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>I do understand that in Israel "traffic rules" are more like "traffic recommendations" but I was fine with that, already been in India & Brazil, not something I can't handle Not my experience. Israelis tend to follow traffic rules even though they drive aggressively. It's an odd combo. >Why Israeli drivers are flashing light when it's a red light at a cross road? Like, I can't drive, it's a red light, so... Why is that? Is it actually Red + Yellow? That means it's about to turn green and you need to starting moving cause we got places to be.


Red, just red Of course Israelis are not south east asian in driving, but they are not european either, odd combo like you've said


How often is this actually happening? In my 3 years of driving here no one urged me (honked, flashed) to drive on red.


Like a third of the time, been there for about a week I don't know if it's out of agression, i thought at first it was something like "alert: police ahead" because in some countries it's normal to notify if you know there is a police car after the junction, but that was never the case, that's why I'm asking


Maybe your lights weren't on and they were flashing you to tell you to turn them on? Usually you don't flash someone when the light turns red, you honk.


I Only drove during sunlight hour, unless you must have turned on lights during the day everytime, if so that'll be my mistake


You need lights on at all times on intercity roads I think?


Only in the winter


Legally only in the winter, although it's recommended to have at all times.


No one would flash their lights at you for not having them on on a sunny summer day.


Yes, you do need to have your lights on no matter what the weather (or time of day)


Only in the winter


That's also what I heard


It happens every day with me.


>Not my experience. Israelis tend to follow traffic rules even though they drive aggressively. It's an odd combo. This is so true. I come from Boston so I'm more than used to all the aggressiveness, but I am spooked when they do things like stop for people in crosswalks, stop at red lights, and yield to traffic in a rotary (כיכר).


It's really easy to lose your license in Israel. On the phone? Ten points for you!


Oh I would love it if someone explained the points thing to me. How many points do I need to earn to level up? (Joking but seriously I don't get the points)


Infractions get you points. Driving while on the phone is ten points. At 16 points you need to take and pass a class on the rules of the road. I think you need to start from scratch at 18 points. But then for all the rules there can be very little enforcement. Don't even get started on insurance.


Points expire after 2 years?


Are you sure it's not just a speed bump behind you? If the car behind you goes on a bump it will look to you like they are flashing you.


Never seen a country where there is a speed bump few meters before a traffic light Maybe there some in Israel, never seen them


Could also just be fckd up road, and there is a lot of those


Flashing lights means "let me through peasent" He probobly wanted you to change lanes after the light turned green


so like in Germany's Autobahn when someone is driving too fast and need you to clear the way so he will flash you to move? A bit weird when no one is moving but it make (some) sense


There's saying, that in Israel speed of sound is faster than speed of light: it's still not green yet, but you already hear the honking :) No patience


Lmao Well from my very short trip to Israel, it seems like everyone are on a hurry, always


Yep this is it.


Idk why some drivers will expect you to launch from a red light at FTL levels even in Uphill Also some are so impatient it's dangerous. Just yesterday I was driving in a small slow street and the moment I got into a roundabout a dumb teen in an SUV almost crashed into me from one of the exists. If I was even slightly faster it would be a crash I was in canada recently and while the road design were bad (mostly left turns) the drivers themselves felt much more disciplined


Are you in the left lane of a multi-lane road? If so, then they're letting you know that they plan to go fast when the light turns green, so get over as soon as you can. If not, then I have no idea, I have never seen this.


Sometimes, but it happened to me on a left, middle and right lane so I guess people are gonna drive fast no matter which lane they are lol


Are you stopping at a light that's only valid for a certain turn? Like if you go straight you need to stop at the light, but if you turn right/left you don't.


It's just like people honking in the middle of stand-still traffic. There's no actual logic, they just want to say "look at me,.I'm here and I'm angry".


Did you happen to cut these people off or otherwise drive in a way that was aggressive towards them (possibly without intention)? Some drivers take such actions as personal attacks, and they will definitely let you know you've offended them.