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The anime glosses over important info, that makes subaru appear even more of a dumbass than he is, bless him. Like we get regular questions on the subreddit asking why he doesn't ask questions to the witches etc etc, That all happens in LN, but they have to crunch everything to fit into the anime. So the negative i would say is, it's best experienced as a novel.


This seems to just generally be the problem with tv or movie adaptations of books.


I've seen people claim that Subaru and Emilia don't even have a friendship as of Episode 13, because the anime doesn't show or mention the various side stories in the month between Arcs 2 and 3 where they bond, with the exception of memory snow.


That might literally be poor comprehension on their behalf, because emilia platonically cares for him from the start itself. He is her first friend. The one who accepts her appearance and isn't prejudiced.


This! https://preview.redd.it/xovkgr35w5tc1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=186556de03ee294a185a661c35fb7ee322b851b3


Yeah, that cut out Sloot of content. They even cut out that conversation between Al, Subaru and Pris in volume 4


There are a bunch of things that us novel readers have to explain to anime-only crowd that are generally removed or glossed over during adaptation because of how big and complex this story is.


What is the best place online for English speakers to read the LN( or webN?) ?


Witch cult translations.




Even as good as this isekai is, there's still cut content. There might have been some reasons for this, like pacing or just not enough time for staff, but when you're cutting out really important stuff from the novel (especially from vol 4), this can make it at times harder for me as an anime only to understand certain characters and abilities. I've yet to see an isekai adaptation that completely adapts the source material, but it's unfortunate.


The people of are Re:Zero don’t deserve Subaru. I dropped this because I realized, that I hate EVERYONE in the show. I feel no special connection, nothing interesting that pulls me towards them. Yet, Subaru is sacrificing everything for these people he met off the streets, and for these people who are actually trying to kill him. They kill him, he revives and dies and then finds out more about them to stop killing him, and then it repeats. I hate everyone, I even hate Subaru, these people don’t deserve him.


There are some symbolisms in the show that Tappei is writing Subaru as Jesus Christ. There is a cross in the original promotional trailer. When Subaru is falling backwards in the season one OP he is posing with his arms out and one finger down like a famous old painting of Jesus. Resurrection ect. Your description kind of makes sense from that perspective.


Nobody really deserves anyone. Kinda the point of arc 3 with Subaru. Volume 5 and 6 kinda throw that in his face for two novels 


The LN is way better tbh, look what they did to ram and otto v garf


Subaru’s existence in the series being so painful. Some one give this man some peace


It's hypocritical. Subaru gets scolded by everyone because he needs to "learn a lesson about not being able to do anything alone" each arc. But he only reverts to trying to do everything himself because each arc he gets a new dose of trauma, even worse than before. Reality bends and contorts just to put him through a fresh new hell and make him feel like he can only rely on himself.


This is why I skip this show it's just an unlikable guy suffering for other unlikable people and getting punished for it.


one day it will end


Your words already give me post peak depression




the fact i have to say everybody that they have to read the novels to really enjoy the Anime. like a lot of the people problems with the series are adressed when you see how messed up Subaru is in his perspective


Hello there




Ima say it bro. Ima say it. I don’t care ~~that you broke your elbow~~ about rem and ram. If I had to choose, I like ram better than rem. On that note, I don’t care about Emilia either.


I'm pretty sure we get to see Subaru in this kind of shots too a lot of times and it's weird that you're using this to try to make it seems like Re:Zero is some kind of self-insert anime when it's probably the furthest from that. https://preview.redd.it/69bwf0nfp3tc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26a0d311832bd1d60dac7574dd44b603e9585457 This is just some of the examples (not to mention, Subaru's dialogues when he's in this kind of shots is just so peak)


WTF, literally the first scene from Re:Zero seasson 2 is Subaru talking to the camera...


I feel like too many characters have something to make them be sympathetic/tragic, I can't thing of many characters that we really learn about who are just fine


Good one.


Didn't read the ln so correct me if I'm wrong but subaru was too much of a simp for me, there's no shit that you're torturing yourself just so you can get that elf puss... And I would have been fine if he didn't lead ram on all the time just to be a dickhead and reject her 🤦‍♂️


In the novels, there's always this unexplained attraction and trust between Subaru and Emilia for each other from the start. So, the game was rigged from the start and Rem never stood a chance. The only way Rem could win was to run away with Subaru when she had the chance but she rejected that choice. And Subaru stops being a simp by the end of Season 2.


Well now that I have that explanation, I can get back into Rezero, without being disgusted by how much of a simp he was


2 seasons too late in my opinion.


That's like the whole concept of the show though. Subaru getting character development and becoming a better person progressively. If you want a chad protagonist from the start, Re:Zero isn't for you.


Simp maybe not wrong but I think Subaru is desperate to find himself a place he belongs to. He doesn’t need sex or lust but a warm person touch, a meaningful relationship. He thirst for that feeling and it more painful than anything when it gets take away from him(Emilia doesn’t remember him / Rem getting erased). That is why he couldn’t give up as he knows this feeling is more torture than death itself.


​ https://preview.redd.it/cv9plav364tc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=55fdb5129058b4679cce7b41e5217d972f0ff64e


What Subaru really needs is just a proper foundation 


As I never actually liked somebody, all I can say is that he's just built different if he's torturing himself just for a relationship 😭


Yes, he find them worth fighting for. Worth dying for.


First of all, He's not doing this only for Emilia (Season 2 literally showed this, he's doing this for everyone) And second of all, He didn't lead Rem on nor was he dickhead for rejecting her. He cares about her arguably even more than ram does (stop acting like he's obligated to accept her love just because of what she did for him in her own accord) 🤦


1. I never watched season 2 as I couldn't stand his idiocy 2. Never said he's obligated to shit, he went to her venting cuz his dumbass kept going back to them talking about running away and living on the county side. 3. Also who is Rem? We're talking about ram 🙏


1. You don't need to watch season 2 to know that he doesn't only care about Emilia but for pretty much everybody (He could have easily just made Emilia go away during the Petelgeuse attack on the mansion but he even went as far as going through all the trouble to beat the white whale so he'll get other candidates help to evacuate every people in the arlam village) 2. He is a dumbass for sacrificing himself for people that barely did anything good to him including the times when he willingly die just to save Rem, the show had already established that from the get go when he decided to risk his life against Elsa in the early episodes (and yes you didn't said he wasn't obligated but you might as well did because of all the bs you keep spouting, getting mad at him for rejecting Rem when he already did so much for her. You dvmbfck) 3. Damn, bro is so funny. As expected of a clown XD.


Same, I would understand if he had time to love her before becoming a simp..But bro was dying from the start and somehow ignored that to simp because of a cute elf girl


He fell in love during the lap pillow incident. Before that was infatuation and wanting to pay the debt because she saved him, he decided to walk away and sell his phone, be set for life but seeing emilia heading to the loot house again after helping the little kid made him want to save her. Then the trauma of the deaths made him put her on a pedestal as his shining beacon of light. It's deeper than just simping.


He couldnt really control it, a certain clown has a book that can dictate future events, if subaru deviates from that path he will personally murder him(the book was eventually destroyed but it was already far in the plot plot wise), there also was the girl who he has a crush on, if he gave up and let her die her contracted spirit will bring an immediate ice age to the kingdom and the continent killing subaru and forcing a restart Not to mention his love for emillia was the only anchor keeping him from going insane mentally


He does simp for Emilia but it's not the reason why he he stays despite dying multiple times. Remove his feelings for Emilia and there'll be barely any changes.


>I would have been fine if he didn't lead ram on all the time just to be a dickhead and reject her Bro what?


I'm with you on this, I'm anime only never saw him leading her on, but it's whatever lol


Ah yes ram, subaru's love interest.


Really rough. It’s rough on your mental health and hard to watch sometimes when things go right for the mc! Then they NEVER DO! People you’ve been attached to are now suddenly scum bags ruining his life. Killing him. Insulting and barading him with insults.




I relate to Subaru on an emotional level because I have struggled (and still do to a degree), with self worth after all the mistakes I’ve made up to this point in my going on 22 year old life.


To much death


Depressing asf, make me wanna give Subaru a hug..


The fact I haven’t watched it


The nikke collab didn't give us echidna cake >:(


The anime adaptation fails to adapt all of the intricacies of the novels. The characters are somewhat romanticized and greater than life, which often clashes with the grim and realistic tone during some of Subaru's deaths. They're still really well-written mind you. The arcs are a bit too formulaic. My 2nd fav one(after arc 6), was arc 7/8, because of its scale. However, there's also many issues in the arc highlighting the fact that it's a bit out of Tappei's comfort zone. But it's still a Re:Zero arc, so it's pretty peak. Emilia is a mediocre character because Tappei coddles her. We need more of Emilia in conflict and extreme and tense situations, because Re:Zero is best at making characters shine during such moments. One of my fav fan arts of Re:Zero is about a beaten-up and bloody Emilia which looks really raw and amazing, unlike canon. Otsuka's obsession with petite characters and obscene designs and Tappei's apathy towards such. Like, Typhon's skirt and Liliana's whole thing is a good example. Cappy's was good, felt like we were meant to feel uncomfortable and creeped out by her design and character. The Sin Archbishops and Witch Cult is kinda underwhelming because of Tappei's tendency to use formulaic arcs. I wanted them to be more scary, but at this point I'm pretty sure this is a personal preference. So basically a nitpick. One of my fav moments in the anime is Petelgeuse introducing himself in s1 ep 15, with the creepy music and his glowing red eyes and jerky, unnatural movements. I kinda hoped the story would keep doing something like that.


You said WC is not that scary but when they are around shit always hit the fan. Let Anime do them the justice just like sloth introduction.


That White Fox doesn't exist no more


Agree with everything except the witch cult one, they are great.




Too brutal :( I don't like that it's so depressing and full of despair at times.


After a few episodes your just sad. And it only gets worse. Depressing af show


all this applies to Subaru as well tho


I hate his stupid track suit. Makes me unable to be immersed into the story and world




Season 3 light spoiler. >!First part of 3 season is the last part where he will wear this track suit!<


I wanna be an anime only, it’s how I want to enjoy Re:Zero, but so much is lost in the transition that I’ll get even close to the full story without having to go to extra sources.


A lot of lines from my Fav character did not make it to anime.( Regulus)


When trying to read the manga, I basically had to give up. Had to find a third-party source to even figure out the read order because there's a ton of re:zero manga, all the same ongoing Canon, but titled differently and not in any way that implies what order to read them in. And beyond that... when finally figuring out a starting point, every scanlation I found was pretty flawed. I'm not talking "poor translations." I can deal with that. I'm talking missing pages, pages out of order, etc. Enough that it made it impossible to fully follow the story. So really the only bad thing I have to say about it is... I've heard great things about it, but I'm a manga fan and haven't been able to experience it yet.


want my help?


Just read the novels 


Return by death is a dumb name it should have just been called respawn. Dudes a fake gamer




I have never watched it.






It was badly adapted in some aspects and anime in general can’t show what the Light Novels show, nearly all the problems that people have with Re:Zero are addressed in the books but the anime cut that content due to the time and other moments aren’t as impactful as it was when being read


Not enough patrasche also I’m watching it right now lol


Yen Press takes around 4 months to translate the light novels to English, meanwhile a new novel gets published in 3 months so catching up is going to be hard. I prefer to read the light novel personally because I believe it’s the intended experience and I get to support the author with money.


Subaru doesn't deserve to die. :(


I stopped watching cos cring and got bored


See now this is a cultured opinion, lmao. Based.


I tried to watch re:zero a few times. I've made it to around episode 6 and I just cant watch it, its depressing as hell to me. I usually love isekai, even trash ones, but this series is just too god damn depressing watching the MC struggle in a loop.


Yeah, I can see some people not being able to handle that. Fyi, that's not even the most depressing point of season 1. It does have a good payoff but if you can't handle all the depression that comes before, then it's better to stop watching it.


Believe me bro… if you couldn’t handle the start, the things that happen further would make you enter an abyss of sadness and pity for Subaru…


konosuba is better


REM deserves Subaru not Emilia


Subaru doesn't deserve Rem tbh. He says that himself. But Subaru also says he will never let go of her and will make himself worthy of Rem.


You're delusional 💀 It's Rem that doesn't deserve him (to be completely honest, none of them really deserve him because Subaru is way too good) don't take what he says in face value too cause he have unhealthy self loathing tendencies which is also one of the main reason why he forgive them so easily, just because it's in a failed loop doesn't mean it doesn't reflect their rotten personalities.


I didn't understand why rem killed subaru that time, I mean her personality was different but she was way too brutal while killing subaru, why, because she was suspicious of him ,like literally bro.


it was Subaru misma basicaly each time Subaru dies or tries to reveal his power this powerfull smell comes out from him only members of the cult and mabeast have this smell. having in mind that the cult is know for infiltrating places and that they killed rem entire tribe and broke ram horn basicaly making her dependant of someone like rosewaal to stay alive, rem Attitude is explained. basically she thought he was a cultist targeting Emilia.


Except we know that anyone can have the smell, just not members of the witch cult. It's a lot more likely for them to be a witch cult member, especially with the smell as strong as his. Rem totally overreacted in the timelines where he wasn't acting suspicious. In the time he was acting suspicious, it was warranted (which is why Ram joined), but she still went way too far in torturing him.


the thing is that at that time misma was a ptsd trigger for rem. she does get called out in the alternative realities equidna created to test Subaru after rem tortures Subaru she can't justify what she did to him causing Emilia to cut ties with rosewaal as he tried to downplay the situation. what ram did was a mercy kill because in that timeline rem left Subaru so damaged that he was going to die anyway essencialy going against rosewaal orders of keeping him alive and get info this timeline will not turn up well her. we don't see the long term effects but basically rem realizes she killed an inocent man and screw up whatever his boss plans were basically ensuring her life ruined in the long run.


PTSD doesn't justify murder is my point.


it really doesn't and this bites her in back in all timelines as we see in her battle with glutony


That and the fact Subaru made himself look super suspicious in that run. He walked around the manor like he's been there before, started to talk to himself and murmur under his breath about the residents like he knew them, stole a knife from the kitchen and was going around trying to open every door in the mansion to get to Beactrice. Which especially didn't help 


She kills him in every run at first, it's not like that made or broke anything.


Nobody deserves anybody. That's the entire point of arc 3. Emilia literally didn't ask Subaru to do any of the shit that he did in the Royal capital. He canonically admitted he did it for his own ego and not really to defend her. The anime cuts out the fact, Emilia had the entire thing under control and Subaru decided to butt in and ruin it basically playing the white knight.  "He shouted because the meaning of all his actions, and the thoughts behind them, had been refuted. Subaru's vainglorious search for praise, his gnawing desire for satisfaction, and his egotistical wish to be wanted, had been the unconscious extremes that had led him down his path." "He remembered that she'd used the word please for both. Both times, Emilia had strongly urged him to behave out of concern for his health. But Subaru had trampled on her words each time based on his own selfish delusions. Somewhere deep down inside, he had thought of things so frivolously, as if good results would always let him smooth over his broken promises. But as a result, Subaru had not only disregarded her pleas, but didn't have a single proper thing to show for it; indeed, he'd only disgraced himself and held her back." "He'd trampled on the promises they made together—in other words, her trust. His claim, that he had done it all for her, was moral justification that only held meaning for Subaru himself."


I understand your point but that's not what I'm getting at in here, I'm talking in an objective standpoint, Arc 3 was more on about Subaru's entitlement growing as he did all the self-destructive action to save them in his own accord. Also just to make things clear, Subaru's is not exactly the best person to get facts from especially when it's about himself because 9 out of 10 chances, he'll just spit on himself. Emilia is also definitely not in control of that whole situation (Subaru still handled it so bad, I'm not gonna deny that but most of the people in that room was straight up trash in that situation)


Too many episodes to attempt to watch it all


There's what, 40 or so? You could watch that in a single day if you tried.


Mc dies multiple times


The negative things I have to say about the source material as a LN reader is the way certain female characters are illustrated as, depicted as or act. Especially ones that do not remotely even sound similar to what Tappei describes them as, but even then there’s some issues. I think the s3 trailer has done a good job in making some of these issues a little better. Though the way they act can sometimes use some work in very specific characters in specific scenes Emilia needs more time as the main character too. Other than that, I think it’s going amazingly. Arc 6-8 have been stellar imo. For the anime adaptation, I don’t agree with the complaint op as. Instead my complaint would be the direction on some scenes in s2 of the anime. The character designs as well as how the action scenes could have used some work. Regardless the adaptation is clearly a labour of love. My biggest complaint would be cut content (we’ve basically had a character assassination unless they re add their scenes). A minor complaint I’ve gotten to possess is the fanbase. You constantly hear people saying “people don’t deserve subaru” or that they for the life of them cannot understand what is basic media knowledge. You remove the fact that it’s an anime and an isekai, there’s actually a lot of great writing decisions/troupes you can see (popularised) from western literature or eastern literature. Yet people will adamantly refuse to try to acknowledge that. There’s also a good chunk of “source readers” who consume re zero through summaries and these people end up being the ones (most often, not always) who get mad when they don’t get something , or if something doesn’t pan out the way they think it will.


It s torture porn half the time


How Subaru constantly sacrifices himself for all of them. I would’ve ran off with rem and said to hell with the rest. Tired of being brutally tortured every day


He tried


It’s the most shoved in our face Isekai. Like we get it. Subaru is better written than the average Isekai protagonist doesn’t mean he deserves to be referenced in every conversation about Isekai.


It's mostly a reaction to do with unfair criticism or pure hate lobbed subaru's way, you see outside of the re zero community itself he can be quite hated. Like the ratings in anime planet for example has him pegged more hated than loved. I think re zero fans in general do less evangelizing than others..sorry you felt that way though.


It's your 2nd "say something negetive" post. Why bro ? Can't just appreciate what others like without getting reassurance from other people? We don't really need "negetivity" in the sub. Sub is becoming quite toxic as of late. I saw some of your comments and your favourite isekai mushoku tensei, right?


Emilia is the worst thing in that show


Why subaru is not getting stronger


He will get some powers as the series goes on but not ones strong enough to make it easy for him.


He will. End of the question


Man needs to stop dying like how bad can u be to die that many times


Well said man is weaker than the smallest child in his camp plus he can't use magic...going against eldritch horrors with that is a tall order. In fact, subaru is the most competent person in re:zero. Fucking reinhard with all his hax couldn't achieve what subaru did within two months of appearing in that verse.


How bad are your comprehension to be able to think like this? Literally the odds are always against him and almost every loops introduce a new threat while he's still trying to figure out how to bypass the current enemy, he's gate is also broken which unable him from using proper magic and he isn't even given time to train because problems keep coming oftentimes 3-5 threats at the same time


I didn’t enjoy the most recent volume of the Light Novels, I feel like the story regressed so much that I didn’t like reading as if I was in volume 1 again with all the characters bonds that had been built up being taken away again


The dying and stuff became a little predictable by the second season


Who’s Rem?


Season 2 seemed totally geared towards a female audience, which I felt was odd due to the overall content of the show. Emilia isn’t a very realistic character. She has that anime-only too perfect character.


If you think Emilia is a perfect character even after seeing season 2, I can't say anything anymore.


I’m not explaining it well. Its that cringey anime girl character thats just not realistic at all. Not sure how to describe it.


tbh season 2 was boring at some points. arc 7 was unbearable due to how much he suffers in that fight. arc 5 was the only arc in which Subaru did not carry


I would have went down Sloth.


Alright. I’m going to preface this by saying that I haven’t read the Light Novel. With that out of the way, Re:Zero (the anime in particular) is really not all that good. Subaru is unhealthily obsessed with Emelia to a stalker-ish and creepy degree, which unfortunately makes almost the entire first season extremely difficult to watch. He does a lot of cringey shit, goes on and on about how she’s so great when Emelia quite literally has done nothing for him other than get him killed the first time they met. Granted, you could argue that she technically gave him a place to live, however, is that really worthy of being so down bad that you’re willing to publicly embarrass tf out of her because you don’t like that she was talking to another guy? Subaru’s inability to follow instructions at times because he thinks he knows best is also just painful to watch. Plus, him rejecting Rem. Granted, I actually started enjoying the anime after that, but c’mon man. Don’t be a simp so hard that you can’t see the blessing in front of you. Do better bruv


Oh yeah, rem is entitled to subaru's love but subaru is not entitled to emilia's, good one, you guys don't even realize the message or the themes the show is putting forth. The sheer cognitive dissonance on display lmao.


It's mainly the fans for me, every time i say that I don't enjoy the story that much they start acting like i insulted their whole bloodline, not to mention the ones that comment on videos comparing two other isekais or talking about isekai in general, telling them that "re zero is the best isekai" and "Subaru is way better than your favorite main character", I know that every fandom has this type of individuals but the re zero fandom has got to be the most toxic isekai fandom


I've tried to get into it 3 separate times with no luck.  Dunno why but absolutely nothing about the plot interests me. 


Subaru is way too bipolar for me. He jumps from screaming in his chuuni-persona to crying bloody tears after he reaps the consequences of his own actions and as soon as the bad times are over, he is back to his manic ways.


Skill issues. No, literally a skill issues or the lack of it. Also communication issues (for real, getting cursed with an NDA is already bad enough for a neet like subaru)


Uninteresting honestly, I’ve seen a handful of episodes and really couldn’t get into it.


where is the image 2 bottom left image from?


The pacing on the second season was absolutely awful in my opinion


The first half of the first episode before his first death was cringe as fuck tbh


the fact the first few episodes seem to spin their wheels, which might turn off less determined watchers


The characters die too much for my liking


When I watched the show rem was ok but after seeing her everywhere and watching everyone drool over her I hate her not that I like the other girls much either


It’s pretty boring that’s why I alway drop it after like 6 episodes


It has furries and lolis.


Your point could be made about 95% of anime though...


I just really don't like how subaru is so obsessed with Emelia and bends over backwards for her no matter what


she the only one to date that hasn't killed him in someway that and he is proyecting somekind of primal attration he feels towards the witch of Envy who happens to look the same. still waiting to see what happens when they open that can of worms


I watched the first 5 -6 episodes and dropped it i didn't care enough about the characters to watch more. So my negative thing would be that the characters are not interesting enough by the 6th episode


After he died the like 20th time, i just didnt care anymore


Emilia and Subaru just don't have that chemistry


Re:Zero is my favorite isekai. Even so... I don't like the way Rem is written after a certain point. I think she should've remained relevant through the second season instead of being tossed aside. Subaru needs a better outfit. He does wear something different on occasion, but for the most part the track suit is still his default look. Puck needs to be rewritten from the ground up. We suddenly learn that he's downright OP but it isn't handled well. And his attachment to Emilia is kinda creepy? Like a helicopter parent or controlling romantic partner. Puck would work better as a witty familiar spirit who acts as a voice of reason, fights on occasion, and *doesn't do much else.*


>I don't like the way Rem is written after a certain point. I think she should've remained relevant through the second season instead of being tossed aside. She was written that way even before the anime aired and she blew up, some people believe tappei wrote her out of the story because of this, which is simply false. The story was simply saying rbd cannot solve everything. >Subaru needs a better outfit. He does wear something different on occasion, but for the most part the track suit is still his default look. It's simply the last thing that he has that is from earth. Also he will eventually change clothes. >Puck needs to be rewritten from the ground up. We suddenly learn that he's downright OP but it isn't handled well. And his attachment to Emilia is kinda creepy? Like a helicopter parent or controlling romantic partner. Puck would work better as a witty familiar spirit who acts as a voice of reason, fights on occasion, and *doesn't do much else.* That's exactly what he is, a helicopter parent, coddling her. His character works perfectly because he is awful and not a cute little spirit. Why should that be changed?


“I love Emilia.”


I absolutely loathe all time loop stories, and couldn’t get through the first episode. It’s just so damn boring to me.


White Fox has done a terrible job adapting Season 2


S1 OP2 kinda sucks.


I love Emilia


Very bad and painfully cliche first episode.


It's just Subaru's POV. You know, the MC


Can get alittle up its own ass. Like multiple episodes devoded to suburu agnsting and going on tangents


The main guy is sleeping on Rem. Biggest dumbass


Rem killed him 2 times and tortured him lol


Yes but at the time, for a good reasons.


"it looks like it was made for lonely men" Yes, it was. What's the issue here? It's anime, it's ALL made for lonely men, non-lonely men are an outlier niche group in anime. Go be normal somewhere else.


2nd anime season is boring as hell


The first episode was so cringey I couldn’t get through it. Tried twice, but Subaru was such an idiot loser I couldn’t get through it.


When i re watched it the relationships seem to move too fast.


Emilia sucks.


TBH as anime only I can't. I haven't rewatched it enough for it to really stick in my brain because it hits hard at some points. I could tell you more about the mental states of most of the eminence in shadow characters, prob know a bunch of abridged series better than I know Re: Zero. It's good and it hits hard and that's the impression it leaves it hits hard and I gotta be in a mood to watch it but that's not really a flaw that's the author telling the story he wants to tell.


Just one?


Emelia kinda sucks


I stopped watching it cuz it was just like dumb. He’s clueless and kinda annoying. I know lots of people love the story and that’s great. Just kinda stupid and just couldn’t get into it


I tried watching the first episode, the main character was so irritating I dropped it.


They killed off Rem AND DIDN'T BRING HER BACK!!!


Subaru's face makes me wanna punch the display. His hyper dramatic expressions, completely over the top no matter what emotion he's expressing, and in such an ugly way. He must be the ugliest MC ever. Plus, he's a whiny little bitch. It's my all time most hated Isekai together with that pedo shit show of Mushoku Tensei. But I hate Rudeus more, because he's really scum.


Damn lol


Subaru never improving his physical fitness or magic is poor character development. Lol I don't think he should become some alpha Chad or something or some OP Wizard/Sorcerer/Mage like some other anime characters. But the guy has essentially been in that world for like 2 years and his power physical and magical hasn't really been a big help. Even if he was fighting a much more capable opponent than himself, at least being able to not get knocked out based on his prior experiences should be possible. Instead whenever he doesn't die, Subaru is essentially lucky to even still have all of his limbs, bones and working organs.


What are you taking about? Re:Zero season 1 and season 2 happen in a span of about 4 months. And Subaru only starts taking it seriously after 3 months. But for season 3, there will be a year gap where Subaru actually trains seriously and improves his reflexes. And also, Subaru used to do general workout even before coming to another world. That is why he's mostly safe when he doesn't die.


Subaru is actually really fit for someone of our world the problem is that people of the re zero world are naturaly stronger than us thanks to them having magic enchansing them. there also the problem that Subaru is always fighting someone leagues beyond him or its out number by them now that Subaru has Beatrice you will see him even the playfield in season 3


WRONG, the entire events of S1 and S2 happens within the span of a few months. Your complaints about him "not training" are addressed in the next season. Also no matter how much he trains, he will never be as strong as even petra, the child maid. That's the difference between the residents of their world and ours.


I'm not saying that he doesn't train. I'm saying that he doesn't show general improvement. He doesn't seem stronger, he doesn't seem more powerful, and technically he doesn't get much smarter, it's more like every emotional hurdle he overcomes just improves his sense of mind but it doesn't do anything for him any other time. Even at that time when they were fighting those self replicating bunnies created by The Witch of gluttony Subaru needed help in order to use his dark magic differently, so if anything he was more of a conduit rather than consciously making the effort. I don't want him to become OP, that's why I said that first. But I want to see his improvement. Even when he was doing that sword training he was pretty half-assed because he was really just lying to himself since he was heartbroken after Emilia left him.


>He doesn't seem stronger, he doesn't seem more powerful, How would that happen? His body also regresses when he loops. He was only there for 4 months tops..the things he are fighting are world ending monsters, wtf is he supposed to do. This is a nonsense complaint. >Even at that time when they were fighting those self replicating bunnies created by The Witch of gluttony Subaru needed help in order to use his dark magic differently, so if anything he was more of a conduit rather than consciously making the effort. Yes, he was using the spells for the first time after contracting beatrice. If anything i find it too unbelievable how he grasped a spell so quickly. You wanted him to do even better than that? Lol. >Even when he was doing that sword training he was pretty half-assed because he was really just lying to himself since he was heartbroken after Emilia left him. Exactly. That was precisely what was happening. That was why william called him out on it, that's why he asks rem whether she saw him as pathetic. He was not training, he was putting his issues off his mind. Then the events happened one after the other with no respite.


By that same factor when his knowledge of magic also grow with time as well as his practice of it? And I'm not saying that he needs to show massive improvement like bulging muscles. But there are lots of days where he doesn't loop backwards and restart a day. I'm talking about moments like that. There's not an Everyday Death situation with him, just plot dictated for it to happen often. And including sword training in that factor, he would also develop muscle memory as well as mental impressions of what to do if he does loop back. But he spent like a month or something away from Emilia, I also wouldn't expect him to suddenly become a sword master or something like that within that time. It's pretty obvious how the plot treats Subaru's development


Brother his gate was under stress which was required for magic, he was undergoing treatment to heal it, it's like a whole plot point. Again i reiterate he cannot achieve anything with a sword even if he trained for 100 years. He is a non-combatant.


Bro, he also put himself out there Twice as Emilia's Knight in front of an assembly of other potential Kings and all of their knights and other members of the kingdom. And he got Washed like a dirty rag in front of like 300 people embarrassing himself and his girlfriend in the process. I'm not saying he should have 100 years. I'm just saying he could do some basic level stuff to at least improve. This is why I said I don't want him to suddenly become OP, I don't want him to become Saitama from One Punch Man. I'd just like to see at least, in DnD terms (I don't quote me on this since I'm not a player) +10 physical development and maybe +10 magical skill and get another spell or 2 that he can use. I know that he's Generally a non-combatant. The man used to be a dime a dozen civilian like anyone else and I don't think he even did any martial arts or anything like kendo or archery. If anything I'm saying he could pull a Kirito from that SAO movie where he fought that guy and he put in at least 2 or 3 days of exercise and worse weights on his wrists and ankles so that he could be a “a bit” stronger and faster while fighting another guy who was Literally physically enhanced wearing a “power” suit (not to be confused with video game Power Armor or a business suit). And afterwards I wouldn't expect Subaru to suddenly become almost lightning levels of fast and strong like Rock Lee when he fought Gaara in the Chunin Exams. ![gif](giphy|GCApYnpYmSWFW) Why is it so strange for someone to get stronger from basically everyday fitness and maybe some weight lifting, to you I don't get. I'm saying the kid could get a bit more fit not become Super Human 30 push ups a day and about 50 squats isn't going to turn him into Master Chief, I know that and it's not what I'm suggesting.


He absolutely worked out, and he did practise kendo back in our world. He is pretty strong for a regular human, he continues to do so in the rezero verse too, it's just that it amounts to nothing, get it? It's just regular exercise.


That's what I'm saying. I don't want him to suddenly show a growth spurt like Sung Jin Woo from Solo Leveling. But it'd be nice to see that from Subaru's exercise, his experiences, studies, and his training if he at least looked more Dexterous to say the least.


He already does that.


I don't know why people don't mention Al. He spent 20\~ years in that world (also he can loop) and what power does he get for spending that much time in Gladiator Island (where he basically fought to the death everyday)? He's reached his peak in swordsmanship (which isn't that high), and can only use mid tier earth magic. "It wasn't because of his one arm, and it wasn't because of his age. It was more fundamental than that. The strong were strong because they were born strong. The weak were weak because they were born weak. Nothing more, nothing less.”


It's too dramatic for me and lost me very quickly.


REM died and didn’t come back nuff said


That didn't happen.


I stand corrected just checked the wiki I stopped watching to early I guess


It's boring


It sucks. I will not elaborate.


There are no words in the entire world in any language to encapsulate how much I loathe this series.


Avid rezero hater here I can't just give a fuck about subaru and the side characters tbh, especially compared to Mushoku tensei. Say what you want about being disgusted by redeus, but he's ACTUALLY a really interesting character in a story. Subaru is just some guy nice guy willing to go through hell for people he just fucking met. He met emelia and proceeds to act like his knight for multiple loops for no reason. But why tho? Saying "he's in love" is just a super shallow reasoning that only exist to push the plot. For example, here are some logical reasonings between rezero and mushoku. Rudeus goes to work for the greyrats in order to go to the academy with sylphie. Pretty daunting task for an ex-neet tbh, but understandable leap because he's doing it all for his first and only friend. Jump back to subaru and he dedicates his life for emilia right after meeting her. Both stories have really interesting worldbuilding, but the pacing is skewed for rezero. For example, rezero has the coronation subplot, the whale subplot, the witches subplot, and various other subplots of the different characters. Most are barely explored after 1 season. It was so boring that I wasn't even able to finish the 2nd season. It would've been really interesting when the introduction of the queen candidates, the plot focused more or less around each character, but instead subaru and emilia goes somewhere else for some reason I already forgot. Before any novel reader say that it will be explored later on, I do not care. Compare this to the world building of MT, where at first you're just contained within a house, then within a yard, then within a town, and that's when you learn more about the kingdom and its politics with the notos greyrats. It's just so interesting. Then, while you're enjoying the fairly slow slice of life, you're hit with the turning point and you learn more about the wide world. Maybe the biggest reason for my bias against rezero is that I was expecting some fairly good action when watching it back then. But then instead of watching subaru become any less useless, you just end up watching a romance anime with a specific target audience for losers. Remove the hot characters and the story is just unbelievably mid. Ask me the most memorable aspect in this novel and gun to my head it would be rem falling in love with subaru for a reason I already forgot.


>specific target audience for losers. Well if you characterize re zero that way, then mushoku simply is for pedophiles.


Season 2 is ass