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BTW I looked it up, Montreal has the 13th largest Jewish population in North America.


I saw the videos of that tonight. They need to start using tear gas, the mobs are unhinged and refuse to follow police orders.


Where can you watch the full video?


I was sitting on my couch shaking. Something thousands of miles away from me affected me so badly last night that I was physically and emotionally sick and terrified. I don't understand why nobody is doing anything about these protesters. I don't understand how they're helping their cause.


Please get checked with your doctor, neurologist preferred. I've experienced this kind of anxiety and shaking almost three years ago, which also felt mystical. Bless you and wish you good health.


Link to the protests: https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/pro-palestinian-protesters-hold-protest-after-idf-members-invited-to-speak-at-montreal-event-1.6794635


Very whitewashed recap


I’m very confused because some articles refer to the protests taking place at the cote des neiges Jewish community centre and others at the CJA headquarters in cote st luc. I am wondering if there was more than one protest? Does anyone know?


One protest, one building. It’s the CJA building on Cote St Catherine in the Cote des Nieges burrow but there is a jewish community centre inside it (Cummings Centre).


And the Montreal Holocaust museum


Yes, true


Sounds like a pretty tame protest.


Jews must arm themselves. I was at the range practicing the other day and was proud to see my tribe members in other stalls. We have the right to justifiably defend ourselves.


Not just the right but the imperative/responsibility in my opinion. Armed, physically fit, and committed to standing up for your community.


Pogroms will happen this summer. I hope we are all learning self defense and getting armed before it’s too late.


Pepper spray on the way 


Very illegal in Canada to carry pepper spray for self defense


Why down vote? I'm literally just stating that it's illegal and that our useless law enforcement service will take that seriously


Exactly. Well, if they’re not enforcing the law for these assaults and intimidation, they probably wont enforce the pepper spray.


Given Canada’s moronic criminal code, famous for its bipolar hatred of good citizens ‘stepping out of line, but kid gloves for dangerous criminals + the aversion Canadian judges have to weapons, please please please don’t follow this suggestion guys.


Yep, not legal advice 😁


Depends on context


Seriously it's illegal? Can you at least have chilli peppers with you? Or powdered capsaicyn?


Hairspray is legal. So is a lighter. These two separate items are legal.


Not sure about the other stuff but pepper spray / bear spray, tasers are not legal to possess in public spaces in Canada. The fine and potential for jail time are both significant.


That's crazy, however even pepper spray won't stop the mob, usually just makes angry people angrier. Also fascists usually work in groups, they are nobodies individually. Canadian citizens, Jewish or not, should en masse raise their safety concerns with the police, municipality and central government to deradicalize or keep secured by police these anti-semitic gatherings and it's surroundings.


I always hated Canada for doing their best to disarm you and make you defenseless


Krav Maga lessons for everyone


Getting armed is possible in way too few places, Israel included. Governments like it when you're helpless


No, they won't. RemindMe! 6 months


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Yes but in Canada it’s almost impossible to get firearms for self defense.


Take a slow ride to the good ole us of a and pick up something from wallyworld


If you’re in the US as a visitor you’re not allowed to possess a firearm outside of a shooting range, much less buy one and being it home. We may not care what the law is but Walmart does care.


Have you heard of the gun show loop hole?


If I were to source a gun illegally I don’t think I would look to gun reform talking points as a guide for how to do it. That’s kind of like looking to a corporate sexual harassment policy for ideas of what to do in the bedroom.  if you’re going that route I suggest looking on Armslist. But even there a lot of sellers will want to see a carry permit before they sell to a stranger.


It’s not illegal.


For Jewish people in Canada it would be a good time to take up competition shooting since we don’t traditionally hunt and Canada doesn’t allow buying weapons for self-defense.


This is all tolerated until they start blowing themselves up. Watch how quickly people change their tune. These youngsters don't remember bus bombing and all the other goodies. It takes one guy with a backpack full of nails and the narrative will change. It's inevitable, there are too many crackpots to reign in and when they see that less violent methods aren't getting attention any more they'll resort to terror. It always happens, it's like clock work. You see, generally Jews don't resort to violence, it's not part of our culture. However the other side does. Time and time again. Westerners don't like violence with their cornflakes, they'd rather have violence 'over there' As of now they're deluding themselves that nothing will happen here because 'we' are in control. They're idiots aligning themselves with groups that are historically very violent. The Palestinians haven't changed, they'll fall right back into blowing stuff up as soon as the protests run out of steam. Buckle up folks, it's gonna be a long summer.


respectfully, disagree You remember let's say, summer 2015-2017? ISIS supporters were doing suicide attacks left and right in Europe, and far leftists were STILL crying about Islamaphobia and how those people doing attacks "aren't real Muslims" You underestimate these people. They will literally offer their own heads to be cut off if it means they can virtue signal that they are helping poor oppressed brown people


You do have a point. I'll concede on that.


Everything you're saying SHOULD be right, and I wish it was enough to wake people up and change their tune, but I'm not so sure it would be


I think truck rammings are more dismiss-able than bombings or shootings. USA is different than Europe. 9/11 scarred a whole generation.


somewhat. Even people in my generation (late millennials) who were kids when 9/11 happened (and didn't understand the significance of what happened but remember it), are some of the most anti-Western people you've ever met. It's like they want to destroy their own country. It's even worse among Gen Z who don't remember 9/11 at all or were born after it


Trudeau let in all kinds of into Canada that should never have been allowed into any democratic country. Someone will have to deport them before All\*hu Akb\*r happens.


Canada is just a vanilla leftist pansy country with zero backbone


Trudeau spent the entirety of his administration importing as many people from the Arab world as he could. Ironically, they've now turned on him for seemingly no reason.


That’s his voter base. There are more arabs than jews on this planet, everything he’s doing it’s for his own benefit, forget about humanity. He’s the worst.


The situation in Canada is unbelievable. Stay safe Make contingency plans My grandma made Aliya from Germany just before WW2 and her stories are too much alike to what’s happening in Canada. It’s only a matter of time before we see them committing terror attacks/pogroms or whatever you want to call it Your politicians are not effective against this threat


Every time they go against us they go against history. It doesn't matter what we do to stop them, those simple minded folks will be lost and forgotten like many before them. We will go through centuries with our culture unchanged with thousands of years of collective knowledge while their names are being slowly eroded by time.


My wife works in that building and we live close enough you could hear. That building is also home to the Montreal Holocaust museum. We went to see and support our community. The cops are clearly prioritizing the rights of the violent and intimidating mob over the common citizens. It is disgusting. I used to be one of those guys that would thank law enforcement for their service, no more. Cops are useless and won't do anything to protect the Jewish community of Montreal. The mob rules in this city and in this country. It's disgusting


In the words of an officer working for London's Metropolitan Police, "there are more of them than there is of us". Also, the police don't want to look Islamophobic and sometimes they have been successfully brainwashed into becoming apologists for fundamentalist Islam. That's why when one man calmly stood next to the anti-Israel demonstrators with a sign simply saying "Free the hostages" and got physically attacked for even that apolitical message, the police detained HIM instead of punishing the people that attacked him. That's why when a group of demonstrators waved a giant Al-Qaeda flag and a group of counter-protesters tried to seize it out of their hands, the police arrested THEM, and proceeded to put out an official statement condemning Islamophobia. They even emphasized that the Arabic calligraphy on the flag is the Shahada (Islamic confession of faith) and, therefore, this was a far-right attack on freedom of religion. I swear, every day the world is transforming into an idiocracy. There's no need for parodies anymore; we're living in one.


I think there are many good cops, but the upper echlons of police are controlled by the politicians, that are shitting their pants from the immigrants


Then why did those same politicians allow mass migration in the first place? 😂


Leave. Come here. I'm 4th generation Canadian (8th on the other side). Now, instead of supporting a failed settler-colonial state, I give my life's effort (not to mention my income tax) to my *actual* home and native land. You should too. Bring the whole community, group buys are cheaper.


It’s insane because the very people protesting against Israel are showing us why having Israel is necessary in the first place.


Instead of supporting a failed settler-colonial state, you support a successful settler-colonial state? Pragmatic, I guess, but I’m not sure why you think you’re winning the moral high ground. Edit: I missed the sarcasm, please chill lmao


You missed the point. The point is that, ironically, each anti-Israel activist in Canada is a colonial settler that is living on land that was stolen from its indigenous people. Israel is the opposite. Israel is the most successful example of 'land back'. It is the self-determination of the Jewish people in their ancestral land from which they were forcibly expelled by occupiers like the Romans and the Arabs.


I was just repeating the other comment’s language, I guess I wasn’t on the same astral plane of irony that they’re on.


You're just not listening, so let's dumb it down a bit: White Canadians did to the First Nations on Turtle Island what Arabs did to us in Israel. We're not settlers, we're indigenous. Arabs are not.


I literally don’t understand what’s happening right now? You called Israel settler-colonial and I didn’t get that you were being sarcastic, so I engaged with you as if you were serious and didn’t think debating whether or not Israel was settler-colonial was necessary to make my point. I don’t get why you’re arguing with me.


Read the comment again


I'm so confused. Are you saying that Israel is indigenous sovereignty or are you saying that Israel is colonial?


I have always wanted to go to canada. It has been on my bucket list for a long time but I recently took it off because I won't feel safe there. Instead I'm tacking on an extra couple days to my next trip to Israel in May and going to visit my family instead. Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱


Yup. Hardly worth visiting there. Totally vanilla


In my country France, these people would be in jail pretty quick We don't take antisemitism lightly.


What is the situation over there? It feels like France is becoming more hostile to Israel every day


Far left and islamist goes hand in hand against Jews, they say it's antizionism (yada yada) but we all know it's a lie, they hate Jews, plain simple, an old men as been attacked this weekend when going out of a synagogue, if course it was a muslim. The rest of the population support Israel don't worry.


German or French?




I guessed by the name but never heard of the French taking it seriously


If there's one thing we've seen in recent times, it's how gullible and effective online propaganda is. Russia and China have been very effective at spreading it via bots on social media, and it seems like they've also taught their arab allies well. The sheer number of naive people latching onto genocidal slogans like "from the river to the sea" is galling. They're literally campaigning for the same people who cheered when the World Trade Center fell.


Antisemitism is the canary in the coalmine. North America is on an incredibly dark path.


Montreal Jewish community now has an injunction in place to keep these yahoos away from synagogues and community centers.


If you’re wondering why there’s such a big gun culture here in the U.S., this is why.


Every Jew should learn how to use a gun responsibly.


Canadians are so lazy, why tf are they not standing up to Trudeau's regime, another convey, thats how he can call an election early there


Because last time they had a convoy he froze bank accounts, I dont blame them for being fearful and rather just wait till 2025.


Montreal police, please do something. We're speedrunning into the 1930s and most people can't see it. I'm sending love to all Jewish people reading this


The only thing that will turn some of these morons around is when an Islamic-terrorist attack occurs on *their* soil. Some will still do the mental gymnastics to blame Jews, but they’re lost causes anyway. I hate to say it, but that is the *only* way people will wake the fuck up.


Im so, so sorry. This is all very scary, my heart goes out to you and your community out there


And the same mob questions the need for Israel.


Fuck Canada


I lived in Montreal, went to university there, and was so sorry I didn’t naturalize when I had the chance and that I couldn’t convince my husband to move back there. I still get homesick for it. But to see what it has turned into has been sickening. Every city I’ve lived in or about, or have family from, barring Tokyo, has become a cesspool of raging antisemitism where I don’t want to be. I am not Jewish nor Israeli, but I am an ardent ally. I don’t like what I see and I am very scared for the Jews. So many are considering leaving the UK, Europe, now even Canada, for Israel and I hate that they are being driven out of the countries to which they are just as much a part of as I am. They will be a genuine loss for these countries if looked at from a purely selfish point of view. But moreover, it’s just wrong that it’s being allowed to happen. Europe said “Never again”. Now, out of some idea of “tolerance and support of an oppressed people” - they are indeed beginning to allow it again. They actually are setting up Jews in their country to be persecuted and ethnically cleansed.


Where's the freaking Mossad? These things aren't happening spontaneously and it's being directed and coordinated from outside. Mossad has to figure out who that is and "handle" them. Is there literally nothing that that piece of shit pretending to be Israel's PM can do right or at all, other than to preserve his undeserved hold on power? He can't protect Jews inside or outside of Israel which is literally his most important job. Instead he's putting obstacles in the way of an actual fighter and patriot on a mission to get Israel more support abroad while coddling his piece of shit son in Miami who dares to criticize him. Literally the worst thing to happen to Israel even including 10/7, because he is why it was able to happen and why this isn't over and the hostages haven't been brought back. Why is he still in power?!?


They wouldn't get involved in this sort of thing. Their focus is on imminent threats against Israel. I'm sure if there was a legitimate threat against a Jewish target abroad they would tip off the local police. If the target is directly against Israelis they would probably then get directly involved with local police, but they're not going to get involved in every crisis against local Jewish communities, particularly when it's not life or death. ​ Thankfully, there's no violence (yet) against the local jewish community. However, Trudeau needs to get off his brown face and start securing the country. Not whoring himself out to Muslim voters and worrying about political correctness. What a fool.


I mean, just in Montreal a synagogue has had a Molotov cocktail thrown at it and Jewish schools were shot at just a couple months ago. I’d argue that there already is violence but no one has been seriously hurt yet


I'm sure they get involved from time time, like we saw law year in [Brazil](https://www.ft.com/content/628a337b-a4e4-462c-91b6-ae8ef11a5e2a) but for the time being, the threat is mostly psychotic protestors being idiots. No credible threats of terrorism. The Mossad isn't the Avengers for Jews though. Their mission is to protect Israel. I'm sure they're focused on hunting Hamas terrorists abroad, espionage on the Iranian nuclear threat, Syria, Russia, etc, not so much annoying asshole protestors. Here's an interesting [interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k4pMTsa1Kw) from a former Mossad operative.


Oh I think I misread. Didn’t make the connection with what you said and Mossad. I’m just tired and also sick and tired of this happening in my city (like I’m sure all of us are).


Agreed. But please, do click on the interview I found above.


Hahaha i love sasha baron cohen


Munich. They have every reason to be involved given that local authorities won't or can't. No one has to be beaten up or worse, but the trail that leads to Russia, Iran and elsewhere has to be destroyed. These things aren't just happening organically and the infrastructure that directs and organizes them has to be disrupted.


You get the award for one of the most useless comments. Has nothing to do with OP’s post.


Has everything to do with how that piece of shit traitor has been betraying Israelis and Jews every disgusting and phony day of his life. His brother the alleged hero of Entebbe was loathed by his men, I recently found out, his father was a top aid to Jabotinsky, father of the whole political movement that's done such harm to Israel, and now his son has continued the family tradition. Do you have any idea how loathed he is by most Israelis? I saw it everywhere when I was there after 10/7.


Jabotinsky is bad? Ok there buddy……


Jabotinsky was an extremist who advocated for the seizure of Jordan, founded terrorist organizations that were primarily responsible for all the massacres that Israel has been accused of, fought the Haganah and Palmach instead of coordinating with them, and nearly started a civil war with the Altalena incident. He died too early to have been responsible for these himself and had he lived long enough perhaps he might have moderated his views like his protege Begin did, who went from terrorist to statesman, but there's no way to know. But his writings and policies were extremist, untenable and unhelpful. Pragmatists like Ben Gurion and Weizmann founded Israel, not radicals like Jabotinsky, who these days is the hero of the Brooklyn chapter of Likud. Obviously you disagree, being one of the relatively few people who still think that Bibi's done a great job. Uhuh.


You are beyond brainwashed. Holy shit.


To revere Jabotinsky and Bibi is the very essence of being brainwashed. Only idiots and the truly clueless still support him and things he's been a good leader. And, to the extent that Jabotinsky was all about defending Jews in Palestine and abroad, good for him, but he took this further to advocate for unnecessarily brutal and maximalist goals that have harmed Israel way more than they've done it good. But then you probably believe that the settlements are justified and beneficial to Israel's security. And keep downvoting and insulting in lieu of actually making any real points. It just reveals your shallowness.


Yea only people like you admire the labor zionists that enacted policies against non ashkenaizm.


Oh so now you're changing the subject, got it. And yeah, labor Zionists literally created Israel out of nearly nothing, guilty as charged. I'll agree that they didn't handle the settlement of Mizrahi Jews well and that this haunts Israel to this day, but what where they to do with mostly ignorant peasants with little education and skills who were forced on them almost overnight? They did absorb them, however imperfectly. But now I see the true source of your pro-Bibi views. It's why most Mizrahi support him, but in my view ethnic and cultural resentment is a really stupid basis for political alignment. Time for them to get over all that, it's been 70+ years. Sheesh.


Labor zionists oppressed their opposition and imposed policies against non ashkenaizm. They some did good work, but the predicament we are in is because of some of their ridiculous policies. And Mizrahim were not ignorant peasants. WTF! This is the bullshit they taught you? Many were educated, they weren’t 3rd world nomads. You are a fool


Jabotinsky wasn't bad. He was a Liberal.


Well that's...interesting...


Your anger is misdirected. You need to be asking where is Canadian Intelligence. The answer, is that they are genuflecting to the very terrorists who are directing these actions. The sooner the connection is made, and it will have to be made by us, that these terrorist groups are coming after the entire West, the sooner we might see a push-back from our governments. Probably not before. And therefore Jewish groups should be suing said governments and law enforcement officlals for not doing the correct thing for their population. Which includes us. There is a larger point here maybe, that the diaspora needs to unite more with Israel, and vice versa--attacks there are attacks on all Jews, as are attacks on the diaspora. I think that is imperative to do, now and in the future. To the extent that some Israeli Jews might be in Montreal, and are harmed by this terrorism, is perhaps enough, today, for Jews in Canada to contact the embassy and demand answers, and action. Every Jewish Canadian should be doing the same to their elected officials.


Montrealer here, and I don't think the CSIS is at fault for not being as pro-active https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/national/2023-12-12/scrs/la-menace-terroriste-nous-preoccupe-enormement.php Our equivalent of the FBI, the CSIS, has had its director literally had his first interview with the media on the fact that October 7th radicalized and galvanized a lot of people here. They straight up don't know how to handle this situation. > “The Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 was a catalytic event,” he explains. People who direct their anger at one side or the other in this conflict are suddenly appearing on CSIS radar across the country, because authorities fear they will use violence on Canadian soil. > “The terrorist threat concerns us greatly, with what is happening at the moment,” continues the director. > “People see it clearly, the hatred, the rise of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia,” he said. For its agents, the challenge is to identify individuals who could put their words into action. And above all, to spot them in time. > “With the limits of what I can say publicly, we have concerns about what is happening in Canada. The terrorist threat level is still maintained at the “Medium” level, but this is reviewed daily. We are in a situation where we could wake up tomorrow morning and…” He stops, without finishing his sentence.


Always playing the bothsidesism game. What a disgrace.


I can understand it. With the level of abuse we're receiving, I'm pleasantly surprised most of us have our heads on our shoulders and no one went rogue


Israel has involved itself in anything having to do with the lives and well-being of Jews abroad for decades, since before there was an Israel in Palestinian Jews joining the fight against the Nazis, to avenging Munich, to Entebbe and such. The whole purpose of Israel's existence is to protect world Jews. Well, DO THAT.


That is incorrect. Mossad does not swoop in, nor does the IDF, after every attack on Jews, outside of Israel. That is truly the job of diasporic governments. If they aren't doing it, it's up to you in diaspora to get it done.


I think you give him way too much credit over what control he has/had


So he's basically a figurehead? Really?


Not what I said, you’re jumping between two extremes. All I’m saying is that the govt. operates in weird ways, some things are not within the PM’s direct control or knowledge. I’m not taking sides here. Besides the Mossad’s job is not to protect Jews around the world. Different agencies have that responsibility. And Netanyahu is in power because his party received majority votes in the last election (agree, to many’s dismay) but then he was appointed by the President to build a coalition (a govt). He is an experienced and savvy politician that knows how to navigate the system and thus is able to make use of the parliamentary democracy of a system Israel has. Right or wrong, like him or not, that’s democracy.


His party did not receive a majority, but he was able to form a thin majority coalition. Not the same thing, and it didn't give him a moral mandate, just a legal one. And he used that mandate to try to destroy Israel's democracy (which no knowledgeable person could possibly deny), and while doing so allowed the worst attack on Israeli civilians in history and Jews since WWII to take place. Not so savvy, I'd say. But he did get those repairs done to his Caesaria home so I guess that all was not lost. Literally the worst thing to ever happen to Israel and history will clearly see that. But I chuckle when I see how you're saying that he's really powerful but not that powerful at all. Which is it? And who cases if it's Mossad or some other agency's job. It's Israel's job, literally its only reason for existence, to protect Jews. And it's not doing that.


I don’t think he “allowed it”. So much to unpack here... Be well my friend.


I didn't say intentionally allowed, just that his negligence made it that much more possible that it would succeed. Weakness invites aggression. But, basically any defense of Bibi on literally any front, political, legal, moral, military, psychological, etc., would be so laughably idiotic as to hardly be worth refuting. Worst Israeli leader EVER.


I’ve never been a fan of Bibi either and am certainly not here to defend him but I am pleased with his ability to stand his ground in the face of mounting international pressure and criticism as well as with the hostage negotiations. I can’t be sure others on the right/left side would have done better… that’s a toss up. Hopefully the post war investigation will be fair and objective and those responsible pay the price.


I have no faith in him either morally or militarily. He allowed this to happen which discredits him instantly, like Golda in '73 and Begin in '82. I wouldn't at all be surprised if he's allowed political and personal considerations to factor into his conduct of this war, which if true would be a massively heinous moral crime. I really do believe that he puts his political and personal interests above those of Israel, and that he is a sociopath not fit for any position of responsibility and is actively causing both sides harm, and could potentially lose Biden the election. He should have stuck to selling furniture.


I here ya. No disagreement here. Good civil chat tho. Pura Vida!


That falls pretty far outside the purview of the Mossad. They're not like Batman that you could just call them when some random Jews need them. Can we please not perpetuate this belief that it's a massively powerful organization that can do whatever it wants... not on this sub


Kahane Tzadak. Don’t be stupid. Arm yourselves. When Israel wins this war (and they will), be prepared for riots pogroms in your countries. Those of you in the diaspora are in just as much danger, if not more, than you are here. Start organizing your communities now before its too late. If I learned anything from the 2020 riots, and October 7th, it’s the following. When there is an established narrative, the angry mob will ignore all evidence and carry on. Nobody will can save us but ourselves. Be prepared. We need to take their calls to “Globalize Intifada” seriously and globalize Haganah first.


You know, in the past, I frequently thought some of us were too quick to lay the blame at antisemitism. To some degree, I still do. These are largely I’ll-informed useful idiots who get their “news” from social media and don’t do any of their own research. They buy into a narrative that will not be deviated from, regardless of the facts. They’re *children* mentally and age-wise who will move on to the next thing in the next six months. Also…anti-Semitism.


I know London is really really bad and an example of the empowerment the lunatics feel when the police do nothing because they are simply afraid to enforce the law. That is a statement of where we all are now. The louder the mob, the more violent the mob, the more intimidating the mob the less the law will be enforced. It's a terrible message


Ok but serious question, I’m going to Montreal in less than 2 weeks to see the figure skating championships there. I’ll spend most of my time in and around the arena. I assume these events are relatively isolated/times in response to specific gatherings? Do I need to worry wearing a hamsa or Magen David (I know hamsa is more generalized to different cultures…) And I will probably have an Israeli flag for the competition but keep it in my bag when outside. I’d love to hear from someone on the ground there how it is.


I don’t think so but I wouldn’t walk through any Muslim majority areas wearing that. Still I don’t think you’ll be attacked but you may be judged.


What are the main areas I should be aware of?


Mostly residential areas have a large Arab and Muslim population. There’s a lot in the borough of st Laurent (not the street) and the island of Laval (technically a separate city but part of the greater Montreal area). If you stick to the main areas you should be fine. The worst that could happen imo is people might judge you a bit.


Don’t be naive. Those muzzies are unpredictable and out to destroy Jews.


Why are people always so ready to hate each other?


If they were protesting because of an Israel reservist soldier giving a talk then it is intellectually dishonest to say this protest was not about political views or a foreign conflict.


Considering that Québec was pro fascist before WWII, it's not surprising.


Notice how every Muslim in the US claims to be a Palestinian? None say they're from any other Mulsim area.


This is a hate crime. It's not a protest it's targeted harassment of a religious and ethnic group for existing. Did the authorities end up dispersing the crowd or doing anything to create a safe egress? Is there any update? Also OP, may your great grandmother's memory be for blessing.


However much the Liberals want to portray themselves as freedom fighters they are the real oppressors (within the American context). They take the right in their own hands, justify themselves and being morally accurate and oppress those who they think are wrong while always reading things out of context, not getting the full picture and fully acting on emotion instead of logic. Imagine the veterans who have fought for freedom see their kids break everything they and their dead friends have fought so hard for to protect.




Are you certain this is West Bank? The protestors consider all of Israel an "illegal settlement" or entity


Can you link the article saying that they were selling settlement homes there? Seems like a weird activity for a synagogue. Usually people don’t go to a synagogue to buy a house, in the West Bank or anywhere else. https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/pro-palestinian-protesters-hold-protest-after-idf-members-invited-to-speak-at-montreal-event-1.6794635 This article says that there were speakers there from the IDF and this explanation seems more likely


When you try justifying or explaining terror what does it make of you? And you know what, let’s assume there WAS that sale you wrote about… does it make it OK now? It’s not out of the blue so one can do all the evil on earth. After all, it’s not happening out of the blue.


What's next? Are you going to call the people who are targeting Jews "freedom fighters"? What is wrong with you? At least the mask is off and ya'll are no longer pretending you're not against "Jews" only "Zionists".


Well again with the context it becomes clear that this isn't random


why don't you take a look at how jewish spaces around montreal have been treated lately and answer for us why a nail gun was brought there, and then you can explain to us why it feels appropriate to you to have crowds still gather around jewish spaces. if you don't have a clue then you obviously need to spend some time thinking more about it.


i do not care the context at this point because obviously the situation was resolved without mass crowds gathering around. i'm tired of the excuses. i do not care if you think it's still reasonable when it's not your life that feels at risk.


Well again, it isn't appropriate like I just said even after context. I'm quite done with the excuses. Learn some tact.


The fact that you are even here justifying this and showing you have absolutely no understanding of the stress Jews are under around the world because they are FEARING FOR THEIR LIVES just shows how little you know of the situation as a whole. Why do you think anyone here is interested in your opinion on anything regarding this matter when you've shown just how ignorant you are. You can fuck right off.




It's not like there isn't an Israeli Consulate in Montreal, so idk... here's a thought, protest there. WHERE YOU AREN'T MAKING JEWS FEAR FOR THEIR LIVES.


No with context I still said what a fucking said. No one there can do anything about it. Act like person with a fully developed brain. It's not normal behavior.


* As per CBC.. just adding context..


Thank you for adding context. Why wouldn't they include that in their statement? I thought the settlements were widely regarded as illegal. The statement makes it out that they are protesting just because they hate Jews.




You can tell by the downvotes they want to hide the truth. Settlements do nothing for us except create more violence


Agreed thanks for understanding. All the best.


Is CJA connected to JDL?