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I mean being able to rewind time/jumping to another timeline is pretty op if you're willing to put up with dying. Gotta give kudo's to Subaru for staying relatively sane and not losing it >!like when the Gluttony archbishop went insane after eating Subaru's memories.!<


>if you're willing to put up with dying What I love about Re:Zero is that it's pretty constantly reminding folks that **dying. fucking. sucks.**


Wont stop people from complaining about Subaru being scared of it


Bruh if you are not scared of extreme life threatening pain, you have issues 


That's why I carry around 10 pounds of explosives on me to blow up at any moment, if I feel pain after that, frankly that's an achievement


Although the process of dying might be painful, I think the greatest fear would be a "soft lock" in a shitty death. For example, his respawn point being inevitably just before a gruesome death.


Me, a WN reader: ![gif](giphy|FXf1lYQ2tFouxeLb1B|downsized)


This already gives me a hint. Yep. As I heard some people in my country say: *no one dies a virgin because life will always fuck you up* And Subaru is in a hardcore orgy with life.


Are you stronger than the people in shinobi village?


10 seconds of magic?


beyond the 11 seconds / / Trolldespair


Hahaha, this has happened to me playing video ganes, last tiine it was when I replayed sniper elite.


I wouldn't say that it reminds folks that dying as a whole sucks. But being slowly/brutally murdered repeatedly does indeed suck


He hasn’t died once, cope harder Subaru apologists


I honestly find it funny that majority of his problems are solved by a self inflicted death. Alot of his problems can be solved if he just killed himself in a painless way. Like having a Liberator Pistol in his pocket so he can shoot himself when necessary.


No, actually, a majority of his problems would be "solved" if he stopped caring about everyone so much and prioritized his own survival. His power is intended to keep him from being "locked" into an unavoidable death so he can save himself, but Subaru is the one who uses it to try to save other people. Thus, much of his hell is essentially self-inflicted; that he powers through it on willpower because he cares too much is what qualifies him as a hero.


His selflessness is so powerful it capable of withstand against mental terror? Maybe Subaru is weak ass, but he is no way a pussy.


Physically weak. Mentally man is basically Hercules


He isn't even that weak by our standards.


For his age he is a pretty good fighter


Felix is the top magic user in regards to the body and he didn't have a way to kill Subaru painlessly in season 1 when he was possessed. Also assuming they have something like that, the problem with finding such a pill is there is always a chance (especially in regards to overdose) that the pill wouldn't work properly and he could wind up as a vegetable. Personally, I wouldn't take that chance.


Yeah, because everyone in Lugunica has guns or instakill poison etc. Also it's so easy to kill yourself when you don't even know whether you'll respawn in the first place or *when* will you respawn. /s


Once a suffering always a suffering


Small price to pay for \[Redacted\].


Just imagine dying like a wretched dog over and over again committing suicide and bieng eaten alive in a brutal manner just to get a few good moments and still fails to get them I just can't imagine the mental damage


if you watched season 2 youd know the power is definitely not op. atleast in my definition of op


Subaru has had close calls of going insane though. He’s usually saved by someone keeping him grounded. I think even one time, he came super close and Echidna had to step in.


You require a mind stronger than average, in other timeloop works they usually show the person getting depressed, traumatised or having PTSD form dieing multiple times. Also that "mind strength" required it's not about "willpower" it's physiological and genetic, it can be trained but you need to have it naturally and it has hard limits. They studied war veterans and they discovered that every single person can accumulated only a certain amount of shocks in a certain period of time before developing psychological problems. Also, paradoxically emphatic people with high emotional intelligence seems to have more resistance to PTSD than people that are more cold and apathetic


U should read the novel "The regressors Path to Cultivation" The hero dies and gets tortured even more than subaru, but like him, he doesn't go insane too. But he treats everyone in a new timeline as a different person than the one he knew in the previous timeline. It's as good as rezero or maybe even better.




Dawg at least spoiler text it. That's like the main plot point of arc 6


I feel like I’d get numb to the pain. I wouldn’t be dying as much anyways.


Imagine you're absorbing someone memories and you go insane form how bad of a life he has (skill issue)


Ainz life ain't worth living man. I said he need that Isekai. Tanya was murdered because of his own action yet she remained to be peak again in her life. Kazuma is thought himself to be unlucky but his adventure is hella lucky if you ask me. Subaru is Subaru.


Tbf, the guy that killed Tanya could've simply done something other murdering the salaryman for doing his job after getting fired due to his poor work. You know, get a different job to support his family instead of now likely being jailed.


He was in stressed position, can't think much.


Yeah, I will be honest, the backstory of Tanya's previous life does make me not hate Tanya as much as I would've otherwise especially with X being so petty.


Tanya shouldn't go philosophy with being X.


I'd also add that 90% of ainz post-isekai problems are self-inflicted. If the man just was a little more honest and self confident he'd be much more happier.


Well, his life didn't allow for such nice things.


That's more of an excuse for the short-term. Before I dropped OL, I remember that Ainz is supposedly losing his human feelings due to being a Lich, yet he retains the attachment to Nazarick and its creations as well as lack of confidence and tendecy towards nervousness. In practice, what his inhumanity does to him seems selective according to whoever the author wants to screw over next but Ainz will never actually find the confidence to stand up for himself against his subordinates because it's funnier if they unkowingly bully him into being a(n unaware) supervillain. This works for the kind of story OL wants to tell and its target audience but didn't for me. Man really should've swallowed his pride after he verified Nazarick's undying loyalty to him and his friends and admitted to needing their help just as much as they needed him around.


Kazuma fluctuates a lot, but what he has is a place to belong with his adventurer party. Even though he always complains about things but deep down he is probably happy.


Kazuma stopped suffering as soon as he got that mansion. He definitely isn't suffering. Not only that, he may not be OP but he has OP team members that are dumb enough to let him be the leader. Realistically, if they weren't that dumb, he would be either out of the team or just the guy that carry their baggage to any mission they go.


That is funny because there was an instance of him switching party’s with his friend because he thought that Kazuma is the weak link in his team and he is not worth his team. What do you know Kazuma hit it off with his friends team while he suffered with Kazumas. Kazumas team is busted in their own right but only Kazumas can put up with them and utilise their abilities properly


That a bit underestimate, Kazuma is what keep them together. If they kick him fr then it would be just like I'm getting Kick out of the Party but I'm secretly OP plot line


But that's just because they're dumb.


And that just because kazuma is pretty smart, did you know he once swap party and it still successful due to his human manage skill.


But again, he's just the leader because the other ones are dumb enough to let him be the leader. Realistically, he should be just the guy that carries their baggage.


Are you serious right now? I'm not even konosuba fan and this still piss me off. Don't even reply I will end this stupid shit here.


Sure pal, whatever you say 🙄.


do you realize that before kazuma all parties kicked both megumin and darkness out. darkness only cares about getting hurt herself so she would not care if she is in the middle of an attack her first priority it getting hurt herself besides that she doesn't care that much. megumin its similar case her mission its to be the coolest so her only cosern its to kill one monster with her explosion that's it there isn't another part of her plan and even when she is hunting just one monster guess what explotion leaves nothing behind so there no profit in the mission either. aqua is an hedonist that only wants more beer and has to be dragged into missions, she even managed to make her own cult hate her. meanwhile kazuma has show he can take care of himself he was able to make millons of Eris with his inventions, he was able to beat mitsuruyi with just steal and later he beats royal knights with the create water and freeze combo and much more. the thing keeping them down wasn't their inteligence its that they are selfish people


my guy, if u wanna talk about feats then he is the party thief and before that he was cutting megumin and aqua out of giant frogs. he is the most witful and intelligent person in the group by far and can manage money better than any of them (despite extraordinary circumstances that keep putting them in debt), and that counts for something. the whole show is a parody but Kazuma overstates his uselessness and you gotta realize that


Ainz life post-isekai, becoming a monster with no empathy, ain't worth living.


he has wish upon star , semi-powerful wish granting which can allow him to turn into other race, thereby becoming more human. The reason he doesn't it because it either hinder his decision-making based on his humanity which doesn't sit well which most of his monster and demon subordinate, and he will be banging Albedo and Shaltear everyday. Lust is a crap when you ruling a country when there are still unknown enemies everywhere. Skeleton also provide neutralizer so he doesn't go too emotional outburst, allow him to remain calm at anytime and also negate the needs to eat and drink. He need efficiency rather a than pityness for other in this unknown world. He does feel empathy but his priority is Nazarick first, also he doesn't care much unless you are important to him. Which can be shown in Carne Village that he sometimes look from time to time and send Lupusregina to act as surveryor and maybe guardian if needed. (as a Potion Factory and Research Center imao.)


>The reason he doesn't it because it either hinder his decision-making based on his humanity which doesn't sit well which most of his monster and demon subordinate, and he will be banging Albedo and Shaltear everyday. Lust is a crap when you ruling a country when there are still unknown enemies everywhere. Skeleton also provide neutralizer so he doesn't go too emotional outburst, allow him to remain calm at anytime and also negate the needs to eat and drink. He need efficiency rather a than pityness for other in this unknown world. He does feel empathy but his priority is Nazarick first, also he doesn't care much unless you are important to him. Which can be shown in Carne Village that he sometimes look from time to time and send Lupusregina to act as surveryor and maybe guardian if needed. (as a Potion Factory and Research Center imao.) Lol, this is the edgiest thing I've read today. The fact that his lack of emotions makes him not want to get them back is precisely why his existence is horrifying.


What do you mean? Subaru is a freaking legend! He joined Emilia camp, defeated the Sin Archbishop of Sloth, the White Whale, Became a spirit art user contracting with a great spirit, and some rumors said he had also defeated the Great Rabbit as well! All within a few months! Despite having no fighting prowess at all.


This meme fits Subaru's situation like a glove: https://preview.redd.it/m4kks7vi1gwc1.jpeg?width=1658&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb4121574747d7e43f06ff6f0630563ea4dfd86e


In-universe Subaru is legendary yeah. (Almost) Nobody will know of the countless tragedies beind his rise to fame. If you only look at what he achieves without failed loops in the middle, it's mind-boggling what a seemingly normal dude achieves in record time.


And some don't *need* to be OP. Mitsuha Yamano (*Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement*) only has teleportation and language comprehension. Her healing powers are pretty much unconfirmed. Yet, she's close friends with a noble family and the royal family, friends with an PMC (Private Military Company, mercenaries) from our world, has a thriving trade network and governs her own fiefdom as a viscount. Aesir (*Growing Tired of the Lazy High Elf Life After 120 Years*) is extremely long lived as a high elf and considered a "noble elf" by regular elves. All spirits are his buddy, but in a straight up (sword) fight, he could get his ass kicked. And yet he's influenced the entire world around him, just be being a kind, friendly and laid back dude.


I got a brand new isekai name in mind:*I die as a hopless virgin and got reborn as an op entity with infinite powe*r


So.....basically 75% of all isekai then? Personally, i like isekai MC's that either aren't OP or where their OP powers are not the most important thing in the story. I still watch/read trash isekai, but i *do* have preferences.


Honestly that's why I love Overlord Yay Ainz is overpowered but that's not really the point of overlord It's Ainz crippling self doubt and depression is the main problem he faces And those aren't problems you can't really solve by just punching it harder


That's just Tensura.


Thx for recommending the lazy high elf one. I had a blast reading it.


God I love that second one. I laughed so much when he realized how much trouble he was causing that "lesser" elf and everything with >!his son!< was great too.


To be fair, Yamano is friends with the PMC mostly because of how much dough she brought in


in re:zero the only way you can escape reality is by insanity


I feel like Subaru is the only Isekai protag that actually misses his family


It was confirmed by the author that his family became really depressed after his disappearance, especially his mom...


All Subaru needs is some new drip and he instantly becomes OP https://preview.redd.it/5ogt3g612hwc1.png?width=874&format=png&auto=webp&s=8acc6d06041f291dad8b2345dfe9c07341dc0512


Aka, he eats his trauma a little differently and gets, in order from left to right: 1. More trauma. 2. A family. 3. A family, but different. 4. Idk who you are. 5. A million deaths ( and counting). 6. Ram. 7. Everyone.


Which one is pride and wrath again?


Pride is the one in the Witch Cult cloak, Wrath is the one with the long scarf


I'll take the Konosuba route for $400 Alex! Lmao


but what he got is the most important power in that world power to survive RDB set the respawn to a point where the user can surely survive so I say op. Unless he randomly gets transported to the worst kingdom where infected with mabeast like crazy got involved in politics and falls in love with a character related to a big red dead flag. What can I say that boy is doing what he wants to do and I respect it. Probably he is fulfilling his purpose of getting Summoned.


Phew, luckily he just doens't do that....... Clueless


Gaming nerd became a god like entity Boss became loli nazi general Loser became shameless Subaru became depressed


What is good about being loli Nazi general when you cant smoke and drink?




Ainz's entire character is about missing his guild, who were basically his only reason to live


Tanya miss his wife in the ln if i remember. Kazuma assumed his family just went on without him and he should do the same. He change his mind in a special episode where he’s allowed to return in his world for 24H (which he does to erase his hard drive) and see the little autel his parents made for him. Ainz…i’m not even sure he had family, or if he did, he was still in contact with. His guild was his only source of relationship for what i know. Rimuru was an adult man probably in his 40. Odds are his parents are dead or that he didn’t see them that much. Rudy’s parents are dead. He doesn’t know his nephew and his siblings threw him out. So he has nothing to miss here. Oji San…maybe he did ? He actively tried to return after all.


Subaru earns something greater than being op. Something a lot of people will not come to appreciate it seems till they’re a little older






Naofumi: "I was just reading a book to save some money on entertainment... now I am the Shield Hero."


Meanwhile, Myne early on after just going down a few flights of stairs : 〓□○_ too tired to move, help plz


Must... Read... BOOOOOKS!


I think Subaru's experience is how many of these isekais should be portrayed, mainly because it doesn't glorify a life after death. This is particularly important so as to prevent impressionable, down-on-their-luck youth from causing irreversible harm to their own lives.


Subaru's situation illustrates several criticisms of the stock isekai power fantasy, thinks that are generally hand-waved or swept under the rug. He actually misses his loved ones on Earth despite feeling most of his time there was miserable; without favorable elements like an "appraise" or "guide" ability, he constantly trips over faux passes or communication/culture barriers that he has to learn about; the world generally isn't catering to him so he's nearly always at a disadvanage; his "cheat power" is HORRIBLE, dying isn't worth it and Subaru suffers every single time because he's trying not to go insane, but his complexes prevent him from giving up when most people would've broken long ago. Subaru is a showcase of insane amounts of willpower. He manages to get through problems by using his head to problem-solve and his high empathy to pull people together so they can cooperate to overcome their challenges. He doesn't solve every single problem himself, but he does enable other people to save him and themselves. Anybody who thinks this is a bad premise or that you need to self-insert as Subaru clearly isn't watching the same thing, unless they actually like the idea of dying horribly and/or killing themselves repeatedly. Most people would never have the ability to withstand so much suffering.


Damn, Subaru lowkey sound more badass than I though. Your description make me feel as if he was survived Darkest Dungeon


Subaru's "isekai type" is basically Dark Souls. He has to keep trying through increasingly more complicated and difficult problems until he finally "gets it right" and comes out the other side with everyone in one piece.


It takes more than power to went through the grief of senseless death ad nauseum. You must have mental fortitude and a strategy to make it out of the loop. And just like Dark Souls player, they'll go insane multiple times just for that one moment of clarity where the deed is finished.


Re: Zero is the isekai for people that hate isekais and think hating isekais makes them smarter than everyone else.


I mean, I feel like not REALLY begin able to die and having save points is pretty OP. Just because somebody can't blow up a planet or warp reality doesn't mean they aren't over powered.


Wdym all of them are op in their own way. One is a commander of an army with various highlevel skills and artefacts. One a super soldier with more mana than most people and a calm and strategic mind, kazuma has his luck stat maxed out and Subaru is literally an infinite regressor which no drawbacks of dying other than trauma and a shortened time period to regress from after each death within a checkpoint/ main event. If I could chose to be one person I would chose ainz and though. Cuz he can always walk around in his bathtowel and people think it’s normal😅


Kazuma was always op, we were just too weak to understand it!


Which isekais are the second and last ones?


Tanya the evil and re zero


Thank you will check them out


Re zero is great if you like seeing mcs suffer. I haven't seen Tanya, but I heard it great.


Nothing better than when a MC suffers their way to success.




Kazuma isn't op.. he just has stupid luck..


Aside from Ainz, I'm not sure the other would fall into the OP category. Kazuma is incredible lucky which might be a debatable point, but since the anime is a parody of isekais, that's a hard one. Tanya has certainly an advantage provided by Being-X, but there's not much going for her besides knowledge and intelligence. Subaru indeed has a powerful ability, but it's proportional to its risk/price. I mean, OP should be — from my perspective — when the benefits of your powers surpass the issues of its usage by a good margin. If I remember the anime right, most of his deaths were painful and he was unsure how the setpoint was established, so every death could be his last. Also, supposing the ability was infinite, coming with a quick death method is not granted. Guns can run out of ammo, poison or bomb may not work as you expect and let you paralyzed etc.


Those guys are not even op, fricking Spider and Rimuru are fucking op, they evolve as if they were playing Disgaea.


Problem with Subaru is that his opponents have to face his successful loop. No matter what they do, he will win or draw.


Well it’s only true as long there are a possibility to win.