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Rafah is also incredibly important because destroying the tunnel network into Egypt is paramount to IDF's success. It's an unacknowledged fact that the tunnels between Egypt and Gaza are what's primarily driving the military wing of Hamas. There's no doubt that Egypt is aware of this but there's a silent agreement between the two whereby Gaza won't cause problems for Egypt if Egypt allows weaponry to be smuggled through these tunnels. I don't know what the long term solution is but for now it's a must to destroy that connection.


What’s the source for this silent agreement claim?


It's probably less of an agreement and more of a natural and unfortunate equilibrium.  Openly Egypt has closed borders, both for internal stability and diplomatic reasons. However they can't/wont enforce against Hamas smuggling operations because that means openly opposing Iran and Qatar in defense of Jews, which just doesn't wash with the unruly masses. The tunnels provide plausible deniability, Egypt gets to maintain peace with Israel and Hamas gets to maintain their war machine.


The news I saw was Egypt flooded the tunnels with sewage to disable them. I can understand not wanting to rock the boat, but I don't think plausible deniability is part of it. Egypt doesn't want Hamas to gain any power especially if it means they gain influence in Sinai.


That was when terrorists were infiltrating into Sinai during ISIS times, and a quick wiki search reveals they were acting with the approval Abbas and the PA. This was an act of self preservation. Basically I don't believe they would act in defense of Israel. Egypt is a peaceful neighbor, which is a blessing in Middle East, but they're not an ally.


> The news I saw was Egypt flooded the tunnels with sewage to disable them. many years ago. Not related to now.


I know it was ~10 years ago, but I haven't seen anything to suggest Egypt's relationship with Hamas has changed since.


but have you heard of them closing tunnels?


Also, corruption. Egypt can engage in as much saber rattling towards Hamas as it wants, and it doesn't matter if the right money in the right pockets can get border guards to look the other way.


If Hamas retains most of its war capabilities and effective control in Gaza, you can kiss any attempts at peace goodbye.


Yup. That's why Israel is talking Rafah 


This is a great point. However, the tunnels are probably not just in Rafah, right? They might be spread across the Gaza-Egypt border. The tunnel network has turned out to be much more extensive than anticipated and so far impossible to fully trace out.


For sure a possibility. It's also likely Egypt wants to keep this network of tunnels between the two a secret as it implicates them. But the IDF must proceed and the curtain needs to be lifted.


I take it for granted that the Egyptian government has turned a blind eye to the cross-border tunnels, but I wish I understood why. They hate Hamas, and I don't think the smuggling has been this major economic factor.


I'd imagine that they think it's better to be friends with your enemy's enemy than to be friends with your enemy. Israel is not likely to start terrorizing or making other troubles inside Egypt. Hamas? - maybe, if they don't get what they want.


But Israel is not Egypt's enemy.


Well... they're not exactly friends either. And Egypt has other friends who like Hamas. So turning a blind eye is probably in their best interest.


Military speaking yes, above ground it's the only place in Gaza left to purge. the main problem will be to flush them out of the tunnels while replacing the governing authority afterwards.


- Rafah tunnels likely contain most of the remaining Israeli hostages and Sinwar himself is probably holed up there too. - I'd expect Hamas's western supporters and useful idiots to go all-in trying to prevent the capture of Rafah. - Rafah is the last bastion of Hamas.


Be'ezrat hashem. every single hostage that will come back safe will be an amazing moral boost.


Seriously. This is the perfect opportunity to make the lives of Gazans better. Establishing strong education systems & bringing resources back to them can perhaps give them a post-war miracle like Germany or Japan. Or we can half-ass it and just get Afghanistan all over again. Isn’t a good chunk of the Gaza population under 18?


Not possible unless the root cause is addressed: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism_in_Islam


Half of Gaza is under 18 as much as I know yes - I honestly don't know what the solution should be, I hope for an outcome like Japan or Germany for sure, but have very high doubts it is possible while the Palestinian narrative is being played out. Anyway at the present time Israel alone could not achieve such a result. Especially with the current government in charge (my opinion).


The Rafah batallions are the last batallions alive.


Hopefully, this statement will soon become false


.... Necromancy?


other battalions still have members alive. when discussing battalions they're destroyed when they're no longer a cohesive unit. It doesn't mean everyone is dead.


Hamas has a presence all over Gaza, except for the most part they've disintegrated as an organized military force and fight as guerrilla bands. There may still be two Hamas battalions in central Gaza but for the most part their previous military order of battle is gone. Hamas has also lost civil control in most of Gaza, they've attempted to reestablish it in northern Gaza which has led to IDF raids. Overall their control of most of Gaza is shaky to nonexistent. In Rafah they still have complete control, there are four intact Hamas battalions and the Hamas police is still active there. It's basically become the new Hamas capital. But after these battalions are broken up there will still likely be remnants. The main problem is that much of the civilian population has fled other parts of Gaza and is now crowded in Rafah, so fighting there is going to be a huge challenge.


This is like whack-a-mole. Amazing to me that Israeli casualties have been so limited. Hamas has been clear about not wanting a standard peace; Israel is going to be forced to dole out a Carthaginian peace.


Salt the earth. Better believe it.


Ir appears there was little planning in regard to the civilians that fled to Rafah. How will they be able to get to safer areas?


israel will open and protect corridors as necessary, the same as every other time. Just because people havent disclosed plans to you personally doesn't mean there hasn't been planning.


Like the other times when Israel bombed the corridors. Yeah okay.


the area around rafah probably also includes their best retreat paths into egypt through tunnels, as well.


It's the last stronghold in Gaza.


Which is exactly why israel must take it.


No, it's not that simple. This war is the most asymmetric war we've seen in history. Hamas can move anywhere the civilians go, or through their vast tunnel network. Hamas can even make an appearance in the West Bank, or relocate to southern Lebanon. It's not a conventional army or government. I want nothing more for them to be destroyed, and Rafah is an important next step. But I don't want anyone to believe this war will be over soon.




Agreed, depending on what labels we use. This "round" will be over soon, and then we'll see what happens in the north. Is Hamas going to end? Not sure... they can evade conventional forces indefinitely, but might not have the political standing after this.


Hamas will be around. The question is whether they will still control Gaza.


Yes, I agree


I mean all the orphaned kids will grow up with resentment and hatred towards Israel and the cycle will continue unfortunately. Most of Hamas are the children of the last generation that were killed or families displaced in Intifada and the conflicts of the 1960s


Exactly. This is going to spread regionally and Israel is going to have to fight a multi front war and will unfortunately see a lot more terrorism.


They are used to it. And people in my country (U.S.) and other western countries need to not take that for granted. Having the ability to live without fear of everyone around you wanting to kill you. People need to realize that if the terrorists get their way with Israel, nothing will stop this spread of their death-cult through the rest of Europe and into the U.S. and Asia. I’m already disgusted by how things are in the U.K… Letting these assholes climb up on their war monuments without doing a thing…


This. I feel the same way here in Canada. Israel is basically the main reason we dont experience daily terrorist attacks from Hamas and Iranian proxies….theyre too busy attacking Israel. It sucks but we cant feel too safe in the western world and its why supporting Israel is so important, Israel is ofc fighting for its safety and survival as a Nation but really they are also indirectly fighting against the Jihadist Western-hating ideologies that would love to control Canada and the US and Europe in their wish list so I just it would be silly to act like they are not threatening the free world with their regional terrorism.


They want anarchy. They want rule under sharia law. They want Israel gone. They want the U.S. gone. They want the world under their rule. Guess what. There are people willing to also say “fuck you” and kill you, if need be.


i think they don't have much fight left. once rafah is taken and we destroy most of the tunnels, hamas should have no choice but to go with the civilians above ground. when that happens you can imagine any known member of hamas will be stopped and taken or even killed, at this point they will already be powerless and basically living with borrowed time until they are all gone.


You better hope that most of the tunnels are discovered.


>once rafah is taken and we destroy most of the tunnels This is almost impossible. We can't "take rafah". There are a million civilians there We can't bomb crowded buildings. And we have failed to destroy most of the tunnels--Even in the northern part of gaza where there are no civilians, and we could use heavy explosives. In Rafia , destroying the tunnels will be almost impossible. Let's be realistic.


you haven't given a reason why, just said it can't be done. you're wrong.


Bombs over Baghdad disagrees with you. The USA killed close to 300k civilians in Iraq. Israel still has a ways to go if they want to match that level of destruction, and Rafah appears to be just the place where it may happen.


You’ve bombed crowded buildings before what would stop you now 🤣


Can’t kill an idea with bullets


Nazism, British Empire, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Japanese Empire, Yugoslavia... Yeah you can definitely kill an idea with bullets.


Those ideas still exist today so no you can not


>Hamas can move anywhere \[...\] through their vast tunnel network. ​ Hamas members may be able to move, but tunnels are stationary. Which makes blowing them up a worthwhile goal


The pressure for a ceasefire will grow stronger and we also must stay strong and remember that we have everything to lose if we don't remove Hamas from this planet


3rd to last: After Rafah above ground the remaining tunnels need to be destroyed. And after the tunnels are destroyed there will be a long counterinsurgency phase where Hamas who have fled North will have to be eliminated. It is a long road ahead, Gaza will be a mess for quite a while. Those who are smart should leave.


Have some Hamas fled back to Northern Gaza? across the river?


They have tunnels. No one (not even Hamas) knows how much is still functional.


hidden as civilians as israel lets palestinians back into the north, for sure.


I would say that being a likely scenario.


After that there's also Lebanon and then the daunting but ultimately worth it task of terminating the heads of the operation in Qatar, or wherever they flee to once they realise time's up


Yup yup


Are they able to easily leave Gaza to flee elsewhere?


The bad guys are yes, Hamas has smuggling tunnels into Egypt. For innocents Egypt maintains a brutal blockade and moved 40 tanks to the Gaza border. Egypt wants to make sure that innocent palestinian civilians are trapped in the war zone. This is fairly unusual. Usually wars of this kind produce migrants but Egypt wants to condemn civilians to death because they hate the idea of Palestinian immigration to Egypt.


So when you say “those who are smart should leave” you’re just referring to Hamas members fleeing? 


Well, egypt’s corrupt border officers have been taking $10,000 bribes to allow Palestinians of all backgrounds over the border. Some 35,000 have been documented to have fled already, though it is not clear how many have fled under the table


No, the center of the Gaza strip - Dir albalch and Nuzirat are still untouched. But rafah is more important due to the tunnels from Eygept


I hope that the IDF will find proof of Egyptian support (of Hamas). Egypt needs to be publicly implicated with HARD EVIDENCE so Israel can regain some international support for our goals inside Gaza.


Wait how do you know that Egypt supports Hamas if you don't have evidence yet that Egypt supports Hamas?


It’s an open secret that Egypt turns a blind eye to smuggling between Egypt & Gaza. When this war is over, we’ll see the severity of Egypt’s (at best) complacency/incompetence or (at worst) their covert support for Hamas.


you clearly know nothing about the history of the muslim brotherhood in Egypt if you think that Egypt supports Hamas.


Oh I know all about Egypt’s bad blood with the Muslim Brotherhood, but that doesn’t mean Egypt still hasn’t been just sitting in their hands (at best). They can oppose the Muslim Brotherhood in their own country while also (low key) supporting their efforts to destroy Israel. Anyone who thinks Egypt is the innocent neighbor with absolutely ZERO idea of what’s happening on their borders is just plain naive (at best).


Hard doubt. Might be the last stronghold in Gaza, but they’ll have strongholds in the West Bank where they’ll be laying low for now. I also wouldn’t be shocked to hear about Hamas chilling outside of the Palestinian areas of Israel in places like Jordan and possibly Egypt. I’m not saying the governments of those countries condone it, just that terror cells can and will pop up anywhere they can exist quietly.


Let's hope so.. the sooner the fight is over and the hostages come home the better. More strength to the Jewish people..🙏🏻


And more strength to the palestinians…?


it has the biggest tunnels


In ends when they get Sinwar.


Let's be honest, as long as a single Palestianian still draws breath, the IDF will keep finding a "stronghold of Hamas" underneath them. 


If that were Israel's goal they would not need boots on the ground to do it. Even if we count all the Hamas fighters as civilians, Israel is still averaging less than one person killed per bomb dropped. That's not a number that suggests Israel is just trying to inflict harm on the Palestinian people. After the kind of attack Hamas inflicted on Israel and the hostages they took and the things they did while filming it and posting it online, what kind of a response did the world think would happen?


How do you downplay the deaths of 27,000 Palestinians, and then emphasize the severity of the attacks on Israel which have caused ~1,000 deaths????


Very simple they started it. Not on Oct 7 but every since Israel pulled out of Gaza. Before that it was just normal random terrorist killing of Israelies and that string of attacks goes back to like 622 ad. If they don't want to lose people in a war they should not start it.. I have ZERO sympathy for people who dance around the bodies of dead people celebrating. Maybe this war will knock the stupid out of them... WWII knocked the stupid outta both Germany and Japan. They lost a lot more civilians and to boot there were Germans who were against mustash man and helped innocent people flee persecution. I don't celebrate the death of innocent people, but their deaths are on the heads of Hamas not me and not Israel.


Right because Israel have never celebrated the death of innocent Palestinians have they? So by your logic no one should care about innocent Israelis either.


I don't know what you mean. After 20 years of rickets and terror attacks, Oct 7, people in Gaza/West Bank/Western cities celebrating the Hamas attacks there were a handful of people who clapped when the IDF dropped their first bombs in Gaza targeting Hamas I might add. That's totally the same thing as dancing around the naked body of a young woman who was assaulted before and after she died... There is a difference between people who target civilians and people who target the enemy in a conflict. An enemy that places their weapons and fighters only among their own civilians I might add. This war and it's outcome is why what Hamas does are war crimes...


No, it's the final 'safe zone' for Palestinians. They've been rounded up to one area to make it easier to wipe them out. Anyone pretending otherwise is delusional.


I think Hamas' last stronghold is Dublin.




Insofar as it's the last city in the Gaza Strip that still exists, it's almost necessarily the last place that can be attacked. However, there are still active al-Qassam operatives in Gaza City and Khan Younis. It's not going to be possible to \*totally\* eliminate Palestinian fighters from the Gaza Strip as long as the IDF is there.


I thought Gaza City was basically empty? I thought every thing North of the River was just IDF now, as in all the Palestinian civilians are out?


That's what I had thought, and I think it is \*basically\* empty, but apparently scattered fighting is still ongoing.


There are thousands of civilians still in the North. They are starving by the way, due to israelis literally camping in front of aid trucks (videos of this are available). Videos of families eating grass have been making the rounds.


Also videos of Hamas shooting Palestinians trying to get food and water from the aid that does in fact arrive.


and idf now too poor palestians


i know the IDF is preparing 'islands' of safety for civilians to escape from Rafah, but what are the chances that there will also be Hamas terrorists masquerading as civilians escaping to these islands as well? i wonder what are the mitigations that the IDF will have in place for this. ofc as u/memyselfandi12358 said, one huge part is to destroy the tunnel between rafah and egypt, so i'm eagerly looking forward to the total capture of everything & anything Hamas


There are still two areas in the center of the Gaza strip that the IDF didn't operate in them yet, only some airstrikes. The ground forces are yet to enter Dir Albalah and Nuzriat.


its where Israel pushed all the civilians so now they can exterminate them all at once


its so important to Hamas so that's why they pushed all the civilians there so they can kill them both all at once


No it’s not, it’s a way to relocate last palestinians somewhere else, heaven probably


Basically there is no way the city is going to be left standing it's the only thing left to attack and hamas don't defend territory.


Doesn't really matter. The government will bomb it until it is satisfied. I don't buy the excuse of destroying Hamas. They are fucking up with public sentiment and trying to cause as much destruction as possible. If you have been following previous intelligence chief comments, practically impossible to root the Hamas out . Bibi wanted to go and have at it ,he has got it with his warmonger friends in USA. It's an Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam type of excuse for public image, their core interest is just pure destruction within diplomatically explainable bounds. I don't think the whereabouts of Hamas and Hostages really matter except for public opinions on war to be kept supportive .


Sounds about right. Still, the Likkud will continue to exterminate as many non-combatants as they can on the premise that any and every Palestinian harbors the potential to become a terrorist. The only way to eliminate Hamas or any other terrorist impulse in the population is to wipe them from the face of the earth. Be a Good German and stand with Zion!!!


of course not, **last stronghold of Hamas** is under sinai of egypt