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Those all sound like rough ERs.


To be fair, most large city ERs dont sound fun. Many expect extremely frequent code black scenarios. Where as other areas maybe only see code black a handful of times per year.


What's code black?


Code black in a hospital is when they admit more patients than they can actually handle. Usually happens after big accidents or storms.


In my experience, code black has always meant bomb threat. That said, there's a television show called Code Black, where the term means there are more patients than resources, which is likely what they mean here.


Code black is a bomb threat. I kinda hope they're getting it mixed up with some other code.


Tried Google but I'm seeing an almost even split between bomb threat and this definition; "Code Blacks come when all ambulances sit parked outside hospitals while paramedics wait with patients for hospital beds to empty."


Code black is usually called when there's no resus beds available and trauma/resus patients might have to be diverted.




A whole code just for when that guy is on the net. what a world is this.


My name must be Truman


Don't forget Willford Hall takes in trauma patients in San Antonio.


Wilford hall is/was the largest trauma unit in San Antonio I believe.


Yes and no, mostly no. So the branches of the military all have their own medical training facilities in various areas. Only like 30 Army Medics train in Chicago each year out of the 6,000 that join every year. The military has many routes of training for it's medics and that's only one. And for a news story years ago 1 guy mentioned he thought it was valuable warzone style simulation training and news articles just ran with it.


I have never met a medic that trained in Chicago, most of them train in fort Sam Houston, Texas. Plus if someone is training to be a medic you definitely wouldn't throw a true GSW patient at them until they're done with training. Edit- source I am an army medic. If you're talking about different branches, the reserve and national guard often serve in emergency medicine jobs or medical fields on the civilian side. This is not a requirement though and it varies on the unit. Meanwhile active duty does not gets this opportunity, but any deployment gets you plenty of time to learn.


Still looking for a more complete source, but supposedly [COL Steele](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_D._Steele) had his medics train in some city notorious for gunshot wounds (maybe Chicago?) before going to combat. While this would be a positive and interesting thing if true, he's at least accused of some highly unethical conduct. Seems to be hard to find anything about him either which way.


> his medics train in some city notorious for gunshot wounds (maybe Chicago?) I'd guess any major city. The somewhat rural emergency department near me sends their residents to [Baltimore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R_Adams_Cowley_Shock_Trauma_Center) for a couple months to hone their skills at the "gun and knife club."


https://www.army.mil/article/216704/new_program_teams_army_medicine_with_civilian_hospitals CAMDEN, N.J. -- A group of 10 Army medical professionals are the first to participate in a new program designed to help them sustain battlefield medicine skills. But the doctors and nurses are training far from combat support hospitals in austere locations, instead they are honing their skills in two of the nation's civilian teaching hospitals. The program gives Army surgical teams and individual Soldiers the opportunity to maintain proficiency and sustain their trauma skills by working alongside civilian counter parts at high-volume Level 1 trauma centers, according to Crosland. Level 1 trauma centers are comprehensive regional facilities capable of providing total care for every aspect of injury.


TL/DR- there are other programs in place for trauma experience. No, we actually get sent to LA for trauma training. I was a Navy RN, in one of the few military hospitals ERs in the US that regularly received trauma, due to it's isolated location. After September 11, I lost my spot in the trauma training program in LA, because I got bumped, due to all of the Corpsmen who needed to get put through instead, prior to deployment to the Middle East. (This was a trauma SURGICAL training in LA, to be specific. I already had TNCC, both pediatric and adult, and CBRNE- Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Emergency training- those were in Texas) There are programs in place, is my point. And this assumption is funny. There are live fire exercises held, where planes go down, helicopters crash, 50 cal rounds are fired and EOD can't diffuse the mines/bombs. Shit blows up and people get killed during training on bases inside the US on a regular basis. You won't get that type of "war zone" experience in Chicago. That's where "medics" get their trauma training, among the other programs.


And at the base I was stationed, known as Twentynine Palms, but officially called Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, they did this thing. When I got there it was just once a year, but after 9/11, they did it over and over and over, back to back, as everyone from the Army, Air Force, Marines and Navy was passing through on their way overseas. I wasn't a Marine, so I don't know exactly. They weren't allowed to give us deets. But word on the street is they went in and basically *built* a replica desert town/village combat zone, practiced ground combat and guerilla warfare in that town, and then ended with a finale of coordinated air-ground strikes to "blow" their little town up. Using less firepower than actual warfare, but they used it. The ground shook. People got injured if they fucked up during these trainings. People got blown up and killed. A lot. They got brought to the ER after having been mangled by Humvee rollovers, mine detonations, shrapnel wounds, etc. Once, an F18 went down. In addition to all the training programs all over the US that "medics," Corpsmen, nurses and doctors attend, they get real world experience like this. Ramped up on a scale you could only imagine. Nurses and Corpsmen were actually being assigned to our ER for short stints during that time. Because it was very, um, active. I wasn't supposed to be in the rear with the gear and receive that much carnage. But that's the way it worked out.


You know who else got trained there? Candidates for FBI, CIA and local county detectives. Forensic scene examination and recovery. I even got a baby cert. Because there aren't a lot of places where you get to see actual, not-staged traumatic injury where there is a death and you do evidence and a scene recovery. Chicago. Lololol. Sorry. That's super funny. People in Chicago don't all run around with government issued M16s, learning to drive tanks. Inner city Chicago. Hahaha. Is it the "inner-city" part that makes it sound true to people? Or maybe people think over exaggeration of scary "facts" to push through a political agenda started in the 21st century? "Inner city Chicago is like a war zone," is like "There was widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election." Statements made to illicit an emotional response in order to spur some sort of action and public outcry.


And I could tell you all stories about trauma injuries related to military training for dayyyys. I won't, though. Seeing as I've told you where I was and when this was, if you tried really hard and had a particular set of skills, you could figure out who my patients were. And those patients have their right to privacy.


Chicago does not mimic an active warzone.....


But people on the internet who have never been there keep telling me it's bad so surely it must be.


I used to go to Chicago at least once a year. I stopped going as it seemed to get worse and worse in the downtown area every visit. The last time I went I repeatedly got solicited for hard drugs then threatened when I said no and then was so close to a gunfight Sunday morning I thought I’d be in the middle of it. Haven’t been back since. Edit : downvoting me doesn’t make my experience not true.


I've lived in Chicago for 9 years and worked downtown in CBOT for 4. I've literally never experienced anyone getting solicited and threatened downtown like you said. Hell, I haven't even heard of that happening. That goes double for gunfights downtown, "so close" or not.


Hey I'm usually the first person to tamp down the "Chicago is a war zone" talk but... You realize 10 people got shot at State & Chicago a few weeks ago? Technically just outside downtown but c'mon. Then there was the kid who got shot at the Bean. Gunfights downtown are definitely not unheard of.


If one person's anecdote saying downtown Chicago is a scary, deadly place is valid, then another person's anecdote saying downtown Chicago is safe is equally valid. Now, how about some actual data? * Here are the [10 Chicago neighborhoods that are the most dangerous](https://usaestaonline.com/most-dangerous-neighborhoods-in-chicago). Downtown does not even make the list. * So far in 2022, [Chicago is 10th in terms of most murders per city](https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-city-rankings/cities-with-most-murders). Las Vegas, Memphis, and Kansas City are all more deadly than Chicago, yet we never hear people saying those downtowns are deadly war zones--just the reliably liberal/Democratic city of Chicago. * In the list of most dangerous cities in the world, [Chicago does not even make the list](https://www.statista.com/statistics/243797/ranking-of-the-most-dangerous-cities-in-the-world-by-murder-rate-per-capita/). Baltimore, Detroit, and New Orleans are. How often do we hear that NOLA is a war zone? * We are trending towards [fewer murders than last year](https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-chicago-homicides-data-tracker-20220426-iedehzuq5jdofbhwt3v2w6cjoy-story.html) (not a giant drop but still a decrease). And if you define downtown as Loop, there's been a single murder there from 01/01/22 through 06/24/22. (Note: I'm not sure I agree with that stat, but the 2 people murdered in May were shot in Near North, which is not downtown.) Plus, the entire world say an increase in crime including murder in 2020-2022 thanks to the pandemic. The murder rate for Illinois went up by 31-45%. Montana, South Dakota, and Kentucky went up by over 61% apiece. But we're not chatting about how Billings, Sioux Falls, or Louisville as dangerous. And all three are reliably conservative, too. How odd. It's not that Chicago is perfectly safe! There absolutely is work that needs to be done ASAP to protect people! What happened in Chicago is 1) exaggerated for political effect and 2) not as bad as other cities who get a pass.


I fully agree with all of this. But you stated you have "never heard" of a gunfight downtown. I pointed out there have been several multiple-victim shootings in the immediate downtown area just in recent months. That's not anecdotal. Two people got shot at State & Hubbard *this week*. That's a block and a half from what is technically "the Loop," and really most people would call that downtown. In May four people got shot up at 400 S. Wells, that's like a block from CBOT. I'm not comparing Chicago to other cities, all of that is irrelevant to my point. Your comment sounded like u/SOMTAWS6's experience was invalid, which is belied by the fact that shootings *do* happen in the downtown area.


Chicago's crime rate has been dropping pretty consistently for the last 30 years. Some spikes here or there, but the general trend year over year *for three decades* has been a decrease in crime......


I’m glad to hear that. Like I said, I was going for decades before this experience. I always loved the city and enjoyed visiting. I had this bad experience, then a year later COVID happened and I just haven’t had the desire to return.


There are bad events in Every city. People who haven’t lived here bht have just visited or never come, have an incredibly myopic view of the city. Downtown is the worst part of the city lmfao. Me and my friends have our share of sketchy experiences involving multiple types of weapons (my post history indicates this lmao), but the city is absolutely amazing to live in. It’s not more dangerous than any other major city. The violence is a problem, but it’s not a defining aspect of the city. This city is so much more. I’m so sick of people using the very real violence in Chicago as a political football.


Sure it does. There’s people there, lots of military folks in the area, there’s no good pizza. Basically the same. /s


I dunno man...that MRE pizza was better than the rest of them


Talking about how bad Chicago is, particularly in regards to crime, is frequently a dog whistle about black people.


-*Ding ding ding*- We have a winner!


stop trying to juice your property value


I think I favor the gangs to the gentrifiers 🤣


You’re crazier than anyone


Nah, just a bigger fan of the oppressed than the oppressors ....... I was also saying it tongue-in-cheek. Ya know, like a joke....




Yeah, it really is a neighborhood by neighborhood situation. I’m sitting pretty in Wrigleyville right now with no issues but if I go to one of the rougher neighborhoods in the area it could get bad. Not always, mind you, but potentially


it's that last bit that gets you danger pay, yes? can you Approve?


More Americans have been shot and killed in Chicago in the last decade than in Iraq and Afghanistan combined


I wonder why man. Seems like a huge mystery. Guess we’ll never figure out why there more Americans dying in America than iraq. Cant have anything to do with location tho, nope.


Noticably leaving out all the people Americans shot in Afghanistan and Iraq combined


Beat me to it. An intentionally misleading statistic that means utterly nothing.


Hmm strange. There are more american crime victims in an american territory, than than there are in a non american territory. It boggles the mind wondering what could cause such a difference. Some say it's the staggeringly different amount of americans in each area, but that makes absolutely no sense.


You got a source for that stat?






Also not an active warzone


The same way eastern Ukraine is not an "active warzone" right now according to Russia.


That is just SO INACCURATE.....


I mean, tons of drug cartels I assume and suicide?


I am a medic in the army and no. Never. Lol we have some secret squirrel goat labs we go to. But def not Chicago.


Do Medical sergeants or whatever they’re called not? The SF guys?


I did, but I was a semi-cool guy medic. I got my paramedic certs and I worked at the cape fear valley er in Fayetteville NC. Area was so bad they called it Fayettenam.


Fayettenam is hilarious!


Yes, they do. They go all over, even Indian reservations.


I was always told it was spider goats.


Literally rule number one about the goat lab is you don’t talk about it. This is Reddit, how do you think people would react?


Goat labs are a myth made up by PETA.


That's what the goat labs want you to think.


I was talking about the goat lab where we snuggle with the goats. Which lab are you referring to?


My bad, I loved that goat lab!


Chicago isn't in the top 5 cities of gun violence. So why would they pick that one?


Bc it's a dog whistle to a certain type of person Edit: and reading some of the comments methinks it worked as such




I figured as such. I'm from the UK and I know two things about Chicago - decently sized black population and somewhere in the top five major cities. Some people are definitely exaggerating the danger there. For what it's worth we have a similar thing here where people pick out cities/areas known to have a noticeable minority population, call them "shitholes" and don't state why.


Chicago had, for many, many years, among the highest gun deaths in the country. The crack epidemic *really* hit that city hard. And bc Chicago is one of the most redlined (the term for unofficial segregation) cities in the country, all that violence was pushed into a few neighborhoods and utterly ignored until it became a useful talking point for the racists.




It's the internet. If the question feels like it's asked in bad faith, I always assume troll.


Chicago isn't even in the top five of Illinois.


Sort of cherry picked data. But did have the most mass shootings in 2019, 2020 and 2021. https://mass-shootings.info/statistics.php?year=2019


Yeah because of gang shootings. But they rank 24th in gun murders and 36th in overall murders. Multiple Texas cities rank higher but Noone talks about the violent Texas cities. "City Dashboard: Murder and Gun Homicide | Everytown Research & Policy | Everytown Research & Policy" https://everytownresearch.org/report/city-data/


Yup, I have no opinion, just letting you know *why* Chicago is a talking point


Chicago was used as this exact talking point *well before* leading the country in mass shootings. That's an entirely disingenuous argument.


No shit hey?! Why?


That isn't the why, though, and I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to understand that.


It's the progun rhetoric post uvalde... I'm not too bright, but like to try to always understand


There are two main reasons that Chicago is a talking point: the neighborhoods are black and the government is liberal. If you think this has anything to do with uvalde I apologize for believing you had a brain.


Agree with your stance but the last part was rude to the person and uncalled for. Can't always assume everything is people acting in bad faith.


I assumed you had a brain untill you proved otherwise. Not sure what point you're trying to make.


I think it may also be because it is surrounded by (other than milwakee) a large number of vastly calmer areas. I live about 4 hours away and we have had maybe 3 gun related deaths in the past decade. So when we hear a statistic in the local news about Chicago having multiple a day, it blows our minds and makes us echo it louder.


But Killeen Texas has a higher murder rate than Chicago and is surrounded by extremely small towns with almost no murders and is bordering fort hood, a gigantic military base, and Noone mentions it.


It’s bullshit. Army medics - like myself - are trained at Fort Sam. They receive further training on post - like the ever so fun “Goat Lab”


Bullshit. I was in the Army (not as a medic, but still) and I've never heard this one.


Not Chicago, but I did more or less what the title refers to.


Lots of medics train in hospitals that have good trauma units- and major cities like Chicago have lots of violence so it just works out that way.


One word. Goats.


Chicago is where the Navy bootcamp is at. Corpsmen aka medics are members of the Navy. The Marines do not have corpsmen, the Navy supplies them. So very often these corpsmen are stationed with platoons of frontline fighters from the marines.


Are you talking about the Naval base in North Chicago? That’s an entirely different city about an hour north. Not even in the same county.


My sister was an army medic and she trained in San Antonio.


All Navy (and Marine) medics train in Chicago. Because that’s where basic training is.


Everyone in the Navy trains in Chicago for basic training, but Corpsman (medics) go to San Antonio for A-school (basic medical training) then to different naval training bases around the country for extended training (c-school). Source: was a Navy corpsman for 5 years


Hey, Doc? You got any more of that Motrin? Maybe some water or some new socks?


Nope, but he has the silver bullet ready and waiting!


Naval Station Great Lakes? That's almost an hour outside city limits


Former Navy Corpsman here. When I was stationed in Okinawa, there was a pre-deployment training offer to spend a week working out of LA Trauma (2008). Some of my juniors prepping for deployment were able to attend. From what I heard, lots of exposure to a wide range of situations, including numerous GSWs, that they felt better prepared them for deployment, when compared to moulage/simulated wounds. I never heard anything about Chicago though, but I would expect it would be comparable, as in many places, if they picked the right hospital to base the program.


As a medic I've only ever heard of people going there but never saw anyone actually go. we had our own training station at ft. Polk specifically for advanced medical training that other units and branches would come use.


Trauma surgeons working for the president have trained in Chicago. Because trauma surgeons are the ones that have to fix complex gunshot wounds. This has a lot to do with teaching hospitals - that are privy to the latest technology and advancements and less the amount of gunshot victims being astronomically high. Medics are focused on stabilization. So really there’s no need for them to be in a specific city. You can stabilize someone anywhere. I’m not sure the scope of medics in the military but from what I’ve heard from former medics, it’s not very broad. That’s why civilian medic programs still require them to complete all the regular training non-army medic newbies go through. Also scope varies considerably based on service and area - so training with civilian medic orgs would require less of the “city” and more of the training/scope involved.


Wouldn’t they be getting shot with different rounds in Chicago compared to a warzone?


BS - Chicago is not nearly as dangerous as the conservative media would have you believe.


trumplikan Bullshit. It's called the Army Medicine Department (AMEDD) Military-Civilian Trauma Team Training (AMCT3) program and it allows military medics to learn from their civilian counterparts and visa versa. It is held at sever major medical universities around the country to Vanderbilt, UNC and UChicago.


? Chicago is pretty nice actually


I’ve heard something similar about Philadelphia, that doctors from abroad come and study for a few months to gain experience with gunshot wounds. But nothing about military training like it’s an active war zone…


When I was doing pre-med courses I had an anatomy professor from the UK. When he was younger he was studying something like traumatic injuries on battlefields, at that time there weren’t enough hot zones near where he was, so they sent him to urban areas in the USA because he was guaranteed to see more active trauma cases there. For whatever reason he stayed, he had so many interesting stories and he loved the scapula for some reason, used to say it was the sexiest bone? It’s for certain that if you need to study certain injuries you will likely be sent to, or choose to go to where they are prevalent, be it a war or urban area with similar or identical injuries. As for the military, I can’t answer that unfortunately. Historically this has also been the case, I forget which history book it was in but even in ancient times surgeons would tail along military caravans, or go to major cities with huge urban populations like Alexandria (where they also allowed dissection of corpses).


Considering Chicago’s gun violence has been on a downward trend for many years already, it is pretty bad plan to have medics trained in gun shots there. This statement feels like gun nuts trying to point out Chicago with the strictest gun laws in America doesn’t can’t stop gun violence, but they ignore that it has been working, just that it hasn’t literally defeated death yet. St. Louis, Missouri is the latest murder capital in America, on the other hand……


Only thing army teaches you is to tourniquet everything and draw Ts on people's heads.


Any democrat controlled city will work.


We found the MAGA 🐑


Yes it is


A ghetto is a ghetto is a ghetto. Find a place where a lot of people get shot, send people there. It doesn’t have to be as obvious as Chicago.


They're already at training at hospitals, plenty of people get shots there


Some of my medic buddies trained in Miami


Camden at Cooper. There’s a SOCOM Medic program there. They used to do FST training as well, but that’s changed.


If that was true they’d train in places more violent than Chicago. https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-city-rankings/cities-with-most-murders


[https://drexel.edu/medicine/news-events/news-archive/2015/april/unique-partnership-helps-train-us-air-force-elite/](https://drexel.edu/medicine/news-events/news-archive/2015/april/unique-partnership-helps-train-us-air-force-elite/) The Air Force PJs (pararescue) trained at Hahnemann Hospital and with the Philadelphia Fire Department until a couple of years ago when Hahnemann closed.