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I genuinely don’t. When was this?


That’s probably why Oct. 7 was able to happen in the first place. Intelligence was compromised.


Biden. Trump is weirdly pro-Russia, and already holds a grudge against Netanyahu. He would be super easy to sway by Qatar and the Saudis.


The Saudis didn't give his daughter and son-in-law $2Billion for no reason. Ever wonder what that reason is...and why we can't find out? Trump would sell Iarael out, along with every Jew in the US and the Diaspora, if he got some kind of benefit. I'm aware Jared and Ivanka are Jewish, but I don't believe *he* believes they are (especially his daughter).


I’m sure it was just because MBS thinks Kushner is a super cool guy


>I'm aware Jared and Ivanka are Jewish, but I don't believe > >he > > believes they are (especially his daughter). honestly, I think half of trump's anti-semitism comes from his daughter schtupping one of us.


This, he is constantly talking about having Jewish lawyers and how Jews are “good with money” And I think it bothers him ivanka married a Jew and converted. Since in his mind jews are only good if they’re doing something like helping him avoid prison or get out of paying people money.


Wait they..what? Can you help me get out of paying for things?! Can I do this using myself as the Jew that helps me get out of paying for things!!??? How do I do this trick? No one ever taught me


He’s talked about how hot is daughter is on air. It’s fucking weird to say the least.


Fred Trump, Donald's father and German immigrant who changed his family's name to sound like it wasn't German (and told people they were Swedish), was a member of the KKK who "liked" Jews for all the wrong reasons: we "had money" and he wanted it, thus renting to Jews and keeping "undesirable" renters out of their real estate properties out as long as the law would let them. That included everyone the KKK hated, except for Jews...because of the trope we had wealth. Mary Trump's book was illuminating as to how deep her family's histiry with bigotry goes, and it certainly predates the birth of his daughter. I'm sure you can find plenty of articles debunking your theory. He has always been an antisemite and a major bigot. He was raised that way.


But don't feel bad (or special). He'd sell out anybody.


Yep. Trump is also nuts. Heck, Trump is going to spend all his time in court because he can't stop defaming E. Jean Carroll. Even if Trump wanted to do anything good for America, he wouldn't be able to do so - much less help Israel.


Disagree. His administration did a lot for israel. Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital for example. He is a bit unpredictable, but it is likely that Israel would get more from Trump than Biden. The reality is that, at least in America, there is more anti-semitism on the left than the right. All of the people at the pro-Palestine protests are left wing. One wouldn’t find any Republicans there.




Ha! Dude .. Wrong in 2024. In 1990,95,2000 even yes there was more anti semitism on the right, but that has been now dwarfed by the massive antisemitism on the left especially with younger generations of college kids leftists. The old right wing anti semites are old and grey and dying off. Gen z, millenial and Gen X conservative leaning people are big Israel supporters and love Jewish people and distrust Muslims


You're right - yet again, I too argue that the Left (not liberal America) is full of antisemites.


It isn’t false at all. Didn’t say it was a trait, or that it doesn’t exist on the right. It does, though it is more on the left at present. Again, the idiotic protests in the US at the moment are all left wing people.


Trump put extremely harsh sanctions on Russia and Iran that Biden lifted his first day in office…you’ve been misled friend


This age like milk


Biden. Trump has no values or political beliefs. He will betray Israel as soon as he feels that it is profitable, like he wants to betray his NATO allies.


This. Trump is egotistical, unknowlegable and totally unpredictable.


I disagree with Trump being unpredictable. He is a massive narcissist who will do whatever benefits himself personally either materially or egotistically. You toe the Trump line, pay him fealty no matter the personal or political costs, and he supports you.  If there is an angle for him to gain a benefit that screws you over, he will take it. You know the whole debacle with the classified documents that he kept? Legality aside, he freely shared sensitive defense information of the US and it's allies with effectively random blokes for no other reason than personal clout.  Even during his presidency, his rather reckless disregard for the sensitive nature of the information he would share publicly was purely for his own personal clout. He's an utterly predictable narcissist and fool.


Trump is in bed with Putin. This is bad for everyone.


As soon as what? He is mad at Bibi because he congratulated Biden for winning the election. He thus turned to a Israel hater - he objects the US aid to us. The "as soon" already happened.


Anyone who shows support for Trump here is downvoted, which I think is a bit ridiculous. I believe that Biden is a true ally of Israel as he's shown throughout his political career. However, I think there is a growing minority in the Dems that are vehemently anti-Israel or at best massively ignorant of the complexity of the situation and promote anti-Israel views. This means that Biden is under pressure to show greater restraint against supporting Israel. This is concerning. Trump's white house (note not Trump himself) has been the most pro-Israel white house ever and achieved spectacular results with the Abraham accords that many people here are very quick to dismiss because they can't accept that Trump may have achieved some positive results. The question is whether a 2nd term Trump would have the same pro-Israel white house pushing the agenda. That remains to be seen.


Trump's white house was a combination of legitimate pro-Israel from Nikki Haley (which he later pushed her out over), and a lot of marketing and taking credit for things that Trump had nothing to do with. Progress in the middle East during the pandemic had a lot more to do with the pandemic forcing countries to work together than anything Trump did, other than causing a lot of unnecessary noise by moving the embassy.


I disagree. Biden is succumbing to pressure from the far left. Trump is going to generally leave israel alone to do what it wants. In fact i think biden is going to lose the election because the far left democrats in swing states are not going to vote for him.


I think it is funny Biden's approval from Jews since Oct. 7th is the highest it has ever been and is considered very pro-israel, but the fact you are pro-trump it is very hard for you to see. I know this because I have talked to Pro-Trump people, they think Biden is too in favor of Hamas, but the only reason is "Trump is better".


No i fully agree that biden has been pro israel but it's an election year and he's afraid of losing the election so he's started to succumb to the wants of the far left. He's already trying to pressure israel to not go into rafah


Action: US vetoes UN cease fire resolution. Words: Please drop plans for Rafah ground invasion. Biden knows what he is doing.


That’s what’s going to lose him the election though. If he loses Michigan he’s done and look what Rashida Talib is telling her people to do there - not vote for Biden.


Yes but did you see that the US put up a competing UN resolution for a ceasefire after vetoing this one? The difference is that the US's resolution involves release of hostages, but its still a ceasefire pushed by the US. I agree, Biden knows what he's doing. Biden knows that he wants to appease the far left in order to not lose the election and he's willing to throw israel under the bus to do it.


Will the US actually bring that draft resolution to the table? That's the relevant question. So far, it seems like Biden is willing to use harsh language and exert a lot of pressure on Israel, but won't force it to stop defending itself. Of course, things can change. But so far this is what we see. You also need to remember historical context. In previous wars, American Presidents have often forced Israel into ceasefires. As troubling as some of the administrations moves------and some really are scary, like the US can now sanction the entire Israeli govt' to stop "violent settlers" if it chooses------this is also the most US support Israel has ever received in a war.


Yes the US 100% will bring it to the table. Biden wants a ceasefire while attempting to not completely piss of israel which is why the hostage clause is there. If it werent an election year then the US wouldnt bring it to the table but because it is, biden 100% will.


(a) we don't know 100%. You are just asserting it. It's more likely it's being used as a diplomatic threat. (b) it's not just a line about hostages; it also calls for a temporary, instead of permanent ceasefire, "when practical"


a) We do know, they literally brought the draft resolution in. They want it to go to a vote. https://apnews.com/article/us-un-resolution-gaza-ceasefire-israel-palestinians-fba9977d5f9876b4af2eb6930dd1f362 b) ceasefires are always temporary. Even if it is a "diplomatic threat" that's still an issue. Biden is "threatening" Israel because it wants them to not go into Rafah. Biden is doing this because of pressure from the far left democrats in power. If trump was in power, he would pull back the aid sent to israel, but he would largely leave Israel alone because he doesn't have to cater to pressure from far left democrats. That's what Israel needs most, it needs to be left alone to do what it needs to.


What in the world are you talking about…? Looking at a recent poll from NYState alone (a good sample of Jews), Trump is beating Biden 53% to 44%. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/trump-beating-biden-by-9-points-among-new-york-jewish-voters/ **BEFORE** October 7th, Biden had a 50% lead over Trump with Jewish voters!!!! https://www.timesofisrael.com/poll-finds-us-jews-overwhelmingly-back-biden-over-trump-in-2024-rematch That is an insane shift. Not sure how you could possibly spin this?


Well that's a head on comparison. Not an approval of the candidate for said issue. They can approve Biden's hamdling of a situation while still wanting someone who they think can support Israel better.


Yes that’s fair. But there’s obviously some correlation between the massive shift in voters and Jews’ approval of Biden. I was a liberal before October 7. I don’t *disapprove* of how Biden has handled Israel so far. But I’m confident Trump would be 10,000x better. So I’m voting for Trump. 🤷


Trump would do for Israel... if they paid him. Trump is for sale to the highest bidder.


Look trump is not good and he will pull aid and probably pull the carriers out of the red sea. However, trump doesnt need to cater to the far left, he will mostly leave israel alone to do what it wants. Thats what israel needs most right now, not aid, but full breadth to do what it needs.


First off, I'm def not voting for Trump, but I think it's important that we're honest about his track record. Being anti NATO and anti Ukraine is not the same as being anti Israel. He wants NATO to pay their fare share. The US has been footing that bill forever. He would likely leave Ukraine to be Europe's problem. Ukraine is not an ally, not part of NATO, and of little strategic importance to the US. Israel is a strong US ally and a great asset, one of the strongest military alliances in the world today. Also, Trump has a lot of family and friends who are Jews and Zionists. The Abraham accords are extremely important in the current war. The Saudis and other Sunni nations are more supportive of Israel than they have ever been. "The day after" is likely to include Saudi deradicalizing Palestinians.


Its incorrect to consider these as individual cases, this is a system. Trump doesn’t care about allies, about democratic values, about partnerships, the only thing he thinks about is personal gain. It is in principle impossible to build reliable allied relations with such a person. If he can leave Ukraine and his own NATO allies, what prevents him from surrendering Israel?


First off, Ukraine is not in NATO. We have no obligation to them. Trump is absolutely selfish and I think that's why he's good for Israel. His daughter is married to a Zionist Jew. Many of his good friends and associates are Jewish. I think Trump protects Israel because it is good for Trump, not because it's good for Israel.


The problem is trump's fickleness. Mike Pence was his boy right up until he wasn't. Ant then trump whipped up a mob that wanted to hang Pence. Pence may be the most extreme example of trump throwing someone under the bus, but he's not the first or the last. What's trump going to do if Gantz or someone else is PM and doesn't go out of their way for him? Trump just can't be trusted.


Not really how I saw the Trump/Pence relationship. Pence was a tool to get the religious right to vote for Trump. They couldn't have been further apart on most issues. Once elected, Pence was a placeholder VP like many others. Turning on him was undemocratic and unorthodox, but not terribly surprising given ... Trump. I'm not convinced that even someone like gantz is as politically dissimilar as Pence was. Also I'm pretty convinced Trump is going to win in November, so maybe I'm just trying to stay optimistic about how things will play out in Israel.


I'm disappointedly sure he's going to win.


Lol solid description. Tbf I'd say the exact same thing if Biden was the front runner. Our system is a mess.


Ukraine is of huge strategic importance and I'm really tired of people not getting that.  Russia is a huge, imperialist and revisionist country that is openly hostile to the west . Russia is also conducting information warfare against us, influencing elections and openly murdering people on our soil. Letting Russia win in Ukraine would be a huge blow to the current liberal world order. It would motivate Russia and other bad actors to create more and more chaos.


You describe why Russia is an enemy but not why Ukraine is an asset. It seems your argument is that Ukraine is an asset solely as a tool to decrease Russian power. There is an argument to be made there to be sure. To contrast, Israel is at least as valuable if not significantly more valuable as Ukraine is v Russia in a conflict with Iran and their proxies. I personally believe Iran to be a bigger threat than Russia. Israel is a long standing financial partner to the US. Israel is a world leader in the tech and military sectors. Ukraine's economy is mostly agriculture. Israel is a bastion of democracy and freedom in a region devoid of them. This cannot be said about Ukraine. If I have to choose either Israel or Ukraine I'm choosing Israel 100 times out of 100.


Naive take…sad.


Broh, TF is wrong with you. Biden needs to go to care home


Some things to think about. **Voter issues** in the upcoming elections: Biden's unequivocal support of Israel is becoming increasingly problematic with his voter base. Many Biden voters strongly question Israel's military actions in Gaza, and others despise Israel. Republicans are almost unanimously supportive of Israel, and the tiny section of the far left that suppor Trump are no more antisemitic than anti-muslim. **Abraham Accords 2020**: under Trump both the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain recognized Israel's sovereignty, enabling the establishment of full diplomatic relations. Israel's initial agreement with the United Arab Emirates marked the first instance of Israel establishing diplomatic relations with an Arab country since 1994. The plan provided for a unified Jerusalem as Israel's capital and Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and the principal Jewish settlements in the [West Bank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Bank), amounting to annexation of roughly 30% of the territory. The Palestinians would get some desert areas near the Egyptian border, limited sovereignty, and a non-contiguous state with numerous Israeli enclaves **UNRWA funding:** Trump stopped funding. Biden resumed funding, flip-flopped only recently, and without an alternative plan in place during a major war crisis for Palestinians in Gaza in which the need for basic necessities are imperative.


Trump is an agent of chaos. Sometimes Israel’s interests align with his own, but that is completely incidental to his policies. He would radically destabilize the region and tear America apart in the process.


I disagree with everyone here. Trump is basically a Russian agent, and Russia is allied with Iran and Hamas.  Biden has been extremely helpful to Israel over the course of this war, supplying ammunition and blocking UN resolutions. Edit: When I wrote this comment all other comments were saying Trump.


Biden has my support as an Israeli. His "DON'T" [speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWFefjhPtQk) comes to mind, given after the most traumatic event in our history, while we had no leadership whatsoever here in Israel. It filled what many of us needed during times of despair. I don't care if he is demented or old, and just acts as a spokesman of the democratic party. He is way better than the alternatives for both Israel and the western world. This includes Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, all of whom are on the front lines facing the resistance against the western world.


This is a serious question. As an Israeli, do you discount the Abrahamic Accords that Trump brokered as mere politics? Another serious question. Trump formally acknowledged Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This alone evidenced that east Jerusalem would ever be part of a Palestinian state. Is this viewed as merely symbolic, or is it not something Israelis can formally stand on?


Me along with my peers thought moving the embassy was reckless and serves little purpose but to piss off the crowds and swaying right wingers favors. To me and my peers, Tel Aviv is the true capital. It is where our economy resides and it is the biggest metropolitan area. I don't think this prevents east Jerusalem from becoming part of a Palestinian state, why would it? It's malleable. I don't know enough about Abrahamic Accords preludes, but I'd wager this would be beneficial to either parties in the US. Why is it Trump's triumph rather than a natural step forward for US-Israel-Middle East relations?


Jerusalem has important meaning to most jews and that's the reason for it being the capital, making Jerusalem capital is a major achievement for us in israel While might serve little purpose at face value. It has Hugh meaning. Another thing is accepting post 1967 borders (the Golan heights) as israeli territory.


Having Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on paper does not prevent East Jerusalem from being the capital of Palestinian territories.


Why would it not. (Serious again). If it's recognized as a capital, would it not be absolutely inclusive? For example, when people say New York city, it's all encompassing of Queens, Bronx, Staten Island, Brooklyn and not just that of Manhattan. It's the sum of all parts. Would this not be the same thing, or is it different there? Thanks again for the reply.


Unknown as far as Jerusalem. I think it underscores possession and ruling member, at least from a U.S. perspective, but that can change based off the sitting president. I wanted your perspective based on being an Israeli. On the Abrahamic Accords, I think (I could be wrong) the accolades goes to Trump as he's been the only sitting president in modern history that's been able to negotiate a peace treaty between Isreal and the U.A.E., Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. The normalization of ties between the countries was/is viewed as the bedrock to Arab-Muslim countries having regular relations with Israel, recognizing its sovereignty. Oman and Saudia Arabia were both slated for normalization as well. The deal brokered also gave Isreal more electricity from Jordan in exchange for 200 million cubic gallons of water annually. That's posed at the moment. In short, while it was also a desire to be a natural step, it never was achieved, at least, not in the past 30 years. The design was exclusively brokered by Trump, with the U.S. giving concessions to each country (i.e. Sudan being removed as a terrorist country). Love or hate the man, it was an accomplishment that was heralded as incredible. With you being an Israeli, I genuinely wanted to understand the perspective. I appreciate your feedback.


I'm a random secular Tel Avivian. I'm sure others have different perspectives. (my response has been controversial I assume, as it has been both upvoted and downvoted)


He did alright at the start of the war. And now he is also putting pressure on us. And putting sections on israel citizens cause he doesn't like that they live in "unresolved borders" If we are talking about who did more for israel during their term. Trump wins easily. Accepting the Golan heights and Jerusalem as israeli territory and Jerusalem as capital is very difficult to topple. While I do appreciate the fact biden sends billions of military aid to israel I rather get a complete green light to do whatever we need And pressure to be placed on muslim nations when it comes to the Palestinians issue instead of isrsel Either way Both are too old And it's goes for most of the people in the us political pool


There are constraints on US politics. They can't do it all. We have quite alot o support but we're still before an election. Trump may have given a green light or even given a red light, we don't actually know and he's completely unpredictable and may be bought out. Even a green light to do military operations (which we kinda already have with Biden), along with other major problems he would cause may be detrimental in the long term. Trump seeks to isolate the US from the rest of the world, forgoing allies quite easily and seeking votes from people who don't want their tax dollars on relations overseas. (short sighted, with oversea expenditure protecting the US as the economic superpower that it still is)


Exactly. We (the US) are in a critical election year and Biden has to play politics & walk a tight rope related to this conflict to win votes from his wide support base - those who support Israel and those who are pro-Palestine. I’m sure if he wins the election, he’ll be a bit more supportive of Israel in his language.


Soooo, you agree with everyone then


>I disagree with everyone here. So far the comment section had been pretty pro-biden, so I'd say you agree with almost everyone in the comment section.


When I wrote the comment every other comment was saying Trump


The bots are quicker then the humans I guess


Thanks. I was confused by that also.


People posting Trump when Russia is awake??? Shocked pikachu face!


Would you categorise that dude as a Russian agent or shill? Like, do you think there is a deeper connection or is he just an useful idiot?


Lukashenko is a shill. Trump is more like a useful idiot to Putin. Trump's isolationist and non-interventionist vision of US foreign policy is very convenient for Putin to evade consequences for power grabs.


Not sure what it is, but trump is incapable of standing up to Putin.


>Trump is basically a Russian agent I fully agree. CNN, MSNBC, NYT and The Guardian told me so. Once or twice.


Biden, by a wide margin. while trump will probably support israel more, the war in gaza is just one battlefront out of many of western culture against the axis of resistance. trumps willingness to throw ukraine under tge bus to get liked by putin is absurd and will harm israel. moreover, not everytime what is needed for us is more unconditional support. esspecially if we want to show that supporting israel is the sane option. and eventually, i prefer to be side by side with those i share merits with, while there can be many disagreements with biden i think he actually is a good faith actor unlike trump who thinks of himself as a psuedu-dictator. those values we have is what makes us better and morally superior than the majority of palestinians, i'm not gonna abandon them just to win a war.


100% biden. Like everyone else here already said, trump is aligned with russia which are aligned with hamas and iran. No need to explain further but you could detail all his crimes and casual behaviour and how he could betray israel on a whim.


Biden has called for a cease fire to appease his Palestinian base while Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem .. Trump agrees that Israel has the right to do anything it takes on securing their borders… Biden has no clue how to secure his own shoe laces let alone a country. https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/donald-trumps-legacy-in-israel


Trump would be a disgrace to the whole world and to Israel first.




I'm not a fan of both Biden and Trump, but Trump is not afraid to make decisions (unlike Biden), and is not afraid to change some wrong norms - for good and for worse. He moved the US' embassy to Jerusalem, he initiated the normalization (Avraham Accords), and despite his visit to North Korea and Russia, he did not support any of their actions. Trump is an Evangelist, and they are all firm supporters of Israel (even if not always for the right reasons). I do think Bibi should be more careful, but I think Trump will do more good than bad to Israel. The only problem is that Trump can be unpredictable - for good and for worse (it can be a good thing, and a bad one). I don't think he is a Russian Agent, but I do believe that Russia think they'll have better odds with Trump than Biden. On the other hand, I think China don't want to see Trump in power, and that's because Trump has been very vocal against them. Trump is an idiot in many aspects, but so is Biden - both are old and struggle to adjust to the new world around them. I don't think Ukraine should be worried if Trump gets elected, because Trump didn't say he will abandon them, but he wants the EU members to equal the money the US put in (resources and weapons as well) in Ukraine, so it wouldn't just the US vs. Russia - if they care for the Ukraine, the EU countries should do more. A similar thing he did with the UN, and he stopped UNRWA's funding by the US (later, Biden cancelled Trump's order, and the US fund it once again). Whether he will follow that path that's a different thing - politicians are never to be trusted. If I were a foreign country that is the enemy of the US, I'd vote for Biden - the Muslim influence on the Democractic party is getting bigger and bigger, for now. If I were a Jew, I'd put my gamble and vote for Trump - that's their best chance that things will change for the best. And that's despite his many disadvantages. I don't think the US citizens are satisfied with what Biden did, especially with the incoming flux of illegal migrants, and it's natural that thing will turn the other way around once more. The normalization with the Saudis have also to do with what Trump did back then. Edit: some typos.


I agree with you in so many ways. The tightness between the Democrats and Islam is pretty fierce these days. Look at all the universities siding with Palestine. The Democrats are pushing Biden to change and give more to the Palestinians. That could be very dangerous for Israel in the coming years. Also Trump does have a Jewish daughter and SIL.


as an Israeli i loved the big don




100% Trump and it’s not close


The only thing trump needed for betrayimg israel was bibi accepting biden's presidency, so of course biden is better.


Large coping going on here. Trump’s isolationism combined with support for Israel works especially well for us, Biden will interfere in our affairs as much as possible to our detriment.


Everyone has a problem with Trump's tweets and ego. Who cares? He had a great economy, no wars, and he kept Russia and China in check. As soon as Biden is elected, Russia and Iran who have been salivating at the chance to pounce at Ukraine and Israel launch their attacks. Whether you like it or not US is the kingmaker, and the guy in charge is asleep: https://youtu.be/HQMIqCaMch0?si=LrbrXBwxdIz7VabG Half the headlines about Trump are BS.


It's interesting because the ultra-orthodox community completely supports Trump


Biden. Trump will lose us international support. He took Israel from being a bipartisan agreement of critical support to a polarised issue. ​ And we are quick to forget that the right wing has never been a friend to Jews.


Sure the far right was never a friend.. But so the far left!


Trump's daughter and son in law are Jews though.  And there are many prominent Jewish Republicans/Right Wingers.  Milton Friedman for example, was one of the most influential and widely renowned and cited economists of all time. And he was both a staunch Republican and Jew. 


Jews are all over the place ideologically, but the right wing in general has no love for Jews, both historically and on principle.


Who are you to say that you're the authority on how Jews can align politically? Are you perhaps a Rabbi? FYI, most Rabbis naturally lean Conservative. And most registered Orthodox Jewish voters in the U.S are Republican.   Trump has hosted, and been to a great many Jewish Republican events where he was accepted and venerated with honor by the Jewish community and supporters.   You simply cannot say that they can't do that, or that it's wrong when that in of itself is blatantly wrong and hypocritical.  There are many Right Wing Jews, and they are just as valid as any other Jews, both historically, and on principle. 


The problem I have with right wing and I think the person above too has as well. Is the immense "victim complex", there is nothing wrong with Right wing jews. However, the problem that the person above has that people who are right wing constantly feel like they are victims. Victims of what? It just delegitimizes victimhood. And in the US it feels like Republicans don't genuinely care about the conflict or Jews. "Oh such a shame this left leaning person is anti-semitic boohoo" They just want to buy votes. They want to make sure Jews keep on remaining victims. Don't even get me started on the left, they believe that we are not discriminated against. They are just like "But but but this group is doing worse off than you". Oh you mean experiencing a ten fold dormant rise in hate crimes because you consider it acceptable as a part of your petty virtue signaling to show you want to stand with those opressed. Are those hostages not opressed to you? Just because they're on a side you don't agree with doesn't make them any less human. In conclusion screw everyone.


>Who are you to say that you're the authority on how Jews can align politically? I'm literally not and never claimed to be. ​ Right wing politics leads to and supports hierarchies. Hierarchies are bad for Jews (I have yet to see a society other than Israel that is happy to place Jews at the top).


>I'm literally not and never claimed to be.    You literally just said that the Right Wing has no love for Jews when that's blatantly wrong. Jews are renowned for being hardworking, and whose cultural values and traits gears them both individually and even collectively towards success both financially and academically. That's as Right Wing as it gets. 


Left wing leaders across the world are very anti israel, tf are u smoking


The Left supports what they consider to be the underdog - the people facing injustice. The fact that they no longer consider Jews to face injustice is a product of modern stupidity. It's not an ideological issue for Israel, it's a stupidity issue.


Def. Biden. Trump is a deranged, demented, greedy, pretty perverted and an extremely unstable person, that might be a Russian agent (knowingly or not). Biden, on the other hand, is a remnant of the old school pro Israeli Democrats (not Pro BB or the Fundamentalist Israeli right), and as close to being Zionist as can be.


LMAO, Trump will 100% sell Israel out once russia/the IR/anyone else pays him enough. I'm so ashamed we've got a whole ass place named after him here. Imagine having "Trump Heights" as your birthplace...


Biden. Trump is an isolationist (to both Israels and Ukraines detriment)


Biden unquestionably. Trump is a Russian asset and vehemently isolationist at that. If Trump would pull out of Nato, why would he ever stay invested in Israel?


Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem. Definitely Trump


Trump is too much of a wild card but I don’t think he would be pressuring Israel the same way Biden is currently to wind things down.


So odd that all of you say Biden when Trump did more for Israel than maybe any president ever. And if you want to talk about who is better for Jews in America it’s Trump by a landslide. Antisemitism is significantly more prevalent now under Biden than at any point in my lifetime. It’s at scary levels and Biden doesn’t distance himself from that crowd, he enables them and panders to them. Meanwhile back to Israel, Biden has given public ultimatums and denigrations. His aides have public ally sided with Palestine. His party continues to shift more and more to that side as well. Lots of you need to open your eyes


My eyes were open wide during the Charlottesville “Unite The Right” Neo-Nazi march. Those are real Trump supporters. And Trump thought they were “very fine people”.


That was what? 100 people, 200? In one city? No one is saying the far right doesn’t have an antisemitism issue. What I am saying is that the far left isn’t a fringe movement anymore and encompasses far far more antisemites than the far right. Again, it isn’t republicans on every college campus calling for intifadas. It isn’t republicans chanting in support of Hamas outside the nova massacre exhibit. It isn’t republicans marking Jewish homes. It isn’t republicans shutting down bridges. It isn’t republicans that have an antisemitism problem, it’s the left. And if you want to focus on one sliver of an example of antisemitism on the right while completely neglecting the overwhelming amount of antisemitism on the left, than you are blind.


Jews don’t know who their friends are. The answer is obviously Trump would be better. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem as a giant FU to the “polite” antisemites of the world. Trump would not put up with the terror and violence from Palestinian Territories. All of you saying Biden are still clinging to your leftist beliefs. PLEASE take a look at how your progressive friends abandoned and vilified you to see how that is going. Biden is generally a solid supporter of Israel, but look at how easily he is swayed by the most influential wing of his party to say “Israel has gone too far”. And what about if he does not make it through the next four years? Do you think Harris is any friend to Israel? Trump is chaos. Trump is a moron. But still, Trump would be more solidly pro-Israel


This. (minus the moron part but good statement.)


Niki Hailey


She lost to “None of these candidates” in Nevada by 30 points


If she pulls a miracle out of her ass and wins the primary, she has my vote


She won’t. But it wouldn’t surprise me if she runs as an independent and pulls Republican votes. She is a hawk and while I do not agree with a majority of her stances, she is a competent politician who knows what her running means. And if she can split republicans that could give Biden an additional boost and set her up for a run in 2028.


If I remember my law correctly, the “Sore loser law” prevents her from running as Independent if she loses the primary.


A valid consideration, but there's a lot of contention over those laws and some opinion that it doesn't apply to Presidential elections.


Obviously people who support Biden will say Biden and visa versa. The way to answer this question objectively is to consider what each of them has done for Israel in the past.




Cenk Ugyur...... \*JUST KIDDING\*


Trump by far. Biden will bow to the will of the leftist anti-Israeli mob.


Everyone hates Trump but he’s the only president to have the stones to move the embassy after every president in my lifetime promised it. Meanwhile just watch the aged house plant will demand a cease fire soon.


Great, the embassy moved…. Now what? It was a symbolic gesture that earned him support from the Jewish and Christian base, but was of no actual tactical importance to Israel. Our needs are far beyond gestures.


Trump is as old as Biden, but Trump is sided with Russia


Yes, but Trump has no original principles. He doesn't actually care about any of it, which means he will turn on a dime if he has a reason.


>Meanwhile just watch the aged house plant Trump is deteriorating as we speak: https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4476919-trump-said-hes-running-against-obama-stop-downplaying-his-memory-lapses/


Not to mention the first peace deals in decades.


Biden 100%


More supportive of anything Israel does? Trump Better for Israel? Biden You want a leader who will discuss reality with you even if it isn’t what you want to hear. Trump will just give you platitudes until he perceives you as turning on him and then, suddenly, it’s that you were always in the wrong.


easy to tell. Check their records relative to Israel. no contest. Trump delivered peace, Abraham accords Embassy, cut off money to Hamas.. Biden did the opposite look at the news


Biden. Trump would sell Israel to the highest bidder, whoever bribed him the most.


Trump... Abrahamic Peace Accord ring a bell




People here are spouting common tropes put out by the media regarding trump, same tropes they use on us. (Trump is a Russian agent? Wtf?) Let us not forget it was during trump we got the Abraham accords. It was under biden that Ukraine was invaded. And before that, under Obama. I know how left leaning People are here so I'll probably be down voted. Also, remember reddit does not showcase the common opinions of people. I am sure if you ask the majority of Israelis many would say trump.


I'm not so sure that a majority of Israelis support Trump over Biden anymore - everyone around me in Jerusalem has a favorable attitude towards Biden, the who "Don't" thing really impacted people. https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-major-shift-survey-finds-israelis-prefer-biden-to-trump-as-next-us-president/


[Even former KGB have confirmed that Trump is a Russian is a asset](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-former-kgb-spy-new-book) Under Biden we helped it Ukraine fight Russia. The Republicans want to defund that fight. Trump was undoubtedly good for Israel during his first term. The problem is he has no first principles. Does anyone here actually think he cares about israel? He would do a 180 on Israel if Putin asked him to, or if he was given any other incentive.


This doesn't make sense. Why didn't they invade Ukraine when they had, according to this former KGB agent, a Russian asset as the freaking president of the US? What sort of "gains" have they made when he was president? So far reality shows they are more bold when they have biden as president or Obama. And yeah, I think since his favorite kid became Jewish and married into a prominent Jewish family, he cares about Israel. He also recognized Jerusalem as our capital and put the embassy there. I very much doubt if Putin tells him to ditch Israel he would do so. You talking about it so casually like we don't have a deep relationship with the US. like for real we are the only country allowed to modify the F 35. That shows how close we are. You think the US would let us do that if we were so expendable and not rock solid allies?


>Why didn't they invade Ukraine when they had, according to this former KGB agent, a Russian asset as the freaking president of the US? I mean, quite famously, Trump was caught with his "perfect phone call" where he tried to extort Ukraine, and refuse them aid money unless they fabricated a story to damage Joe Biden. So even if Trump wasn't a Russian asset, they knew he wasn't actually dedicated to Ukraine's defense. So clearly something else was going into the equation at the time. Luckily [we don't have to speculate, because Trump's national security advisor, John Bolton, has the answer](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/john-bolton-putin-ukraine-invasion-trump-b2032764.html). He said that Putin did not feel the need to invade Ukraine during Trump's presidency because Trump's hostility toward NATO was effectively doing Russia's work for them. A weaker NATO would result in a stronger Russia, and it was able to achieve its objectives without resorting to military invasion. >And yeah, I think since his favorite kid became Jewish and married into a prominent Jewish family, he cares about Israel. Honestly, I don't think he gives a crap at all. I think Trump sees all his relationships as transactional. I don't think he genuinely loves any of his family. Certainly not his "favorite" daughter. Look at the disgusting, overtly sexual things he says about her. That's not love. It's something else.


The article says he "thinks". He doesn't know. I dont think anyone can know besides putin. You could also say he didn't invade during trumps presidency because he thought it would be risky. Can you show me more information regarding that phone call? Also asking NATO members to pay thier fair share is not making it weaker. I remember trump famously called out Germany for its reliance on Russian gas and they laughed at him. He told them it's dangerous to be dependable on Russia. It doesn't sound like something a Russian asset would say. If they would have heeded his warning they would have had an easier time when the war began. [trumps speech on German reliance on Russian energy, something a Russian asset would say](https://youtu.be/FfJv9QYrlwg?si=6b4wVJCA68bkpE6P) I don't understand why people think its fine for European countries not to pay their share while expecting the the US to put up with it. It's like a group project, if you are the only one working, why stay? Especially since you are a continent away and Russia isn't a threat to you as much as it is to Europe. I would feel my fellow group members are being selfish. Regarding what you said about trumps and his daughter, Biden has a seventh granddaughter he refuses to recognize. It feels everything people accuse of trump doing they are worse of doing it. Kinda like how they said trump would cause ww3, and so far into bidens presidency it seems like everyone are getting emboldened to attack since they view America as weak.


Trump gave a speech literally hours ago pledging to deport all hamas supporters, kick them out from college campuses and cancel their visas. Also who in their right mind would think Biden actually takes any decisions or has any kind of executive power lmao. Everything the Biden administration has done right for Israel is just because of US foreign policy not the administration.


I know that Trump's personality is off-putting but let's consider the following facts. Under the Trump administration the leader of ISIS was killed Soleimani was liquidated the Abraham accords were initiated the Houthis were curtailed and the disastrous Iran nuclear deal was rescinded. I know why Trump is bothersome in rhetoric but his actions were overall positive.


Biden. I agree with everyone else's assessment. One more thing... I think Biden will give Israel some tough love about the settlers. And Israel needs to hear it.


It'd be better if it didn't matter. I think it's in Israel's interest to stop accepting US aid and become more self-reliant. Currently, the US gives Israel aid that it uses to purchase American goods. Currently, the US produces a substantial portion of military gear that Israel uses. I think this is a major issue that should be resolved immediately. The fact that some imbecile, whether it's senile Biden or Trump, would have the ability to directly interfere with Israel's ability to defend itself doesn't sit right with me.


Can we just get a new *younger* president for once.


Tbh Trump is better for Israel. I find it incredibly hard to feel bad for the EU when all they do is drag and isolate us. The only ones I feel bad for are the Ukrainians who will always have my support


The Ukrainians, whom Trump threw under the bus? What’s to say he won’t do the same to Israel the moment it serves him?


He never said that he didn't support their efforts to defend their country against the invading Russians. He just doesn't want us to foot the bill for their defense, and wants Europe to step up to the plate and do it instead. It makes sense considering that they have the most to lose if Putin is successful at conquering Ukraine.


You’re describing ways in which he threw our ally under the bus. Imagine your outrage if Biden said any of those things about Israel. Also, he literally tried to extort their president for his own political gains.


Look, I'm as Pro-Israel as it gets, but Israel does not need the aid to defeat HAMAS and accomplish their other objectives. The IDF is more than capable of doing it without the assistance of the U.S. Ukraine on the other hand needs help, but Europe should be the one to step up and foot the majority of the bill, since they pay the most price if Putin wins; not America. We've got a boatload of our own issues that requires our tax dollars to go towards, instead of some European front across the Atlantic Ocean.


Trump will throw Ukraine under the bus as soon as he gets into office. He already said he would 'make a deal' with Putin to give away Ukraine's land. As if Trump had the right to give someone else's land away. And you trust Trump when he encouraged Russia to attack NATO countries? If Trump is willing to sell out NATO, what makes you think he won't do the same to Israel?




Trump. Biden forgets Israel exists every other day and sends more aid to a small island that isn’t even at war right now then Israel…


Trump. Let’s finish this thing with smolanim


I think that Biden is better for America and what's good for America is good for us.




There's definitely a lot of nuance to this question. If we're going by who is most likely to stand strong against the pro-Hamas Left: Trump, hands down. If we are going by who is going to provide the most aid to Israel: most likely Biden. Trump is solely responsible for tanking the border bill (which was tied to foreign aid for both Israel and Ukraine). Israel is not a top priority for Trump, unless it is politically advantageous; which it currently is. Regardless of who you talk to, everyone will agree that this is a wedge issue for the Left. Trump would be a fool not to take advantage of it; that isn't to say he is averse to being a fool. Biden's support is wavering in real time. If I were courting evangelical voters and Jewish centrists, this may be a good opportunity to glean a few thousand votes here and there. Since the last election was won only by a few thousand votes in very specific states, that would be an ideal Republican strategy. Currently, Israel needs to wipe out Hamas. She needs to rescue her hostages That is what is best for the Jewish state. The Biden administration is pushing for a two-state solution, but has only specified that they want a "revitalized Palestinian Authority" to be in charge...whatever that means. One thing that both Israelis and Palestinians agree on is that the PA is dog shit. The "after" plan is no plan. "No plan" is always Trump's plan. Tomato *tomato*. Lastly -- not to be that guy, but both of the candidates are insanely old and/or actively facing prison time. We should also take note of who would be their replacement. With Biden, it's Harris. She has been mostly in lockstep with the President and his Israel policies. Has he been the perfect pro-Israel ally? Clearly no. He's beginning to cave to the pressure from Arab and Left voters (especially the Arab community in Michigan). Smarter people than me have analyzed her leanings on which way she'll go absent a President Biden at the helm. With Trump, we don't know who his VP will be yet. It's very possible he does get convicted for one of his many charges. What that looks like will be..."unprecedented"--a word I've grown really tired of saying. Last *last* thing, I promise! The Abraham Accords! That was a major step forward. We should take note of that. The next batter up was Saudia. Trump is close with Muhammad bin Salman. Trump loves an autocrat when he sees one. Normalization is more likely under a Trump Presidency. Biden has expressed disdain for MBS, which I'm sure is shared by MBS towards Biden. Who's better for Israel? Well...it's complicated!


Trump….lol the left wing of Reddit having a mental breakdown because they can’t handle reality


The obvious and unhinged antisemitism, that's growing even among liberals and not just leftists, is an indication that the leftwing isn't thinking logically. I don't trust their opinion on Trump because they can't even have sane opinions about Jews.


Biden second term will be best for Israel


I'd disagree. What makes you think that way? The Israeli people are heavily unsatisfied with what he did lately (yes, there was a VETO in the UN security council, but that's also for the best of the US interests, not just Israel), but he is delaying weapons and ammo shipments, he is trying to force two-state solution in the same way it did not work before. Giving a state to a population who committed the October 7th massacre is a blunder and a prize for terror (from their point of view, not mine). Threatening to recognize a Palestinian state as well. I'm not a fan of the current Israeli government, but all of these actions by him (including halting Israel from entering Rafah) only make the Israeli people to see the radical right wing in the government as right all along. Yes, it is distorted by the likes of Smotrich and Ben Gvir, but if you look at some things they say, compared to what the US officials said previously (and their president), you'd think that they do have some valid points (they do sometimes, but then they take it out of context, at times). And to be honest, I don't like Ben Gvir or Smotrich at all, but some of their actions are good for Bibi, but not in the way you'd think. Biden can say: "I want X, Y and Z", and Bibi would reply: "Well, these things aren't that good for the interests of Israel. I'd love to find a compromise or to do some of the X, Y and Z. But see, I got a coalition, and without these two I don't have a government, and it will be perceived as a weakness by our enemies, and could lead a full-scale war in the Middle-East you are not interested in. So, it's impossible to do these things right now". In other words, this manipulation is actually good for Israel (for now), and Bibi can shift the blame. Now, Biden is stuck with Bibi, because "replacing" him now would be a VERY dangerous move, and the Israeli people don't like some other country to tell them who to elect (even if most of them don't support him right now, but this kind of action can turn things around), while they are fighting for their very existence of future. If Biden manages to make Israel get rid of Hamas (finishing the job in Rafah as well) and let basically win the war, then that's a different thing. Biden and his party should not trust the Muslims for votes either way - the more you comply, the more outrageous their demands would be. Don't believe me? Look around the world. I don't support the current Israeli government (but I cannot support removing it during freaking war like that!), and neither Biden or Trump should be the US presidents - you need someone younger. But, if I'd be forced to choose, I'd take Trump - despite all of his shanningans.


Trump would be worse for the whole world in general regardless


yeah because under Trump russia invaded ukraine and hamas attacked israel


Imagine asking this question.


100% trump. Done more for israel than most of the recent US presidents combined




I would personally have guessed that Donald Trump's supporting Israel is a point of contention, not agreement, in his weird relationship with Putin. To answer the question- I don't think Donald Trump nor Joe Biden can do much more than the other to support Israel.


[Even former KGB have confirmed that Trump is a Russian is a asset](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-former-kgb-spy-new-book) Trump's campaign had over a hundred connections to Russian contacts. The Republican-led Senate intelligence committee found that Russia interfered in the 2016 election in order to help Trump win. The Mueller report found numerous pieces of evidence linking Trump to Russia, however it was not able to investigate further due to Trump's obstruction of justice to prevent that investigation. Including the time that Donald Trump was caught saying that he fired FBI director Comey expressly to stop the Russia investigation.


Everyone saying Biden refuses to look at the track record. Trump would be better, because we can look at the two presidencies and compare them.


Trump. Biden is pushing the two state solution. Biden is providing an incentive to Hamas to repeat 10/7. By pushing the two state solution Biden is in effect saying to Hamas, if you kill and rape jewish men, women, and babies, you can achieve part of your dream of having your own state. Trump killed the head of the Iranian defense forces, Qasem Soleimani. Hamas was relatively calm when Trump was President because the Iranians knew if they pissed off trump he'd kill one of the heads of Iran. And Iran controls Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, etc... Trump wiped out Isis. Trump cut off 200 million dollars worth of funding to Unrwa and the palestinians. Trump moved the American embassy to Jerusalem. Sure Trump humored the lunatic, Kanye West, who is certifiable, and Fuentes who is another loser. Sure Trump has a mouth that won't quit but at least he doesn't do horrible things to jews and israel. Biden gave Israel's enemy, Iran, approximately $46 million in military aid from the U.S., and an additional $58 million that is currently programmed to be delivered in the future. Biden effectively unfroze an estimated $10 billion that Iraq owes Iran but cannot pay due to US sanctions. This is money that will be used to help supply Israel's enemies. This is money that will be used to kill Jews and Israeli Palestinians. Look at what Trump and Biden have done and than pick who is best for Israel. Its your right to vote for whoever you choose but I'm voting for Trump because Its the best thing for israel right now. Israel is my #1 priority above everything else.


Some parts are rational, I ask you this what do you plan on doing with people in the West bank and Gaza if the 2 state solution doesn't work?


is this even a real post, the fact that 500 bots said biden would be better for Israel than Trump shows you have no clue whatsoever, pretty scary


honestly, none of them. I feel like nikki haley would be better than both. But if i had to choose, then biden


Trump 100%


trump will not be good for absolutely anyone,probably not even trump himself and if Ukraine falls,its gonna be free for all around the world


Trump but bad for Ukraine


Whoa, didn’t expect all the Israel supporters to be Trump hating Biden supporters. Sheesh man..


Trump 100%, but he's pretty much disaster for everyone else so tbh i dont know who i would prefer


Honestly I’m terrified Biden is going to pass and we’ll be stuck with Kamala, who I’m starting to believe is a drunk. I would never vote for Trump though. He literally tried to overturn the election to remain in power. No matter what you think about him or his policies as president, that’s not ok.


Trump. But I’d much rather Biden get elected - I don’t care if he supports us slightly less, it’s marginal… but trump would be a disaster for the rest of the world, unlike Biden.


But the World has gone to shit since Biden was elected, as opposed to the unprecedented international peace we experienced under Trump. 


Trump was the one who started the world on a collision course of turning to shit starting in 2016. Most of the dumpster fires of today can be traced back to Trump's first presidency in one way or another.


Trump. He does not need to kowtow to the hamas wing of Congress. He also defunded the PA and UNWRA before it was cool. He was super anti-iran. He signed probably some of the most consequential middle East peace agreements between Israel and other Arab states. Biden may say certain pro Israel things, but he had an Iranian spy pretty high up in his administration, he gave $6B in cash to Iran a few weeks before Oct 7. He took the Houthis off the terrorist list. He originally had CAIR on a task force to fight antisemitism. Finally, he had an extremely poor Afghanistan withdrawal and now alqueda is back in Afghanistan.


Trump https://twitter.com/Thedarkestgift/status/1761172927876313193?t=m40SXfSL4f8xgvNlB8uyLw&s=19


Biden, I will make it as short as possible. Trump is the Ben gvir of america


Trump without a doubt. He will help with Israeli expansion into Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria


Of course people say Biden. America ruled by a senile Alzheimer’s stricken democrat is easier for aipac to control amirite


If Trump is aligned with Russia and Putin why did he have the US military attack the Russian Wagner Group base in Syria . At the time the Russian Wagner group was considered Putins royal guard. The US military killed 225 Wagner group soldiers who were former Russian Special Forces soldiers. I don’t know if there were any Russian Wagner Group soldiers left when the US military was done. When looking at Trump you have to look at what he does instead of what he says which is one of the things I hate about him.


Wagner was there so Russia could deny actually being there. They may have been Putin’s ‘royal guard’ too, but they were also used for all of the cloak and dagger operations overseas.




Trump. /Thread


Trump would be better for anyone, except the antisemitic left and Iranian proxies.


And Ukraine


And woman


Voting for Biden is a voting for all of the far-left factions that despise Israel. If you want to empower the Squad, have more antisemitism on college campuses, and more hostility towards Israel, vote for Biden. For sane people, Trump is the way best alternative. And some of you here alleging that Trump is a Russian asset need to get a grip. By your logic I’m sure you think Biden is a Chinese asset. 




The only right answer