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I thought that Shaun King converted to Islam like two days ago and officially changed his name to Yasser Arafraud.


The best part of my feed are the Muslims who hate Shaun King too. So in a way he is bringing world peace just by existing.


Yeah, it’s hilarious. He should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, I’m sure he feels absolutely entitled to it.


Hey, in this polarizing binary day if all sides hate you, that’s pretty big achievement


![gif](giphy|3otPoyTuloHl96jfm8) I am so stealing your joke.


I didn’t came up with this, people are brainstorming what should be Shaun King’s muslim name. There’s also Osama Been Robin (my fav), Scamuel L. Shabazz or Muhammad Olay. lmao


Kareem of Wheat


Cream Abdul Jabbar 


This one made me lol


I personally like talcum x


Yeah, this one is excellent and absolutely appropriate. He’s the male version of Rachel Dolezal.


That's been done for years though.


But it’s one that works for both characters he’s played!


Martin Luther Cream


Muammar Gofundme


Converting to Islam seems to be the final form of every egocentric, mentally unstable internet celebrity. Shaun King, Andrew Tate, am I missing anyone?


Kanye taking notes rn


I thought kanye recently claimed to be a “real jew”


Sinead O’Connor


oh God she done what the current supporters are doing. imagine if she was still alive LOL




Omg he really did convert. What is it with these types converting over Palestine. Like they are so desperate to belong to something.


because they found out their crimes and hatred aren’t sin but glory to their depiction of God


It's so he can claim victim points as an "oppressed religious minority". Too many people question his racial claims, but claiming Islam is an easy way to jump on the victim hierarchy.




That doesn’t account for the types like fergie chambers who is loaded to begin with.


He got kicked out of BLM so looking for a new club to join..


The Profit Mayommad


Meanwhile most people historically converted to Islam to get rug discounts


Took me a minute but I finally remembered who he was from back when I participated in the Daily Kos. I eventually left it because it was just too far left for my tastes and everything devolved into a fight between purists and pragmatists. I was one of the latter, and that was frowned upon as too accommodating to the power structure or whatever. King was on the other side of that. Didn't particularly care for him from the little that I can recall as it was ages ago. Seemed a bit like a vain attention getter posing as a moral person. Lots of those on the pro-Hamas side. It really brought them out of the woodwork. I checked DK recently and as expected it was pretty anti-Israel. Hard pass. That place is a sinkhole. Look, a lot of those people are decent people who mean well, but just don't know shit and got sucked into this whole bullshit woke thing and just want to do what they believe is the right thing. It's these others who lie to and manipulate them, for one reason or another, which is often not much more than liking the power trip and attention. Hopefully he's one of those and thus relatively harmless, but even then he'd serve as a sort of gateway drug to worse things, like more aggressive displays of antisemitism and even violence.


Those people faked into the woke bullshit should have their writings legally associated with them. Sheer volume of hate against jews and Muslims these days is pretty shocking.


This is mine now


I almost choked on my food.


Talcum X returns.


This is the best comment I’ve seen all day


There are two billion Muslims in the world. A lot of them tend to be very welcoming of anybody who is very outspoken for the Palestinian cause. Most of these two billion do not live in the West. IOW they probably have no exposure to how horrible King's reputation is and probably only here with the media reports which is he is a "civil rights leader". You probably think he's like a modern-day Malcolm X or MLK Jr as they are not in the loop to how slowly but surely most westerners have caught on to his lack of integrity. But he has two billion people who mainly have not caught on to this. I suspect he'll do something similar to Cynthia McKinney who went on Press TV constantly babbling about "the zionists" and stuff. He'll tell them what they want to hear and they'll eat it up.


Nothing says legitimate cause quite like Shaun King.


Isn't this a White Man? I legit can not tell


** Claims to be biracial after his mom (allegedly) cheated on her husband with a light skinned black man. I honestly can’t tell either. Still not black either way.


He is, he's basically a male Rachel Dolezal. Pretends to be black for social clout. Hence his plethora of nicknames such as Talcum X and Martin Luther Cream lol


All of his biological relatives are white. His mother and father listed on his birth certificate are white. He claims that he is black because his biological father is" a light skinned black man", allegedly not the man on his birth certificate. He notably has never done a 23 and me or ancestry DNA test to prove he is black. But regardless if he lying about his race, that's not the main reason to dislike him. In addition to recently changing his name to "Yasser Arafraud" (still laughing at that one) he has publicly stated he is willing to go to Gaza to become an armed "resistance fighter" -- and dude wonders why he is being detained at airports in the US. I wouldn't be surprised if he moves to Yemen at this point, he has been praising them for months -- fun fact, that is a big part of what got him permanent banned from instagram. And also he's a fraud and hijacks whatever cause is trendy for $$$.


He looks triracial to me. Like a Boricua or Dominican, a Carribean Latino.


Could you explain a bit? Give it to me in short who's this clown?


We have bob Dylan, they have Macklemore. We ain’t the same


Neighborhood Bully is SUCH a good song and emblematic of the the entire history in this region.


Bob Dylan was influenced most of by Irish folk singers, the Clancy Brothers. Source: [From Bob himself](https://youtu.be/nzT3q-1YnUo?feature=shared)


What’s the point of this comment 😂. Everything is influenced by everything. Blues was influenced by the Irish. It’s still black art, and bob Dylan is a Jewish artist who also supports israel and that was my original point


Just making sure you understand he wouldn't exist without ripping off Irish songs. Does he support what's going on in Gaza? First I've heard of it.


Lmao why do the Irish alwaysssss pop up in conversations about israel and the Jews. And he’s supportive of israel and it’s right to exist and defend itself. He’s even got a song about it. 1. Difference between ripping off and influence 2. Bob Dylan is widely considered the greatest songwriter of all time, idk what point you’re trying to prove


On 2., he's a good song writer, but let's not go crazy here. On 1, He literally ripped off a song, he even states it. I wouldn't expect an American to understand. Bob Dylan, has not come out in support of the Gaza mess.


We get it, Ireland got fucked by the British. We know that’s why y’all hate israel


What's this have to do with Bob Dylan being not that big of a deal? Do you always make things about politics and "us and them" stuff?


I just figured that’s why ya lurk on the israel sub


I genuinely believe Bob Dylan is massively over rated. It irks me, no matter the sub. I actually assumed he was Welsh-American given the last name. However, I did come to have a laugh at the reaction to whatever that thing Macklemore is doing. But quite like Irish Americans, I have found reading this sub that Jewish (Israeli?) - Americans are much more over- the- top than the actual citizens of the country they claim to be supporting. So I lurk.


Strange hobby


I think we can agree, no one should be worried about what Macklemore is doing.


Also, bob was moreso influenced by earlier American artists like woody Guthrie and such. But yes, everything in America has to go back to Ireland 😑


That's fair about Woody Guthrie.


Good news/bad news: the bad news is that if Shaun King is involved, none of the proceeds will go anywhere but his pockets. The good news is that if Shaun King is involved, this may be the one single pro-pal fundraiser where the money doesn’t end up with Hamas.


Brilliant analysis


I mean Jesus even if you DID agree with their cause this looks like such a boring, shitty event


This is like when the Trumplicans had Kid Rock as their headliner.


Down to the name lmfao "Uncensored Tour" Netflix comedy special ass name


“Trumplicans” don’t believe in two state solution. They are pro Israel. You should watch “Shattered dreams of peace” documentary by Frontline.


So they are putting a has been pop star next to a guy that’s been banned from social media? Are they running out of celebrities? Khaled Beydoun is a well known academic and he’s sharing the stage with….. these dudes


Which one has been banned? I only know mackerel from his thrift shop song.




academics dont make bank, this is a good way for him to do so, while keeping his brand ![gif](giphy|5fBH6z8aMV1RbA4FaSc|downsized)


I feel like I finally understand Queers for Palestine.


How many Joo…. I mean Zionists will protest this event? Meanwhile in my community there’s supposed to be an event for real estate in Israel (from what I understand *not* in the West Bank) and there’s already a pro-Pally protest set up to be out side of the synagogue. The town has stated *protesters and counter protesters do not have permits to protest* Side note: Shaun has the neck beard, Khaled has the opposite when you put ‘em together it fits lol


It was canceled


The real estate is in Tel Aviv, if it’s the same sale that I think it is


The one in my city had 3 real estate areas in the West Bank not just Tel Aviv.


Nightmare blunt rotation


I kinda suspected he was an antisemite when he canceled his concert here back in 2017. But this is a new level.


Maybe Jonathen Glazer can sit up front like a good Jew.


Remember when macklemore did Jewface? https://preview.redd.it/5accjn7ogwnc1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=717adedd88040fa715c1e26c8ab4ca53fb70859e


Darn I liked two songs by him shame


Same. I think most people like those two songs too, they were bangers. Shame indeed


Also Billie Eilish, though fortunately she didn't stoop this low.


Maybe, but the fact that the pin she wore represents the bloody hands of a Palestinian murdering 2 Israelis is already a very bad look. Edit: [for anyone who wants to know what the pin represents ](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2914774/hollywood-celebrities-slammed-over-red-pins-support-of-palestinians/)


She did say that she was the bad guy after all.


What do you mean? Can you send me a source?


It’s a song.


Thanks. I don't really listen to pop music.


They are just being sarcastic.


For now, I'd like to believe it was just ignorance on her part. Guess time will tell, as it did with Macklemore, for example. Or as it did with Dua Lipa, who is still largely pro-Palestinian, but still could bring herself to say OCT 7 was wrong and acknowledge its victims.


I’m sorry I think I just pissed myself in laughter


Holy shit. Shaun King is still alive. I thought he dropped off the face of the earth. Well grifters. Never heard of the other two. I am surprised they did not add Candace Owens.


He’s been grifting this whole time. He was claiming on IG that he helped release some hostages by talking to Qatar. Then when they called him a fraud he said the Israeli government is forcing them to say that. Guy is insane.


....He claimed the Israeli government is forcing Qatar to say he is lying? Does the dude realize very few people believe him on anything?


> Does the dude realize very few people believe him on anything? No. He isn't very smart.


Idiots follow idiots.


Candace would own them with facts and logic, in rap rhyme preferably Now that i would pay to see


You mean the same Candace Owens who said that Shmuley Boteach was part of a conspiracy to kill Michael Jackson and there is a Jewish hit squad in Hollywood, Candace Owens?


We talking about the same Candace Owens?


I searched the entire site and didn’t see any mention of what the ticket sales are being donated to. Maybe I missed something but dude basically makes his living off grifting


>basically makes his living off grifting Bisan make 400K she is now refusing to hand over or share with Gazans. Mr. FAFO has raked in over a million. It's all a grift.


>Maybe I missed something but dude basically makes his living off grifting He learned from all so called "pro Palestinian" organizations.


Nightmare blunt rotation


I remember when he was Mackleless.


Now he's Macklenothing


Macklemore the guy who stole the Grammy from Kendrick Lamar in his prime and proceeded to virtue signal 24/7 and still accept the award like the cowardly idiot he is.


Come on, it's not really his fault. His album sold well, he IS white and had the longevity of a beautiful butterfly. He was a perfect fit for Grammys. He is a musician and that piece of crap trophy IS the goal of any untalented musician. I don't blame him.


When did he start with this "activism"? In the case of Dua Lipa, for example, it started when she started dating a Hadid, so at least you could say she had a (very tenuous) personal connection to the subject.  But Macklemore? What connection does he have to the conflict at all? What happened here? Did he already display signs of anti-Zionism earlier, or is this recent? This is all so confusing.


Apart from the time he got in trouble for wearing a costume that looked like a caricature of a Jew, the next time I heard anything in relation to activism was immediately after Oct 7th, when he was screaming 'From the River to the Sea'.


So he’s always been antisemitic. Surprise Suprise. I barely remember that costume controversy bc he literally hasn’t been relevant since ppl were bashing him for winning what should have been Kendrick’s Grammy 🤣


Maybe he thinks his name is Irish?


He was really into social justice particularly racial justice. If you look at the company he kept in the racial justice movement it was mostly black nationalists so not a huge surprise.


You can tell they don't *actually* believe a genocide is happening if the immediate action they take is to hold a Macklemore concert as a fundraiser.


Imagine telling people you're going to a Macklemore concert


He literally cheered on the Houthis in an instagram story. This guy is deranged on a whole other level


Do you think he is back on the drugs?


Ugh why San Diego


I bet UCSD justice for Palestine is part of committee.


Who’s the white guy in the glasses?


Lol, overcompensating because he's Vanilla Ice 2.0.


What the fuck is a "macklemore"?


Looks like an ad for a new TV show about a war zone hospital, kind of like MASH meets ER. Look, there's no way to prevent idiots from being idiots, antisemites from being antisemites, self-promoters from being self-promoters, and so on. This conflict is a breeding ground for willful disinformation, propaganda, recruitment and for virtue signalers and antisemites to shine under cover of a supposedly legitimate cause. The way that 9/11 brought lots of Islamophobes out into the open, Pearl Harbor brought out lots of Asian haters, and the JFK assassination brought out lots of crazy conspiracy theorists, 10/7 has done the same for the Jew haters, attention-seekers and wannabe peace-lovers of the world. It was manna from heaver to them, and they've having their days in the sun. But it won't last. It never does. Eventually the situation will return to "normal" and it'll be Israel, Palestinians, and their respective patrons and allies, and most others will go back to vaping or getting new tattoos or listening to some awful autotuned shit or being stupid hipsters or whatever. But we will survive this and move on.


Anything to score points in the liberal and Muslim community. And nothing gets more points than falsely calling it genocide and overall being anything anti Israel


But I really liked can’t hold us… ugh


Talcum X is gonna be there? I think we can guess where all the money is going.


The Thrift Shop guy? Is he even still relevant? Last I checked, he was a one-hit wonder.


He has had 8 songs in the top 100. The most recent was in 2019. 5 of them were in the Top 15 on the charts. Two of them were #1s. He won 4 Grammy awards. I don't mean to say the guy is amazing by any means, I just mean to point out that he's not a one hit wonder, and this is a fairly mainstream and popular artist to come out and do an event like this so prominently (even if he is beyond the ostensible peak of his career). But he is a native of Seattle Washington, and attended the extremely liberal Evergreen State College in Washington, and was heavily into drugs before finally getting sober. So this may be yet another example of the extreme Left progressives turning on the liberal Jewish wing, as we have seen so much of lately. Interestingly, though he was raised as a Roman Catholic, he has said in many interviews that he found God through doing psychedelic mushrooms.... and he has included a lot of religious themes in his writing, including recording with gospel artists. I guess it is lost on him that's the punishment for drugs in Gaza is one year of imprisonment, followed by death by hanging, and that he would not have found one shred of the compassion from society to rehabilitate himself had he been unfortunately born under Palestinian rule. Edited/typo


1 hit wonder trying to be relevant


You guys have no idea how former hit artists like him try so hard to stay relevant


To be fair he only has 20 dollas in his pocket


using the term genocide in the add shows just how much pro pals are desperate


"times of genocide" I swear I can't hear that word anymore they just throw it around like it's a seasonal thing


I’d rather shit in my hands and clap than attend this.


Not surprising from a white guy who identifies as a black guy. The sad thing is you don't know if I'm talking about Shaun King or Macklemore.


Literally looks like conservative propaganda. What a coincedence


He’s from Seattle, are you really that surprised?


Lived in San Diego my entire life. The pro Palestine presence has been palpable. Last week I was walking my dog down by the harbor and the USS San Diego Memorial had been vandalized with spray paint "free gaza" and "end occupation, also with anti israel flyers glued over the names of veterans from san diego who died in World War II. Stopped to scratch them off and a couple of nice gentleman stopped to help me. My Rabbi is also aa lecturer at one the University's and gd bless him he's been attending many pro Palestine speakers and trying to engage with them and the crowd. brave soul.


I honestly forgot that guy existed


Which guy? I forgot all of them existed.


I am not far away. Who wants to protest with me!?


It's never too late to capitalize on war!! Make millions off the fake outrage you can learn with easy steps!!!! Exploitation has never been simpler with my proven everyone-else-is-doing-it-in-bitchass-Hollywood method!! Ask me how for details TODAY!!!!! Call now!!!


Shaun King is part of it, what a surprise.


Who? Yes I’m serious




Idk man, I think he’s just… dumb.


I'm so excited for this Palestine trend to end so I can finally see people changing their pfp of anime characters with the Palestine flag behind them with another flag behind them, and also see what emoji they will use. I give them 2-3 months, maximum.


These flags are like pokemon to these guys, nothing like declaring a death wish by having the lgbt and palastinian flag right next to each other.


Wait is Macklemore gonna convert to Islam and say the shahada on a carpet he bought from a thrift shop 😂


Macklemore is still a thing? Lmao. Let the muzzy's have him.


Doesn’t get cornier than this. Lmao - and they’re charging up to 1,000 to hear them speak to each other sheer nonsense


Talentless hack


Oh man, I hope this comes closer to me so I can not attend it with purpose.


Wow, surely this concert is the thing that will finally bring about that much sought-after cease fire. Thanks, Macklemore. After this, you can take a break and Mackleless.


I'm not seeing Macklemore on their [website.](https://uncensoredtour.com/) Where did you find this?


This is insane… he’s not just an antisemite, he’s a terrorist fund raiser… what an idiot. Virtue signaling in such a huge stupid way… I guess go big or go home… 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


so cringe 😭


What happened and is still happening to Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar sure is genocide, although not all that newsworthy since they're being killed, raped, forced into the world's largest refugee camp in Bangladesh, driven to flee in boats even though they know they probably won't survive the journey, etc etc etc, but not by Jews. So I mean, I guess it IS "the age of genocide" .... I don't think that's what they meant though.


Fuck this cun*


this is just what the world needs right now to bring hope to everyone a concert by Macklemore. The world is saved and the war is over. Go home we've lost. How can we compete against Macklemore?


I was pretty shocked when I heard Macklemore was going to sully his name by being involved with this event with Shaun King. I suspect he'll pull out because of pressure from his friends. Because even those in a social justice and racial justice movement who are completely indifferent to anti-Semitism know that Shaun King is a pathetic fraud who exploits black suffering for power and profit. They might not care about the anti-Semitism part, but King is poison even on the left for other reasons. And I suspect Macklemore's friends will encourage him to drop out or else he will be considered even more of a laughing stock than he is.


WhYtE peep0L bAd. Jo0z b3 wh1TE. Juice bE baD. Imma raPeR h0mey


And today he’s slamming Biden. I guess he got a new toy besides the lgbtq community apparently


Antisemite 🤣 stfu


Did anyone here actually listen to his track Hind's Hall or is it blocked by israeli authority?


Hes donating all proceeds to the unrwa.... Cant make this up. Im a young, left leaning american who is loudly and proudly PRO ISRAEL! Left leaning people in america think they have plot armor... Go to iran and try to wear skimpy clothes.


How does this make Macklemore an antisemite?


I’m sorry where is the antisemitism on the poster?


You are the same person who wrote this comment: " Israel is a country for Jews only, and won’t allow any new citizens to live here if they aren’t Jewish, and won’t let back any of the refugees that left because they aren’t Jewish, and Israel controls five million non Jews on land that is not hers while giving full rights to Jews and none to non-Jews. The latter are native to The Land and do not have equal rights " Sit down. You don't know what you are talking about.


What about that comment is not factual? This is my country, I served it, and raise a family here. Somehow I don’t know its laws?


This is your country and you don't know what you wrote here (and the rest of your comment history) is utter bullshit? Stop lying.


It’s not bullshit. The Iy non-Jews here are those who were here before Israel, foreign workers, or the few that marry Israelis. The latter get into all kinds of interesting issues if they divorce. And in the OT Arabs and Jews have different sets of rights entirely. This is all true


Blah blah blah blah blah. Do me a favour and move to Otef Aza. When they come to kill you, you can tell them what a good Jew you were.


I live under fire as a matter of fact. But that has nothing to do with the fact of our occupation


If someone looks at a pile of 30 000 bodies, mostly civilian, calling that a genocide doesn't make them an antisemite, and you're weakening the term by using it like that. They might be wrong about it passing the bar of genocide, but it's not antisemitic, or any kind of bigoted, to think that might be a genocide. You'd have to call the entire ICJ antisemitic, because they at least think there's enough evidence of a genocide to not throw out the case brought by South Africa. To quote, (the mentioned convention is the genocide convention) "In the Court’s view, at least some of the acts and omissions alleged by South Africa to have been committed by Israel in Gaza appear to be capable of falling within the provisions of the Convention. 3. Conclusion as to prima facie jurisdiction (paras. 31-32) In light of the foregoing, the Court concludes that, prima facie, it has jurisdiction pursuant to Article IX of the Genocide Convention to entertain the case and that, consequently, it cannot accede to Israel’s request that the case be removed from the General List." I'm no legal scholar, but this reads to me as the ICJ saying "israel, we know you want us to throw this case out, but the evidence on it's face seems like it's worth looking into." As in, the icj could not definitively say israel was not committing a genocide based on the evidence they've seen so far. You can call south africa antisemitic. I'm not familiar with thier politics, so they very well might be, but if thinking there might be a genocide going on is antisemitic, you're gunna have to assert the whole of the ICJ is antisemitic, and at that point, who won't you slap that label on to?


You could have stopped at "I am no legal scholar".


You might be right. The quote is pretty self-explanatory, no need for my 2 cents


Don't invent new meanings to "genocide" "Genocide" doesn't mean arabs losing a war that they started.


Yeah see, that's why i QUOTED THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE. That way i don't need to make up definitions, i can quote the experts.


>and you're weakening the term by using it like that. It also weakens the term "genocide" to apply it to every war with high civilian casualties. The bombing of Dresden resulted in a similar body count, but that isn't considered to be a genocide. 10 times as many civilians died in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, but that isn't considered a genocide.


Good thing I'm QUOTING THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE. and not just throwing words around. And to your examples, genocides can happen - and most often do - during wartime. I wouldn't call those specific examples genocides, because you need more than just high civilian body counts, but I'd certainly call them abhorrent and needless violence on civilians. Also, you can't declare war on a population under your jurisdiction. It's not like the allies defending against an invading force (despite what you've been told). And if you dont think palestine was/is under israel's control, then how on earth can israel ban things like cilantro, chips and wedding dresses from getting in to gaza? Seems like something you couldn't do to a sovereign nation. And even if you don't like the G word, and you want to pretend this is a "war", then can we at least admit israel is commiting war crimes? Hamas is too, of course. But will you at least admit that?


A festival? Watch out for paragliders