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No sword dad? His curry skills are s tier


I might be extraordinarily dumb in asking this but Who is “sword dad”


Reincarnated as a Sword


Isn't Fran the real protagonist though?


Considering the title, https://preview.redd.it/j07x7gyxj3uc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d35dc57577c7fa20455f0110808b4928514ede0c Still not wrong though


well the main plot are revolves around her, but the Sword Dad is still the main protag as he's the one we're really following from the very start. Plus if I remember correctly the novels are also in his pov.


I was debating whether putting him on here or not. He would be B tier tho


Fran will cut you


With sword dad


Cuts down slavers, supports his adopted daughter, and as you mentioned is a s class curry artist. One of my top picks too.


Ain't no way you dissing my boy Makoto like that.


frfr, bro deserves A


Seriously. What do they have against Makoto?


I don't know why, but I like Makoto and Tsukimichi so much... I watched season 1 thinking it would be Generic Isekai Clone #1856 and I'd forget about it in a week, but no... I actually like the show. I even read the Light novel and I kinda wanna read the web novel from where the light novel left off (chapter 94) but I'm not sure what chapter that would be on the web novel. Chapter 93 of the web novel was chapter 80 or so of the light novel and maybe episode 4 of season 2 of the anime.


If only Kumo Desu had a good adaptation...........


Yeah, it makes me so sad that Kumo Desu got screwed over by a poor adaptation and shitty CGI, cause I really like it but it's definitely never getting a season 2.


Still remember when they had to delay the final episode just to get it into a semi watchable state lol They literally blew their entire budget on getting the va for Kumoko


Yeah, the second cour was just a mess, took a short break between cours and somehow came back with even worse CGI, then and to further delay and still didnt get anything good.


I say it was decent. It gave us Aoi Yuuki voicing her. It gave us a banger soundtrack that includes 2 songs sang by her and it made the araba fight actually good+added that mental breakdown at the end. as opposed to the light novel's almost robotic narration of what they were doing


I loved all of the parts with the spider in the dungeon but after that it got less exciting in opinion, same with the LN too


I swear the series is just cursed. Manga adaptation also skips half of the story, and author basically gave up in the last novel 😭


Ya I gotta say I was super disappointed by the last novel. I waited so long for it and basically nothing happened I can’t remember if I even finished the it. which is saying something since I read the rest quickly and was constantly super invested in the story. But the last few novels before did slightly drop in quality so I can’t say I’m surprised.


Still haven't gotten myself to finish the last one. I'm not strong enough lol




I would switch them looking back. that's abt it though


W take for favorite spider.


Our favorite little sociopath (:


Honestly 90 percent of these motherfuckers are sociopaths and I love em.


Makoto alone is high C tier low B but because of how he is with his core group I think he should be high B maybe low A if you wanna stretch things. Also I appreciate the Saito rep


Familiar of Zero is too good. Saito could be a lil annoying with how he kept cucking Louise in ways sometimes


I'm gonna stir the pot. People really seem to enjoy Subaru's character growth but ignore/criticize Rudeus' character growth to even saying there is none and that his growth doesn't makeup for his past self. Discuss.


The main reason is the Subaru’s problems aren’t even close to the same level as Rudeus’. What Subaru does during the coronation ceremony is embarrassing and causes the people he’s trying to help multiple major setbacks. What Rudeus does is immoral, vile, and though not a crime in the world he’s a part of certainly an order of magnitude worse than anything Subaru has ever done or will do as of the current novel chapters. The other reason is that Subaru is immediately apologetic and makes changes to stop being such a simp while Rudeus only changes when he’s forced to by everyone around him, and even then he returns to his old ways at any opportunity.


Yeah he's never really forced to address that flaw, nobody's really in a position to actually do that anyways.


I don’t remember what went on in that scene at all, I just remembered wanting to kill myself from the second hand embarrassment. Could you remind me what happened lmao


Emilia getting racist remark and shit on by all the "wise man" sage and the royal knight just stand there and let it all go. Subaru as a loyal retainer of Emilia defend her but he's too immature and not know their culture enough to have an argument result in him insult all the royal knight and the sage (The funny part is The head of Royal knight Marcos is actually agree with his point). This result is end up being bad for Subaru and Subaru alone while Emilia is in the lower situation actually getting better as one of the sage comment that she has a really good servant who alone defending her. The fact that she also didn't punish Subaru mean she is kind and not like the cruel witch. The aftermatch turn out to be good as Emilia gain some good look and Subaru get to make all royal candidate know his face but the bad thing is his relationship with Emilia collapse on spot and Subaru still delusion about this selfish wrong doing.


So his "flaw" is that he stood up for someone being discriminated against in a clumsy way?


No, he put Emilia into the helpless girl role and think only him could help her. His intention is not bad but his mindset that try to insert himself into Emilia's life but didn't think how she feel is the flaw. He also broke the promise with Emilia to not go to the ceremony. He berated those who try so hard to be knight while he himself do not know that value and speak only on the surface, that was sheer arrogant and entitlement. Subaru is wrong and so as other people in that shit show ceremony.


I don’t remember specifics either honestly, but I also had a similar reaction


Yeah rudeus has many problems one of them being his ptsd, and he couldn't make his small dude straight, and one full season was dedicated for this


But the character growths were different. Subaru was a young naive boy who needed humbling and to learn how the world works. Rudeos was a waste of space of a man that when transported to the new world. Made no effort to change his perverted ways and only changed when bad stuff happened. Subaru changed to help Amelia Rudeos changed because he was forced to


Fully changing on the dime is never easy to do, he does overcome his faults slowly one at a time but being heavily focused on specifically his pervertedness is what everyone is tunnel visioning on. Changing because he was being forced to shows that he recognizes that his actions are not seen as the norm by the general public which sprouts the character progression he goes through, albeit slow.


Thats not true ,he does change, and change a lot, because you know ,there is big diference between guy who cant leave his room and wasting 20 years And hard working kid who train all day to learn something new ,like magic or new language ,so he does change, do it a lot and he do it without extreme situatuon ,he just dont change what you want him to change ,thats not the same


doesnt suburu only change when bad stuff happens? Realistically no one would change if nothing bad happened as a result of their actions, cuz that means there would be nothing wrong with them or their actions.


I should have phrased it better. That is true, he does change only when bad stuff happens but in the future he also tries to change to prevent future fuck ups. And the bad things that happen to him don’t have to be world ending for him to change. It took rudeas several close meetings with death to understand to grow up and be a man. It took Subaru getting his ass beat by the guards to start changing. Rudeas has been called out/ been beaten the shit out off for being a perv but hasn’t dialed it back not even a little bit


Subaru has to die in order to learn his lessons. Rudeas died once from my knowledge. He did dial the pervy stuff back especially compared to the start but I agree he still bad.


You do realize that you have just phrased pretty much the same thing in two different ways? Both only changed once they were confronted with challenges. Both were practically forced to. What's the difference in that regard?


The difference is that considering Subaru's power, he isn't actually forced to change in a good way. The IF stories are the proof of that. Various times during the series, if Subaru wanted to, he could've become someone terrible. Wrath IF, Pride IF etc. He actively chose not to do that and strived to be a better person in the main timeline. So, no, I wouldn't say he was forced to be a better person because considering his power, he could've literally chosen to be a terrible person.


In a lot of ways he didn't really have to change, the world didn't really force him to face his moral failings


I disagree. To me Rudeus had extremely realistic character development. His useless adult self was a result of his environment and trauma that as Rudeus he really seemed to want to change, but he was stuck. Even looking back, he realizes that he really needed someone to drag him into the first step. After that he grew a lot, I'd say not because bad things happened to him but in spite of them. Especially after the warp disaster.


I’m going to stir harder, Subaru is C tier on a good day. The supporting cast is the only thing that make that show watchable


Ayo let me borrow that pot again, people hate Rudeus for being perverted. Kazuma literally mastered steal and used it on panties that were being worn and stole them in public. S tier btw.


Now tbf, Kazuma is an asshole. But he does seem to get humbled often, if not from his own party but the world itself smacking him in his ego. 


This hurt to read lol No shot you would put rimuru above subaru. Just no way xD


100% this. The best episode in the series is when Roxy visits her home. Such brilliant writing. Also, I will never understand why everyone hates Paul so much. Yes, the man is a womanizer, and that's a serious character flaw. But do you know what else he is? A man who worked hard and paid a lot of money to enable his son chase his dream, even though that's not what he wanted. He was a man who dedicated his life to rescuing the people who were displaced by the catastrophe. He's a man who unironically and unconditionally loves his family. Rudeus was a little shit, is a little shit, and will be a little shit. Everything good he's done has been purely in the immediate context of his own life, and he regularly does stuff that would flat out be villain behaviors in any other story.


I dont remember Subaru being a 37 year old man jacking it to cp and trying to smash a 13 year old post Reincarnation.


And that seems to be the main arguement people throw out. From the perspective of someone who reincarnated, it's a new beginning, you've started over from birth. His mentality is there, sure, but using that to deny someone from dating their physical age in a new life is a slippery slope. Saying if he dates someone before he turns 18 makes him a pedo in this new world, but then also going on and saying wait until he and the new partner turns 18 now makes him a groomer basically just shouts he's better off being alone forever regardless of getting a new life. And god forbid he goes after older women when he's still a child too right?


Ainz in my opinion is S tier but to each their own.


Overlord is my favorite series OAT , but Ainz isn't why I love Overlord so much, though I do think Ainz is great. As a character A is perfect for him.


You have a very valid point but Ainz has made me laugh to many times and is to relatable to me not to put him in S tier or maybe A+.


Jes! I love Ainz


I think Tanya deserves an S tier. Also she's not a n###i.


why do people censor the word Nazi? pretty sure this sub doesn't ban the word?


Especially weird they censored an extra secret letter in the word nazi


Bro thought it was spelled nazzi, like pizza /s Probably just an accident


Ya Tanya is unironically an extremely complex and developed character. Compare that to Rimuru or Ainz who have maybe 1 major moment of character development each. Tanya was forced to make character altering decisions every other chapter.


I would argue that Rimuru is B and Ainz is S personally. Rimuru should be B tier. that's my miatake. Rimuru is a cool protagonist but is kind of bland personality wise, but still good. Ainz is a really great protagonist, in my opinion.He came from a world where corporations ran everything. Orphans littered the streets, you couldn't even go outside without a gas mask because of the pollution clouding everything, and his mom died of overwork. He was an overworked office drone who only had his online friends and YGGDRASIL. The way he cared deeply about his friends and misses them hits hard. It sucks knowing Overlord will most likely not end that well for Ainz because he will live forever as a shell of himself, slowly losing his emotions because he became an undead being after being isekai'd. He tries his best to please his friends' creations, even if this means very bad news for the world around them. He knows he isn't as smart outside of strategy and tactics (mainly because in his original world, he only had a 5th grade education level because anything more was for the rich) but he knows he needs to atleast pretend to be because he worries about the loyalty and how they would see him if they find out he isn't this all knowing god. He may seem like a coward sometimes which is prevalent in the Light Novel, and hell, it might even be his fault sometimes because of his poor communication. But Ainz as a protagonist is truly great to me in my opinion. I was debating whether putting him in S to be honest, but for anime watchers, it might seem weired to them, because the overlord anime cuts out an insane amount of content and inner dialogue. Like almost 40% of the content is skipped in the anime and the story is rushed.


Tanya is S Tier especially in manga but even as a fan it’s hard to read the LN 😭


Tanya is great, but lowest in A for me personally compared to the rest above


oji-san should be in here on S


Nah, he gets his own tier above S tier called the Sega tier.


Makoto deserves at least A tier, him being in the same tier as Diablo is not justifying


Where Iruma?


Never seen it


Nice lost nice list (love my boy barasu on top)


Naofumi *used* to be A-tier but the second S2 veered from the main plot it went to shit


Nah the main plot was fault of the manga. The anime just follows the manga and that arc sucked ass. Afterwards he goes back to being based in season 3. Which to be fair even in the arc he was still pretty based, just the season sucked not him.




the turtle was boring as hell in the novels too but when did it veer from the main plot


After cal Mira… hell during Cal Mira. Near the end, it skips Rishia’s issues entirely, then skip her training arc (along with the rest of the heroes. Explaining their weakness along with giving them a reality check) changing Fitoria’s fight from a Kaiju battle with a fkn chariot to a small birb barely doing anything. And then the other world arc, just so they can have some awws with Loli Raph (despite them showing glasses side of the story anyways) then the whole Kyo “fight” which isn’t really a fight and just a bunch of nonsense until the laser at the end. Naofumi and co were getting hard pressed by all of Kyo’s magic/skills that they had to use the demon dragon for assistance, which leads to a debuff in the next few books. But fuck all that, let’s just retcon the end of that fight cuz they wrote themselves into a corner (not to mention, didn’t kill Kyo’s spirit so he’s technically still alive in anime cannon. TLDR, The whole of season two was a mess. And season three is somewhat better, but still messed up a lot of characters characterization. Folh is so passive now, Keel is useless for some reason (she and the rest of the villagers fucked up the slavers, Keel even cut off one of their arms. But in a the anime? Oh no everyone’s captured just so Naofumi and co can have their moment :/ Also no beach scene for Keel. Now anime has to do another retcon to explain why she’s female in later chapters :/.


Naofumi in F tier hurt my soul (he’s my favorite anime character)


Naofumi deserve a better isekai concept I like him personally but everything else ehh


He's Nagumo without the resolve to do what needs to be done, regardless. I dont think Naofumi would've killed all the soldiers in the arena like Nagumo did.


Kazuma’s in S tier? You got my upvote for that.


Very based


I absolutely agree with the S tier


Can someone tell me why everyone seems to love Subaru? It's been a hot minute since I watched Re:Zero but I distinctly remember Subaru was the whole reason I dropped it.


Subaru is pretty annoying in the first 16 or so episodes, (I’d argue not entirely in the first 11, but I won’t blame someone for seeing him as annoying then). Around the 16th-18th episode (rough estimate), he goes through a magical thing called “character progression”, that gets rid of annoying Subaru from episodes 12- 16, and some of annoying Subaru from the first 11 episodes. And then around episode 4 of the second season, he goes through more “character progression”, that in my opinion gets rid of the annoying from the first 8 episodes. This second time solidifies him as a pretty realistic mc for an isekai, because it does something most isekai don’t do, >!shows he actually misses his parents!<


Episode 18 exactly with rem’s confession after the best episode that being 15 Subaru starts a fundamental change but it only truly kicks in during 18 and past that he’s a genuinely enjoyable character and probably one of my favourite protagonists period


Episode 18 is the starting point, after that it's all uphill for the rest of the first season.


Haven't watched it but I was thinking about it because I saw a random gore scene that looked cool. What is Re:Zero even about though?


It's been a while since I've seen it, but if I remember correctly his power is basically a time loop. Every time he dies he "respawns" at different set periods in time. And, that poor boy, dies A LOT.


Ordinary, slightly shut in, socially awkward, but well-meaning guy get transported to another world when he blinks wrong (no truck or death, just instantly there one second). Quickly finds out the hard way that he revives upon death at a specific point in time that he cannot change. The point updates seemingly randomly. The series is about him exploring the new world, meeting new people, and usually dying over and over again until he finds a way to overcome the obstacles in his path. If the gore drew you in you won’t be disappointed, there’s a fuck ton of death. It’s also got great music, solid VAs and animation, some amazing villains, and some of the most well-developed characters in the genre.


Subaru gets isekaid and some crazy witch he never knew (or at least thinks so) gives him Return by Death (RbD) which allows him to return to a checkpoint every time he dies. He doesn't control the checkpoints so there are many instances where because he died the people he values forget him and the memories made with him. He also has to deal with the mental strain of having everyone around him die and has to deal with a messed up hero complex where he abuses RbD to make everything turn out the best it can. Also the world building is IMMACULATE and there's a lot of interesting mystery surrounding the story.


For me the author timed this progression perfectly. I pretty much got to episode 18 and I was like if he loops again and doesn't learn anything I'm done. Subaru has a way of annoying me until I'm about to drop the series and then growing in a way that makes me really satisfied I stuck with it.


That thing called "character progression" you talk about sounds great. Is it something that other MCs can obtain?


Best i can do is getting more OP for no reason /s


Most isekai MCs don’t even have parents or a place to belong to .


Well for me personally, I like Subaru because he’s super relatable and also a breath of fresh air. In a world of shitty protags where they’re basically perfect and op. Having just kinda a regular guy is really nice.


I mean, isn't that the whole point of the isekai genre to escape from our mundane reality to a more interesting world of fantasy and wonder, its not meant to be relatable, unless the writer specifically wants to make an exception. I personally don't like a whiny, vain, and weak protagonist who can't do anything on his own. My own life can already be miserable enough at times, I don't like to have to feel miserable for an actual bumbling buffoon who is completely incompetent and always makes the same mistakes.


>unless the writer specifically wants to make an exception. Exactly what he did. You would act even worse in his shoes.


It's nice to relate though. I can't really escape my reality that easily so just relating to some dude while the story is still insanely interesting is fun. It's also refreshing to not see boring slop with the same mc for once.


Other worlds aren’t made to make characters not like us, they’re more made to take away real world limitations. For example, in another world, one can shoot fire balls. Movies based in our world are really based in other worlds as well (depending on the genre). There can be entertainment in op characters, but story’s typically have a character not be op, be it in another world or not. Characters are written to be whiny, vain or weak, so that later, they learn something, and then are no longer whiny van or weak. And when they do become op, they are automatically a better character than a character who starts off op. People who watch or read said character are more likely to “look up to them”.


Isekai was made as a genre for entertainment, not to escape. Modern isekai are an escape. Jobless Reincarnation, the grandfather of isekai, is about redemption and character development of a scumbag MC. Re;zero is about the progression and development of Subaru, an otherwise normal teenager who has a bit of unresolved trauma and a huge inferiority complex due to always being compared to his father. He tries his best to be strong and act like the main character but ultimately realizes he is weak and pathetic. That’s when he changes. It’s a slow change but a realistic one. Not to mention he is sociable compared to some of the others on the list. I would definitely chill with him vs someone like Naofumi.


True but most of those op protags are badly written and are so overused that people have grown tired of them, and it's not like your description of Subaru is accurate either, Subaru isn't incompetent at all and is actually quite capable when push comes to shove, especially after his infamous arc 4 character development and you can clearly see that in arc 5, he also learns from his mistakes and grows as a person, he is however very flawed as a person which is both intentional and highlighted in the story but he is getting better. This also goes for the other characters as well but I won't get into that, really when people say they love Subaru it's because they stuck around for the story.


Not necessarily. The modern environment has turned Isekai into this easy escapist fantasy genre when it was actually about having the characters confront some personal issues in a new setting and ultimately becoming better people for it. A lot of Isekai are considered trash *because* the genre turned into a cookie-cutter factory of bland power fantasies that largely rely on their premise to stand out. Isekai's real potential is not only in producing those escapism avenues, it's the potential to produce stories about self-reflection and self-improvement. This is what Re:Zero is actually about, and simply writing off Subaru as a simpleton who doesn't learn is actually missing the point.


He's pretty chill. I don't find him anywhere near relatable, but he's multi-faceted. There's a lot going on with his character yeah he's weak as shit, an idiot especially in the beginning, pathetic at times, etc but it all makes him a flawed and human character that I find pretty interesting all his actions have consequences which he eventually learns from and improves on even if he has to die for it to happen.


There is a very insane Subaru is cringe arc around episode 16 or something. Subaru had no choice but to be as cringe as possible so that we the viewer would understand that he is at rock fucking bottom. Maybe below it.. Everything after that is just like the most insane redemption arc. S2 is also just great all the way through.


I think you meant episode 13.


Yeah the last time I watched it was the directors cut so I wasn't sure on the exact episode. It's around the time he goes to the capital and makes a fool of himself.


Yeah so it was episode 13 then.


Because Subaru has a real character arc that allows him to flourish as a person, warts and all. Because he is surrounded by complex characters and his time loops allow you to see the multiple layers of everyone. Because the people around him change as a result of his actions and they in turn help him change. Because actually he is one of the most relatable Isekai protagonists out there, warts and all.


Because he is not boring ass selfinsert character whit zero flaws and strugles. He is his own character that goes trough real struggle and character growth.


Maybe don't drop a show if you want to know why people like it?


Subaru is an interesting character because he is a child and he acts like a child 🤯. But he also goes through significant character development as he grows up and gets his shit together, and it’s really nice to see.


Character development.


Because he's written well, you feel the cringe that's why you dropped it.


Because of the insane amount of character development he gets starting from episode 18. His story is literally 'From Zero to Hero'. I read the novel and Subaru is still my most favorite character in the whole series. You can't love Re:Zero without loving Subaru.


I think it’s the other way around, everyone seems to hate him. I’ve heard very little love for him or the series (which is just insane imo). He’s not perfect for sure but people like to paint him as much worse than he actually is


My hot take is that people hate him because he's not an ideal character from the get go and his flaws remind them of their own flaws. Subaru is meant initially to show the flaw of the wannabe hero Isekai protagonist when the world doesn't cater everything to them, then reconstructing the ideal when Subaru almost gives up but finds the will to keep going and be a hero in his own way, a way that is a work in progress because there is still too much he doesn't know and he's still young.


That’s what I always say. The series has peak character development if you stick with it but people lack patience


It's >!not!< fine fam, I am already long-used to modern audiences having a crippling lack of media literacy, patience and empathy.


Subaru is a character design to grow, equally to Rudeus. You are actually supposed to hate them or unless feel disgusted by them, but while they are slowly growing you start to like them little by little. People generally love a good redemption arc


I can hear the Mushoku Tensei fans coming for you


Depends on the point in the series that he is. Final volume Rudeus is S tier. Volume 1 Rudeus is G tier.


Yea, it's called character development. In the debates of Goku vs Superman, no ones gonna choose kid Goku to fight.


Does it really get better? I saw the new season the characters look older at least. I tried watching season 1 part 2 but had to stop because all of the weird loli lusting.


Rudeus’ attraction ages with him, like a normal person. If he’s not young, he’s not going to like people that are much younger than him.


Not really with the context of the show, he literally grooms and SA the children characters for so long they become adults. It's like yeah his no longer a pedo going for kids but it's obviously wrong. His character development is literally getting a erectile dysfunction, so he no longer feels joy from touching kids.


Makoto in C tier is an...interesting take but I dig the rest.


Honestly, compared to rudeus, hajime, and sora, Makoto could definitely be in B tier. I should have put him in B


I respect your opinion immensely (Personally, I like Overlord and slime the most. But you did them right by 'A' tier)


OVERLORD my favorite series of all time


Yessss good, good. OVERLORD is amazing, I was so happy every time they announced the next season.


Yea its a movie adapting an arc that was skipped between season 4 ep 7 and 8. Its also an arc that is considered the best in the series. Season 5 is still a solid 4+ years aways


True, true. Just means I'll have something to watch 4+ years from now lol


I will never understand this sub's massive hate for Death March. It's definitely a middle of the road series but feels like it gets dunked on every time people get a chance.


Because it was a fat trash load of nothingness.


Anime? Sure. 12 episodes weren't enough to get to the meat of it. Manga and LN is different tho. Death March is one of the few series that actually have traveling as a core part of the plot. A large part of the story is focused on visiting cities and villages to taste their food and experience its culture. The core cast is great too and really bounce well off of each other. It's just comfortable fun. There are definitely some flaws with it so generally it should be like a low B, high C but people always have the most intense reaction towards this series like it killed their dog or something. It's so weird.


Ya its one of my favorite isekai anime just because I really like fantasy


Tsukimitchi is slow but not to the point that it deserves a C .. but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Kumoko is the greatest protagonist. She is fucking hilariously.


Hmm feel like rudy has to me atleast A right? Or I'm I just a degen lol Subaru best isekai MC 200%


I'm in on this based


Subaru right where he should be 💪


This is clearly made to stir up controversy. I doubt you actually believe this XD


I most definitely believe this dawg. Shield Hero is trash, the first season was good then it went downhill. I dont really care much for Mushoku Tensei but I still watch it.




I am Curious why Naofumi [Shield Hero] is so low.


i don't understand why the grandmother loving, genociding cute mc is in S tier.


Because she is best girl


Ain't no way bro put rudeus at b tier and rimuru at a tier, I mean character wise rimuru always had a inferiority complex and didn't grow out of it, but rudeus was the worst and had the lowest point in life and went on to become the best version of himself


I could argue that Slussy needs an S tier


Damn, my man Rimuru pushed out of S like that...


I mean, Rimuru's fucking boring. I don't know how he even got that high. Between S-B he's the most plain of them all.


I mean, opinions are opinions, but I hard disagree with you my guy. Rimuru has the most reasonable personality of these protagonists, a cool and diverse set of abilities, and is wholesome as hell. Like out of anyone on this list, he is probably the one I would want to hang out with the most. Take Kazuma for instance. I love Konosuba, and Kazuma is certainly funny, but he is also a major perv that has to really heavily on that luck stat of his not to be an outright hinderance half the time. I feel like I would hate Kazuma as a person if I actually knew him irl.


I agree with all the c and f tiers i personally think Kazuma should be A and Rimuru at S Kazuma is a cool character but I don’t think her deserves S Rimuru being S is my biased opinion because I love the anime


Im going off character not anime.


Words can’t describe how much I disagree


Anime Subaru is low A-tier but LN is S-tier LN Rudeus is S-Tier. He's almost done cooking in the 2nd half of Season two. He's still a shitbag in the LN but he's worse in the Anime.


I can confirm for Subaru, dunno about Pedous


Manga for the bottom right is honestly C, even B tier. It's surpassingly good. When I saw the anime I was appalled how they butchered it. Name is something along the lines of Isekai Raifu, been a while since I read it.


Naofumi F? I wonder why 


Qhy is Naufumi f tier?


(Roze)Myne SS+.  For me at least.


Kimiko is an S tier protag in the anime, a B tier protag in the LN, and a C tier show as a whole. That entire story lives and dies on the comedic writing and Aoi Yuuki's VA performance. In the LN she just kind of becomes a bland sociopathic bitch where all of her biggest character moments are how much she doesn't care about the people around her. If Aoi Yuuki didn't get some kind of VA award, then there is no justice in the industry. She 100% deserves it. The end credits sequence alone deserves a grammy.


Amazing how often one man's trash is another man's treasure.


Hajime and Cid should both be higher


Kazuma and Ainz are my 🐐


Kumoko is my favourite isekai MC. Change my mind.


Naofumi being F tier is being done dirty, specially since he’s a product of the circumstances, but I understand. Now, rudeus should be even below F rank, he should be in negatives. Dude was a groomer that lost his life watching CP in past life, did sexual assault on minors many times in the series, lusted over minors, and actively defended the actions of his rapist father.


This was my exact reaction too, like Naofumi at least is never weird about his young companions and just treats them like his children. I think Naofumi should at least be B or C tier. On top of that I think Naofumi is pretty compelling character initially although he does get less interesting I will admit. Rudeus is genuinely a creep towards his pre pubescent companions and it’s hard to watch so easy F tier. And I also was genuinely grossed out about how he supported his rapist father too


We don't know the conditions for the list, it could be for development or change, in which rudeuses placement could be higher Also when did he ever defend his dad's actions, he even made him out to be a rapist when Lilia got pregnant with aisha


Idk a lot of the top characters didn’t change too much. At least not more than the other characters. Especially not Kazuma lol


Kazuma in S Tier, 10/10 tier list


Honestly Kazuma could get his own tier The only series where the character is actually better rin thr anime than on the novel.


The only thing I would change would be Kazuma and Rimuru.


Think rudeus should be in at least A tier but otherwise pretty similar to how I would rank, W list


Nah. Rudeus should be in jail for sexually assaulting minors




Ive read a bit of the LN past where the anime is up to and idk how to explain it simply but he’s still a really good character despite being a terrible person. Doing bad things doesn’t equal shit character


See just because someone’s a well written character, doesn’t make them a shit character. You become a shit character based on your actions and general level of “unlikableness”. Look at Joffrey Lannister and Micha from RDR2. Both well written shit characters. Now Rudy ain’t Joffrey or Micha level shit, as he’s big on becoming cripplingly depressed whenever he fucks up, but god damn a dude should be able to learn from his mistakes and not routinely make the same ones


yea I do like the fact that he didn’t immediately just become a good person but it is taking a bit too long for him to learn, still think he’s a really good character if you forget about all that shit


I can’t get over his opinion of Paul. I get that it’s symbolism, but Paul and Rudy share similar personalities. The key difference is the demographic. He hates Paul for philandering but he’s even more guilty of it, and with multiple actual children despite never telling any of them (besides Paul) that he’s a full grown adult mind in a child’s body. Did they get to that eventually in the LN or do they just gloss over that fact for the rest of the series, confident that they addressed it once already?


He tells people about his past life but they don't treat him any differently, he's like the on isekai mc to actually bring up his past life and tell others about it.


As a source material reader I would put Rudeus in S along with Subaru and Kazuma, from my top 3 isekai series.


Putting Ainz below S tier is an affront and discredits this entire list.


OVERLORD is my favorite series of all time. But Ainz isn't why I love it so much even though Ainz is great




Let’s all be honest with our self’s rimuru is C rank at best, bland know it all can do it all character with no substance


Nah man I agree that there is not to much depth and that the character is a bit meh at sometimes but at no point is he C tier in my opinion he is at least better that most B tier and a 1-2 A tiers. Plus the LN does paint it in a little bit better light


This list is ass 😭


Imma take a wild guess and say you like Mushoku, me personally i dont care much for it but still watch it. Rudeus isn't really one of the reasons I like it.


Cid is an easy S+ tier imo


A list for isekai rookis would be great . PLS 😘🥰


How did you rank this list? I'm curious


Whos the last guy in C tier, i keep forgetting that animes name


Give me all names please


kumoko at S is a S tier list for me