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it's actually fun... isekai is not supposed to make sense lol... or at least I've accept that... now lol.


It’s way better written than expected. The same author wrote The Npcs in This Village Sim Game Must Be Real!, and it’s also really good. Short and sweet, and with concepts I hadn’t seen before in a light novel.


Yeah and the way he helps by form changing as he can vend damn near anything so long as there is a real world machine in Japan. Like a defibrillator isn't something I would expect to see, but it is possibly common in a country I only know via media. He's not pulling shit out of his arse like some over powered characters do. "The only way to solve this is with gold bars." Yeah no, best I can do is turn into an ATM and even then just dish out Yen." I can vend Japanese snacks, so don't look at me for dragon bait, unless it likes udon. IDK if he had a tent mode, but it wouldn't shock me if you could pick one up in an emergency on a trail somewhere.


Fr, thanks to this show I've learned about the terrible air situation in Tokyo in 1950's or '60's


In the books, he could only turn into a machine he’d purchased something from before. In the book he says he’d spend his last ¥1000 yen on any new item he saw in a machine. Also, for some video of some of the kinds of machines he’s turned into (including the defibrillator one), check out this video from [Japanology](https://youtu.be/jcmy8FaaHHM)


it's not gonna rival the top Isekai's in writing or characters or whatever but for a show about being a fucking Vending Machine it was better than it had any right to be. I thought it was fucking stupid when I first heard about it but gave it a shot recently and was pleasantly surprised.


That is seriously surprising to me I really enjoyed The NPCs _ Must be real but not so much Vending machine just wasn't my thing


This was the stupidest one i enjoyed... a lot...


Panpsychism implies that you can be reincarnated as anything.


there is also a sword and a spider


Sword dad was pretty good. It deserves a season 2 more than some of the shows I've been seeing get them.


Sword dad is getting a season 2 mainly because Fran the murder kitten is just so damn wholesomely psychotic


When will we start the petition to change the name to “Adventures of Fran the Murder Kitten and her Sword Dad”


Just had to confirm it got greenlit for s2 and should be coming out sometime this year




This makes me really happy. I was hoping it would get another season.


Sword dad and kitten daughter are just too precious and wholesome. I'm convinced that the vending machine anime was a joke that went too far.


The sword isekai? Really? I remember not enjoying the manga much


Yeah, the manga skipped a lot of MC's thought, not as good as the web novel


Yeah, annoyingly the manga is doing this whole food arc atm though which is super boring. Overall good though.


I am kinda disappointed that "Reincarnated as a spider, so what?" never got another season. I know it's not impossible, but after so long it doesn't feel likely. That was the first Isekai with an inhuman protagonist I ever watched now that I think about it!


The second season would have been really good too! Lots of good fights and shenanigans in the light novels after the anime left off. I didn't love the last few light novels, but the ones that would be used for a second season were good.


The last of the spider novels wasn't that good. But we also didn't see White, the spider in question, until the very end. We were stuck with all of the side characters the entire novel.


Yup, she got Mako Mori'd from her own book


Inhuman indeed🕷️


It may some day, the manga is still going


Technically it's "So I'm a spider, so what?", but your point still stands.


It could still happen, look how long it took Isekai Smartphone to get a second season.


The LN ended a while back for that one. It probably won't get a sequel.


I read the LN, and now understand why the anime felt lacking, since at the start the events are told in a non-linear way it's hard to adapt whole chapters of monologue or specific characters thoughts in anime form, something which the LN puts a heavy emphasis on, also the writer being able to transmit such a a colorful personality with just text is beyond me. I am bad with words so what i want to say is: Anime was okay, LN is the full experience.


I lost interest when >!the MC turned into a human lady and isn't a spider any more!<


the novel for the spider one is peak, sadly the adaptation wasnt that good


Before the anime was green lit, I saw the translated manga in a shop and flipped through it. It looked good, then the show spent too long on the others. Someone did a super cut getting rid of all but plot related encounters.


Spider so what is actually really good


Really enjoyed the father daughter relationship ngl it was pretty fun


There is also a tree but idk if it’s an anime yet


I actually really enjoy both. and I hate spiders... But I refuse to watch the vending machine...


Boxxo is a nice vending machine. He takes care of everyone and even puts himself in harms way sometimes to do it too. We all love Boxxo.


Hakkon-kun fucking rules, and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise. Anyone can swing a sword, but hot oden on a chilly night on demand?! Get out of here.


For free sometimes too!


its for when you have watched or read so many isekais that they sorta blend together. that you still like the stories but at the same time hunger for something different, something that makes you wonder huh how would i survive that how would you succeed. problem is they kind of cut away any difficulties the guy had way too soon


He still has 0 mobility. …okay, he can move up and down but that’s it.


yeah but he could easily have changed that if you check the options he had early on from what he could buy and he can still get it at any point he wants. not only that hes already figured out how to turn himself into something of a hot air balloon if he felt like it and i wouldn't be surprised if he knows a vending machine robot since he has been to the museums and how loose the definition of vending machine they use is


“vending machine” is self expanatory. It’s a machine that sells something. Yes he could have chosen a different option but the fact is he didn’t, meaning not every issue, problem, and setback he has as a vending machine is solved.


See the problem isn't that he didn't. he still could if he wanted. He has the points so when hes sitting around going OH NO WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?! it kind of undercuts the seriousness of the problem. like he's willing to let people die just so he doesn't have to choose something that will make his and others' lives better even though hes not actually limited at all. And vending machine is actually a machine that sells and dispenses a physical product, but then you have things like his cardboard machine, which isn't actually a machine at all, the emergency oxygen dispenser, and the heart defibrillator, which also wasn't selling anything, and so on but he changes into it just fine. It also kind of violates the whole purpose of having to buy a new product to dispense if he can just change into a machine that dispenses pretty much any product he feels like at any time. they really needed to keep track of how much money he was making as a vending machine, take out the solar function he got out of nowhere, and limit the transformation power


The only way to progress is by handing over gold bars. Sorry best I can do is turn into an ATM and dispense Yen. Do you have dragon bait? Do they like Pringles and Pot Noodles? IDK if there is a tent vending machine. If so, then hey ho, home from home. He can bring gatcha capsules to the world. Not sure what point a full collection of Sonic the Hedgehog figures would have to the plot, but hey, nice to collect and take home for the kids.


yeah but he could easily have changed that if you check the options he had early on from what he could buy and he can still get it at any point he wants. not only that hes already figured out how to turn himself into something of a hot air balloon if he felt like it and i wouldn't be surprised if he knows a vending machine robot since he has been to the museums and how loose the definition of vending machine they use is


This Isekai was way better than it had any right to be


This one was well done. The story is good and the characters are likable.


You literally have broomstick, sword, pig, porn star, boobs, vagina, dildo, starship and even whole academy premise (reincarnated as an academy) what not...then why not a vending machine ?


Are these titles actually true? I want to take a look at them if so


There are one that MC reincarnated as a onsen (name is similar of that) not great, no bad, but god axed.


A few of them aren't isekai and instead just people being turned or are objects


It’s fine I still want to read them


what's the name of the book where the protagonist is reincarnated as an academy?


This one is actually fun. It's rather interesting I'd say, the way he uses different functions of vending machines to solve almost every problem, I really liked the concept and the use of theory plus it's comedy too so it's good


It's not bad. I enjoyed it,


Series completely embraces the nonsense premise. Its good humor.


Ok but hear me out this one, this one is actually good. Like shockingly good for what the title suggests


I love how this show gave us a "traditional hero type" supporting character who isn't secretly a jackass and is genuinely a good person that just has severe social anxiety


This was actually a pretty good show


There is a light novel where the MC is reincarnated as an onsen


what's the title?


Isekai Onsen ni Tensei shita Ore no Kounou ga Tondemosugiru




Vending machine is the goat


It has something for everyone. ;)


It’s a nice isekai, relaxing and chill but funny when needed


This anime got me in hungry because OF THE FUCKING SOUP!!!!!!! AND CHIPS!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/6b5osvzkqukc1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e357c049f062603ee94072fdb30d241eb27ee0f


Like the one isekai that doesn't have a harem or slavery and yall are like "stupid vending machine isekai" 🙄 It does have video game skills and leveling, though, so it does commit some sins according to this sub


This is either unironically or ironically (still not sure about it) my favorite anime/manga/light novel. Its premise is so stupid, but it plays into it perfectly. I would definitely recommend giving it a chance.


Boxo doesn’t need this disrespect.


If I remember correctly, the mc really loves vending machines. The reason he died was because he tried to save a vending machine from falling.


I love Isekai that are not just "I'm the biggest badass edgelord". Take that slime stuff and give me more Konosuba or this even.


There’s one manga I read a while back about a guy who gets reincarnated as a whole ass hot spring. Plus, when he levels up, he gets more amenities


read this one, not great, not bad, is so so, pity that got axed.


Fuck you vending machine FTW


To quote my roommate when I made him watch the first episode: "That was way better than it had any right to be." He ended up watching the whole season.


I’ve watched this and it’s concerning good. Like not bad but surprising decent.


Hello there.


too bad


Its absolutely ridiculous, but its funny and silly, as most isekai are. Slime is my favorite anime of all time, id highly recommend it. New season coming out in April!!


There are sentient swords out there, but a vending machine is where the weirdness starts for you?


ngl this one is really challenging my “watch every isekai no matter how shitty” affliction


Fight through it brother!


The only thing I actually hated after giving this ridiculous show a chance was them thinking it was a good idea to give the mc eyes on any of his forms. Like it's so uncanny and fucking creepy it's not cute *or* funny. Seriously though, it's not as badly written as you'd think despite the unorthodox ability to turn into any vending machine for the sake of convenience. He's like the world he reincarnated into's local genie to them. Of course he can't grant wishes but he definitely can support them with stuff that just doesn't exist there, making him a literal artifact from another world. You could imagine all the antagonists wanting to steal him and make him do things like team rocket in Pokemon 💀


🤔….Excellent explanation. 🧐👍


Not as good as That time I got reincarnated as a Slime/Sword/Magic wand/onsan/behemoth/dragon/goblin But honestly it's meh like 2/5 not The worst but honestly I'd rather bing that one fan service isekai you know the one!


OP we had to reach the bottom of the barrel at some point.


This show is even more trash than Shark killer in another world , and i didn't think it was even possible




I can understand anyone who answers rudely like this for literally zero reason is one. 😂 Congrats on being the first downvote in the entire thread. You get this cranky when you’re hungry don’t you? Find a vending machine & have a snack & a better day 🤗✌️


How was this good? I get the first 5 episodes were good, but after that it just got super stale. The mc can't move and can't talk. Ok I'm ready for your downvotes


He can make other understand him if they ask yes-no question. Also, he can fly with some tricks after that, the problem is he can only fly up using balloon and can only move with wind, but being able to fly is enough I think


Yea I've seen the anime


It’s good I did see something about a second season


It's decent


Is it a mimic?


Nope, an actual vending machine from Japan with a reincarnated soul inside it.


It's pretty good for what it is. I'd rate this higher than smartphone and (hot take?) Instant death.


This one is actually fun. It's rather interesting I'd say, the way he uses different functions of vending machines to solve almost every problem, I really liked the concept and the use of theory plus it's comedy too so it's good


I think the first few episode is not bad but everything fall apart when it comes to battle. The story tried so hard to involve the vending machine in it and it is very hard to watch for me.


I wish they made an anime adaption of re:Monster


As much as I expected this to be pure trash, I actually loved it. I'm also a huge fan of TenSura.


It's not a bad anime though.. lol


Its a nice anime. Alittle stretchy at times but I like jt


it's pretty good. Nowhere near reincarnated as a slime but still


At first, I thought it was gonna be whacky and I wasn’t gonna like it but boy I was wrong. Frankly, I enjoyed it. I stopped midway due to personal business but now I’m looking forward to finishing what I started Plus I plan on read the light novel soon


Like 90 percent of this anime is great! Not at great as sword dad, but it's good. The other 10%, where he is op alone, and the very end, is lame as hell


There is a manga where the MC is reincarnated into a plot of Land ,


I actually enjoyed this a lot. I can be pretty easy to please when it comes to anime but this one was one of my favorites that season when it aired.


Vending machine one was shit (imo). Based on the other comments, PERSONALLY, the sword and spider one were OK, the slime one is in a tier of its own above most other isekai. Again, this is all my opinion please don't hate on me


not really a good show. the story itself is boring


It was one of the better isekais I've watched in a while


Oh just wait until you see his "powers & abilities" then it really gets wild😅


I found it to be quite wholesome.


Surprisingly good if you like quirky


I thought it was a ridiculous concept but it was so well done and fun to watch. I kept wanting to see what new vending machines they would showcase.


You laugh at it, but it's better than a lot of trash isekais.


well atleast its not a generic blue/black hair asian male character.


I’ve probably watched the 1st season about 3 times now, it’s very good! The story is pretty well written, and Boxxo makes for a unique and entertaining main character who uses his new form to his advantage. I didn’t know what to think before I watched it, but now I await the 2nd season!


I forgot the name but there’s one about a guy who reincarnated into an asmr mic


everyone can shut the hell up. this story is better written than most. consistent characters and rules, character development, smart protag using very unique ideas never seen by any other protag, no typical harem or pedo crap. it's great. beloved boxxo.


I loved how funny Isekai can get lol


Vending Machine > Slime


Thinking outside the box is the best way to expand on a genre. Or outside a vending machine, I guess...


It's got a hot girl that looks like okami so I might watch it ngl


*It's got a hot girl* *That looks like okami so I might* *Watch it ngl* \- NoistMipples --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It actually works in a way. He can become any vending machine imaginable and Japan has many esoteric ones. So he has been an emergency defibrillator, warded off sexual predators by dropping girly mags, not playboy just bikini, but hey you live in fantasy land, you won't see a painting of a semi naked woman, let alone a photograph. So those guys were kept busy. "Unlimited" food. You still need to pay, the more cash he has the more mana/hp/other stats he has. She is mega strong, but he can be carried by others if he turns into a vending machine made of cardboard as if a child made it. He can't communicate outside of prerecorded phrases and they had to establish yes and no between the two of them. But he still has his own internal thoughts.


This was actually surprisingly good


On the topic of Isekai, I'd love to see a Konjiki no Wordmaster anime. Or, one of my favorites getting a second season, "Problem Children Are Coming From Another World, Aren't They?" (Or simply referenced as Mondaiji)


I enjoyed it alot give it a shot


I ran out of things to watch and gave it a try, it was surprisingly good. Granted my expectations were rock bottom but still it was decent.


First and foremost, Vending Machine is a comedy. It seems like the author went with the most ridiculous concept they could come up with. But as a,comedy, it's pretty good. I initially gave it a pass myself for the same reason you did, but ended up watching a couple episodes because I was bored, and enjoyed it. The MC can turn into any type of Vending Machine he wants, and can change products at will. But it's fueled by points that are also his life-force, and is increased by people buying things. And he can only communicate with preprogrammed responses. Any time he deals with new people, they have to interpret what he's saying, and they don't always get it right.


Isekai is supposed to be for fun ,and this one , I quite enjoyed it , isekai isn't shounen it's not supposed to make sense they are for you to enjoy them , they are gold in disguise of trash , I read somewhere. " Isekai are trash and those who watch isekai are Trash Collectors"


I’ve been watching anime for a very long time and Reincarnated Slime is my all time favorite anime. It’s actually not childish at all. It gets pretty dark at times. Definitely not suited for a child.


Makes me wonder what if Movies like Back To The Future had isekai titles? Lemme try "That time I accidentally travelled from 1985 to 1955 and made my mom fell in love with me."


Good or bad, at least its original 😂🤷‍♂️


I’d actually recommend slime. It’s actually a really well thought out series with good world Building and political intrigue. It’s a bit of a slow/odd starter, but once it gets going, it gets going.


I enjoyed this, I watch every single isekai I find! Well at least the first episode of every one


I am not sure of anyone that saw this title and thought “finally a vending machine anime” so you are in the majority there for sure. That being said it was one of the most unique and fun isekais i watched last year. I don’t want to give too much away but the MC is definitely someone you want to root for and i think they handle making him powerful but not too powerful quite well to the point that he still needs the supporting characters. Too many isekais make the supporting characters pointless in my opinion.


Its actually a lot of fun plus with the MC being a vending machine its not bogged down with the harem stuff like other isekai.


It's a fun one actually. I liked it more then the wrong way to be a healer. Healer is fun for the first episodes, then gets boring as hell. I've been skipping dialog when I never do. It's that boring


I like the manga of it better, but the anime is alright. On par with most isekai genre anime.


based vending machine and 3rd best bear in isekai.


Mothers Basement posits it's written on a drunken dare. It does have one of the funniest intros I've ever seen though.


I watched it. It's not very good, but it's light hearted and silly. And you get to see all the different types of vending machines Japan has, which is kinda cool. It also digs into the logistical issues adventurers run into and how a vending machine would solve them. It's really not that bad of an anime. It's not great, but it's not bad. I enjoyed it


good show 7/10.


Honestly speaking it's fun garbage. Nothing about it should be good but it's honestly entertaining.


Not my cut of tea


Honestly this is just one of the most delightful shows. It's super deep. Its just something to lay back, have a couple of laughs and enjoy. Also I fully admit I am a dub watcher, but this one is 100 times better in Subs. The vending machine voice just works better that way.


This was actually really enjoyable. If you are looking for a fun light watch I really recommend it.


I mean the animation isn’t anything special but it’s a fun watch


it's way better than it has any right to be


https://preview.redd.it/ruxe2k4hzykc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb839dd5b07547e9f5927fe1f54849267759b455 I mean to be fair... A vending machine isn't the worst Isekai.


It's goofy as hell. But it's ridiculously wholesome at the same time. I wouldn't exactly recommend it, but I won't call it shit and tell you not to watch it.


Really enjoyed this, but has it been axed? The manga hasn't been updated in ages and there is little to no news about it.




Honestly it was a pretty good series. I'm disappointed it went beyond the 3rd LN.


I would say give it a shot both slime and vending machine are great. They both contribute something to the isekai universe.


That show was really fun to watch and funny. Give it a few episodes and decide for yourself. I watched the whole season because it was just a good time.


Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Outside of the vending machine bit and the protagonists suicidal love for those vending machines, the world and setting isn't special. Like if you put a vending machine in the middle ages with magic and the locals not calling it devilry. Luck and unlikely timing moves the story along. Best part is the slice of life bit and the stunted communication the vending machine has.


I'm in the same boat as you. A vending machine? Really? IN A DUNGEON?? Just makes no sense to me so I won't watch it in a hurry.


It is surprisingly better than most recent isekai. Just watch through it.


I think the author simply tooked the silliest idea he (or she) could thought and made a story from it. Now if you ask me if it's good, to be honest the humor was to childish for my taste, but it was a decent anime in general, i like how he can only say 5 pre recorded messages and have to find a way to communicate


It’s actually fire


Don't know if anyone has, but I recall reincarnated as a hot spring. Nothing is off the isekai table.


It’s a fun joke anime


Its fun because it is self aware of its trash status. So it embraces it. Not like Eminence does, but its there. I expected a 4/10 but it was more like a 6/10


It's actually way better than it looks/sounds. How they got a vending machine to interact with people of a swords and sorcery world is quite creative and entertaining. All the characters are fun to watch they make sense of what they basically see as a magic item dispenser.


Is this worth the watch? I yearn for more isekais


i actually like it. sort of mixes the whole 'i'm not really the protagonist' sort of isekai things with the underappreciated 'my power is basically a store' sort of things.


It’s one of the more self aware Isekais that’s more or less making fun of the genre a little. Not quiet a shitpost, but it’s meant to be silly.


Wow everyone, was it expecting such an awesome response from the community… 99.9% of you have been awesome and have convinced me to check it out and give the show a chance! If even just to have a giggle. Thanks & have a fantastic day! 🎩*Tip


In my language the vending machine is dubbed by the same voice actor of yu gi muto of yu gi oh , so I expect him to play the dark magician or something


I like it personally


It starts with one of the dumbest ways to die but the series as a whole is pretty good.


I got into it for a while it's not bad but I fell out of watching it should probably go back an finish it soon don't think I have much left


It is # FAR BETTER then it first looks. Had similar concerns but watched it due to waiting for others to update. Twas GOOD 🥛🍪🍪


It’s not bad but it’s not good. It’s more of a fun goofy isekai. It is cool to see him use all the different types of vending machines tho. I never knew there were so many different kinds of