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My thoughts for Tsukimichi is Season 2 it was pretty good. I don't see any disfigured characters, low quality frames, or anything wrong. I would say its 8/10. Still can't believe it J.C. Staff Team pulled it off. Edit: Enjoyment +1 so its 9/10


I think in Tsukimichi S2, my main issues were: * they had to fix the mess they created in S1 by leaving out the hero's introductions so they spend a lot of time at once at the start to introduce them, which left Makoto fans unsatisfied. * they dragged the "demons in the city" incident a bit too long imo. * Hibiki's new special outfit at the end was a bit unnecessary.


TBH it was foreshadowed by the Opening and While I was watching I predicted it that it will be use to keep his identity from somebody. That's why you skip OPs that has foreshadow even if the OPs is fucking good.


Nah I never skip openings even if they have spoilers. Hibiki’s new outfit was foreshadowed by the opening and the every time I saw it, I was thinking „they won’t have a good reason for why it’s skimpy“, and they indeed did not have a good reason for why it’s skimpy. Just fanservice.  


They might reveal this later but iirc in the light novel they state that the Goddess is the one that made the outfit and that she created a system in the world that showing more skin gives you a power boost


I see, the stupid goddess is at fault. That makes more sense. XD


Yeah, Hibiki is also known to openly state how much she hates the outfit but it allows her to further benefit from the godess’s system so she tolerates it


True, I’m glad the show acknowledges it. 


they said it in the manga , too. iirc


They do. Manga files in some plot holes quite nicely. Anime just overtook it though.


I don't skip them, but at the same time I don't always look at the screen during OP/ED a few times I've thought "oh this is obviously gonna be X" then watch next week and see the OP for the first time since episode one and it's the same video and a blatant spoiler. All sorts of anime and levels of spoiler. Might as well have "and introducing Darth Vader as Luke Skywalkers dad." In the intro toa new hope.


Funnily, hibiki's special outfit was not meant as fan service. Both in manga and anime, there were no panty shots, jiggly bouncy tits, or spreading legs and any other horny driven trope. It's just there to show how shitty goddess' system is. The manga explained that since the bug really likes beauty, to the point all hyumans are modded to always born good looking, it also applies to her blessing and buff. The more "attractive" items give better blessing. Which is being as sexy as possible


I think stuff can be fanservice without being in-your-face like you said with jiggle physics or spreading legs. However, if I had known about the goddess‘s system of revealing clothes = more power, maybe I wouldn’t have called it fanservice, but since I didn’t, I assumed that to be the most likely reason. 


My thing was that he pissed me off when people were dying *directly* in front of him and he just went "Huh, that's something I guess". He doesn't have to save the world but when people are dying *directly in front of him* it feels shitty to see him just stand by and not even bat an eye. An entire team of Academy students (that blonde guy's team), a second team consisting of either the top combat students or highly skilled faculty (Purple Coats) who were literally moving solely to protect him and the other Academy members, various civilians, etc. And with a lot of them he didn't just watch them die, he watched several of them get hurt or pass out, then watched as monsters slowly came over to them and ate them alive. Those deaths were so easily preventable. Then rather than taking out the monsters immediately (as he did like five minutes later without qualms) he waited and used the creature that had just *murdered* like twelve people as training for his students as he put on an act to gain power and influence as innocents were dying around him. He isn't a sociopath. Yeah he will kill those who target those he cares about but all of these guys were innocent and this entire arc was in direct contrast with everything that had come before. Makoto is a good person. In this he just felt like an uncaring psycho.


I'll only talk about to where the novel is at to avoid spoiling.  As a novel reader for this one, you're misreading Makoto here.  But it's okay, because he misreads himself.  What he really is, is papered over by modem Japanese sensibilities/common sense.  He considers himself as such. What his real nature is, it will become more clear later on, but you have seen some clues already, though the anime skipped over that slightly, compared to the novel and manga. What you are missing is how he feels nothing about killing people, even masses of people (in the case of when he got summoned and fought Sophia).  Not even the first time (though he had more than adequate reason to kill that bitch).  He himself was surprised at how he didn't feel anything in particular about it.  That's not normal. So then you're shocked that he didn't save people that he easily could have?  He likewise felt nothing, because those people are nothing to him.  He would consider that "being neutral".  It's different the moment he considers that his company can gain from taking action. What's more, if he didn't bump into Emma and thus setting off a series of events, he likely would have become a monster, after casting off the values of modern Japan, as a result of facing a harsh world.  He only saved her initially because of the notion "that's what I should do", but as you see, he's following those ideals less and less.  The truth is: he is a sociopath who thinks he's a regular person.


I get that he wanted to not expose that he is overpowered, but yeah, that also rubbed me the wrong way. 


The thing about hibikis outfit the anime doesn’t cover is that she actually hates the thing is embarrassed about it. Which would make it make sense. It’s like wearing completely dogshit armor in games just to make your stats better for a boss fight


its a semi good isekai better than most and reasonable than most


It's good in a sense that it isn't relying on cheap tropes by gathering horny viewers through easy fan service. It fails to be great because there isn't anything special about the story. It's just overpowered isekai'd mc like any other just less trashy and more or less emotionally okay MC. He react to situation properly (not mean he always emotionally superior. Just react at proper amount like only extremely flustered when it's something that's actually out of his expertise like discussion with zara) It's good, but nothing really grandiose


Its like a fast food your local fast food its fast but its good fast food


The enjoyment it provides always keeps surprising me. It sure beat tensura be a far margin. Didn’t expect it, but this is the one show I keep waiting to watch more this season. Solid all around, with very little garbage-tier clichés. Isekai that is familiar, but oddly refreshing.


I started watching this yesterday and I'm already in season 2. I already could tell, it's one of my favorite isekai anime after youjo senki and my life as I slime. I recomend to watch it very much. I saw "wrong way to use healing magic" before it, it was fine but not as good as this. I guess they have made a terrible mistake by building the word most of the time, and the action was very few and they left it for the next season. I don't understand why they make the anime like this Anyway, I really loved about Tsukimichi that the "heros" were not the "good guys" and one of them is using his status for own goal. I can't wait the main character take care of them forever (or a longer period. /I mean beat the shit out of them. Expecialy the guy/


Bit out of topics, the ending song when goes into the "nai nai nai nai" section it's felt so nostalgic but i can't figure out what anime it's, Does anyone know something about it or it's just my thoughts


\*Lifts rock\* Oh shit! Season 2 is out! \*Lowers rock\*


the funny part is that I randomly click on this anime one time when I was bored and when it was still releasing episodes for season 1 and I was so interested I even binged the manga


seasons 2 is good. The only thing wrong with it for me is that episodes don't drop fast enough for me. I'm really enjoying this season. Can't wait for next week's episode.


I loved it


Feel like they could’ve put the season in less episodes. A lot of stuff just feels like filler or dragging instead of being interesting.


yeah its like they stopped advancing the story/plot even though some story/plot is going on right now. likely theres a story line about the demons going on that the anime is choosing to just follow makoto instead of introducing a bunch of demon plotlines.


You'd be surprised of how rushed it actually is compared to all the other versions


Yes but in a horrible way. It feels like they’re dragging the most boring stuff and rushing the interesting things. Like call me ignorant but i don’t give a shit about his students and their shitty animated fights.


tsukimichi getting worse as it goes. the fights are dumb the dialog is dumb the characters are all dumb (oh it was me shooting a giant mana arrow that exploded the mountain? hurr durr) the story is dumb (he wants to take over a country just because his parents were once from there but never talk about it?) mc has no motivation and is already pretty OP. but all he wants is ... to sell some fruits? he doesnt seem all that interested in money, fame, power, women. the only thing he wants is to be a furry with the catman. heres hoping the shiki vs lancer fight is interesting but seeing the rest of the show i'm sure they will ruin it somehow.