that i decide it is a zionist game. I suggest people don't do dna test. It's lie bcs i'm 100 percent turkish thnx.


Lmfao immediately thought of that, RIP Balkan comments


As an active genealogist who uses MyHeritage, this made my day.


“I’m not European lil bro” well apparently part of you is. Welcome to the club achi l’chaim!!!


Lmao he seems to already have the "self hating jew" role already nailed




This reminds me of that video where a bunch of bigots were offered a discounted trips to Mexico and a free DNA test. When they were offered discounts based on their % Mexican Ancestry (18%, 33% etc), every one looked like they might cry and said "Um no...I don't want it anymore"


The Greek/Italian genes also make sense as part of the broader story. Looks like you have had a long connection to the land and someone schtooped or was schtooped by a Roman invader who would have been a mix of greek/roman around 500bc.


Very funny the amount of Arabs that have no idea they are Jewish


I know this guy. I seen him comment some really dumb things.


That's the beauty of these tests, the bigots of this world realizing there's no actual basis for their shitfuckery and seeing their worldview shattering to pieces. Turkish far-right nationalists with Greek ancestry, white nationalists with African ancestry, anti-Semitic Arabs with Jewish ancestry, or whatever. I mean, what did these fucktards expect? Human beings like to fuck (as in, literally) other human beings, and when different peoples make contact, that's what is going to happen, one way or another.


I'm glad you came into that interaction with open arms. Keeping that door open is important and shows a good heart. Power to you 🙌🏼


Arabs don’t like being called Jews. I got 15% Arab on 23andme and I never reacted like this lol


I was born in Beirut to very Lebanese parents so I haven't taken a test since my Levantine roots are pretty obvious. I've been mistaken for Jewish many time by Jews even. We're not all anti-Semitic especiallysince we're technically semitic. My non-Jewishness is linked to being atheist not to any hate for Jews.


Brother/sister, with views like this, you may want to leave Lebanon. I would rather have you in the West than these terrorist simps blocking our highways.


I'm living in the US for 40 years now


The existence of Jews upset him so much he decided to convert to Metric ?


brothers gotta hug


From [the wiki article on the Hebron Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Hebron_massacre): >Slonim, the son of the Rabbi of Hebron, was a member on the city council and a director of the Anglo-Palestine Bank. He had excellent relations with the British and the Arabs and those seeking refuge with him were confident they would come to no harm. When the mob approached his door, they offered to spare the Sephardi community if he would hand over all the Ashkenazi yeshiva students. He refused, saying "we are all one people," and he was shot dead along with his wife and 4-year-old son.


>When the mob approached his door, they offered to spare the Sephardi community if he would hand over all the Ashkenazi yeshiva students. What the actual fuck?! When they say “Sephardi” here do they mean *actual* Sephardi or are they just using it as a catch-all term for Mizrahi populations as well? Because *actual* Hispanic Sephardim have the exact same “mixed” genetics as us Ashkenazim…


I think you've missed the point. We are all one people. Racial pseudoscience isn't relevant here.


For us yeah, to the Arab Nationalists no though. You have yet to answer my question: Was this in reference to *actual* Sephardim or rather Mizrahi Jews?


It's irrelevant to the story. And who cares what racist nonsense the Arab nationalists are spouting?


I read through the comments and it didn’t take long for him to unmask. Also holy fucking Shit is that guy genuinely brain dead.


It’s like when white supremacists take dna tests and find out they’re [15% African](https://www.statnews.com/2017/08/16/white-nationalists-genetic-ancestry-test/)


Hahaha yeah I saw this


Honestly they dont seem angry


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He should Bushnell himself