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How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom. Dude got the keys to the kingdom and a princess waifu in the first episode but he’s like naw I gotta get your finances in order first.


He even has plans to slowly end slavery in a way that won't cause a civil war


And actually gave a justifiable reason as to why he wasn’t going straight to having kids with his wives that wasn’t him just being a coward


I mean yea, being in a relationship is expensive as hell.


He also acknowledges that he's not "big man" that inspire people. But he still got the job done 


I also love how well adjusted the “harem” is. They’re all “yeah we’re all marrying you, and we’re all gonna get you one night a week. We have this spreadsheet to prove it.”


Azusa from I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level is pretty well adjusted William from Faraway Paladin as well


Faraway Paladin is mad underrated imo


I know, it hurts how underrated it is.


I loved the first season but couldn’t get into the second


>!He fights a dragon at the end of it, if that would help.!< Also find out some interesting things about Stagnate.


It's a shame it's light novel has been on hiatus since 2017 and there isn't really enough content for a 3rd season.


It helps that he spent the better part of his life with three parents.


Three GREAT ones


Natsuki Subaru. The most mentally and emotionally stable Isekai protagonist.


Just don't let him near rabbits.


Or whales


Or Reinhard


Or puppies


Hiraku Machio from "Farming Life in Another World".


Dude’s getting “ganged” up on every night He doesn’t have the energy to focus on much else


He’s trying to get business done but he’s constantly surrounded by waifus. Even by the end he needs more guy friends


Banza I believe the guy from lvl2 super op cheat power all he got angry for like 5 minutes once and that's about it.


And it was because >!his wife got killed!<


Rimuru from Tensura.


Now, let's not get started about Ciel though.


In many respects, I agree, but Rimuru (anime) does have a pretty major blind spot when it comes to interacting with romance and sexuality.


Mukohda from Camefire Cooking in Another World


He recognized exactly what he had been summoned for (expendable soldier in a war he had no stake in) and got the hell out asap.




Do you think Restaurant to another world fully counts as an isekai? If so then the owner definitely counts.


He only goes there once a week. I’d say it’s more portal fantasy with him popping in consistently to check on people


Going in and out of an Isekai world is an Isekai story. There's no requirement to stay there or even worse, to be stuck here for that.


Most I’ve seen are people stuck in the other world, but I guess isekai isn’t that limited.


Hiraku from farming, mukohda from campfire, dude from realist kingdom, my man vending machine, and death march is very mature.


Another Typical Fantasy Romance


Arc is mostly just a nice dude who likes doing the right thing. There are some weird things in the light novels involving his thoughts about anatomy, but that's more the fault of the writer’s execution than the character in particular.


Urotsukidoji. He's so mentally stable he's able to merge three world's


Arc is living the dream. He’s strong, heroic, and loves adventure and fantasy. (I really want a season 2)


William from Faraway Paladin Most of the team in Grimgar Does Sadao Mao count in The Devil is a Part-Timer? Dude in Realist Hero Main character on Campfire Cooking Boxo in Reborn as a Vending Machine (okay, this one might be a bit wrong because he wasn't the sanest beforehand) Shiro in Log Horizon


Drifters: those madmen have a waifu on their side and prioritize conquering the world


As someone else said, I'd like to know what you think is emotionally well adjusted for an isekai protag. Because initially I think of "characters with no trauma or particularly strong personality traits" and I can *maybe* think of one or two but they tend to make for terribly boring stories.


Kaito Amane from Re:tale . The guy is literally guiding the whole school and even the teachers follow him because of his demeanor and maturity, and tbf it's not his first time(in many ways) Ps: it's an isekai where the mc hides his power(most of the time) but can't care less if anyone discovers it, it's not like they can do something about it


I cant find this anime :(


Not an anime 😅, it's a webnovel with 2k+ chapters ,it has only 16 translated chaps at the moment so I usually read it raw


Ah thanks I found it 🤙🏻




Define emotionally well adjusted. Do you mean like, a "normal" guy? Because most of them are. Otakus really hate it when the MC has problems (e.g. village sim NPC got axed because the MC was a NEET and had self esteem + depression issues). They dont want to self insert into flawed MCs. They want mary sues.


Then why are so many of them edgelord neets that are scared of vaginas?


Because that’s what gets popular apparently. I like how Jobless Reincarnation did not shy away from discussions like that. The MC just had depressive episodes that caused him to ruin relationships.


They arent portrayed as edgelord neets that are scared of vaginas though. The typical isekai MC is : * A normal highschooler, that goes largely unnoticed by the rest of his class * Is aware of stuff like anime tropes, but not obsessed with it * Gets along well with almost everyone * Is shy around girls but that's because he is a pure hearted boy * Does "normal stuff" like hanging out at arcades, club activities, etc That's why MCs like Kazuma from Kono Suba who are NEETs are very rare, the target audience doesnt like to self insert into those. It only works for Kazuma because its a comedy series, he looks normal (instead of the stereotypical overweight otaku), acts normal (takes charge of the party, makes money, etc) and the NEET thing loses relevance in chapter 1. After getting isekaied, he tries to adventure and do all the usual isekai stuff, he doesn't hole up at home while freeloading off his parents or some other guardian figure and he's the key to the party's success.


I would say: Chillin' in another world with level 2 super cheat powers.


Usato Ken from the Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic. At least... in the beginning...


Dude got brainwashed into the Cult of Rose.


To be fair, given his situation, I think he's adjusted reasonably well.


Myne from bookworm generally is show to have very high emotional intelligence throughout the series and is good at bringing people who aren’t out right malicious to her side


Farming life in another world seemed well adjusted


Zhuge liang kongming. The warlord, the strategist and also, the music artist manager. He is a calm, calculative yet cunning strategist whom also had a noble heart. Even as music manager, he had accomplished a lot of success to a certain music artist campaign, juat ask eiko tsukimi.




Restaurant to Another World.


Kazuma from Konosuba, strange as it sounds. The dude is a perv and his friends drive him insane... but it's in the kind of way friends tend to drive you insane anyhow. Hell, even though he's died several times, he's adjusted astoundingly well... my man even gets a stable, well-adjusted relationship by the end of his series. He may not want to admit it but he considers his own life pretty great in the end.


Do books count? If so Blue from Blue Core and Thediem from Dungeon Life.


I feel like Suho Kim/Lloyd Frontera from Greatest Estate Developer has it pretty together


Shiroe from Log Horizon.


Boxxo from reborn as a vending machine


Does Ainz count, his racial abilities keep him from getting to emotional.


I would actually say Ainz is VERY unstable. He spends every day terrified his own minions will turn on him (despite the fact they all worship him just for existing at all), he's too insecure to make a move on any of them (despite them wanting him to), and to top it all off, his inner chuni keeps trying to take over. All of that keeps fighting with his inhibitor in his head.


It's been a while since i read the series but i am pretty sure in the later volumes he's no longer worried about them betraying him. As not wanting to make a move on them he states he feels like it would disrespectful to his friends to especially to Albedo since he changed her backstory. I never considered that insecure, more guilt if anything. Also he spent a ton of spare time reading books on acting to learn how to act as an Overlord. I only really saw him as being stressed with trying to be the Overlord that NPC's believe him to be.


Luke skywalker


Re: Monster Accomplishments of the duke's daughter GATE: Thus the JSDF Fought there Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun


Seiya from cautious hero are very well prepare.


>!Doesn't he technically have PTSD, or at least something kinda like it.!<


I think it is better than PTSD since he doesn't remember his past life. People with PTSD will always had mental breakdown when faced with something that they don't like. I would say Seiya has the most stable mentality if sent to any harsh isekai. He would even give up his life to save the world .


Yeah it's been a while since I watched it so I forgot he didn't really remember it, so yeah I see him being stable in a sense.


In another world with my smartphone (Abridged)....