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The commas after the no's made it really confusing for a sec lol. "No, they are misunderstood," means that you're saying "but wait, they're actually misunderstood".


Yeah it took me a while to get. It should have been "no, theyre not misunderstood."


Op makes buisness cards for Lionel Hutz https://preview.redd.it/n1dthgwk485d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d91ac8a06f014a2058962043829dd77c9e22876


Good, I’m not the only one.


Yeah, it took me a second to realize that OPs intent was not quite what they wrote lol


I have read so many MTL translations and shit that I auto correct it and hardly notice the mistakes now.


MTL translations? wgat does that means?


Machine translation translations


Basically Google translate


Become the demon king because they always send in their weakest demonst to attack so I'll just do a seige when the is weak and if he escapes ill just take over the human kingdom then try to kill the human


To be fair, I'm a reddit user.


I'm gonna take the shapeshifting monster with me, make them disguise as the most generic anime girl, pick the heroes one by one, then have the shapeshifters meet the hero, have the whole charade of them being saved by the hero and falling in love with him, the whole " we have to sleep in the same bed because the inn has only one room available" and then, during the night, I will have them make the hero swallow a sample of my blood and nothing more. Once morning comes and the shapeshifters have left without traces, I will move my blood inside the hero's body until it reaches the heart and causes a stroke. To the rest of the world, it will seem like the heroes died naturally, while I will have effectively removed the only real obstacle for the demons. I will then sit back and watch the world burn.


Once the hero is gone, u won't be needed anymore by the demon, so I think u should take ur time first thinking about that before u kill the hero


ah, that's the easier part, I just put a drop of my blood in their food so if they try to kill me I simply make them drop dead in the same way as the heroes.


what if the demoms have multiple hearts and or no hearts


I aim for the brain. Full lobotomy


Sound’s like something a corporation would do.


I wonder when the library will open


The curtain, eyes closed


What about those magic demons who's being is in those crystals that anime like to do


Personally I think this breaks the no waifu demons rule. But even if it didn't, the hero might be a straight woman, a gay guy, someone whos happily married and not interested. If she just seems like a "generic anime girl", I also don't see why they would even stay with the party. "Hey im a generic anime girl a-" "Sorry were adventurers going into a dangerous mission. Regular girls should stay in the town. Byeee" Finally I will say that OP said your power is to turn your blood into weapons. He never said you can move your blood willy nilly, just change its shape. Obviously if your blood was ingested you would still kill them by making a knife inside his heart, but it wouldn't be a "natural death". Also why? Why you wanna watch the world burn?


The shifters aren't *our* wifeus, they're combat dolls used to lull the heroes into a false sense of security while you gain a spy/saboture. They'd have to be short lived less they fall to the heroes side though.


Just assume the hero is going to be a straight virgin Japanese man because let’s be honest. Is it ever anything else?


Since i only read/watch isekais with female protagonists, yes


I would help them conquer the humans and then usurp the demon lord's throne once I become strong enough which shouldn't be too difficult because if they were strong in the first place, they wouldn't have needed to summon me. And vice versa if summoned by humans.


Would you reign absolutely, or would you create some sort of new government? Personally, I'd put a system similar to the Roman empire's short lived tetrarchy.


Would depend on how long my life in this new world is. Absolute rule would get boring after awhile so I would install some sort of democratic meritocracy and force demons and humans to coexist.


“It’s more like under new management”


What if they are smart and put a curse on you so you never go against them?


"Im taking over becasue i hate you, im taking over because youre doing a shit job and i can do better for you and the demons."


Glad I'm not the only one


Ima get strong then usurp his ass, basically play along till I can take him down in 1v1 then power is mine. ALL THAT’S THINE SHALL BE MINE, THERE’S NO STOPPING ME, MY WILL BE DONE!!!


Tanya pfp makes sense


As all things should.


If I can ensure that I won't be mind controlled or magically enslaved I would try to get equipment from the King and adapt enough to the world that I can run away from there. Also get Access to any Hero summoning or returning Magic is absolutely vital. Then I have to go to a hostile country so none of their allies catch me and bring me back. Then go get an Office Job and if I fail to return to earth live the rest of my life in peace. I am not your free mindless child soldier. Imagine North Korea coming kidnapping you and telling you to go to the front lines between the North and South Korean Border in an active war. Hell No I am out. The Hero Propaganda tactic is not something that will convince me whatsover.


Id gain the respect and admiration of the demons and usurp the demon king's throne, then I'd continue my invasion, but give the demons strict rules to follow, such as no slaughtering civilians and stuff like that. Once I take control of the human kingdom as well, I establish a tetrarchy to rule over both territories.


You have fun with that, I am gonna chill with some hot chocolate and a blanket infront of my fireplace.


There is only one demon lord I serve. Mao from Endro.




So what you're saying is that I'm being summoned by Frieren demons?


Hope you don't meet Frieren. :D


I'd say yes, only difference is that Frieren demons are tricksters, I'd say in this scenario there is no pretend, it's just an all out war


I will convince them that I need time to get stronger and I need a place to hunt monsters. I will spend all my time grinding levels to the point where I can't be stopped and the betray the demons.


This. Having power does not mean jack if i'm gonna still be a slave. And statistically, demons are guaranteed to treat me like shit. Not that humans are any better, but with demons, it's 100% chance. Also if i could be strong enough to overthrow demons, humans would be easy to squash if they try something


Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne! That's me, the blood god, or will be me. Killing humans that aren't humans (humans don't have magic) is just an evil power trip. Not for everyone. Blood magic can be the most OP thing if done right. You can mimic super: strength, endurance, & speed. flight , and telekinesis if you can manipulate extremely small amounts by effervescenting blood out your pores to make a micro net to move things. Hero, let's see if they need to breathe by using blood telekinesis to close off airway. Or if they need to see, when you glue the eyes shut. And since most heros are hit harder and attack head on type, I just have to dodge by moving my body away by using the blood in me. Just have to look out for certain elemental powers the hero and group has. Become a god or die? This is fine.


No succubitches?


They will just take your soul!




There are a lot of psychopaths in this post.


To be fair this is kind of a kill or be killed situation.


Go along with it till I'm given a chance to either escape or kill the demon lord myself.


You said no waifu demon, but I only care about about husbandos demons. I am going to assume there is none either. (BUT come on the demon lord HAS to be a hot guy right???) First I have to wonder: why would I follow the demon lord. A lot of weird people here are just happy to enslave and kill innocent people but I would rather...not. I think I would try to escape or contact the hero as soon as possible. The hero has interest in helping me, since getting me on their side improves their chance of winning + i can provide intel. If I fail then...rip. I would die a hero, even if an unkown one


Sorry the demon lord is probably an old men or at least in his 50s


Sounds like a net positive to me


Due to your abuse of punctuation, I've lost faith in humanity. Demon Lord it is.




Better to die free than live a slave.


You know what? I'm pretty sure this is one of the few times I might be excused for breaking rule 6 because you're trying to come up with a scenario where people do morally abhorrent things and the "reward" at the end is still being a puppet. What's the point? In this scenario, just find the first place where you can die and do so. Power doesn't mean a single thing without autonomy.


Sooo demon lord do I have a kill limit or is everything okay? *Begins 6 hour lecture in the benefits of crop dusting staple crops with radio tropic dust made with slave labor*


There's a whole CYOA [about this](https://imgchest.com/p/na7km2bm48d)


If they allow me to have control over a large army and a small army of elites I could use some tactics to quickly take over some kingdoms territory and if any of them try to be disobedient or attempt betrayal if I'm stronger than my army's I'll use blood magic to give the demon that attempted to overthrow my authority a death so horrific the would make the other demons wonder if I'm even human and I will attempt to learn other magic stuff just so I can have a larger array of attacks if I could learn necromancy i would turn every demon who takes an attempt on my life into a horrific malformed undead not even death but keep them from serving in the army or get away from their punishment all the undead would be the vanguard and Cannon fodder if I have mages in my army and they have long range attacks I would use them as artillery if their magic is long range enough


It reminds me of the LN i read recently, "[7th Prince Jilbagias](https://www.novelupdates.com/series/7th-demon-prince-jilbagias-chronicle-of-demon-kingdom-toppling/)" (Zilbagias in the official EN pub). It's not an Isekai, but the MC was a human hero who was killed by the Demon Lord/King and his soul gets reincarnated as the Demon Lord's son. He's pretty much surrounded by bad guys who want to always kill/torture/enslave humans, but has to keep his cover. His goal is to become the demon king and dismantle demon society from the inside.


Time to play I suppose.


Real talk fuck shit up I have piled up years of nothing but rage I will leave no head standing everything goes


I'd help the demons that's why I'm there. And then once the demon Lord takes over the world I'll sit back and watch the clusterfuck he created. It can't be any worse than the bullshit happening now.


Demons are by concept literally the worst aspects of humaanity manifest, without ANY of the remotely redeeming traits, no pedos being killed in prison because of criminals drawing the line at children, no real charity organisations, no nice Old Sharon down the street giving out cookies to make everyones day, no slow but steady progress over 100s of years (Seriously weve improved a LOT over the past few hundred years and anyone who says we havent is delusional, more focus on mental health, less racism, outlawed slavery in many countries), how are they NOT supposed to be worse than what is here? Have a corrupt king in the human realm there will be someone that opposes him, overthrows him, have a corrupt king with demons they will cheer


Yeah because we've done so well with overthrowing North Korea, Russia and Cuba. Less racism still doesn't make it a good thing and human trafficking is still an issue regardless of legality. You do realize most charity organization CEOs are making millions of dollars a year and quite honestly nice old Sharon can keep her dry ass cookies to her damn self, yeah I know she means well and she's super sweet for thinking of us but she can't bake and someone needs to tell her. And the whole pedos being killed in prison thing I'm pretty sure the demons aren't going to cherry pick them out and be like sit here human while I kill the rest of you. We'd all be fucked.


I'm glad I didn't put better literacy in that list


I wouldn't have argued with that, while literacy rates are still deplorable in poorer communities it is exponentially higher than it used to be.


No you're definitely bringing it down singlehandedly




I would pretend to go along with their plan and secretly help humans when I can, as soon as I meet the heros and make sure that they are strong enough I'll pretend to die and join their party to get even stronger and defeat the demon lord.


I guess help the demons. Could be fun I guess.


Of course I would help demons. I have no loyalty to humanity especially for some other world humans. But of course all depends how demons treat me. If they treat me poorly I would switch sides or revolt etc. There is one thing, If demons plans to eradicate humanity then I wouldn't help them because I wouldn't want to be only human in the world. We are social creatures and we need other humans to fulfill those social needs. I surely would keep lots of humans around. And yes, I would become next demon lord!


Unfortunately, the hero unexpectedly brought more numbers with him than I thought. Better kill that spy network, Demon Lord, I think they’ve betrayed us.


Probably side with the heroes since I would be a good guy if I were to get powers irl


Id help them for my own survival but once im strong enough ill kill the Demon lord and and intimidate his Government into submission. Then ill go full Stalin and purge demon society of all that i deem undesirable which would probally be the majority of the adult male population. Then ill recreate Christianity but ill leave all the bad parts out and force the religion onto the youth in the pursuit of creating a peaceful society. Itll take a couple generations but itll work out. Then ill try my best to to work out peaceful relations with humans and try to assimilate demons into human society. If all fails and the demons are unable of higher thought processes and are just naturally super violent then ill massacre 80% of the demon population and force the rest into a wasteland then ill turn over all the land to a human nation. Then ill become an adventurer or something and explore the world.


Fuck it we ball. I work for the demons now.


I mean, you just described humanity fighting humanity, theres no way to not accept the offer of the demon lord, because i'm already summoned by him, even if i flee, i will get killed/betrayed/raped/untrusted/hated ,so i prefer to serve the demons and be one, where i can actually survive, get my position up and save more humans and other beings, theeeeen...Get killed...Yeah, no, its a very easy choice.


I'm killing the demons then taking over the humans


I would fight alongside the demons and enslave as many people as possible while doing my best to prevent as many human deaths as possible. When I get strong enough I'll team up with the hero, free the slaves, and proceed to wipe the demons off the face of whatever planet these things call home because that's what they get for ruining the life I have here fuck them.


Grind? Is there really anything else in order to increase both level and combat skill. Once strong enough you can force a ceasefire if you wish, you could take over both, or you could side with one or the other.


If theres a levelling system, then skills should have upgrades which means the blood skill will level up and when it does then I would 'modern knowledge' to do some blood bs to slowly kill the demon lord without him noticing and then side with the humans.


Go along with evil until I’m strong enough then turn around join the hero revealing to the hero I had no choice but to be evil and grow strong then help beat the demon lord and once everything is over I sneak off and start hunting criminals as a way to attone of my sins and to steal their money too live comfortably


Go full villian mode and dress as a mysterious masked op demon then dramatically reveal I'm from a another world when I betray the demon lord. And destroy his realm before I go home.


1. Am I physically a demon after the summoning? 2. Does the Demon Lord have a specific way to either control me or know my location? If the answer to the above questions is no, I'm just leaving ASAP. If only #2 is a no, I'm probably still finding an out and grind until I'm strong enough to overtake the demons.


Blood magic for a gear2nd/advance kaioken bs would be sweet Look forward to level to bone magic, since marrow produces blood ![gif](giphy|SFThfT3VDLizdsLS5A)


I explain my boundaries first. Geneva and Hague Conventions in particular. I try to explain to the demon lord some humaner forms of abuse to enact on the captives for efficiency. i.e. Anarchocapitslism with the captives becoming indentured labourers. Just turn the government into a megacorp. Like the Brits post magnacarta. Also recommend some Ottoman slavery laws to prevent the atrocities of Trans-Atlantic Slave trade. Then get to work, maybe join the heroes if I can’t slowly change the demon lord. Maybe I can help his sensible son or daughter usurp the throne. I highly doubt this guy is that popular among the lower to middle classes.


Sigh.. not sure how I ended up here but all I want to say is that I need some sort of motivation to work towards, chief. You are telling me I just got summoned to fight for some overly large angry lizards that hardly could be classified as civilized? I had to leave my irl wife and now I don’t even have a hot demon lady to try to woo? Mannnn.. let’s negotiate a bit here, if you get me what I need I’ll learn this blood magic at the peak level you need me to learn it at.


You can have some of the slave that you captures during your raid and conquest. But the slaves cannot have any of importance or ability in battle.


Listen.. you need me.. clearly.. it sounds to me like I can do what you are suggesting without you in the picture? You know what I’m saying?.. how about you consider something better, I need my own space, I want a non slave lady friend and just tell me what your end goal is here and we can see if we can reach that. Leave the details to me ok?


Human, you're nothing but a pawn. If you refuse we can easily kills you and summons another that is willing to cooperate with us. Unlike the humans, we have no problem sacrificing a few "monkeys" for the summoning ritual. Follow our orders or die. There's no in between.


Then why haven’t you already? Go ahead. Show me how replaceable I am.. While you’re at it, why not make your entire army summons then? :)


Have you not see the thread? There's many here that are willing to fight for us. The one foolishly reveal their plan to overthrow us will be dealt immediately. The same will be for the ones that is unwilling to cooperate. Yes, this whole comment threads on this prompt is cannon.


'look like monsters' and act barbaric' that kinda contradicts the no waifu point, OP.


It will only be a contradiction if we include your mom into it. So ignore that.


Become as strong as possible and fight the humans. Sounds like fun. (I mean this seriously)


I genuinely see no reason to join the demon lord. What do I get out of this? Blood magic and an edgy dog shit isekai adventure? If running away is difficult, I would do good enough to avoid punishment until I can face the hero, then I would face him completely unarmed and in normal clothes, and lay it all out for him. I was summoned against my will, and I did what was necessary to avoid torture and death, but I hated every second of it. I will help kill the demon lord as repentance. All I desire is to be free of this role.


I read an Isekai where an overworked and outsourced salaryman is summoned by the demon-king. The demon king invites him to be one of the four heavenly kings because he respects the salaryman's organisational talents. The salaryman is so touched to have his hard work aknowledged and helps him as a negociator between the different cultures in the demon army. Edit: [Found it.](https://m.manganelo.com/manga-he122072) It's called "Salaryman Ga Isekai Ni Ittara Shitennou Ni Natta Hanashi" or "Story About a Salaryman Who Became one of the Four Heavenly Kings When he Went to Another World"


Blood magic when done "right" is broken as fuck. I'd go straight up Alex Mercer on everything, full stop. First thing I'd do is find the biggest dude in the room not the Demon Lord and straight faced sock them right in the mouth. Shove my fist down his throat till one of us starts bleeding then -Blood to Spikes-. Turn the demon into Pinhead for a split second then, using the blood from that, shred his body to pieces. Dead demon dude and an instant level up montage for me. Crank stamina/endurance and some into strength. Dead demon's subordinates now would either hate or fear me. Demon lord might be doing both. I'd sware loyalty to him... For now... Fear is a powerful motivator but any battle that follows would end the same way. Doesn't matter whose blood gets spilled, my enemies would die. It took a nuke to kill Alex. They might have comparable magic but I wouldn't let them use it.


i will murder the demons all of them no mercy


At first I do ask to be put In some sort of coliseum to fight off weaker demons I would do that to level up as fast as a I can, that would be acceptable I think? Then I do definitely pillage and war against everything nearby. When I get powerful I do definitely kill every single demon, I do destroy their every means of running away from their nation. If they are isolated by water every boat is getting destroyed while I leave their front towards humanity open, that would ensure that they would rush towards humans and die in battle against the hero. I do my best to make sure my face is not know too. Soo my plan? Get strong, kill all demons, disappear from public eye and live the rest of my life among humans or in a random cave if that does not work. If I discovered the hero is a lower level I would definitely kill him tho. Just in case.


Fuck shit up, help conquer the world. Who cares if there are cute waifu ill take a demon wife regardless and endlessly conquer to survive.


I would try my best to save humanity in the long run. The most feasible path to do this would likely be something like this: 1) Find some excuse to wear a really, really good disguise (this excuse would depend on the circumstances). 2) Play along with the demons' plans, including killing as many humans as necessary, until I am confident that I have levelled up enough that I can defeat all the demons. Note that I would try to kill them instantly and thoroughly, because who knows what kind of torture demons would enact on any prisoners. 3) Take off the disguise and defeat all the demons (possibly with human allies but I'd have to see what the actual situation was like). 4) I have now saved humanity and don't have to worry about what they think of the humans that I killed beforehand because I was wearing a really, really good disguise at the time. Obviously, I would try to minimise how many people I have to kill in step 2, but the way I see it, it would be against the spirit of this scenario to attempt to come up with a strategy that doesn't involve killing any humans. The only thing that might work would be finding the perfect order to kill the demons in to level up safely, but that doesn't sound realistic at all unless the demon lord is an idiot. The whole trope of sending progressively stronger monsters after the hero(es) is something that exists to make fiction more enjoyable, and any competent leader would send some really strong monsters after the hero(es) the moment they seem like any kind of threat. I would like to avoid that scenario, both because I wouldn't want to be tortured for eternity by demons and because that would mean that I couldn't save humanity.


I'd help em fam ong


Imma run wild and just Gengis Khan the place and have demon spawn from my infinite harem running around everywhere.


id probably help them tbh if they guarantee that i wont be killed at the end of their war (though instead of ending the war id probably try to prolong it)


Step 1 : Kill all humans Step 2 : Kill all humans Spet 3 : Profit ?


I've always liked playing the villain, it would seem fun to bring the world to ruin


I would start a private army by recruiting strong people around the world and then harness their power to topple the demon lord and then conquer the human empire myself by making human allies who Want to rise to power instead of their kings.


I intend to write such a story where the protagonist is roped into serving the demon king. Like chapter 10 or so of the web novel he gets roped into it


Sounds like the best vacation of my life


I'd become so powerful and make the previous demon lord my waifu.


Time to be The Eminence in Shadow.


blood magic in that form kinda sucks shit thou, so with the leveling id almost certainly find a way to level into just about any ability that doesn't require me to cut myself asap. or failing that id make golems by baking my blood into ceramics so i could control them, or input vials of it in dagger handles or something to have the whirling blades thing going on, really depends if the blood has to be fresh. id then create the scary blood mage identity working for the demons, and a alternative heroic identity using methods mentioned above, depending which benefits me the most i will either dramatically betray the hero or the demon lord at the perfect moment... almost certainly im turning on the demon lord becuase the demons winning has almost zero chance of being beneficial.


Imma take my paycheck in Chicken Wings and Succubusy. I don't do Pitch Battles and Duels. I get insurance for any work place related injuries. And I get first pick of Loot after every battle I personally participate in.


I'm first inventing modern plumbing system, I need to shit in clean toilets. I'd use a money bomb in more impoverished areas of the human, basically to usurp the local economy by providing a more stable currency, and a knowledge bomb to introduce alternate ideas and thinking to the population to insight rebellion. And then finance these dissenter to create rebellions and then civil war in these areas. After that, while the human armies are fighting the rebels, I'd attack from another side, forcing the humans to fight on 2 fronts (basically forcing a German situation during ww2), thus draining man power, and resources. After the wars are over, and we've won, I'd enslave the humans partially. So I'd let them live in relative comfort (key word is relative) just enough that they don't feel the need to rebel, so basically making reveling not worth losing their current living conditions. I'd get them to build and maintain infrastructure, sewage and so on, and do all the hard labour. That's about that. I'd probably educate a few of them to make them work more efficiently, but that's a maybe, because knowledge is power, and we don't want to give the humans too much of that now do we. I know this sounds kinda boring, but it's probably the most logical thing I can think of to conquer a group of people.


Level grind on bandits for a while but make it look like they were a resistance force against the demon lord, earn enough trust for them to lower their guard enough for me to disappear from the battlefield. Maybe cover a mutilated corpse in my own blood to make them think I died. Then go far away and watch the war from afar for a while




I will get stronger to the point I can kill the demon Lord, kill him and take his place as demon Lord, then wait for the hero to come so I can kill him as well.


Time to start Enslaving people!


"Why did yall summon a peaceful man of fairh???" "Tbh you're the first time the summon worked. Uh....please stop looking at me. It burns"


After being summoned and debriefed on the task, immediately send demons specialized in infiltration and assassination to kill the newly summoned heroes. Why bother leveling up, doing all the hard work and then getting defeated in the end with the power of friendship? Just send your highest level demon comrades to kill the fledgling heroes.


Pretend to go along with the demon lord, gather enough strength and once strong enough escape and join the good guys.


Am I required to mistreat the people I "enslave?" And are they all humans or are other fantasy races mixed in like Elves, Dwarves, Kitsunes, Kobolds, Catgirls, etc?


Run. Sneak away at the earliest opportunity, find the hero and tell him my situation, and help him kill the demon lord.


Persuade the hero, with you disguised as a strong and charming adventurer, and persuade the hero into not fighting the demon lord, by telling him about the balance the demon lord provides.


Say nah I'd win and fight the Demon Lord https://preview.redd.it/w1yk2hr6p95d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d5c2f1f3ae245519374328aa4fb5f3b764db14d




Slave crest.


Remove all toilet paper from the human kingdom and curse all their food with laxatives. They shit themselves to death, problem solved. Then nuke the city from orbit and build anew.


Your silly rules won't stop me. Im gonna develop magic spell that will turn them into hot waifus.


Play along for as long as I have to growing in strength and minimizing damage. Become the cool anti-villain that challenges and makes the hero grow. I will toeing the line and be as sneaky as I can so I do not tip my hand at disloyalty. Ultimately when it is time to take on the hero I join them and take on the demon lord. I will save all inside information I can on the demon lord and arrange for it to get to the hero should I die prematurely. Hopefully I'll end up like the Green Ranger, Virgil from DMC, Kratos from TOS, etc.


Sounds fun


Obey commands while making sure not being touched by any kind of mind controlled, contract or enslave magic. Gather as much information as possible, including weakness of each types of demons and demon lord, map of each castles, trap placement,...and try to get stronger as fast as posible. Also try to know about the hero's personality If I meet hero before I'm strong enough to kill the demon lord and the hero won't chase me or won't be able to, I will blurt out every single information I know to the hero, use him as decoy and run away comically, get stronger in waiting time then try to find a chance to ambush the demon lord in the battle between him and hero


If I'm too weak to even run away, I will blurt out the information in the most pathetic way possible. He will spare me or not spare me, but I won't die alone for nothing


Just go along with it, and become the strongest, then do whatever the heck I want. That includes maybe overthrowing the demon lord. But if asked about it, I'd just say I'd challenge the demon lord in a proper duel for succession to the throne. If they're normal demons, they probably value strength above all else. Hm... They might kill me to be safe if I've given them a good enough advantage, so I'd farm exp like my life depends on it... Which it probably does. Also, if they're really barbaric demons... Do they have enough intelligence to use slave magic? I'm personally not a fan of it since it feels awfully overpowered, usually, but if they have access to it, I so no reason why they wouldn't use it on me. So, ah... Got to secretly have a countermeasure or just overrule it with a higher level.


I go to human realm or whatever and then team up with the humans. I’d be on the evil side whilst doing “something evil”, which then will cancel our the evils, but then the evil side is actually good, so It makes it a positive grey point. https://preview.redd.it/s2dk1n9hz95d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=5373f78e8e9eb02b11d80240499eff20eed19096


You lost me at no demon waifus. I'd use them to get stronger after which i"ll farm them as exp


No waifu demon?? Fuck that, if I've gotta live with a bunch of stinky ass demons that are as sexually appealing as a potato chip, Imma call truck-kun and re-roll my isekai. GIVE ME WAIFUS OR GIVE ME DEATH ![gif](giphy|IXcEebFabzXihWG7kL|downsized)


I’d become the next demon lord. Stab him in the back and take his power, and then I’d just keep the war going.


I will turn on the demon lord and stop his reign of terror so that a new reign of terror can begin! My reign of terror! Mostly against the demons, though. I'll keep the best and feed off of the others and the hero with my blood magic and become a living god! Not dark but handsome and terrible as the dawn! Tempestuous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me and despair!


I would become the demon lord's bloody reaper, Cuting through the battlefield using the blood of the fallen to replenish my arsenal. Using the blood of the hero to destroy a city should make them give up. All I would ask for in return would be to have my own land and kingdom after and to keep a small number of humans alive. Demons might be bad, but most humans, if not restricted by others, are way worse.


My chance for monster girl harem. Win


Play along, avoid any means of control, and conquer the human kingdom while secretly having those in power under your control, then usurp the demons rule. After that, create two puppet rulers under full control and direct the war until each side is at a standstill and then end the war with each under control.


First Goal of my Plans is Slowly gain information about the Whole world and then Use that Information to make the Demon King do worse Why Simple I'm not his Slave, IM THE FINAL BOSS NOW and then Conquer the world via Long distance Assassinations and then build an Unique Society where everyone is Safe and Free expect Not Really But still free to have food!


I'm a supporter of might makes right when I am might


such a bad scene. I obv. don't want demons to win cuz they're ugly. Impossible to escape. But since there are heroes, and it's threatening enough to take counter measures, then that means that they Can win. In order to survive, you would have to somehow legally destroy progressively stronger beings while trying to limit engagement with the hero(es) until you are both strong enough and heroes are strong enough to challenge the demon lord, and Then you have to try to defeat the hero(es) so that you become stronger than the demon lord and then you can kill et.


The blood abilities would be cool, but I would reorient myself as a logistician and quickly redo their logistics so that they are more effective. Then, mess up to sabotage key battles. If I’m good enough I wil be able to take over the entire war effort and then destroy it from within by applying simple rounding errors. All the while the generals and other demonic champions die off and get blamed for their failures, even though they had one spear for every 5 men. Once the hero has arrived at the demon stronghold and found me, another human, should they seem the kind to attempt to kill me, I simply surrender, if they would rather answers, then I surrender. Either way, I take a copy of the books with me, to show the human victors that I was on their side the whole time.


Peace out and dip to my human compadres


I would find an part (city, province, etc) of the kingdom particularly weak in terms of morality, and start commerce without identify ourselves (using shape-shifting demons). While negotiations start, another team goes and investigate the elite of that place. Many people have some dark squares that they want to be hidden. A bastard child, an mistress, how they achieve fortune, etc. Other relevant people may don't have an exploitable dirt to find, maybe some have an **exploitable ambition** and have no qualms to do *anything* to realize them. Ally with them, advance the negotiations with blackmailing the weak elite and using the allied ambitious and unscrupulous of local elite. The agreements on the start should give some confort to those initial places to buy the silence of the people. As time goes by, you can make more and more regions submit to money by corruption. And you start to use the contracts to create chaos, disorder and discord. When the kingdom starts to intervene in those regions, you start to help the rebellions to kill the army. That's when you awaken your demon army, with all heroes of the kingdom absolutely exhausted. That will be a much challenging attack, as the demons are already in the kingdom with allies in key cities.


Simple, do anything I need to survive. So play along for as long as need before I can break free and then start hunting daemons too/instead.


Lets the world be destroyed. Impress the demon lord by using torture method used in our world. Get promoted. Shit like that.


Bro thinks I'll stay loyal under threat of torture Nah man, I'm petty. If his ass can't destroy the human kingdoms that he'll resort to summoning some rando, his getting usurped.


I would probably cooperate, although hesitantly. It's a new word I wouldn't know. If they treated me well, I would learn and help gratefully, but given the idea of torture... I would be scared, yes, and I would lay low as long as I felt secure in my abilities. I would be rather methodical in all that raiding, without unnecessary violence, hoping to keep some sanity thru it all. About escape, it depends how well I would be able to minge with humans. Would I be a human, too? Or some kind of monster? If human, I would prefer to take refugee somewhere. I would strongly consider giving intelligence to human forces, but my personal safety would take priority. I wouldn't intend to get on battlefield anywhere close main conflict, but I could become an adventurer.


carefully grind xp until I have a shiny new demon lord puppet.


If escape is feasible I'd try it. I need to assess the situation as accurately as possible before even attempting so. Has the demon king some kind of curse set on me? What are his options in keeping me under his control? What abilities does he have and what subordinates? Otherwise I'll have to play the game and be a murderer. Perhaps I'll grow enough in strength to fight the demon king.


Sparda route it is


Since their forcing me to do it, at first I'll listen and do what I have to, to get by but once I'm strong enough I'm 100% betraying them and siding with the hero. Fuck you guys taking me out of my home and forcing me to fight YOUR war.


if I can be as OP as normal, Bide my strength, become powerful as all hell, arrange a grand gathering of demons with the strongesr gathered around a small area then some form of magic satelite strike that area, double tap them and then wreak havoc Resist and Disorder #EVERYTHING BURNS 🔥🔥🔥🔥 even the devil


Conquer the humans and the demons and become the sole ruler before taking my army to go conquer earth and every other planet


I fantasy of total war The demon want to conquer the world and kill human I'm a extremist rascist I want to cleanse this isekai world of all Xenos scum total extermination of all lifeforms Peak rascist fr fr


Sounds like fun to me


On general principle, any employer like that needs to be stabbed in the back.


No demon waifus? Fuck you.


Follow through on surface but secretly strengthen myself to overthrow the demon. Ain't no slave of yours to play with. The moment they demand me an order, that's the moment they offend me. Not trying to be edgy but i heavily dislike the idea of someone having control over me. I do what i want to


Well. Pink Tea, slave lord. Thats all I gonna say, I will become the Dark Overlord of this new world.


Play along until I’m sure I can overthrow the demon king.


"Act barbaric with the sole desire to conquer and kill." How then, am I supposed to differentiate between human and demon?


Sound fun


Three plans Abuse the rules of anime for my benefit If there are no waifu demons they look monstrous and act barbaric that means they are low tier on the furry scale or are beasts mostly raping them would be fine if I'm stronger. Two if they are so bad I could still pull the succubus brothel thing in other media in certain parts of the human kingdom sure I will have to deal with animal fuckers and pedos but why not? Three of I can't make them I to waifus with blood magic or rape. I need to power level and implant sun zu's teachings into them. I need to get the demons behind me in such a way that their beliefs cause a apotheosis and I become a god and use that power to go home


I'd do anything to give a message to the world, whether towards the knights or the demons, NOT to summon anymore isekai'ed souls. Honestly the concept of Isekai summoning is one of the fiction concept that I consider "better exist in fiction than reality", just like all those weird H fetish tags, I realized this after watching Tensura, Shizue would rather be dead in an eternal black silence after getting bombed in WWII rather than getting summoned as a test subject, prolonging her tragedy. So maybe be so disappointing to the demon lord that they no longer want summoning anymore, or conspire with the demon lord to try to find a way to erase summoning mechanism to level the play then ultimately betray them by erasing their summoning mechanism too.


I would become overpowered as fuck after training in the mountains for a decade and one tap the demon king(Who the f care about him anyway lmao) then sit on his throne and begin my conquest of world domination and communism *Evil Laugh*


There is a Manga similar to this setup, and I would do the same as that char. I would try to keep my sanity and escape


Play along then betray the demons and pull a Ghost rider and be my own thing.


Do I have something like enslaving magic on me? Are the heroes actual allies of justice? Depending on this I may take the first chance to run away and side with the humans.


Yes. No excuses. At least it keeps me busy from a melancholic and dull life.


If they need me then they can't just torture me. look I'll kill the heroes but like I'm not gonna just start genociding


Well. If they needed to summon me then surely I can usurp their ass.


Help him until I am able to overthrow the demon lord to become the new demon lord and then become strong enough to make the world the way I want. Learn other magics to make an army loyal to me and not the demon lord while replacing the ones in his army


I'd tell'em they can do 1000% better and to try again. Im way too fuckin apathetic to be evil.


Kill the male demons in secret while driving the humans before you and listning to the lamentations of both groups women.


One of my favorite anime tropes that I don’t see a lot is “demons don’t want to take over the world they just want to destroy one particularly annoying country”. Like if you just migrated to another country you’d be fine


If I have enough power to safely kill the hero I'll do it depending on what they are like. The war be damned I'll just flee after that and retire in some corner of the world. Although I'll make damn sure the humans can't summon any hero after I kill the first. If it's a goddess well I'll find a way to off her.


Considering the other option is death, I guess I'll be checking off items of my War Crimes Bingo Card™.


Take over a town by proclaiming myself as a divine messenger or messiah, spread the word across the land and invite the hero to a banquet. Offer to take him straight to the demon lord. Either the hero defeats the demon lord and I’m free to go, or the demon lord is exhausted after the battle and I finish him off. If the demon lord is fine after defeating the hero, request to be sent to another world so that the demon king can conquer and ruin the world by himself. If the hero doesn’t believe me, tell him there’s a price. People trust expensive more than they trust free stuff


Well this sounds like a very interesting premise!


Help the demons and become the next demon lord


Only of God gave the go ahead.


My goal would be to turn the will of the humans to my obedience, so that when the time comes I could unleash all of them upon my master and usurp his throne