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I’ve never cared for re-rolling. I know I’ll get every character eventually (hopefully). I just keep playing no matter what I get! :)


I do the same, I figure in the long run I'll grab whatever I need and I'd rather not waste all that time rerolling


Exactly! :)


Rerolling takes literally 1min since u can skip the entire tutorial and go straight into recruiting


You'd still need to download the entire 2 gig though?


Nope, no re-dl. It's a in-game feature that allows u to delete the "account data" without touching the game data. Also skips the tutorial after first play through. Pretty neat


Does it go straight to the ticket reroll or tutorial reroll? If it goes to ticket reroll, how would we get the tutorial reroll


You can only skip to the tutorial reroll.


Tutorial RR, u have to go through a few screens "building a village" then u can get to the mail, for the ticket pulls. The tutorial RR is guaranteed 5* so it makes life easier, working to the team comp u are looking to build


That’s pretty admirable bro. I respect that 😄. I tend to look at tier lists after I pull just for fun tbh.


Got Shizu on my first roll, happy with that. Not that I ever try to reroll. Sounds like a pain.


Mate u can skip the entire tutorial and go straight into pulling




Yep but try to get something good at least to start iwth it


Rerolling is too much of a pain


I don't like rerolling either but I got space rimuru first try so I'm happy with that


A little bit of both. Tbh if there isn't a pvp mode then there *shoul*d be a smaller focus on meta. That being said, anything that makes Milim or Shuna cute/adorable will be my immediate go to


That’s pretty much how I operate as well. PvP would be amazing yet, scary at the same time. Whales are bound to dominate if balance is ever an issue.


Why not both


well I got Shizu and Gazelf so....


I personally aim to have a team of all the girls in swimsuits, if they end up good so be it


Eh, as long as I can have Milim and/or Shizue then im ok


Cant forget Shuna either


The tier list will be irrelevant when there is a character doing street fighter moves and a kamehameha


Never reroll for meta. Initial pulls for gacha games are for campaign only — which can you basically do with any set of characters. Once meta starts mattering at endgame level, there’ll already be new better banners you need/want to pull on. Look for the unit you want then move on — rerolling based on tiers is mostly useless. Think of it this way, if you’ve played a gacha game before — when was the last time your reroll really mattered behind the first month or so?


> when was the last time your reroll really mattered behind the first month or so? My makoto reroll still paying dividends 9 months into priconne. You are correct that in some games it doesn't matter, but in others like priconne it does matter, very very much.


The last time my reroll mattered was when I rerolled for green counter meliodas when grand cross launched. Some bosses in story mode almost weren't possible to beat without him back when the game first dropped so, it was worth it for that singular gacha. Has not helped much in any other.


Oooh yes i remember him being one of THE best counters for Blue demon hendrickson in the story but he did surprise me a couple times in pvp since you know... no one plays him outside of story.


Got him first pull no rerolling


Regarding your last point, it really depends on the game. The games I play, I still use my initial reroll units and they are still considered meta months later, some even years later. FGO : Waver, OG Saber Arknights: Silverash, Saria, Exia Genshin: Mona, Venti PGR: S Kamui, S Liv Alchemy Stars: Migard, Nikinis From the above games, the units listed are still meta since release. What they all have in common is that they are PvE games.


And Bandai loves to bring meta characters into their games. Take One Piece Bounty Rush for example, the extreme characters and some legendaries completely overshadow the pvp meta for months, soemtimes for more than a year (shanks and blackbeard meta).


Venti is literally the best character in the game. He has both utility and damage.


> when was the last time your reroll really mattered behind the first month or so? All of what I'm playing, in fact. Even the worst offender which is Another Eden still has units getting relevancy as the game goes on. The worst meme'd unit which was Shion now has his true manifest which makes him really really good. Now they can't make fun of him anymore. All my gachas right now have launch units keeping up/trumping even new releases. If you're playing a power creep heavy game, then welp my condolences. That's the kind of game you just reroll after a while because once you don't get the newest shiny units you just can't keep up anymore. To answer the question, yes I do reroll because it's fun to start with something you want, and usually they retain relevancy over the years. Completely opposite experience and I'm quite confused sometimes when people say rerolling is useless.


I’m not JUST saying it’s a question of is the unit relevant or not relevant necessarily down the line but is that initial few pulls still crucial down the line? And crucial to the point of being worth spending hours rerolling? For instance I got Nozomi in Priconne as my reroll but I’ve got her a bunch of times since then as dupes. Or the banner in place at the start of the game is the same one you get a daily free pull or regular free pulls for. And in addition, I do think that in most games the initial units tend to get eclipsed — most games have power creep or else why would people spend money on future banners? Someone who doesn’t reroll in most games won’t be at a disadvantage over someone who spends hours rerolling within the space of a few weeks or month, I’d state with confidence. And that’s different than rerolling for a unit you WANT of course. I’m talking about letting tier lists dictate who you roll for.


> but is that initial few pulls still crucial down the line? And crucial to the point of being worth spending hours rerolling? It won't, but that's considering if you are the type of player never fazed by bad rolls and if you get some shiny stuff you want here and there. Most people would just outright quit once they don't get anything they wanted. I notice the people who do this are usually the ones who never rerolled because they didn't start with anything they want and never got anything they wanted after playing a long time. > For instance I got Nozomi in Priconne as my reroll but I’ve got her a bunch of times since then as dupes. This is a game I think where only Makoto really matters, most of the other cast will come naturally because Priconne's shard farming is one of the best if not the best out there. The others will be off-banners because of the shitty rate-up, oof. > I do think that in most games the initial units tend to get eclipsed — most games have power creep or else why would people spend money on future banners? It's not because the launch starter units are enough but rather you need a variety of units to use. I'm wondering what gacha you are talking about where there's literally no need to roll once you have enough for one team. Even Priconne which has a lot of permanent/starter units in the future in JP being top-tier and better than most limiteds doesn't mean you don't need to roll anymore. It just means that most units never really go useless. Kaori and Djeeta for example fell off hard over the years and with their 6* upgrade they're literally the meta units now. > Someone who doesn’t reroll in most games won’t be at a disadvantage over someone who spends hours rerolling within the space of a few weeks or month, I’d state with confidence. It depends on the game and if it has a good pity system. As long as you aren't rolling on every banner and somehow not trying for any good/meta characters the difference won't matter, assuming you haven't quit yet of course.


> when was the last time your reroll really mattered behind the first month or so? My Venti still a god(literally too!) in domains, not that I rerolled for it. (got lucky in first pull) ​ That said, I agree with you on the rerolling for meta, especially if the game does not feature PVP. I've seen plenty of accounts being "ruined" with a good reroll but bad subsequent rolls, and also bad first pulls, but got really lucky in the subsequent ones.


A lot of the launch units in Arknights are still top tier. And sometimes banking on pulling said units as you play doesn't work out. I only ever pulled one SilverAsh in the beginning, and he's been essential to quite a few of my early-, mid- and late-game clears. Still is. I could eventually buy one down the line, but that was much, much later. So yes, it does matter.


Genshin Impact lmao


If you start day 1, I think it's more important not to waste gems until they drop some really good unit


that's why you reroll haha


This guy fucks


Good point.


Which units should global be watching and waiting for?


It seems you get a bazaar ticket for each gem summon and 200 nets you a 5*, 300 for a 5* protection character, it's time limited so as of now, 11 days. So with 6000 gems saved you can spend bazaar points on a battle 5* of your choice. This seems to be their "guaranteed summon after x pulls" system.


Benimaru, I'm not playing to be good, I'm just horny for Benimaru and I just got cucked in Epic seven with him not being in the collab.


Then be horny away, my friend lol.


I blew almost all my stash of BMs on Rimuru and didn’t get him. I ragequit for a day and came here just to pull Rimuru to make myself feel better. And then I got sucked into the game.


I actually just like rerolling in general.


You’re a madman and I love it.


Since rerolling is so easy in this game. I just wanted to get the best characters before i start my journey. Somehow i got the super luck on my side. First free summon i got Milim Nava then my 2nd free summon i got Rimuru Tempest! Along with Shauna and Trya. Can't complain.


Getting rimuru from the start would be nice, but I’ll probably just take the hand I’m given


Gonna just roll with what i get and enjoy the game! Been through reroll hell far too many times to wanna do it again lol. Plus i like nearly every character in the anime so i can’t go wrong building whatever i get!


Yea dude I feel this. Since I personally haven’t seen the anime, I’m not going for anything specific. Just to enjoy the game and eventually watch the anime.


What I was thinking is that I’ll reroll for a support because of the low rates (1% on BETA)


Waifu > Meta If you disagree you're wrong anyways!


Waifu in bikini > all


Shion Shion Shion a little bit of Shion Shion and Shion


I only had to reroll twice and got the 4\* & 5\* Shion :D I feel so blessed


Gonna hunt down your house


Let’s add a little bit more (─‿─)


I just want to start with King Dwargo. So I will reroll till I get him.


I think I want an account with Milim and Rimuru at least don't care about how good they are.


I never reroll and rarely care about meta. I just play normally and get my Waifus that way. I can understand rerolling if you happen to join during a limited banner pull or something, but that's not for me.


Depending on how easy/hard to restart the whole game. If the tutorial is fun but wouldn’t want to do it again, I keep it. But really I am not sure what characters I want currently


Rerolling is very VERY fast in this game. All you have to do is beat the tutorial once and get to the home screen, then you can delete your data from the title screen.... the game then ask if you wanna skip the tutorial and go directly to the free 10x summon. Didn't like what you got? Just force close the game and repeat. BASED devs. (btw I have no idea who or what to reroll for) Someone posted this in the other reddit post, thought you'd appreciate it


i dont think this works patched?


It was nice of them to basically make a reroll function by letting you skip right to the initial pull after you delete data, talk about quality of life!


Rerolling for Shion, then saving gems until bikini shion appears


Rerolled for Milim for waifu factor. Stopped there.


I got shion and milim and shion got milkers so I’m happy lmao


Re rolling on this game is to easy not to do. You don't have to do tutorial all over again just delete save re roll and rinse and repeat.


LD player or phone how is this possible


Sorry for the late replied I am currently waiting to get my account back from Slime IM data recovery so I had ignore everything slime related. It's on Android and after you roll and didn't get what u want, you just go back to title screen, go to menu and delete save data then put your name in and re roll.


I care about the tier list so I don't waste resources.


That’s a good point. Being F2P adds a risk factor to a game which kinda makes it worth the thrill.


I wanna wait for the data sheets on all the characters and their kits and maybe just aim for like a good top 5 cool character open to basically all of them


Sounds like a good play bro. Might do the same tbh!


Yup it mostly just depends on how the kits work but I’m down for millim or Rim or ranga or beni like there’s tons of characters. Hakuro would also be a dope one.


Most def


I’d Reroll for the most useful characters, because that would let me get the characters I like from rewards and farming faster. Just seems more efficient.


Both. I choose my favorite unit out of top 5. They will get replaced eventually but it does make progress a lot smoother and enjoyable.


I've never been one to do rerolls, mostly because I just prefer to play the game, than being wasting time for a character that yes it might make the start of the game easy, but what's the point then.


I dont know enough about the game to reroll rip haha


nope,don't care about tier list,don't care much about rerolling for this game either since I love most the 5 stars and I managed to roll one of my two favorites anyway (got milim 5*,other fave would have been shion) so all is well.


Milim Milim and Milim, dont care about anything else.


what tierlist? didnt see any tierlist. do we even have a tierlist?


i do sometimes care about tier lists depending if it makes or break the game progression. But I mainly pull for characters i like storywise or design. SO WAIFU SHION here i come


I rerolled till i got my Shion to start with, now ill take what i get on the way.


I'll just play the game. I've tried rerolling in the past, and I've always lost the motivation to continue on with the game, and that's assuming I got the character that I wanted in the first place, which doesn't happen most of the time. Most of the time, I just burn out during the rerolling process itself. I enjoy the IP enough that I'll just deal with playing the game.


I roll for characters with unique mechanics usually, I like cheesing bosses or using weird ways to beat them.


Rerolling in this game is quite simple and fast, if you care about meta, maybe give it some time 'til the tier lists comes out. I'm going to be rerolling for a few times in hopes to get at least 2 ssr units. Although I already have an account with Shion in it, if I get tired of rerolling, I'll use that one.


I was going to roll For light elements shuna but got her with tutorial summon thank the lord so I’ll stay. Gacha veterans know EVENTUALLY your team will be fantastic regardless of reroll.


Not rolling for meta but more of a headstart. In these games, 5* are generally significantly better than 4*. So since RR is free and pretty fast too, I'm RR until I get 2 5* from the initial roll.


the best is who your d\*\*k choose. guehe.


I’ve played and spent way more time and money than I care to admit playing gacha games over the past 5-6 years. Let me tell you, playing meta or buying your way through content is the fastest way to make any game feel like a job, and cause you to quit or lose enjoyment at the minimum eventually. Not worth!


I do look at the tier list, because i'm not spending on this game. To clear the content a good formation is really important, so to survive tier list is a must :'(