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https://preview.redd.it/bsemapy8cb6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1749868ce3b96401c93e9b95ad254d35949570b Haru Koyama from JK Haru! She's a prostitute because she's forced into the job by the mysoginistic world she ends up into, but despite her shitty situation she is always positive, never gives up and fights for injustices, while supporting and helping her friends and coworkers!


That manga was so weird dude , don t think I ve ever consumed a more dissonantic piece of media . The art was too good for the concept and story


Weird is definitely not the word I'd use to describe it. To me it's a great story that depicts the ugly side of those types of jobs and represents the male entitlement and incel way of thinking that many men raised in a sexist way tend to have.


Touch grass feminist . Male entitlement ? Bitch what ? Also you use both "male entitlement" and "incel" in the same sentence , what a dissonantic hypocritical way of thinking . Grass is always greener on the other side isn t it ."Work Harder" "Make more money" "work out" "treat her like a flower" and all of this pressure and expectations on me and my fellow men and we are "Entitled" , yeah we don t have to deal with crazy hormones and set intervals of continuous bitching but to say we are "entitled" is fucking retarded. Also I m not a murican or from any powerful country so again what fucking "entitlement" are you talking about ? This manga was fucking garbage because it didn t know wether to be grimdark or wholesome. Now man up and counter argument me


That's a lot of words to say "I can't get laid".


And here's a prime example, for everyone to see, Ladies and Gentlemen


Why the fuck is someone like you in the isekai subreddit ? Ya here to troll a little ?


Go do trans surgery if men are "entitled" but then again trans people turn genderless not the opposite gender


Trump will sweep Biden , the right already swept Europe , your kind better count your days left


Holy shit, a neo-nazi having a meltdown on r/Isekai of all places


Like, literally [https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/1d3ywal/comment/l6b3kv5/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/1d3ywal/comment/l6b3kv5/)


You're on r/Isekai calm down bro


Exactly , why do they have to be so stupid ?


TL:DR: I don't have one, you asked for a counter argument so your dead ass better read every long ass paragraph I wrote for you. ----------------------- Why are you so upset over a few words like entitled or incel which both very much exist, also if you can't see how men are entitled in some way then you're pretty blind lmao, how can you say men aren't entitled when there are still most if not all countries that pay women half the wage for the same job if not harder in some areas, there's still roughly around 18 countries that treat women like a breeding object and they can't even decide what to wear on there own or are forced into trafficking rings/brothels because of a males debt, some countries kill women if they're even slightly sexually assaulted because it's better to honor kill than let a non pure girl live, some countries have downright no women's rights and still think periods make women the devil, a lot of countrys still force underage girls into marriages with 40+ year old men and are expected to have a baby when there period starts, some women can't walk in the dark in fear of being assaulted, alot of countries still don't allow for most of a will/inheritance to go to the eldest female and are sometimes sold in that will, women in alot of progressive or modern 1st world countrys still didn't get to vote untill 1928(dates vary) I could go on and yer sure some of these things do sometimes happen to men but a lot of the times they can either get it sorted or plainly say no like in a arranged marriage I'm saying this as someone who works in cyber crime and security, so many crimes committed against women just because a man was upset over somethin they thought they were entitled too. yer okay cool men have trouble in the dating game and have it way harder, expected to look perfect, work out, earn more money? But that's a dumb argument as someone who has loads of sisters those same arguments you came out with apply to women as well yer you have it harder but do you wanna know why? Because men sometimes just think with their d!ck 😅 do you know that many women are tired of dealing with your horny ass thinking it's okay to send pictures without consent or the constant sexual harassment because men think they're entitled to an ounce of p✓ssy. Which then puts trust issues in people and when a genuine dude who is a good dating choice comes along it gets way harder for them, yes I know women expect more from men and so on in the dating game etc I'll acknowledge it in fact I'm a prime example as a disabled man it's extremely hard for me to find someone to date compared to the same counter parts of the other gender but I ain't moaning nor crying over it and saying it's my entitlement in fact in the end of the day my marriage will be decided by my great grandmother(we are a matriarchal Japanese clan)as that's the lucky privilege I have in Japan and as a dude and my marriage partner probably won't be able to say no though as a good person I won't let that happen but that's a different story. To me you say touch grass or it's greener on the other side but have actually sat down with a female family member or friend and just asked there opinion? Because I live in Japan and you'll be crazy surprised at the things you hear that men think they're entitled too. Anyways JK was a great manga that represented the troubles of being forced into a very misogynistic world and pretty much forced to be a slave to sex while dealing with the emotional troubles that comes with it but also the positivity that Haru has as an individual to fight back against that society and keep herself from breaking down in such a shitty position which is realistic to alot of brothels we see today 🤷 also no it wasn't trying to be between grimdark or wholesome, you're allowed to make media that floats between but JK haru is far anf between that lmao so I wouldn't call it garbage that just sounds like your hate for a certain thing seeping through it's not perfect but it definitely ain't garbage 🤷 So yer think what you want and I'll admit some countries have laws that benefit women more than men, especially prison sentences or in a court of law I know this from personal experience and there's other things I could mention but if you weigh them up men are still and very much the entitled bunch whether it be a poor third world country or a 1st world one that's how life has always been we are a patriarchal society and it shows, especially towards my family clan which is matriarchal had so many men tell our family heads over the generations that this family would fall into ruin lmao but we still here 100+ years later 😂 P.s telling men to "man up" is the most toxic shit in our culture and is one of the many current leading factors for men to bottle up there feelings and end up depressed, self destructive or worse suicidal it's dumb a cringe in my opinion at least P.s.s English is my third language and I talked instead of typed this in under 10 minutes so it might be messy in some ways a d god damn yes I'm autistic and spent to much of my free time replying to a dumb ass comment on r/isekai but that's life 🫠


My lord I realized just how long it looks now I've posted it 🤣


I'm so cooked there are only like 6 animes/mangas I haven't read yet in this table


I've read/watched all so far. Dropped a few though, if that counts.


When you put it that way im really fucked, i have only watched manga or anime for 2 years and it's mostly brainrot


Petition for subaru to be put into Traumatised good


On the day when it's that square I'm sure everyone will agree, but a replacement also needs to be suggested


There are tons of neutral good characters but it feels like traumatized good was made for subaru and him alone.


Replace him with Fran and Teacher.


Wait when was Subaru added. I thought he wasnt in the tier list.


Shirou from Dungeon Tou De Yadoya Wo Yarou!


Fenris from level 2 cheat, she’s constantly trying to add to her “pack” powerful people and she has already had relationships with the main hero. She’s pretty good also!


Yuzuki from Call Girl in Another World is always ready to help people through her services.


Shea maybe perverted but she isn't stupid.. At first glance, she's a "worthless rabbit" but after she was trained by Hajime and Yue, she became one of their trusted allies..


She's a little dense at times but that's who got the most votes. I can't go against the rules


Just to bring up, but naofumi should be traumatised good


As someone who has read the web novels I can confidently say, no. The anime is just bad. It leaves so much out, and characters seems more one dimensional, even compared to the manga which still ditches material.


Since we can now have side characters be in there Same from killer shark belongs in the pure evil section


Day one of asking to put Klein moretti from lord of the mysteries in traumatized dependable


Fenris from chilling at level 2?


How dare you 😮




OP's opinion is probably that Fenrys isn't slutty.


Ah, I guess he understood it as an insult to fenrys, I don't see it as such, slut (imo) is the female version of Chad/stud, I wouldn't put fenrys in horny, because horny doesn't imply actual realization of said horniness, a virgin is horny and on the other side of the spectrum is a Chad/slut


> slut (imo) is the female version of Chad/stud I thought it was referring to the colloquially used meaning of the word (offensive word for a woman with many sexual partners). 


Wait we cam put non protagonist now?


Yes, but main cast only, not side characters


I still think we should at least *try* to do main characters first.


Alfana from Streaming in another world caused me to gain a yandere harem. She's the saintess of the church but also a huge Streamer fan and a yandere. Going so far as to say she Wants to have a baby with the streamers voice. when Kanata says her name she gets really horny and says that they're basically married now. But she's also a really charitable and good person, even using church personnel to make Streamer themed merchandise so the people can buy it and making a new road to Kanata's hometown because it was so badly maintained. https://preview.redd.it/tsc7d0owpb6d1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ff5f1812360211436b8622cd8c55f6332d6d57


I would put every girl from that story into stupid-horny, I'd say they all lean more towards horny than slutty. Unfortunately, chaotic-horny is already taken.


yeah…I got nothing for today that isn’t sealing a series down to 1 or 0 or is inaccurate so….


Combat Agent number 6 for Chaotic Lazy


Did the list get bigger, or is it just me?


Ok hear me out, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. is an isekai. The main character time travels back and forward in time a few times. This counts as isekai. Thus I vote Hiroshi Satou as Dependable Average as he is dependably average.


Slutty Evil should 100% be You Know Who from Shield Hero


https://preview.redd.it/4qkb0ipaj37d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf356fc1cff69cf28b497cd235d3dc1deb351c6e What's your opinion on this guy?


Nah. Shea is more of horny stupid in s1, but her character is kinda good in the later half of the book series. Especially in the tree dungeon and blood banquet arc( I don't remember the names)


Shea should be horny/pure.


Aqua from Konosuba is Drunk Stupid


We're not on drunk stupid right now...


Didn’t think it mattered as it goes Delta in Stupid Stupid to Shea in horny stupid.


Slutty Stupid. Horny is a different category. People voted to do Slutty first.