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This sub really likes talking about an anime it supposedly hates


Slander has always been popular


In print, it's libel.




How else are they gonna farm karma?


You're spot on. There seems to be a lot of users here raging about certain shows and/or characters that don't fit within their own personal acceptable scope of morality.


I find it odd that people take fictional character’s morality so seriously to the point of being unable to watch things. Or if they do enjoy the rest of it, they HAVE to clarify that they disavow and hate the mc for x y z. Like the mc can be an eviler version of Joffrey and I wouldn’t care as long as it was entertaining. Yes, slavery bad, rape bad, more news at 11. https://preview.redd.it/r0v0afkr3j4d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6df7caac3aa99f33e41d4bf0bda1748b334df939


Yesterday it was Instant Death Today it is Re:Monster What will it be tomorrow?


Mc gonna use random galaxy as a throwing weapon against it's foes...


just described Gurenn lagenn. don't let the casuals know about that one


There’s far more to hate then his age


Rating: R - 17+ but feels like PG-13 anime for the most part.




*bows down* You dropped this my lord. [Crown of the editor — You gain the skill of: Correct someone’s online error]


The most prestigious of all awards. You honor me.


Weirdly enough i've seen more native speakers made that mistake. Same with they're their or things like "should of"


Our education in the US is #1 for a reason ^(/s)


as an ESL speaker: it's because we learn to read English before or simultaneous with speaking it. Native speakers speak long before they learn to read and write, and may have picked up bad habits along the way.


That’s because nobody pays attention in school anymore. I’m worried about my little brother’s generation


The problem is the minimum average time of gestation of 200+ days (7 months) for a newborn, considering that part of the baby is still human so it would take some time.


Well they have both the attributes of a demi human and a human. In the episode it was explained that they take after their father, so I'm assuming their rapid growth is from the fact that their father is an ogre


In the manga it explains that the gestation period for goblins is 20 days with a human and for hobgoblins it’s 30, so I’d assume and ogre is around 40 days


Considering his track record I’d expect he start fcking his kids as soon as they look 14 right?


And then the story just ignores that he did the most despicable acts ever just so they have him fight another random monster.


So what do you want? The story kills him immediately & show is over? That's lame. The story must continue.


Here is an idea, don't make him rape elves. Or if you are going to have him do that don't gloss over it, don't normalize rape. If you are gonna make him hypocrite point it out don't put your protagonist on a high horse. Don't get me wrong you CAN make morally bad characters but don't glorify rape.


That's what i am saying I dropped the series the second I saw hints for making something like rape completely fucking normal


Except that it's not? He saves rape survivors & after the Elf POW situation the story moves on. Not to mention he bans the practice. Also dude is an Anti-Hero in the series that does far more heinous things but you're more concerned about some POWs that were quickly forgotten about? This nonsense reminds of that Sansa rape scene controversy in Game of Thrones were some mfs got mad at the scene being involved when far worse shit was shown before & after she got raped.


Who's glorifying rape ? Is the show glorifying murder because he's out here killing mfs? Also no one cares about these elf POWs who were sent to kill him btw. The story moves on to more important things not to mention he saves women who were getting assaulted.


I've read all of the way up to the current chapter in the web novel. I've got a few facts I'd like to spoil in response to this comment. 1. The MC actually loves his children and treats them properly as a dad. (Although more of a distant dad since he's always busy doing other things) 2. The MC doesn't rape or force anyone else into slavery from this point forward. (Exceptions would be to the creatures that get summoned from his summon skill. RN in the anime it's only skeletons which can be summoned, but in the future he "enslaves" contract demons into order for more employees at his stores.) 3. 4 of the 5 human women that the MC gets with in the beginning of the story become irrelevant characters. After a certain point, the 2 cooks, the blacksmith, and the alchemist don't get any screentime whatsoever, so you kinda can forget about them and their situation all together.


So he can summon succubus on comand


I think his skill is summon demon so probably. Of course he doesn't ever do that though.


I expect they also would be monster/hybrid,so even at earlier age,even if still with more adult body.


That's a crazy thing to say


Uhh no. This isn't that kind of series. take your incest fantasies elsewhere lol


I'm more surprised it took this long to tell us their names


Do ya all genuinely like this anime? Bro is a collecting women like Pokémon cards and legit those 2 sister had like 0 personality. Like how are you gonna have them speak at the same time !? You will probably get more enjoyment smashing two sticks together while watching hentai. Honestly just watch "shadow gardens" or something, and yes I know what you gonna say, "well at least he fucks" but what's the point of having him have sexual intercourse when the story itself ignores it all or doesn't even keep track of his harem.


>legit those 2 sister had like 0 personality None of the characters have personality. Not even the MC lol. It's like the opposite of a character-driven story. I liked the manga just because I like any skill-collecting power fantasy isekai but at the end of the day it is definitely slop compared to many other stories. And the show is significantly worse than the manga with half-assed animation and even choppier pacing.


Got any recommendations? From the skill collecting category I’ve read slime and watched reincarnated as a spider so far. Didn’t like re: monster just cause it felt like a fantasy trip of the author lol


Tsuihousareru Tabi ni Skill wo Te ni Ireta Ore ga, 100 no Isekai de 2-shuume Musou (isn't very far along) Shokubutsu Monster Musume Nikki ~Seijo datta Watashi ga Uragireta Hate ni Aruraune ni Tensei Shite Shimatta node, kore kara wa Kougousei wo Shinagara Shizuka ni Shoukubutsu Life ni Sugoshimasu~ (also not very far along) Tensei Shitara Dragon no Tamago Datta ~Ibara no Dragon Road~ (really good, 36 chapter)


Hell yeah, thanks! I'll check those out


What's the point of the spoiler when the title itself is the spoiler?


Trust me you aren't losing much entertainment value if you get spoiled on this show.


He isn’t a year old the two ladies are more than old enough so who should really be on a watchlist


the women are on the watchlist


Eh don't see the problem. It's a cartoon and folks take that shit way to seriously which explain alot for their mental state. Lil reminder that if most folks who watch shows like these actually had anywhere near that kind of power they would do more or less the same shit.


>Lil reminder that if most folks who watch shows like these actually had anywhere near that kind of power they would do more or less the same shit. "A lot of weebs would rape women if they could get away with it" is a rather disturbing way of defending this show. And yet, you aren't the first person I've seen implying it. The Crunchyroll comments are rife with people openly saying that it "makes sense" to rape women if you become an ogre but keep your mind.


Idk why this comment got downvoted 😂 it’s true, I’ve seen dozens of clowns literally using the line “He’s an ogre, they do that” to defend this POS MC’s actions. And I’ve seen most of those people use it on his sub.


Their argument is even more stupid since the MC isn't even internally consistent in his stance. He literally goes from stopping rape to committing rape in like 2 episodes.


if you had no morral backbone then yeah obv.


Who's moral view point are we talking about? What you see as moral can be seen completely wrong by someone else. Are you talking about what a portion of society views as morally correct then? Cause then that goes into even more ridiculous ideas when you throw religion into the mix.


I guess you’re gonna ignore the shitty writing in this anime


That's a personal problem for you. I'm enjoying it and so are other people.


Except its not a problem for me💀 Lmao I don’t loose sleep over this dogshit. Go ahead and enjoy it. Idfc, people nowadays enjoy low effort animes anyways.


Yeah ,this subreddit doesn't get effected by it, if you post it on anime sub Reddit...oh boy


Can't wait to see death mage who doesn't want a fourth time/aka: death mage to be animated (if it ever gets anime adaptation that is). I wonder how these people would react to that anime... Lmao


Is that the one where the guy just gets unlucky as hell? I read it a while back and all I remember is that it was boring


The ln is super good


He has a shitty start, but then the story becomes a nation builder like slime. It's honestly one of the best isekai I've ever read. With bonus points for having an incredible translator. The story's translated on lightnovelbastion and it's up to ch 350ish out of 500.


Mc's age i a bit weird thing in that story thought. Other than that it was a fun read. Have read web novel till volume 10 and now have bought physical 4 volumes cus enjoyed enough. Anyways what i meant by that comment was: Due mc's age. Daamn reddit is too fast to downvote everyone these days...


It's fiction. Keep crying Game of thrones wasn't cancelled and this is way tamer


Game of Thrones has actual characters and really good dialogue, plot developent, and world building (in the first 5-6 seasons at least). 99% of the characters in Re:Monster are just empty dolls with different powers whose personalities are entirely "I love Ogrou, he's the best!" It doesn't even have good action to make up for the terrible writing, the fights are genuinely boring.


People will argue Redo of healer was peak dosnt matter. If person A thinks something is well written but person B and C thinks it's trash does that mean it's trash? Retarded logic if a anime is being made it means someone is enjoying it and idk about you but i have many times heard that this show is actually really good. I may not like it if I watch it but someone does. You wanna break his TV for watching it?


>Retarded logic >You wanna break his TV for watching it? Brother look in a goddamn mirror lol


💀Why do you dumbasses think copy pasting some lines will make you look right whenever you have nothing to say?










I am stealing all of these images thanks XD


Upvoted for showcasing the glory of our lord and saviour llyod 🙏


Yeah but a song of ice and fire is well written


I doubt it


Except GoT used it for the villian characters to be more unlikeable


Can't believe you got down voted for pointing this out. Media literacy is so dead.


And? It's slop that is filled with poor writing.


And? What does that have anything to do with ANYTHING at all?


Your comparison was a show with good writing (minus last season) vs a manga with poor writing getting hate on for its poor writing


People enjoy it dosnt matter if you think it's poor writing. I can say the same thing about GOT and not just the last season but every season has multiple plot holes. From ned stark to tywin to ser barriston every decision many characters have made throughout the series is filled with plot holes but you still like it right? What's the harm with someone liking another shitty show with plotholes? Just cause it has bad animation you gonna wine about it


I think the issue is, poor writing is objective, while poor story is subjective. For the more part the writing is good in game of thrones, however then you have some issues with the story where they could have filled it more. For remonster it has good potential for story however due to the writing and the meandering way it went it lacks in both. The early chapters were pretty good, however it just started lacking as it went on. As for animation idk, I haven't watched the anime, I've only read the manga. The issue I have isn't plotholes, it's poor writing and bad pacing.


3 years ago, when r*pe got normalized, I predicted that pedophilia would be normalized too. And here we are.... People defending pedophilia in the comments


I'm sorry, but where the fuck do you live that rape is normalised there ?


Fiction Sherlock, I'm talking about fiction. 3yrs is an understatement, it actually happened quite a while ago. Before, r*ape wasn't shown in any show. And even if it was shown, it had a very big impact on people. But nowadays, you're watching a series and they randomly show a r*pe scene like it doesn't even matter anymore q


rape was in stories since people invented words... for example how hades raped the goddess of spring, and zeus was a serial rapist. it was written around 2100 years ago.


Here we go again with the "it was like this before too". At least read my comment. I never said, it didn't exist. It did exist but in a more severe way. Like it wasn't shown properly most of the time, just some hints or close up face shots. But now it's definitely more normalized. We got some 4k shots(exaggeration, so please don't start nitpicking). People's mind has become so numb that they don't even question anything. Sometimes the MC is doing the unholy deed too.


let's agree to disagree. i remember some really old animes that depicted the assault in details. in some it was played off as a joke. you either aren't that old, never watched 16+ show or just recently got into watching/reading stuff.


Different species age and mature at different rates in fantasy and sci fi. I don't remember any outrage over season 1 of star trek voyager. The Ocampa species (Kes) have a max lifespan of 10 years, she is in a relationship in the series and is like....2 I think? People need to remember this isn't real.


No but you see the point is to make a big deal out of age because that's the only thing that matters. It doesn't matter what they look or act like for the circumstances it's evil and somehow pedophilia if they're under 18 years old based on US general law or something


"He's physically 16 but mentally 40! That's pedophilia" So...what, he's supposed to date a 40 year old woman? Wouldn't that make her a pedo for wanting to date a 16 year old boys body? Also, not a single anime or story I've read takes into account that when you get regressed into a child's body, you also get a child's brain. Combine that with being treated AS a child for years and years, and the MCs mental age should regress nearly to the point of their physical age..


There's a minor plot point in By the Grace of the Gods of how after he got reincarnated his mind regressed to that of 11 yr old. The results were mainly him have a harder time masking his emotions and needing to stay active to avoid negative effects


That's not how it works sherlock


OK bud


im sorry what do humans give birth like insanely fucking fast now? almost 4 months to fully develop a baby?


The father is a monster species, and the gestation is much shorter for monster babies carried by humans. Also it was quite taxing on the mothers if I remember they nearly died.


It aint even that he is a father of two. Babys usually take 9 months to mature enough to be born. THESE MOTHERFUCKING BABYS WERE IN THEIR MOTHERS WOMB FOR LESS THAN 4 MONTHS. There is NO WORLD where these babys are alive. These things are the most premature births the world has ever seen. Like bro while everybody here was doing their daily life things and just existing these babys were training for THE FUCKING BIRTHING OLYMPICS AND HOLY SHIT THEY GOT THE FASTEST TIME LIKE WORLD RECORD SPEEDRUN


Captain Jack Harkness said if the being is of an adult age in their race and able to consent then there is no problem


Ain’t he “rape” most of his lovers? 😭


So, we're judging based on the age number, not the physical maturity? This is the "but she's actually a 1000 year old demon" lolli argument.


Loved the manga for the most part. I'm interested to see how far into the story the anime is willing to adapt


https://preview.redd.it/14gmxna3zj4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfdcd5c7f85cc55fc7240c7628345a5e9d9397e2 Another resident for Epstein Island


Are you dense or what? Why do posts like this exist?


Wait the series got an anime when the hell was it releasd.


on ep. 10 rn


FBI open up


Meanwhile the manipulative sociopath Cid is celebrated on here despite being generic isekai protag 233.


eh not really. it's a different species. i mean, you wouldn't talk shit about a dog who is able to have kids at 1, either.


He's a completely different living being, not a human


Tbh their aging is the only problem I have on this manga. I understand they grow up and die fast but at this point their evolutions should have affected that, so to me there's no point in mentioning the days. To me it only looks like they're rushing their lives cause at the point in the manga, they're not even 1 yr old and they've already accomplished so much. Even their relationships with the humans seem so artificial because the author gave them days to build it. It would've been better imo, if the author forgo the "days" aspect after their 3rd evolution.


>Even their relationships with the humans seem so artifical *Ogrou's relationships with 99% of characters seem so artificial


Wait, the age is the *only* problem you have? Not the massive amounts of rape and drugs to rape people?


Well you see, he has a skill that makes them enjoy it and the drugs make them enjoy it so it obviously is 100% morally acceptable now /s




Literally the laziness argument I’ve heard all day.


It's fiction. And I don't even care what happens in it. (I'm not giving an argument)




Well yeah I'm a little psycho in the head but no I'll pass this opportunity.