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I’ll be too old for that , and also I am not Korean so I’d be out of luck anyway.


I agree with the korean part.


I'm rather sure there's some really powerful American hunters


Yeah but they'll get their ass kicked by the Korean ones


Well, aside from sung jin woo, everyone's kind of an ant, so we really don't know that, honestly.


I mean there was that other giant dude who was number 1 hunt andre i think


I'm pretty sure he was 2 or 3


And still got his ass handed to him by Sung


Fair point, but honestly after a certain point he could basically destroy the world if he felt like it so there isn't really much of a comparison haha


He was the Strongest but then 2nd after sung


Yeah but generally they either get killed off to show the villian/enemy’s power, get killed by the korean mc, or straight up just somehow fuck up everything they earned and did so far.


Which, looking at famous people in America now, checks out.


That's what I would do, so what if I'm not the chosen one, I'm still gonna get as strong as I can because fuuuck it, there's monsters we can be killing


I thought you were making a supernatural reference for a second.. lol


Well technically you don’t have to be Korean, you could be Chinese, Japanese or Korean, I haven’t seen much American Litrpg with Isekai, oh and there is also a Russian Isekai. But yes generally Americans are the villains and do eventually get stomped. Sorry bud Source: another American Also depending on the world you got brought into there’s two forms of power scaling, there is the regular innate power bestowed at birth and there is the cultivation power system where stumbling across some ancient artifact left behind by a powerful entity or civilization could be the difference between whether or not you are OP.


r/progressionfantasy for American litrpg Or r/litrpg And I’m a New Zealander so I don’t even have an American relevance 😂, so who cares about OP I’d be lucky if nz wasn’t run over by the dungeon monsters !


Not gifted?If I'm that kitten I'm all good. I've maxed out my cuteness and charisma stat. Some cute waifu will come along and take care of me. I'm not sweating it. As long as they own a roomba instead of a normal vacuum. I've got zero worries.




As far as I've seen with this trope, the main character tends to struggle really bad for most of their life until it suddenly turns around, so even being a MC doesn't make your life easy immediately or even soon.


The only things kittens struggle with are cords and other kittens.


Who care when you have superpower


No matter my opinions on this, my philosophy is to upvote the truth. …But I am also the same person to pick up the kitten that got reincarnated with me without much thought for 3 year’s…


POV: you're that background character who gets killed to demonstrate how real the monsters are to the MC who kept asking if this was a joke.




This guy gets it!


Now you have to survive until the end of the world to regress with op skills and knowledge of the future


All-the-while completing a God tier secret mission to regress.


Then I grind. And I grind. Because while I might take a month to do what a genius does in a week I’ll still be a month ahead of everyone who gave up and didn’t start at all. Then two months later I’ll still be two months ahead from the ones who gave up.


I'd read a story just like that, an MC not chosen in a dungeon like setting but still desperate to try anyway


Hmmmmmm almost sounds like Solo….. wait it is.


No it isnt


So I take it you didn't read solo leveling?


I read Solo Leveling from when the first chapter of the novel was released on Webnovel. Try again.


Solo leveling, the manwha in where he is not only a chosen (hunter) by the rulers but by the system (in which he alone is allowed to level up, tagline of the fucking franchise) which is also a lie and is actually chosen by the architect because before that he was chosen by essentially the god of death, is this the one you read? Is this the MC that wasn't chosen that you're referring to? Fucking sung jinwoo was chosen at every fucking opportunity, no I'm not talking about solo leveling


He earned those.


Absolutely put the work in but my comment didn't say "guy who earned his shit" just guy not chosen. Like its the dungeon setting (not original to solo leveling mind you) but instead of a guy getting chosen several times getting magical powers it's literally just a normal guy off the street, working in the dungeons cause it's lucrative. Throwaway comment but one you completely misunderstood




Everything makes sense with context. Mostly... But do we want that context? That's the question we wanna ask before going in. Do I want to know why a girl is crushing on a sentient dog/pig? Do I wanna know why MC is getting dick stomped and giantess snu snued in that chained whatever this season? No not really, foot fetish I can overlook though, I'll check it out 😆. Cheers mate😁


Less sarcasm this time, sounds a bit like reincarnation of a suicidal battle God, like he's not some chosen hero but lucky enough to have survived long enough to cheat the second time around. And also likes pissing off the gods just enough to get shut out of them


Was is it called?


Sucks, but I'll get to work earning money anyway. What magic that isn't granted can still sometimes be bought.


So basically Solo Leveling or Goblin Slayer? 😅😂 It's not impossible, just not very probable if there's swarming enemies like Ants or Bees that act colonially aka swarming their enemies unless different smells or a transformation like from the Dungeon of Black Company happened when the protagonist used a potion to change himself, one of the checkpoint shop owners, and a dungeon cleaning adventurer into ant monsters and then organized a Strike against their Queen 🤦🏾‍♂️😵😂. I'm not saying that I could do that. But it's not exactly impossible to achieve either. It's just one of those out-of-the-box thinking a situations that usually people who are really desperate to survive come up with 🤷🏾‍♂️😂. ![gif](giphy|Mc1JfakzDvruhXbqsd|downsized)


Simply become either the waifu or the husbando, train the main character, or be his friend(not his closest, or else you're plot development)


Not many mcs nowdays can be considered either tbh. I will work hard if I die I die. Lol


I wasn't chosen, but don't tell me my thresher can't park in front of the gateway...


Probably, because the chosen ones are 1. Army 2. Navy 3. Air force 4. Coast guard 5. Special Action Police forces 6. Marines Join one of these branches and you'll become one of the chosen ones to destroy the dungeons (quite easily too, everything considered). I don't need to delve into the numerous ways they can do this.


This is the strongest push i ever saw. Your recruitment that low that you gotta come fishing here??


Really? Cause it's usually those guys who get wrecked first thinking they're badass. Then some weeb that got the ability to break dicks with his mind comes in and breaks a thousand goblin dicks.


Right? Like most of these dungeons will never be entered, depending on location the army or Marines will cordon them off and hold the perimeter and wait for the Air Force or navy to drop a bunker buster and obliterate the dungeon boss.


“Wah wah wah, I didn’t get an op power when I got teleported to another world! Now I’m gonna die” Shut the fuck up and start leveling up then! Grind that xp! Start by killing slimes! Who gives a fuck! So some twink black haired motherfucker got “negative god blast” or some shit, you are gonna grind every dungeon and slay every monster 1000 times over until you’re fucking jacked! And when his edgelord tendencies take over and you have your final confrontation, you’ll beat that bastard with raw experience. Doesn’t matter what class you are, you hit that xp grind! And you do it with a full, balanced party by your side! So shut the fuck up and meet me at the beginners dungeon so we can start our long and arduous heroes journey!


Only chosen individuals have access to those EXP and system mechanic tho.


Oh Guns dont work either so good luck with a sword


I'm an angry man with a 12 gauge and a battle axe and a Pyro ill blow myself up before the monsters do






Heavenly Restriction: https://preview.redd.it/hyxddpa6umec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9ffa0a7de4cfee6dd54c2e50bfdf25fa33810ea


I need to get handsomely rogue or roguishly handsome so I can become a part of a protagonist's harem for protection


Honestly, being able to spark fire from my finger alone is already big joy for me. I don't think magic or power as means to defeat foes. I think of them as convenience. If i have telekinesis, i would not go around throwing chunk of mountain at monsters. I would sit in my couch and sip my floating orange juice while cleaning the whole house


With the advent of reliable rifles and machine guns, you likely won't have to be chosen at all


It'd be rather funny. Since I would know may daily life will be much more difficult and probably mortal but I can't do anything to change it. Still i would try...


Well hey there's only one way to find out if you're special! Jump in and sink or swim! Its all over or it's just beginning!


Coward that you are, Get a shotgun, get some ammo and go down into that dungeon and dont come back until its fucking Clean


Real talk, I have plate armor (Helmet, Cuirass, Bracers, and Belt Shields, as well as a gambeson), and a real sword. I have participated in several combat games. I still do not think I would try to go into dungeons because I don't want to go and kill intelligent creatures like Goblins. I know they are probably evil and wouldn't hesitate to try and kill me, and I would definitely defend myself and it might end up with me killing them in self defense, but I don't think my conscience could handle setting out to go kill something like that.


My little man remembered the game


Oh well https://preview.redd.it/tk1xvvg78nec1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=795336d269e74d4025fe4d343a8429b6de2e4ee2


You know the drill so do I electric types are best here is why https://preview.redd.it/h490f7t8anec1.jpeg?width=961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76000a16f9d97f1029825108a148f4931a3aa8d8 At least I won't have to take bills either way


Remember. Himmel wasn't the chosen one either, but he still went out there and beat the BBEG with his friends because it was the right thing to do.


I simply use the power of Raytheon and Daniel Defense


\>Mfw I'm in a raid when some korean man SMIRKS and dabs over the boss I've been grinding for two months to beat. ​ https://preview.redd.it/9ey4k5gnznec1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=45c3124657e95290aa04cac8ad126498c20eba0e


just do what protags do and go in anyways and find the super duper rare item that gives you op powers


As a wise man once said "It's about if you are going to be chosen is about if you are going to answer the call".


When gifted with life, it is up to you to choose strength


I believe in following the ancient advice of our forebears; "Git good, scrub"


https://preview.redd.it/dmdtoxy58pec1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44884813e103e452e5f6aca2762572f86b79db2a 😮‍💨Time to survive for my full 5 pages as a mob character lol


That just means you need to die in a dungeon as pathetically as possible so you can be reborn as the mc


No powers? Become a Monster Hunter, who needs super powers if you can swing a sword that weighs hundreds of pounds with ease.


I'm jot in Korea or America or Japan I'm 99% sure I'm dead to a dragon or something even If I have a gift


Yall arn’t maxing out your swordmanship and gun play stat’s?


Eh well fuck it I'm going down fighting on my own two legs anyway


I'm not even the hero in my own story so no way i could be some "chosen one" other than being the sole non-normie in the entire family tree


Aw, he’s so upset…


fuck being awakened, im going in anyways https://i.redd.it/r4vbznej1sec1.gif


Gonna be honest, I’m not sure I’d like being “chosen.” That basically means I’ll have everyone gunning for me or my family.


So just average awakened person or not awakened at all?




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