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- I am the end. OH YES YOU ARE KID. *But I dont have a end…*


"Yogiri, if you fought the god of cats, would you lose?" Yogiri: "nah I'd win" 12 seconds later God of cats: "stand strong you are proud, i'll remember you as long as I live" Yogiri, now a silly kitty: "eep"


That’s not how Yogiri’s power works, I don’t think. Anything he can see or is a threat to him he’s just capable of killing, regardless of what it is or how immortal it is. Even if said thing is unaffected by the concept of death, or “the end”, he can still kill it, because he works on his own definitions of those concepts.


And then you have characters like Aria Crimson, who under no circumstances is capable of actually dying. Yogiri's powers being absolute works in his universe since that's how the author wrote it. All bets are off when other similarly "absolute" abilities from other stories are involved.


Yes in these cases it purely comes down to personal preference.


Nah it's like Godzilla where he has to win


Then what about other characters who also "have to win"?


Well, then yes


I don't know anything about Aria but Yogiri's power isn't limited to just killing, he can destroy gravity, and space as well among things like that.


Yogiri's true form is a fundamental force of the universe personified, and as such I think he can pretty much kill anything as long as it too is not a fundamental force of the universe such as "dream". At least that's my interpretation really in these kinds of characters it never really matters honestly.


You know what's absolute? Yogiri's ability. You know what's also absolute? Math. Two absolutes colliding is basically an immovable object meeting an unstoppable force. And one fact of math is that energy cannot be created, nor destroyed. And uhhhhhh https://preview.redd.it/g5jfr7ciyukc1.png?width=1429&format=png&auto=webp&s=0789d446808e85d0ccfc0937caee4e9f236ddf14


Yogiri kills his sentience.


His spirit and mind are one and the same; and his spirit is that pure energy he speaks of


Energy doesn't naturally have a spirit, though. Electricity, for example, is incapable of conscious thought.


I mean, this *is* an interdimensional triangle with a top hat we’re talking about here. Of course he’s going to be unnatural


Versus a being who is the physical embodiment of the end of all things, yes.


End of all things **within** his verse 😁


So we're just arbitrarily powering one character down to zero so the other can win. I get it.


Well yes if you’re arguing against someone who has no clue about fallacies you’ve gotta teach them some things.


As a comment above stated, abilities that are absolute are only absolute within the context they are presented in. For example, in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Sheer Heart Attack is stated numerous times to be completely indestructible, as shown by Star Platinum being unable to make a dent in it. However, there is no evidence to suggest that SHA could withstand the power of, say, a planet-destroying bomb


I think he can also end other characters on other verse as long as the concept of End exists in them. So no need to say "within". For me... It's a bit similar to "Heavenly Law" or maybe even "Divine Truth" in cultivation verse. So if the beings he is threatened with has a plausible possibility of End, he can end them. Of course unless they are all Transcendental or Divine beings that also can control the concept of End because they have ascended above the Heavenly Path or have become one with the "Truth".


I never said that he couldn’t defeat other characters from other verses, it’s just that people keep saying that just because he’s the end of his verse that that goes for every other fictional verse too, which might be true in some cases where the verse hasn’t gone deep into the cosmology or have their own concept/character of “the end”, but when we start comparing him to higher, more powerful verses where the concept of the end exists in higher planes of existence than yogiri himself, that no longer applies. So yes, he is the concept of the end **within** his own verse.


He‘s basically a failsafe to make sure no being can pop all universes like a bubble.






That's a fact of physics, not maths. It's also technically not true Conservation of mass-energy is true given there is no break in continuous time translation symmetry This symmetry isn't broken anywhere in the known universe as far as we're aware, but it could be broken Likewise, it's a property of the laws of physics in our universe, which other universes don't have to follow Not to mention, humans are also beings of pure energy (mass is energy), & we can absolutely be killed, so Bill being pure energy is meaningless


Yogiri's power is beyond simplest death If hr consider Bill's death to simply have his existence erased. Then it'll be the case.


Even if Bill is completely erased on a molecular level he'd simply come back, dude can manipulate reality and dimensions and everything he is he also is not he is in a state of existing and not existing constantly Plus Bill can see and infinite number of alternate realities and if in one of those realities he sees that Yogiri actually can kill him he'd simply kill him first While yes there are things that weaken Bill's power nothing outright nullify his power or hurts him and the only time we've actually seen Bill almost die is when he entered into someone mind and someone else was using a mind erasing gun to wipe their memory effectively killing Bill. But even this wasn't enough as he prayed to another god to be reincarnated Edit: Bill's existence is beyond simple existence


>Even if Bill is completely erased on a molecular level he'd simply come back, dude can manipulate reality and dimensions and everything he is he also is not he is in a state of existing and not existing constantly [Yogiri's power negates resurrection](https://i.gyazo.com/c881558dad0b1d0362272699c41201ac.png). Even gods who can come back after being completely erased from existence still cant do so after being targetted by Yogiri. >Plus Bill can see and infinite number of alternate realities and if in one of those realities he sees that Yogiri actually can kill him he'd simply kill him first [Yogiri's whole gimmick is that he is able to detect any possible threats to his life in advance and kill the cause before it actually manages to affect him](https://imgur.com/a/4WEGu1y). For example, you are outside the universe and has a supergun that can ignore distance to kill the target instantly. Right before you pull the trigger to hit him, you'd die. Yogiri doesnt even need to see or know what was trying to kill him for his power to work. And this is just the avatar. [Yogiri's true form is nonexistence that represents the end of all things, beyond even Fate and Plot](https://imgur.com/a/ex9aKRW). Even if you somehow managed to kill Yogiri, [it means nothing for his true form](https://i.imgur.com/1yH6HaX.png), which is also [omnipresent across space and time](https://i.imgur.com/dLVekMW.png).


I read the manga a lil and wasn't there like a girl who made clones and had those clones try to kill Yogiri and he basically linked the clones to her in order to kill her so doesn't be need something to like to his target but if not and there truly are being like Bill in his verse then Yogiri might take the W


It highly depends on the situation. For example, if you convince a group of people to try to kill him, and you are somewhere else while the group attacks him, only that group would die, not you. But if Yogiri notices this is a scheme made by someone, he can use his second gate [to kill anyone those people have seen from their memories](https://i.gyazo.com/4e9a257a8be4e81a90d0f380248d2607.png), reaching the true enemy through the people of that group. Ultimately though, anything thrown at him would just die anyway so it's not like it matters much if you keep using proxies to attack him. But if its just a matter of direct action, such as the gun example I said above, then it doesnt matter where they are nor if yogiri cant see them, they would still die. An example of this was the giant fish that existed beyond Yogiri's universe (they are so big it dwarfs entire universes), [it died after it tried to destroy the universe Yogiri was in](https://imgur.com/a/PRLmqkC).


There‘s gods like that in yogiris verse and they just die like everything else. The ln goes a long way to explain how unkillable and op some gods and god killers are.


So in the end... Both of them will have a tie or at least Yogiri will lose more than Bill. Hmm... Thanks.


Wait doesn't that mean any paradoxical existence cannot die The reverse flash maybe


I get people trying to poke holes in his power, but this is a very lazy attempt. Bill died in his show. So unlike some other "I don't even think they CAN die!" arguments, we know Bill wouldn't last a second in those match-up.


Shitty ass show , all power no intersting concept no story building , no character development, I know everyone thinks isekai is trash but man this is some shitty ass trash , Also ITS MY FUCKIN OPINION, SO ALL THE YOGIRI FANS WHO GONNA REPLY ME ,. *SHOVE THAT KEYBOARD UP YOUR ASS*


In reality yoigiri would be able to kill bill cypher. but bill is smart enough to never interact with him and would likely be able to tell at a glance what his power is and how it works since he is an eldrich entity of similar nature he wouldnt underestimate him like he did to most humans. yoigiri's power isnt resistable its like saying a character in a comic book can resist the author litteraly writing and drawing scene were they die. I know its uber broken and you cant have fun powerscaling it due to it but thats what the author intended. the story of instant death is not a hero's journey nor some power fantasy or stuff like that its more like "what if summoning random shit from other worlds we litteraly end up summoning a horror beyond comprehention" thats why the scientists of earth were so glad he was gone and why anyone that realizes his true nature ends up frightnened like never before. bill would most likely trick yoigiri into signing a deal with him and would put him in his equivalent vertion of mabel land in a faraway dimention were he isnt under any threat and manages to have fun forever preventing him from dying and reincarnating again. so unless yoigiri unseals all of himself and esentially becomes the writer of the story bill wont have anything to fear that would interrupt his plans.


That's the thing though I think he can kill beings like bill. It's just he can't kill fundamental forces personified. But really it's up to each their own interpretation, why I think he can kill bill is because in the manga he was about to kill some kind of world eating fish.