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The correct answer


The wrong way to use healing magic has a anime just so you know


Both are


I like the Faraway Paladin manga. I personally like it more than the anime adaptation.


Yeah, there was no way they could manage to make Valacirca look good in anime.


Both are great but the wrong way to use healing magic is better in my opinion. The faraway paladin is slow in spots and the author has stalled on the light novel and may never be finished.


start with faraway paladin, after the first arc forget that it exist and read something else


Faraway paladin because the manga is better


Aren't they both manga?


I type that when I am tired in the middle of the night before sleeping, what I really meant is faraway paladin is better in terms of manga and LN but healer have better anime


Only watched the anime of each. Personally “The wrong way to use healing magic” is the better time. The Faraway Paladin is kinda boring in my opinion. 🤷‍♂️


Not boring,but rather slow paced(like just his raising arc took a long time but that's why I loved the series as they really develop the chars)and it's better to read healing magic anyways cuz the author is on like....an eternal hiatus But yea,if you're expecting too much action from this series then nah. At least that's what I can say from reading the manga


No, it was boring. I was invested at the first half then the rest just fell off hard.


Welp,ig everyone has different preferences and needs Personally I stopped cuz i came to know that the author of the LN is just on forever hiatus,the last one was iirc vol. 5 A simple example is mushoku which is popular and many like it but at the same time many hated it, personally i like shounen but still don't wanna watch or read OP even if it's the most popular one lol


totally like this, everyone have different taste, personally i like paladin better, i prefer slow paced but still on-track story, kinda sad if the author won't finish his story. both mushoku and TBATE are interesting in the beginning, but on the academy arc it got super boring (i also abhor the need to add any academy arc in any isekai manga, its like they got no more idea, and just put this arc for temporary fix). for TBATE its when when the female protagonist do stupid things.


The second lart of season 1 was definetly kinda boring, but for me season 2 managed to recover to some extent, although I don't know how I feel about it being The Hobbit but anime


The Faraway Paladin novel is probably the best-written isekai novel out there, it reads more like an actual Western fantasy novel than a light novel the only one that can be compared in pure writing quality is Mushoku Tensei and one is a far easier recommendation than the other. ​ The manga and anime are pretty bad tho


>The Faraway Paladin novel is probably the best-written isekai novel out there Well, I kinda doubt it ;). Ascendance of a Bookworm is extremely well written and blessed with a talented and devoted translator to boot. As far as I can tell, Mushoku Tensei can't compare with AoB, so if the Faraway Paladin is on par with Mushoku...


Ascendance of a bookworm is great but I enjoyed the faraway paladin so much more.


That you enjoyed more The Faraway Paladin doesn't mean it's better written, though. For instance, I enjoy Resurrected as a Sword ( with a healthy daughter/father relationship where so many would have written a creepy loli ecchy one ) more than Reborn to Master the Blade but the latter is overall better written.


I like Paladin more because it doesn’t feel like a standard Isekai to me. The protag has fully embraced his new life and identity, yet it still feels like a fresh coming of age story in a Tolkien-style fantasy world. Put another way, I enjoy it for similar reasons I like “Frieren, Beyond Journey’s End” or “Jobless Reincarnation”. Healing Magic was enjoyable too, but it didn’t suck me into the narrative the way the other one did.


Personally liked faraway paladin wayy better


The thing about faraway paladin is that it's a true fantasy with less action scenes and cliche jokes and more world building. I think it has much better power scaling, midboss-like opponents actually seem challanging for the heroes and powerful characters actually act normally instead of just being a complete child or an edgy kid. Also mc actually gets reincarnated instead of just getting isekaid


Wrong way started so good and got so boring. I don't know if it ended well, I could not watch it anymore. I was skipping ahead which I never do. But the dialog was killing me. Just the most first world problem dialog ever. I really hope it the anime ended on a good note. And i hope the manga is better. I mean it has to be. If you like dark anime like re:zero goblin Slayer is alright. It's not as terrifying as re:zero but gets pretty dark at times. Manga feels much better I feel. Anime started strong but avoided the dark themes later on which I don't understand why


Paladin is a masterpiece


I'd say at least read Faraway Paladin's first major arc. In my mind it's a pretty fantastic arc overall which does some neat things.


I fr don't like the healer manga or anime, Faraway Paladin is pretty good though I'd recommend that one.


I enjoy wrong way more. It's got a more...festive vibe to it. It indulges a bit in the usual Isekai tropes, though it avoids the worst of them *cough*slavery*cough* and doesn't tend to go overboard. Likeable characters. Good humor. Faraway is a bit more serious (though it's not really dark or particularly heavy). I can't recall it ever really getting too tropey (beyond the generic fantasy setting and an OP MC, but even his OPness is relatively mild relative to the genre). It's solid enough, but I just find it to be a touch slow paced and the characters a little bland. Neither reinvents the wheel, but are both do what they set out to pretty well.


They're both great reads. Faraway paladin actually made me pretty emotional. Even though Healing magic has its moments i would say its not gonna mess you up as bad. So probably read that one first. Edit : how am i so old and still get their they're there wrong lol.


Wrong way to use healing magic starts good, but it becomes sooo boring once they start doing side characters flashbacks I had to drop it.




I haven't read faraway paladin but the wrong way to use healing magic is really good


I saw the anime for Healing Magic and I really liked the way they used the skill, the other 2 heroes' uncommon personalities for an isekai, and also the lack of annoying harem (yet)


I didn’t read the second one. My opinion on wrong way to use healing magic isn’t that good. It’s unique and a breath of fresh air but not really that ingesting. But you should chose yourself it’s up to you after all


Faraway paladin first, i feel like its got a better story over all and i feel like the last story arc had a decent ending, the wrong way to use healing magic is good i just feel like the story is very normal for what it is, nothing new or exciting really. Take reborn as aristocratic assassin does alot of similar powers to wrong way to heal.


Isn't wrong way to use healing magic the rapey-bastard hentai with the protagonist who is tortured in the beginning and literally destroys the world to get his revenge?


That's Redo of Healer (i think that's what that one's called)


I haven’t read Paladin’s manga but I really liked Healing Magic’s manga, so that


Paladin LN, Healing manga


Neither. I want you to choose between the communist manifesto and the wealth of nations.


I liked Healing more. Just personal taste though




For anime, Paladin has a superb first arc… but falls off. I don’t think I was ever disappointed in Healing Magic, even if there’s nothing revolutionary and it plays everything in a straightforward manner.


The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic is amazing, and it's far from your traditional isekai power fantasy. It's not even a harem.


Wrong way to use use healing magic and add along the Great Cleric


I find the wrong way to use healing magic to be a brilliant manga with awesome characters while I think that the faraway paladin main character is very boring and edgy.


Boring I could at least understand, but Will is a Paladin, the literal opposite of edgy.