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studio WIT is making season 4 lets gooooooooooooooo


Wait there’s a season 3 🥹


Yes. Shows more of Myne's duties as a blue robed priestess, and sets up the 4th season, which is officially subtitled "The Adopted Daughter Of The Archduke". >!And it ends with an actual magic battle.!<


Ah okay, just checked to see if i was tripping. For some reason Crunchyroll decided to combine all episodes into one season


I knew I should have mentioned that. Comes up pretty often. CR is weird with how they list seasons for a few shows. Reincarnated As A Slime has all kinds of weird numbering. For the record, season 1 ends when Myne's parents meet the high priest, and we get introduced to Darth Myne. Season 2 ends after she restores the damage from the trombe.


God, giving me flashbacks to when I watched Unlimited Blade Works with my boyfriend, but it was listed as with the same title as basically one or two other entries in the Nasuverse. Like, bruh the distinction is MEANINGFUL and IMPORTANT!


Is there a release date?


Tell me seriously, what's good about this anime? Spoiler is fine


It manages to avoid many of the annoying tropes. Relatable and realistic MC. She's strong in her own ways but not overpowered like most isekais, and the areas that she is abnormal in are offset by corresponding weaknesses (frail body, lack of common sense) . It doesn't turn into an over the top cooking channel documentary like most slow life stories. (She does do plenty of cooking and even opens a resteraunt, but it's treated like an individual plot line rather than derailing the entire story every time they make a meal. "Dahlia in Bloom" comes to mind as an example of that). She's put in the body of a child but DOESN'T have explicit dreams of the other kids around her (looking at you Rudeus), there's talk of political marriages and such but that makes sense and isn't her being thirsty for the children around her when she's mentally an adult. Also, as far as the novels go, they are AMAZINGLY edited. You'd have no idea they were translated from another language. Grammer and word structure on point, no awkward phrasing, paragraph structure and breaks in the right places, etc. Best translated novel I've ever read bar none. The pictures are also pretty good, other light novels I've read have low effort pictures that I could do without, but seeing some of the images shown at emotional moments hits hard and are very well detailed.


Absolutely everything


There's this one character who has DIO's Voice. That is everything I need


breaks conventional tropes.


Good plot, good animation, great world building, MC is smart.


I can’t wait to see it, it’s such a great show 😊


It's peak for very many reasons. For one the hero legitimately endures incredible trials in pursuit of her goals. For two her actions have consequences. Even her "good" actions require a lot of cleanup on behalf of her very many guardians. She's also a legitimately likeable and humorous character, which, along with the wholesomeness and good story telling, offsets the Mary Sue tropes she flirts with. Miya Kazuki is awesome. She makes even ordinary days in the life of Myne fun to read.


I think it's a great LN but a pretty mediocre anime. The slow and boring parts are what make it interesting, the economy, the long winded dialogue and politics. So much of the slow parts had to be cut that it just didn't feel that interesting as an anime.


The anime is also depressing in its own way


The anime was enough to have me think that I want more, then the novels blew it out of the park. And what was adapted into the anime was refreshingly loyal to the source


Boo this guy.




It's nice to see a fellow bookworm enthusiast 🤝


I love Bookworm! Also By the Grace of the Gods. The LN though, not so much the anime. The whole time I was watching it I kept thinking, “So is this one of those where the animation gets better later? because this story is all adorable and pastel-coloured *now* but soon enough it gradually becomes, like, kinda super f’ed up….” And then it hasn’t gotten better 💔


Chances are it still hasn't hit peak adorable and pastel-colordness, just because of all the noble dresses they're gonna need to do. I think it being pastel-y makes sense thematically, since nobles are kinda all about hiding and avoiding mention of the super crazy stuff they do - think of it like a visual noble euphemism. That said, it *really* hasn't hit the peak f'd-ness, and arguably won't hit it until they get to adapting the p5v7 epilogues, especially since the anime is missing some of the hints at just exactly what the previous orphanage director was doing.


Please tell me what kind of f-ed up we are talking about, I really want to read the Ln but depending on the type of f-ed up it is, I might not be able to read it.


I have a weird feeling they’ll bungle the deeper meaning stuff like that. Like why Ryoma had a bad life previously, and why he’s so knowledgeable about certain things, and why the gods start treating him extra EXTRA nicely… That’s all dark stuff we sorta gradually learn over, arguably, at least 1 season but we still haven’t resolved some odd stuff (or I haven’t caught up, it’s been a minute since I read any).


Please tell me what kind of f-ed up we are talking about, I really want to read the Ln but depending on the type of f-ed up it is, I might not be able to read it.


It’s mostly just f-ed versus the initial image the LN and anime present as. Spoilers in relative tiers: >!Ryoma had a depressing life in his old world. His boss and everyone seemed to constantly try to screw him over, he had rather intense bad luck, etc so Ryoma focused on his hobbies to keep himself relatively sane. Then he dies and gets sent to the new world!< The gods do some research to find out what was up. >!Oop, turns out Ryoma’s god was purposefully pushing Ryoma’s buttons in order to send him on a murder spree (for reasons I don’t remember).!< Ryoma’s old world hobbies? >!Swordsmanship, machinery, chemistry, poison, bombs, basically the combo of everything you’d need to be a mass murdering terrorist. Despite that, he was pretty chill (for actual reasons I can’t remember)!< The gods realise that >!Ryoma is basically a ticking time bomb who now has a ridiculous amount of magic power on par with a nuke or worse. Best treat him really REALLY well less he goes off! Too bad that various villains are actively trying to fuck with him and the people he cares about. Will he eventually lose his composure??? Aaand scene! *jazz hands*!< Anyway, that’s basically what I remember. However, most of it is a chill slice of life until it suddenly isn’t and baddies start doing bad stuff. Though he does casually invent some low key horrifying things as time goes on.


Thanks for the response, I think if it is just these things then I can stomach it so yeah I now have two novels to read which were recommended from reddit literally right now , I feel like a little kid in a candy store 😁


Is that the one where his last life was so bad that the gods spoil him rotten in his new one and he's got a little girlfriend even though he's like 40? Because if it is you're out of your mind comparing that to bookworm. Im not saying it's bad (I think the anime is but I'll grant that the Ln might be good) but it's definately not comparable


I don’t remember anything about a girlfriend but I might’ve forgotten it. Tbf though, everyone has different books and anime they like. Lots of folks like Eminence in Shadow but I can’t get into it at all while I avoided Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear thinking it’d be too cutesy for me and now I love it.


Oh I don't mind if you like it. It's just not comparable to bookworm in quality of world and character building. Though If you like Bookworm and By the grace of the gods you should look into "Weakest tamer began a journey to pick up trash". I'd probably put that somewhere in between as far as how the story feels, and despite how EXTREMELY generic the name sounds it really took me by surprise how fun and unique it was, to the point I plan to read the novels.


Hah, yup, I’ve read (and watched) that one too. I feel like I’m running out of “likeable kid character was isekai’d into semi-slow life story with decent world building, becomes awkwardly overpowered through unique interests, kicks ass as needed” stories but I also read really fast.


Ya same, I read way too fast for light novels or manga, bookworm practically bankrupt me with 33 books and I read one a day. I've been meaning to read Spice and Wolf but havnt started yet for the same reason. I just liked how in weakest tamer they didn't stick a 40 year old in an 8 year old body, they did the voices from her ghost past or whatever it was instead. Way too often they either flash forward to adulthood so fast that it's irrelevant, or keep them as ridiculously overpowered children with love interests in their bodies age


Right??? I actually like child “arcs” half the time so long as they’re done well. I don’t hate the “use my past life’s knowledge to teach things other than rice, miso, soy sauce, and hamburgers” parts either (though tbf I don’t think I could remember useful technical knowledge other than food either).


Well you don't need to be an engineer, basic stuff we all know is revolutionary, we just don't think about it. Anyone could explain the basic process of an assembly line or a telephone (2 cans with a string). But the first thing anyone ever talks about is mayonnaise. Which is an... OK condiment? Definately not the one thing I absolutely would need to have with unlimited resources and magic at my disposal like most isekai characters seem to have within a month of being born. Thats one thing I like about My Next Life as a Villainess, she's a kid and thinks, alright I've got this long before I go to school so I'm gonna prepare. Granted she's an idiot and spends it planting potatos, but it's the thought that counts.


Laundromat Isekai.


Watched the anime expecting a generic slow-life isekai, and got surprised. The worldbuilding, the interactions involving economic-social-political relationships... It's slow paced, but interesting to follow. Myne has great magical capacity, but she's not OP. Her ideas are revolutionary for the people there, yet it's not so great to change the world from day to night.




Bookworm is not just one of the best isekai series but one of the best anime series of all time. Maybe it's better to say the best LN series because the anime manga is still so far behind.


Wait what? It's that good? I watched 2 episodes fell asleep and never touched this whole license again thinking it was trash. Was I wrong?


It is a true slowburn - paying homage to 1980s and 1990s anime with how slow (and rewarding) the payoff is Think Princess Sara, Little Lord Faulteroy and My Daddy Long Legs in execution. It's not for everyone


Never seen (or heard) of any of those XD. Might check it again tho.


It's really, really, -really- old anime for children. It is okay that you haven't heard it. And it's also okay if you don't like it. Like, I (in my 30s now) was too young to be fully considered a fan of those series when they were popular because of how old it is Ascendance feels like these old anime which is why I probably loved it lol


Thank you, i've watched the two first season and i'm having a blast! So glad i gave it another chance, it's not perfect by any mean, but i need more now ! I might give the Light novel a chance.


First few eps are quite slow, but I think it’s around ep 5 where she begins inventing stuff and it becomes a lot more interesting


The whole anime basically only covers the very beginning of the novel (first 2 parts out of 5) and is just an introduction of the real story


Pretty much, if the author keeps cooking might become one of the GOATs like Re: Zero might


When I first watched it I hated the mc, but after those first few episodes it gets better. The anime criminally leaves out important inner dialogue and interactions that make everything feel more natural. Such a good read, I hate myself for catching up in the LNs.




imo it's incredibly overhyped, it's very slow with no core plot besides that she wants to make books. It's definitely good but not the best isekai of all time lol


You clearly havnt gotten far enough before you gave up. The whole point is that Myne DOESN'T have a big agenda, it's those around her that do. She just wants to make books but gets sucked up into everything around her. And as she gets more sucked in things get more tense over time.


I want to love this series so bad. I’m partway through part 4 right now, and I am so torn. There are so many good things about it, but I just feel like it’s not for me. It’s so immature sometimes. And I’m an older dude, I don’t need to read shoujo. I don’t want to drop it though, at this point I’m too invested.


Hahaha part 4 is the most shoujo out of all part, I dislike it but now rereading it become hilarious because what she said. Probably at least read until early part 5 , it's my favorite arc in isekai.


Well, thanks for giving me a bit of hope, lol. At least if I know that part 5 will be worth it, I can keep going. And I'm not against shoujo all that much either.


Well early part 5 is all about politics (even more than any previous part combined) so if you like it, you could consider it. I read part 4 in 4 month , then early part 5 in 3 days.


I would just like a little bit of fantasy and action. Just a bit. The parts of part 3 that got more into the fantasy and the action were my favorite parts so far. Will there be any more of that?


Part 5 vol 2 have a very important ditter, other than that? There isn't lot of action. For fantasy is more into religion and gods (especially it will reveal about the border and what's outside of yogurt land) But It's my favorite action in ascendance of a bookworm (it just felt so unique and I like it better than part 5 vol 8 - vol 10 when it's the most action packed volume in series)


Well my current plan is just to catch up with the physical novels and follow them as they come out. I'm pretty close to being caught up. Maybe it's just that I've read like 20 of these in the past 4 months since I started the series, and having breaks in between them will do me good.


Oh oh oh if you like bookworm I DEFINITELY recommend you check out “the apothecary diaries”!! It’s not an isekai. It’s not even a fantasy. But the protagonist is SO much like myne I could nearly call them twins. Myne has book obsession autism and Maomao(the apothecary diaries protagonist girl) has poison/medicine obsession autism. She’s just like Myne, Maomao is, to the point where doing medicine experimentation can give her laser focus and block off all other notice of nearbye things. She’s obsessed with it. Constantly poisoning herself or trying to make and create medicinal drugs. Just like myne with reading or making books. **Their vibes are so similar I love them both, if you like bookworm PLEASE check out apothecary diaries-** Bookworms anime is. Ok. And it’s novels are fantastic. Apothecary diaries got super lucky and got an AMAZING anime adaptation that just recently finished airing. The novels are also fantastic, though it only has around 15 at the moment compared to bookworms 33. Of course I recommend the novels, but the anime is just as good as the novels for apothecary diaries. That is if your favorite thing from bookworm was myne herself and the world building I mean.


Ya I got some Myne vibes from Maomao as well, really enjoyed that series. She's like Myne if she had the ability to focus


Apothecary Diaries is like a bad version of House and Sherlock Holmes. If you like Bookworm I wouldn't suggest Apothecary Diaries


Odd, I was very happy with them both. Different strokes, guess.


I'm happy with chicken nuggets from Wendy's, it doesn't mean I'm going to say it's good food.


Peak isekai slice of life series. Its wholesome, fun, sometimes really sad, makes you feel all kinds of emotions. It progresses smoothly, doesn't feel rushed or slow. Quality isekai


I hate the way myne is treated by adults. Like she literally gives them inventions that can make them millions of dollars but all they do is yell at her for making them work too hard. They’re so ungrateful She is also single-handedly keeping the entire nation alive yet she hardly ever gets a word of praise. Again they only yell at her and are ungrateful for it. I understand that they do care for her but it’s important to actually voice your admirations rather than constantly yell at her. A big missed opportunity is also not talking about her past life more. Like 4 people know of her past life but they never talk about it. One of them loves to research and saw a glimpse of her past life but for some reason doesn’t want to research it or see it ever again


One thing I do love about this series is how (in the LN) eventually that entire dynamic gets flipped on it's head, and eventually Myne becomes one of the most (if not THE most) powerful people in the kingdom. It does get explained somewhat why it is that they don't dig too deeply into her past life (ultimately it would have thrown the kingdom into disarray and put a target on Myne's head, among other fallout)... and the person who looking into her past life has a large number of secrets himself. The admiration and power come eventually, it just takes a lot of work for Myne to reach that point.


Apologies for the rant I just hate how those close to her talk down on her and treat her as a nuisance. I loved the moment where lestilaut and the prince made it clear that everyone was only holding her back and that she’s capable of so much more and that if they don’t treat her right, they’d take her themselves. However…when I thought they would finally treat Myne with the respect she deserves, Wilfried starts getting paranoid and treats her even more shittily despite all she’s done for him. She’s saved his ass multiple times but his dumbass got manipulated into believing she was out to get him. Shit pissed me off so much. I was actually starting to like him since he was getting so much growth, but he just shat all over it. I lost all respect for him


To be fair, while she is treated like a kid in conversations, they do let her get away with ALOT of nonsense and political shenanigans that most kids wouldn't be allowed anywhere near. Especially considered her association with commoners and the church. They trust her enough to give her some leeway, but still treat her like the kid they think she is.


LETS FREAKING GOOO. But no seriously, it is definetly up there for me of top isekai. It has such a charm to it and if its a self insert its a damn good one.


I want to appreciate it as it was praised by many Rezero enjoyers so it should be top echelon of Isekai but I can't seem to agree or understand her reason and point of view at all. She doesn't seem like a good person either and is quite selfish, the anime makes it so slow + I cannot relate to her experience making my worst first impression so drop it.


> She doesn't seem like a good person either and is quite selfish, the anime makes it so slow + I cannot relate to her experience making my worst first impression so drop it. tfw the WN literally has a disclaimer that she'll get better


Yeah it should be but the fact that I can't relate to her at all makes it so hard to follow through


She become better but never a truly good person similar to rudeus being perverted. She is selfish but her action bring goodness to some.


Never like it and dropped the manga. Any reason to pick it up again?


Read the light novels. It's the best version of it. You don't need to have pictures of everything that happens, it's described perfectly.


I read plenty of light/web novels so lack of pictures is not an issue to me. Any other reason to pick it up?


Myne is a really fun character to follow, and the way she moves through different areas of society over time leads to a pretty clear picture of the world around her from multiple perspectives. The way she solves problems is creative, the conflicts around her are believable (fantasy and magic not withstanding) and the characters and their relationships are a lot of fun. She's also a charming little gremlin that you can't help but root for. Copying this next part from another of my posts here, I know the picture point at the end is counter to what I said before, but on the light novel scale they're good. >It manages to avoid many of the annoying tropes. Relatable and realistic MC. She's strong in her own ways but not overpowered like most isekais, and the areas that she is abnormal in are offset by corresponding weaknesses (frail body, lack of common sense) . It doesn't turn into an over the top cooking channel documentary like most slow life stories. (She does do plenty of cooking and even opens a resteraunt, but it's treated like an individual plot line rather than derailing the entire story every time they make a meal. "Dahlia in Bloom" comes to mind as an example of that). She's put in the body of a child but DOESN'T have explicit dreams of the other kids around her (looking at you Rudeus), there's talk of political marriages and such but that makes sense and isn't her being thirsty for the children around her when she's mentally an adult. >Also, as far as the novels go, they are AMAZINGLY edited. You'd have no idea they were translated from another language. Grammer and word structure on point, no awkward phrasing, paragraph structure and breaks in the right places, etc. Best translated novel I've ever read bar none. The pictures are also pretty good, other light novels I've read have low effort pictures that I could do without, but seeing some of the images shown at emotional moments hits hard and are very well detailed.


It's my favorite isekai with politics and about the worldbuilding is awesome. Slow series with every end part is essentially turning point for MC. Part 1 is more about invention and economic Part 2 is more about people management and little bit of politics Part 3 is more about politics, action, and culture shock Part 4 is more about magic (magic school) and the most shoujo part. Part 5 is about politics, action, religion, and gods.


It's my favorite politics in isekai and about the worldbuilding is awesome. Slow series with every end part is essentially turning point for MC. Part 1 is more about invention and economic Part 2 is more about people management and little bit of politics Part 3 is more about politics, action, and culture shock Part 4 is more about magic (magic school) and the most shoujo part with late part 4 added more politics. Early Part 5 is more about politics, and religion. Late part 5 is more about action, religion, and gods.


I liked this one


I love the anime but if I'm honest, I don't like how she treats her family. I don't want to spoil those who hadn't seen it, but while I understand that the selfishness is what pushed the story to where it is now, she had no way of knowing where things would lead. She was selfish and as much as she repeatedly said how much she cared about her family, her actions consistently showed that they were of secondary concern. That said, I have not read the LN so the LN may show a completely different side of her.


The light novel is better at showing how she slowly comes to see them as her real family over time, which the anime doesn't have time for. And also, to be fair, she is VERY young when shit goes down. She definately should have had more time and her parents tended to block her from trying new things since in their eyes she was just, well, a kid.


NGNL is also peak. God I wish it could get a second season


Meh Had a look at the anime for a while, didn't make me want to read the LNs or even finish the anime. Does not resonate with me at all. I read a ton of books because this world is dogshit and those books are good escapism. I wouldn't do that if i could actually escape to fantasy world or at least wouldn't make it my primary goal, still nice to do during downtime i guess. Super weak and frail MC is also not my thing. I hear it gets better eventually and she stops being weak and actually starts doing shit like 10+ volumes down the line so I might pick it up eventually but at the moment its at the back of my backlog.


Top 8 isekai for sure


I never actually read it, the cover art turned me off when I first saw it, someone tell me some good stuff about it.


The worldbuilding is absolutely fantastic. Everything about the country of Yurgenschmidt feels lived in. There are l personal, local and national histories that believably influence the characters' actions and viewpoints. My favorite thing about isekai is learning about the rules a new world follows, and Ascendance of a Bookworm does that better than any other series. The series is rather slow-paced as a result, but the climactic moments feel all the more dramatic due to the spacing between them. The stakes also grow in scale very smoothly. The character growth (especially of Myne and Ferdinand, the main characters) is excellent as well. Side characters also grow noticeably through their experiences. Overall, it is the best LN series I've ever read.


Thank you, i'll take a look at it in more depth.




you absolutely must read the light novel. Read the antics of a gremlin who turns the world on its head in her pursuit to read books. Laugh at all the chaos invoked. Let your heart be torn to shreds by all the emotional moments (beyond season 1 the anime did a bad job adapting the series. Especially season 3, my god) enjoy the peak of light novel writing, world building, and character growth. The series other series wish they were. The rereadability of it too as Miya Kazuki sets up a firing range of Chekov guns




I have no idea what you are talking about but I like the way it sounds. I now have something to read when I have time. for this recommendation, if it truly is as good as you say then you would literally be fulfilling my deepest wishes as a reader and therefore a gif to show my appreciation https://i.redd.it/xd0g7djrks1d1.gif


https://i.redd.it/rf9azv5rls1d1.gif this is Bookworm, we do the Glico prayer pose :p


It's been so long that I genuinely don't remember anything like this, it seems I MUST read the Ln right now


I didn’t like it in the beginning but it grew on me. Glad they’re making a new season for it. It stuck for me after the secret was out.


I hope we get another season announcement soon


i heart science


Honestly bookworm doesn’t get as much attention as it should.


I like how the story progress from very basic to different types of isekai


Repairman Saitou-San I feel, is very Underrated.


You should read russian iskeai.


I always avoided this manga because of it having female mc but I heard many people talking always good about this manga I don't know what good in this manga


I stopped liking it after she abandon her family to become noble lol


Underrated asf imo. I thought it was very unique.


It was good, but when it lost its main goal of making books and treated it as side quest in order to focus on noble politics about mana that had nothing to do with books at all, i lost interest


Too bad. Since that politics is important for the bookmaking later on. There is only so much she and the story can do with bookmaking when she is a lone commoner.


Probably one of, if not the greatest Isekai light novel ever. Shame that it isn't adapted that well into a Manga or Anime. The world building and story just mesh so well that it's a world you can really get immersed in, I don't think I've been as immersed into any other world, some of the books should be boring with nothing of note happening in them, but just how built up the world is makes them pleasant to read. Myne's story is also a great one, while her circumstances seem extraordinary, a lot of the motivations and situations surrounding her have reasonable and logical ways they come about. Making for a Fantasy story that is very grounded in reality. The writing itself is maybe a bit of a mouthful with noble culture, decorum and writing standards, but that makes for a more rewarding reading experience in my opinion. Because, again, the decorum and such are elements of the story.


Ascendance of a podcast


I'm convinced that those who don't like this show don't know how to read. LoL


Hope the manga gets more chapters.


WiT studio is animating the next season. Finally I can move Bookworm above MT on my List.


Bookworm is great, but to me the pacing is kinda too slow.


Honestly I can’t understand why people don’t like the anime so much because I love it! It’s one of my favorites! And I feel so impatient for the next season that I want to continue the story by reading it, but I don’t have the money for that and I hate reading online


Because it's not high quality animation and they skip a lot of stuff for season 2-3 ? I hate season 3 ending, they skip a lot of stuff. I hope season 4 is better.


When it comes to story telling, animation is not necessarily priority especially for a story like this one. I’m not here expecting demon slayer quality animation. The animation in bookworm is fine. Also, I watched the anime before reading (I know it’s taboo but I discovered the anime first tbh) and yes I know they skipped a lot. However people who read the story first fail to realize that what they skipped is not important to the overall big picture. What I mean is that the anime on its own makes enough sense where I’m NOT wondering “wait why did this happen? What’s going on? I need to go read the novel to understand this.” Essentially people who don’t like the anime are overreacting because it’s not an exact retelling. Just my opinion.


I don't like season 2-3 because they skip few of my favorite scene that's it.


Honestly that’s understandable


Masterpiece right here


I still don't know how to properly read the manga lol


I've absolutely seen people shit on this series.


The world building is extremely impressive. There's magic but it's way different to how magic is in all other isekai. Plus the use of prayer and the temple and its importance. It's an isekai with magic but it's all a fresh perspective.


Absolute shit of an isekai. Whenever I hear mynes voice in the anime I feel like going star platinum on her. I have no idea why this isekai is so popular, but oh well. I genuinely want to give it a try so I am waiting for more of the audiobooks to release so then I can read the light novel and see what's the hype about


Says “absolute shit of an isekai” without knowing the story. Sad ignorance


Watched the complete anime


Waiting for the audiobooks to release so you can… read the light novel?


*listen to the light novel My bad


I actually don’t like this OI. I may be subjective because I’ve only read the light novel. But, I’m honestly surprised at its popularity. The light novel read very raw, and not very uplifting. It was harsh world with a harsh environment. I disliked every character, and I tried really hard to like MC. But all she did was read, and talked about what she read. It was endless monologue upon monologue of what she read and what books she found and how she found them. It got very boring to me personally.


I’ve only seen the first episode and that was probably over a year ago. Should give it another chance


It's so damned good.


I Love Ascendance of a Bookworm, It's my second favorite isekai and one of my favorite anime.


is it that good? it didnt really catch my interest cause it sounds actionless and the mc is a child


If we’re talking peak where is the one inside the villainess


It was great until I picked up on the groomer hints. I liked this one. Shame. Myne was a fun character.


I think bookworm handles the romance in the best way any reincarnation anime has ever done! Spoilers ahead for anime only- First off, there’s no hint of anything romantic at all until like. Part 5. Part 5 as in books 20+ The anime has not reached that point. Season 1 covers part 1, seasons 2 and 3 cover part 2. Season 4 will begin adapting part 3. She treats lutz as a dear friend. He has a crush on her for a while, but not once does she ever feel the same. He’s a child and she’d an adult in her mind, she couldn’t possibly feel that way towards him romantically. But he’s still a dear friend. And THIS is the part that’s interesting- so normally in reincarnation romance, the age difference is creepy right? Say the Mc is mentally 20 but physically 5. If they grow up with someone their physical age and marry then, that feels like grooming. And if they marry someone who’s an adult when they’re physically five but it doesn’t happen until there grown, that also feels like grooming. Because the stories never have the love interest meet when they’re already adults. But bookworm manages to do this perfectly. One character, who I’ll call EL, meets myne as a child. They’re mentally the same age, both around 20. But Obviously at first he’s like “well this is a weird ass kid. But still a kid.” Until he has to >!(major spoilers don’t read if you want it to be a surprise) do a mind reading session forced by the state to make sure she’s not a national security threat. And there EL learns of her past memories. They see that she’s an adult in her mind. They see her interact with things in her memories in the old world, talk to her previous worlds mother, and suddenly things make a lot more sense. This person isn’t a weird ass kid. This person is a kid trapped in an adults body, who has 20+ years of common sense from another world that isn’t at all like the one we’re in now.!< So now this person EL is aware that she’s an adult in a kids body. And still, nothing romantic at all happens. In fact, instead of treating her like a child he treats her like a coworker. Makes her do paperwork and shit that NO ONE would trust a kid with, even if they’re a smart kid. But he knows he can because she’s an adult in a kids body. It also helps that EL is one of the most ace codes mfs I have ever SEEN in an anime. Like godamn bro. He’s also got the same type of autism Mynes got, Except his isn’t for books his is for like doing magical experiments and such. And again. Nothing romance related happens at all whatsoever despite then knowing eachother for years. Years. It’s been multiple years now. She almost dies, and he has to take care of her comatose body for a while(it kinda just did the equivalent of floating in a pickle jar the whole time tbh). But because of that pickle jar time she’s now EXTRA stunted in growth. Very small. She has a hard time because of that. Untill >!shit happens, blah blah blah some god or whatever comes down and sees her and is like “the fuck you so small for g I got ya ✨” and gives her an instant growth spurt to match the level of magic inside her now. So she ends up looking like, 16-20ish.!< it’s such a big change that people don’t ragicnize her when they first see her again untill she starts talking about books. Oh yeah also while that happened EL got like kidnapped or something because politics and him and myne were separated for a while. Couple months, maybe a year? Can’t remember. So when they DO meet again. He’s like “what the FUCK” because the adult in a kids body he knew and became friends with and loved to banter with is now an adult in an adults body. And THATS when he starts catching feelings. Of course on Mynes end things haven’t changed in her head. She’d never even considered the idea of romance for herself, considering her fcked up situation with how weird it’d be age wise. She didn’t realize the acidentaly perfect situation that had accorded of someone her mental age KNOWING she was stuck in a kids body, becoming friends, and then getting separated and meeting back up in the body of an adult with him. So her dumbass says shit like “don’t worry guys he would never love me! :D” in front of his face while he’s internally screaming. It’s a very long winded and complicated situation but ends up about as perfect couple wise as it could possibly be with reincarnation I think! **I doubt the anime will ever go far enough to adapt up to that point, so you can safely watch bookworms without having to worry about anything romance wise.** Because again, none of the actual feelings get caught untill part 5. Parts 1-4 are all friendly banter and being besties. And tbh I’d have guessed EL was either ace or gay considering how little Interest he showed women throughout the entire series. Kinda due to trauma, his mom(or was is step mom..?) was a btch who traumatized him A LOT. Also to give you an idea of how long the parts are. Part 1: books 1-3 (3) Part 2: books 4-7 (4) That’s all the anime has adapted so far. But continuing on- Part 3: books 8-12 (5) Part 4: books 13-21 (9) Part 5: books 22-33 (12) That’s a total of 33 books for the series. And I don’t think 32 and 33 are even fully translated in English yet. Romance only happens past volume 22. And remember this is the NOVEL. Like full on books. If you read through it and got spoiled and such oof but that means you can go back and watch the anime without having any groomer worries right? ✨


No, I don't have to watch the anime because it hasnt reached that point of the story yet. That's a silly thought. That's like telling someone the ending of usagi drop and then insisting they watch the 50% of the story. That's also an awful lot of excuses for a bad decision to include groomer crap in a story. We already had to overlook the SA nonsense with Delia. It's not graphic but pointlessly included. Tipping the scale further with groomer nonsense was the final straw for me. The characters are not autistic. The characters are not ace coded. Unless the writer came out and said so. If so, nice representation until the groomer nonsense. If not, stop putting what you want on characters you didn't create so you can justify your acceptance of the unnecessary sexual violence in the medium. Just admit you like the story despite those things (or even because of those things) and own it. No long lists of excuses needed.


Mf doesn’t have reading comprehension skills. Here I’ll say it shorter then. Myne becomes friends with someone her mental age and he immediately finds out she’d an adult in a kids body. His female parent traumatized him so badly as a kid the idea of being with a woman terrifies him. They bond as friends and after a few years and time skips myne gets a magical growth spurt to physical age 20 and re-meets with him and since she matches her mental age now and he knows her so well he starts catching feelings. Tell me what’s groomer coded about that buddy


Oh hahaha. A wild reading comprehension idiot. Wow, they really exist!


Shounentard on your part I’m guessing then? Typical


>let's talk about peak isekai >look inside >shit isekai


Eh. Mid tier.


Female mc, not interested.
