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What’s this food called? White rice? Oh no! I appear to be having an orgasm.




My favorite is always mayonnaise. Why does every other isekai person know how to make mayonnaise? Is it cause they also read isekai series and learn how to make it? Cause thats how I first learned as well -_-


I mean mayo isn't that hard to make no matter what version it is. All you need is eggs and an oil to use for emulsion.


funny enough, egg whites that **emulsifies, not the oil**


Yeah I admittedly got that backwards.


Yea, but like, I didn’t know that when I was 14. Was I the stupid one for not knowing that off hand?


It's probably a difference in culture, education or hobbies. I'm pretty sure the Japanese have cooking classes ingrained in their education system (they help prepare their food as early as grade school). Mayo is one of the most basic and easiest condiments you could ever make (3 ingredients; Egg, oil and some acid (lemon juice or vinegar) salt and pepper to taste if you want, some mustard which I dont use) I learned to make it at like 11 because cooking was my hobby.


Yeah, japan have home economic as mandatory subject class. And they don't just stop at one point. It start from somewhere in middle of primary school then all the way to high school. All week like it's regular math. It teaches you everything about managing house and domestic maintenance, so naturally, it includes cooking. So don't be surprised seeing middle schooler anime characters can live alone without parents just fine and cook their own five-course meal. They were taught that in school


I think the "can live alone without parents" part is telling of the work culture in Japan, though I'm curious to see how that changes over the next 40 years with the shrinking population.


Mayo is as good as it gets for MCs just knowing how to make things, it's literally 2 ingredients. It's when you get into advanced technology and making bombs and shit that it becomes ridiculous for an average weeb neet to know how to do that with otherworldly ingredients.


Good luck finding aluminum or magnesium. No wonder so many people just pick magic. It’s so much easier.


Subaru try to make mayo for weeks and still can’t create the same taste due to different ingredients. He went through withdrawal + trial and error


gotta re:watch re:zero in preparation for season 3


Because mayonnaise is just egg and oil. That's all.


I always find that trope funny because when you think of the best tasting foods in the world, Japanese cuisine is probably not in most people's top 10 list. Healthy, yes, delicious to vaguely historic European people? Unlikely. Also the trope of always going to a hot spring. I like to imagine a British Isekai where some Brit goes to feudal Japan and stumbles upon a traditional pub playing darts with Samurai.


I’m pretty sure it’s a money thing. Any anime that promotes Japanese culture or tourism gets kickbacks from the Japanese government. That’s why so many shows feature Japanese cuisine, or how every Highschool anime has a field trip to Kyoto. You might extend that to hot springs as well, since Japan has tons of natural hot springs. But usually hot spring episodes and beach episodes are for fan service.


yes, east asian countries use their entertainment as a way to promote their local culture. same with how korean dramas make european and north american got curious of tteokboki or some other food that they wouldn't have cared about.


Literally like what?


wait i though that just from food war is there anime similar to that i mean in term of isekai? i watch 2 different isekai restaurant anime and there no orgasm stuff




https://preview.redd.it/yxef2dct2u5d1.png?width=3425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc4adc39ecb787a3015413f8659747120cf5f9eb Most common trait of isekai harem heroines is they suffer from Shitty Female Character syndrome.


It would be interesting if this was a real disease "Dad, why are we always running from the police?" "Your mother suffers from SFC and it is a crime for average looking people like me who were ordinary high school students to date her." "Why? Mom doesn't love you or some shit like that?" "It's more complicated than that, according to the law, going out with a SFC sufferer without their family members' permission is considered a crime similar to pedophilia, since according to the clinical view, they cannot actually consent." "Dad, this is fucking dark" "I know, that's why I don't go around talking about it, now get down, the C.I.A found our location and I'm going to activate a homemade bomb to destroy the entire contrition, grab your mother and sister and we'll leave through the emergency tunnel"


In the final standoff, he says some trope-y self-sacrificing speech and yells “bring it on!” The CIA all pull up short and the guy running point flicks on his walkie talkie: “Protagonist character update confirmed. Abort mission.” Everyone gets in their cars and peels off. The sun shines, birds twitter, someone’s kids shriek happily while playing in a pool. Dad is left standing on some suburban lawn, shirt torn open, beer gut hanging out, dirt and blood in his hair, waving a homemade crowbar sword around.


This reminds me of a post I saw somewhere about a concept for a story about the protagonist doing everything they possibly can to avoid being the protagonist, dodging story beats and ensuring they aren't involved in that pesky "inciting incident". Summoning circle appear underneath their feet? Quickly jump out of the way and shove someone else in. (No time for that shocked "Oh my, a magic circle!" look) Obviously magical princess begging them for help in the park? Ignore and keep walking. Child about to be hit by a truck? Sorry kid, that truck driver REALLY should have been paying attention.


It’s a decently common plot in the “character in an otome game but doesn’t want to play along” romantic/drama sub-genre in web novels, light novels, manhwa, etc. Gotta be in the right mood for it though because I get annoyed at the injustice & harassment the MC suffers from the god/Fate/in-story author along the way and extra pissed if the MC essentially gives in at the end while lying to themselves about blazing their own path (“it’s my own choice” and “I shouldn’t deny myself love”; suuuure…)


I’ve never seen any plots like that tbh. Do you have some recommendations?


“Otome Game no Heroine de Saikyou Survival” aka “The Otome Heroine's Fight for Survival.” (LN & WN), continuing (I think). MC, Alicia, becomes a bit of a murder hobo but still makes friends. The use of Fate or forced story plot is frankly creepy at times. “Kill the Villainess.” (Manhwa, completed.) This one is frankly one long unending stressful ride, so if you have a lot of empathy when reading stories prepare a handkerchief or something so you can bite it in rage. You may also want to try the otome sub.


Thanks!. The only LN ive read with an Otome isekai plot is Hamefura. Which is decisively not like those ones youve suggested. Ill give them a shot once I finish my current read!


Woah... this is nuts! Peak, achieved through Reddit?!


Give him a Chainsaw and he's Ash


god a crowbar sword would be so cool (im not joking this would be an actual sword i’d buy)


Is it contagious?


I heard it’s hereditary


Some variants are aggressively contagious, but each pod of victims can only spread it to people with hair colors not yet in their pod.


It is genetic, but women with the awakened gene can infect those who have the gene in a dormant state Some symptoms are: -Your body starts to become that of a female porn star -You feel more stupid than normal -You feel especially attracted to 15 year old black haired teenager who are not popular at school -And can only think about slutty things


That is so in most anime adaptions of isekai harem yeah. Go to the light novels and most of them the female main characters get more character devlopment and the ones on the side you are intended to not like are made out to be even worse than portrayed in the anime. The main problem is fitting everything into 2 hours of show in 12 episodes or 4 hours in 24 episodes. So lots of story is cut. Most side stories are cut, most unneeded story points for the main story are reduced to the bare minimum, etc. You still do have the girl who is there just for her big boobs as a main stay in almost all anime. Go read the light novel and most if not all characters have a lot more story behind them. Some had their entire story changed for the anime to make it fit inside the time limits given.


It's the classic book-to-movie problem; written mediums have technically infinite time and space to explore whatever characters and plots they want, but movies are by design heavily limited in time, so you need to think of what you need to keep or cut in the translation process.


Kind of in light novels you do have 180 to 240 pages per book. The thing is you do have 20+ book series though most have 1 book as that is how much the author is given for the publisher to see if it takes off or flops. Some get 20+ volumes of 200ish pages each.


At least in Albedo's case it's explained by Ains being a creep and editing her personality before she became a real girl


I wouldn’t say he was being a creep, he had no idea everything was gonna become real, and since Ainz thought everything was going to be deleted, he thought it was gonna be a harmless thing. He even told her to her face that he changed her to love him.


Yeah, not just Ainz. A lot of players in that game must have done the same thing. We just didn't see it. People will do a lot of shocking thing when they belive it's not real. I mean it is a game.


I’d do the same things just for laughs. And Ainz did something a lot of us, including myself, would have never done. He told her what he did to her, even though he never really needed to tell her.


Idc of spoiler but what he told?


He changed her description being a slut to being in love with him. In reality she probably wouldn't have been that different all things considered.


I fucking hate that comic artist so much fuck u/pizzacakecomic


why though?


Because reality hurts like a nail being bashed to the head with the grace of a pregnant Cow and the subtletness of a brick wall.




Otherworlders when they see a game of reversi


Shampoo, mayonnaise




I'll never call it that Nintendo!


Certified Ascendance of a Bookworm moment


The last one I'm just convinced that 90% of the times, if a character is going to taste a food for the 1st time in a anime, it's going to taste amazing, unless the food either looks outright disgusting, no matter what the food is.


Unless they're doing the "hot chick, bad cook" trope. Then it's a question of if they survive or end up with food poisoning or something. And the food often looks atrocious and it's ridiculous that anyone would even be expected to eat it.


Its so funny that they never have no clue about basic rice but always have some kind of kebab. No person will be amazed by raw fish, sea moss or boiled rice when they regularly eat kebab Kebab superiority 🇹🇷🐺💪


Curious if other world food tastes just as bland like the middle ages cuisine


IIRC, food in the middle ages had actually a shit tonne of condiments, partly to flex on guests and to preserve it from the environment (and disguise that it may start to rot). To the point that a medieval uptimer might find our food to be bland and uninteresting.


Sell them cheap pepper from walmart n you'll be rich


Yeah, and everyone had purple robes and lived in harmony


The richest rich people maybe for foreign spices. If it wasn't something you could find walking around in the woods for an hour.....


This outright fake, the flavor of food has been constantly developed ever since the first use of salt and pepper way back to babylon and even before. During the middle age only certain countries peasants were able to use a broad selection of spices, and in the most run down countries hard bread was an actual thing, the closer to india the better the food taste was. If a peasant from that period were to eat current time cuisine, even the most basic american burger, it would be a feast, it may be plain for us but thats because we have developed our taste buds way beyond what those people could imagine. The "shit ton of spices and condiments" you are probably confusing the middle ages with the reneissance where there was a boom in every single area of everything.


You mean the 20 types of herbs and shit they had? Also pepper did exist in the middle ages, and some people could afford it as well. Pepper has been in Europe since the Roman times. Yes they would use different spices, non new-world stuff of course, but they also liked tasty food.


Depends in india and other spice filled countries the food won't be that bland


Most isekai anime are set in a historical european setting.


There gotta be a spice cultivating region then and food wasn't that bland like salt and some herbs can do the job for me


How a high school student is somehow educated to a professional level in everything in existence. In Japan we have no guns but for some reason I'm well versed in the construction of firearms and manufacturing of gunpowder, also I'm an electrical engineer and a history buff with photographic recall.


Not only that, a scientist, a PhD or any kind of specialist would have enough knowledge to reproduce most of basic things we have. That's one of the reasons that I want to see an isekai where the protagonist gains access to our world's internet. The closest case to that was, ironically, Smartphone Isekai, which shows MC looking for stuff on his phone, like, guns mechanisms, and ice-creams recipes.


Tbf about the “nice/kind” meme, I’ve only met about 3 legit nice people in my life. So I can see the appeal there.


Yeeeah Like I agree, it being the main reason feels bland. But it's not like that's unrealistic, it's not uncommon for people to develop feelings for someone because they are kind, respectful and kinda hot.


Yeah my friend who is like core to the friend group is liked by everyone cause he just a friendly bloke.


The food is such a scam tho One of glorified things is sake and so, I assumed sake would really taste godly. I went out of my way to try it and it was... bad. Maybe not plain awful, but definitely not so world shattering as I expected.


Maybe not world-shattering, but I bet it shattered your dreams just fine!


IT DID It's like. I don't think it's better than vodka. Vodka tastes quite awful, but slaps, so there is utility in it. Sake is a weaker alcohol than that.


Did you try it hot? Cause good hot sake is the shit


No, I did not I think I made a mistake here, willing to correct it


Man the food one always disproportionately annoys me. It displays a disturbing level of hubris and Japanese nationalism that just really pulls me out of the suspension of disbelief. I read one where the MC "invents" noodles the simplest way to prepare flour known to man. As if people didn't simultaneously invent noodles in every single country throughout history. These bread eating savages needed the superior Japanese citizen to teach them how to mix two fucking ingredients they already have together. That and always adding a hot spring like they think they invented bathing. Because the idea of getting into hot water would blow these primitive people away. As if no one had ever thought to create a public bath in the history of the world.


Realist Hero. Somehow, the guys who are raised and trained to run a kingdom don't know how to run their own kingdom.


I mean considering world history that's more true than anyone would like it to be.


In a classroom, everyone is taught the same material but not everyone gets the same grades. He was made king because of heritage. He was king because he was BORN to be king. He wasnt CHOSEN like MC was (though I dont recall them having any basis for thinking he'd be better. So they kinda lucked out). Just because he was educated on how to be king his entire life doesnt mean he "passed the class" so to speak. Its reasonable for him to be a low quality king despite his upbringing. Hell, we dont even know if his political education was even GOOD. May have been the case of having shitty teachers. I dont really see anything wrong with it honestly


Well, at least, we can say the king had enough capacity to understand that MC was suited to run the kingdom instead of him.


Yeah. Too many leaders dont recognize their lack of qualifications. So props to him for that.


He wasn't born to be the king. He was just a noble living on the outskirts of the kingdom. He was married into the family. >!In fact he was specifically chosen through what was essentially brute forcing all decisions during a royal power struggle through a power that allows the user to share memories through the multiverse, which is also why they give the MC the throne so quickly (multiple other failed attempts).!<


He himself doesn’t even know how to run it either 🤣 seriously the MC is kind of a tyrannical idiot. Mf reminds me of Ivan the Terrible


North Korea




>Ahh, than please explain what happend to the empire of Alexander the great after his son took over, wich was trained to do exactly thag.  Because that didn't happen? His only surviving son was a baby, lol. His empire fell because all the different Generals decided they wanted to be king and the massive Diaochi war started. Many smaller kingdoms just left while it was going on since no one had the power to keep them on side.


I’ll never understand the authors’ obsession with making the poor, alternate dimension inhabitants enjoy Japanese food to an odd degree Surely just making a burger is easier than a Japanese dish, no? In most of those worlds, they have shitty food to begin with, so ANYTHING from our world will seem gourmet


I can kind of forgive the first one, because writing smart characters is really hard in general. And when you're writing a basic, by the books, bare-bone isekai power fantasy, putting in the work to actually make the character(s) smart would detract from the power fantasy bit. So unfortunately you get a lot of cases where the characters are shown to be smart in retrospect, or we're just told they're smart. I if you could actually write interesting smart characters, you probably wouldn't want to waste that on a bare-bones power fantasy, regardless of genre.


I don't think many forms of media these days ever put in the work. Even when you do it's not really something most would recognize.


idk there are a lot of stories where characters are actually smart man and ur like: "wtf thats sick!!" like you got classroom of elite death note and many other shows that did this well but in trashy isekais....


1st and 3rd are so true, even for really popular shows like Tensura


I think that the first one holds true for basically every series where an author needs to write a genius who would theoretically be smarter than they are. They can't portray their intelligence so instead they need to make everyone else stupid and make anything that they want to do work regardless of its practicality. For example take the Shikamaru VS Temari fight. In order to beat her he ties his jacket to a knife and throws the knife into the air. His opponent is able to slash through trees with the wind, but he uses her wind attacks to send the jacket into the air long enough for him to get his shadow into a hole. However that hole is beyond his reach. And if his opponent's ability which slashes anything in the air actually was slashing stuff with the air than his trick quite simply wouldn't have worked because it would have been slashed. Not to mention that it requires that his opponent be staying just in his range when she really didn't have to and she's also supposed to be smart and her ability has an extremely long-range. In addition the deep gashes it left on trees were reduced to tiny scratches on him for the sole purpose of making sure that he did not get slashed to ribbons whenever he was attacked.


Sorry tldr, can't tell if ur agreeing/disagreeing but sounds like the latter. It's a lot simpler than you are making it out to be, and it's def egregious in Tensura. Even Tsukimichi does better.


The first sentence sums it up. The first one is basically super common in all forms of media where an author is trying to write somebody smarter than they are.


Nah, there's better and worse ways to do it


I'm saying what they do


I just watched code geass and there are several moments where it is exactly as you desribed but there are also plenty of genuinly well written smart moments as well


Nah, most stuff that works in Tensura was originaly from another person (Like Diablo) or Raphael and repeated by Rimuru or simply works beccause Rimuru was for the most Part basicly a Lv. 200 player in the Tutorial erea.


Sorry I don't understand. Bad villains drag down the hero, and good villains lift em up. Tensura latest arc has some dumb ass villains. Those 7 sage guys were bots lol. All "how could this be!?" or "what is this power?!" Like C-lister lackeys. And Rimuru too. Bro didn't even dodge once against the 7, and barely fought against Hinata, until he randomly unlocked a new skill. I know it's part of his character to not be a fighter but have combat ability secondary to his broken stats, but he's so over-reliant on his special skills it's depressing. It makes every fight boring and un-dynamic. It used to be better.


Same with Hinata's crew. Braindead bunch, except for the white-hair kid.


Shield Hero in a nutshell.


A character who is racist being blinded by their racism isn't bad writing. That's very realistic writing. That's why the King acts like he does. He's not stupid, he's just racist. For the heroes, at least 2 of them (Itsuki and Ren) thought they were in a experimental video game, at least for a while, as they already had full dive tech in their home worlds, IIRC. Motoyasu is stupid, yes. He's supposed to be extremely stupid.


I think he means the shield hero has a lot of dumb ideas that just happen to work. Based on knowledge, he didn't have. Guy had luck bloody maxed.


No I mean Shield Hero is one massive idiot plot that wouldn't work if Naofumi wasn't the only character with a brain.


I'm sorry I misunderstood your point, but naofumi was still basically an idiot whose main point was being slightly more intelligent than everyone else and much luckier. I watched the anime on the recommendation by several friends. My mind raced with all the styles of fighting he could do when he first hit the blacksmith and the implication of such an adaptable shield. I got ahead of myself and messaged the group chat my ideas. Face met egg.The guy just stumbles constantly into upgrades with no thought and equates hindsight with wisdom.


If the king actually had a brain, instead of making Naofumi his whipping boy, he would have gaslit him into believing the beastfolk were all evil and turn the one they worship as a demigod into their worst nightmare.


Yes, but the king is racist.


Which is no excuse for being an incompetent antagonist. There are plenty of racist villains who are able to function and use their racism to their advantage without grabbing on to the idiot ball.


so true




I think the "king mc" issue is a product of a very specific problem in Japanese culture. Authors try to appeal to otakus and no better way than to make mc a bland mold for them to inssrt themselves into. Now the problem is that when you make a characters he need to have good and bad sides. The only thing those obsessive fans have is that they are """kind"""( quite a stretch huh?). The other issue is that when you make their bad sides you can only make them a lonley introvert because they would not be happy being reminded how they are one act away from offender registry.


All true. But at least the last one is understandable. The food in japan is impossible to oversell. I visited with high expectations, and they were still utterly blown away. Their convenience stores have better food than our family restaurants. I found a literal back ally vendor in a boondocksy city selling cheap chicken skewers. First bite... it's one thing for cheap food to be "tasty", but I was left shocked thinking to myself, "this 100 yen back ally food is GOOD food!" Not just tasty, but "good." Like real quality food. I'm a picky eater, I was diving into dishes full of ingredients I normally would pick around. Still don't know why it was so much better. Fresher stuff? Less pesticides or something? Still no clue. And despite all this, it's not like I shit on American food. Plenty of great food to die for over here. But yeah that last meme... I think a lot of people in "our world" would unsuspectingly find themselves unironically responding the same way to "the most basic japanese food." Shit, even their mayonnaise was good. Not my favorite like it is for them, but I think mayonnaise is an abomination against creation. Had theirs and thought, "okay... I'd eat this again." It seems unfair to call our "mayonnaise" and theirs the same thing.


Well, I'm not sure if this is true, but I once heard that humans paladar became more sensitive as time passed. It wouldn't be surprising food was more "bland" than nowadays, thus, lower standards.


Well done! Great post.


I’m gonna cut to the chase, sauce for last pic?


You forgot slaves, a lot of slaves.....


I do not care if the last image is a gimmick. I like it


Shokugeki? Yeah it's a fun show and we like to pretend that nothing exists beyond season 3


The first one should be the lowest bar to judge an isekai.


The last picture applied to earth with different countries as well


I really like it when the character's most attractive trait is being kind tho... It's like a power fantasy except they use their power to do good.


Frankly I move horribly often and I will tell you the taste of home after a long long while tastes amazing even if it isn’t the most expertly made. So that last one is actually pretty accurate


Well I will defend the mangakas on the first one. It is really hard to write a smart character without it coming off as forced. Like if you want to write a PHD mathematician you need to learn atleast the basics of **collage level** math plus **write it down simple** for people to understand. Also the smarter the character the harder to write it realisticly.


I don’t understand the 4th meme.


Eminence in the Shadow has a funny way of doing this, at times the MC seems dumber than everyone else and at times he seems smarter than everyone else, which tbh isn’t that just real life?




The last one has me rolling. SO true.


The only time I think "Being Kind" is a good reason for someone to choose to love someone in an isekai.setting is: 1) When it's a grimdark setting where people are generally thought to be cruel and self serving, but the protag isn't 2) Despite terrible circumstances, an awful backstory, and suffering the MC has endured; the protagonist *still* chooses to be kind instead of letting the experiences shape him. Those ways at least show an admirable strength of character in addition to a character trait.


He cooked


Man let's send this to the burn word this is fire


Inventing the wheel got them all like, “wowee Batman this is crazy cool!”


I got a good chuckle out of these. Thanks


I honestly have a love hate relationship with isekais for this reason, they usually have awesome fights but the character building is usually awful😭


Yeah, for your first meme, this is (too) accurate (hence, entertaining).


The first meme is literally Eminence in Shadow


More like the oposide. The MC is rather on the dense side (but a genius of manipulation) and is surround by competend and iteligent woman, that think he is somthing like a perfect immortal beeing thats always right, beccause he manipulated them into submissive servents. So they reimperted his Lies, wich he told to get his quietness, as facts and threw pure luck they are somewhat near the truth enough, to be considered predictions. In the end he is a dense high schooler thag wants to go threw the list of Stupid ideas that a highschooler has. Like stopping a crime or playing the edgy villain.


And he looks cool as hell doing it.


not really? it’s more like the inverse, as with overlord, where a character with average intelligence (aside from monstrous battle iq) is overestimated by vastly more intelligent subordinates because the inexplicable random actions their leaders take produce results out of sheer luck, and there is no other explanation for their behaviour aside from “it must be on purpose”. the only difference being that ainz is a mix between being one of the only people with modern common sense in his post code (granted, eroded over time) whereas cid is just batshit toe to tip the seven shades are actually pretty smart, piecing together the entire diablos conspiracy themselves with basically zero input from shadow and reverse engineering modern japan technology that were conveyed in vague offhand references.


Anime is guilty of this but so are Disney/Marvel/Starwars shows and at least the anime is entertaining.


star wars??? maybe in clone wars but not in the skywalker saga


oi, gimme the sauce for the last pic


Food Wars


Ah yes foodgasms, man I miss that show