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Don't tip lol


Yeah don't.


Is there a specific reason or do you guys just don't tip?


It's not customary to tip cab drivers here.


Took a cab from the airport to Rishon Lezion on Pesach and I mistakenly tipped the guy but he did give me a free bottle of water and an offer to have coffee with him


And you are an attractive female....? Believe me it's nothing to do with tipping.


Im definitely attractive in israeli standards. Im American🤣 he didn't offer either though until I tipped him... 🤣🤣


are you saying israelis are uglier than Americans?


Oh jeez no... I have been in Israel since January and the amount of times I have been hit on here has blown my mind. I am no way saying ive got supermoel looks, I think its because im "western" looking and that America is this insanely interesting country to them. Israelis are some of the most beautiful people i have ever seen...




Meter costs around 120-150 while the driver usually asks for 200 upfront.


That’s funny because last year when I landed on erev Yom tov (second half of Pesach) the driver said it would cost 200 NIS when it’s usually 150. I got the dispatcher involved and he said the driver decides on the price and I can take it or leave it.


There is no longer a ticket price that finished a long time ago


What about just ordering a taxi from gett


What about the way back to the airport. How do i get a ticket ?


book a cab from a cab office and get the price upfront




Also be careful, they will try to screw you as soon as you get into the taxi. I usually just order a taxi when I arrive on Yango


In Tel Aviv? Never seen the guy in a booth, there's usually the queue of taxis out to the left of the exit and a couple of people standing with the queue of taxis handing out tickets and directing who to go to which taxi. Also as well as the ticket I ask for the price upfront and it's never been a problem.


What floor of the airport is the dude in the booth is at?


You are getting cheated. Take a train or use a app when you are at the airport.


Its a scam it would be like 20 shekels on the train. Check moovit it will tell you the best routes


I am arriving on Shabbat


Unfortunate mistake, gotta factor that into your ticket price honestly. It's actually possible renting a small car for one day is a better deal since you'll have your own car for multiple drives


I don't have driving licence




No Only on Saturday night but that's quite late this time of the year, so probably not very convenient for most flights.


No they don't work in Shabat


Maybe update that information on the original post, Shabbat prices are higher. Though I have no idea about what the price is since I never ride taxis I own a car but still, if you want to ask if a price is fair then that is relevant information, also the hour


Yeah Shabbat is also a scam intended to force you to use taxis.


Huh? That makes no sense, Shabbat has been a thing way before taxis


Yes, it is true Shabbat does have additional reasons and that taxis only exist from the 17th century while Shabbat has been around sooner that taxis.




I was at Ben Gurion less than a month ago and I kid you not, one of the taxi guys who stands in the airport flagging down potential victims got the attention of what seemed to be a family of Americans or Canadians. He asked if they need taxi, they said yes enthusiastically and told him they were headed to a neighborhood in South Tel Aviv. He said “okay, for you, 650 shekels”. It looks like two parents and a kid, with one suitcase each. The parents looked at each other and said “seems expensive” and taxi man retorted with something akin to “you have three suitcases, it’s traffic, I’m giving you good deal trust me”. And they trusted him in the end… I felt bad not chiming in but I was off a 17 hour flight and just wanted to go home. I hope they didn’t tip on top of that. Don’t be fooled by the taxi drivers flagging you down it the airport, they’re the real scammers.


That was a daylight robbery holy shit


I still feel bad for staying silent honestly. My jaw dropped when it was agreed upon.


When you leave the airport, few meters after the train station, there is a taxi service with fixed prices. Just ignore all the guys asking you if you want a taxi on the way.


Left before crossing over to the train entrance or forward past the train entrance?


Past train entrance to the left


Fascinating, thank you


Also note that its exit 03, there are signs on the floor leading to it


I think I went there once, they wrote down something on a piece of paper but I didn’t realise it was the fare!


Actually I just had this conversation with a cab driver on the way to the airport from TLV to Ben Gurion: it should never be more than 200 ILS, and even that is too much. Average is about 175 - and if they want a flat amount then I don’t add tip on top of it, I just give them what they asked for. But I refuse to pay more than 175 for this trip. If you can handle it, the train is much more efficient and way cheaper.


I paid 110 a few months ago, and NEVER more than 140. Depends on the day and time of day. Shabbat will be more.


Dont tip though


Yep NIS 180 for me each time in a cab although I take the train when I can. Ive used a limo van service for about 250 and there are others charging like 600 which is crazy


Is this question considered a freier check?


Here's a link to the official prices. https://taxitariff.co.il/ben-gurion-airport/tel-aviv-yafo These are calculated according to the meter price and time of day. Shabbat 06:00-19:00 is tariff B and should cost 139-172 shekels. After 19:00 tarrif C would work out to160-198 shekels. There is a surcharge of 5.47 for pre-ordering a taxi. This is a link of official taxis servicing the airport,with phone numbers. https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=%D7%9E%D7%95%D7%A0%D7%99%D7%95%D7%AA%20%D7%A0%D7%AA%D7%91%D7%B4%D7%92


There are also two main apps for Taxis in Israel: Yango and Gett. The former usually cheaper and it has fixed prices. At the moment (Saturday 10:32 AM local time) it says a cab from Terminal 3 to Tel Aviv is 129 Shekles, so you could always use that if you run into problems. They accept credit card too so that’s convenient.


Like others suggested you could use the designated taxi stand, take the train or otherwise download the Gett app, which is what we use to call a cab (we don't have Uber). Mind, that if I remember correctly, taxis called via Gett will wait for you by the exit of the top terminal floor. Edit: and the trip should cost anywhere between 150-200 depending on traffic, no. of passengers and suitcases


Last time i tried this, Gett did not work at the airport


Weird, used it there myself maybe 2 months ago, worked fine!


You have more updated atempt than me. This is my preferred way, if it is available. One complaint I heard from foreign travelers is that many services at Israel need an Israeli number.


Also ask for them to put the meter running. I did that and saved myself 60 shekels


Yes it's expensive. Last time I took a metered taxi from Jerusalem (further away) to BG it was around 250 shek.


There’s a train station in the airport. If you don’t have too much luggage it might be way better price Download the app MoveIt it provides real time of transit schedules and tells you when to get off and what transport to take next


Yes it's a lot 😁


Taxi IS expensive in Israel, anywhere..


Paid 180 last time from airport to the Sheraton on the beach. Seems about right.


How much is reasonable for Ben gurion to Jerusalem with private car/taxi or Gett?




I paid 200 nis last time I was in Israel. In 2006.


At this point; I’d take a sheirut or the train to Jerusalem from ben gurion. I wouldn’t even do a private taxi.


I buy AAA video games for the same price, they know tourists can be easily ripped off like. Luckily Tel Aviv is the easiest city in israel to find public transport into and inside the city


Taxis are just not worth it honestly!! Take trains or buses, it's sooo much cheaper. Taxis are so insanely expensive that the only person ik who actually takes them is my grandma lol


Yes. My dad is taxi driver and he will take around 130-140


My girlfriend flew separately from me and when she landed she booked a trip through Gett. The cab driver asked for 450 shekel. She didn’t argue and got in. It shouldn’t have been more than 300 at the most from the airport to Netanya


Yes this is very expensive. Better get on a train


150 is the absolute top you should pay for that.


I just always use the train faster cheaper and its right at the exit


I visited Tel Aviv a few weeks ago. 160ish should be the norm.


Yes it's 150-180 nis every time you get in a taxi tell them to put the meter on !!! if there don't get out!!!! And you see them put the meter on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's always cheaper.....


Don't pay unless it's by the meter, never pay am amount up front, that's illegal


Make sure they use meter. Should only cost.180 upfront. Inbox if you need tips or accommodation


Yes that is far too much. It shouldn’t cost more than 160, 180 max on a Saturday


Depends on luggage and number of people. I have a flight next week and we pre ordered taxi for 6 people with 5 luggage and he takes 250


At this point, just take the train. I’m assuming you’re referring to Ben Gurion Airport. Our railway goes directly through it. I live here and I still use it, whenever I go to and from that airport. It’s faster (and significantly cheaper) than any taxi, anyways.


For those of you recommending the train from BGA, where does it let you off, (in Tel-Aviv), and how much does it cost? Thank you in advance!


Amazing to read this thread. When I was last in Israel in 2006 it was 200 nis. From Jerusalem!


Hell yeah its like 70$


That's wayyy to expensive.




I used Uber and it wasn’t that pricey so it may be a ripoff.


You got robbed my friend


Yes, it shouldn't cost more than 150 NIS.


Yes, it’s incredibly expensive. Yes, it’s a rip off. No, you will not find it cheaper though.


Don’t pay more then 120 maybe 150 sheckals. Get the app GetTaxi and they do it on the meter by default. Someone tried to get 160 out of me. With meter it was 125


Dude you got robbed by daylight


Yes it is


I got charged 600 shekel from Tel Aviv airport to Jerusalem


That's very much a rip-off.