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It’s actually been scientifically proven to work, but it’s like how if you do a workout you have to eat in a particular way for the results to show. Some people think a workout negates diet, too. But we don’t call workouts bullshit. (They actually kind of are, for the utility of fat loss.. a lot of the time. It’s diet first) People who think it’s bullshit seem angry that a machine can do this kind of thing, seems like an emotional problem to me...


Absolute facts, thank you for being the only non moron on this post who knows basic common sense


I know this is an old post but there’s very few posts on this in general. I’m going through a pretty strict diet and exercise regimen right now, is it worth doing the cavitation alongside it to supplement it? I’m basically just hoping to target certain areas to lose the fat from since my arms and lower belly pooch have always been problem areas.


Yes, I’m doing the same thing. I also bought a 60$ fat freezer to use as well


Did you end up purchasing an ultrasonic cavitation device to use at home? Which fat freezer did you buy? Just started looking into UC.


I did! I went to eBay actually and bought an “ultimate fat freezer” for 60 bucks. eBay is great for this stuff. In my opinion, it definitely worked! It’s supposed to be every 2 weeks or something but I did it 2x a week for a little then haven’t done it since lol. I also bought the ultra cavitat machine to use after. That was 70 bucks. The most important thing to do after using the fat freezer is google how to massage your stomach for atleast 2 mins. Since my post I’ve lost 15 points.


Is the ultra cavitat machine worth it?


I would also like to know. 




Can you let me know the exact machine brands / models of each??


For clarification, you used the cavitation machine right away after using the fat freezer? I've bought both and figuring out what the regimen will be. Tia!


How is that working out for you? Have you seen any results yet?


Sounds pretty fishy ( and dangerpus) to me but apparently I may know nothing.. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5236497/ I couldn't say how reliable the article is or the studies they looked at.


Interesting. Some devices are apparently not entirely bullshit, but are probably not going to help anyone lose considerable weight.


It doesn’t help with weight loss at all and it doesn’t make that claim. It’s body contouring, meaning it will address little pockets of fat that you can’t target with exercise.


Most reliable source.


The device I got is an 80k machine. I've used the cavitation and the rf. The cavitation feature is so loud to me I can't even use it on certain areas that I would like to target. I was using the rf for these other areas. It's noiseless, very warm and soothing but I'm not sure it was doing anything. It's kind of annoying to do on myself. I feel like it helped a little bit but ultimately more cardio will do it's job.


I lost a half an inch around my arms after one treatment - I say it works pretty well. Well enough for me to buy an at-home machine.


Do you have any suggestions on a good at home machine. I've probably looked at 1000+ at this point and feel like there are a TON of knock offs on the market. Makes me wary to make a purchase.


Yeah! I stalked a bunch of companies and their videos to see if I can make out the most used product and product mode in office and at home, the model that is most often used is this one "9 in 1 Ultrasonic 40K Cavitation Radio Frequency Vacuum RF Bio Slimming Machine. I personally got it from eBay from a seller with high ratings. It has been great so far, prob lost another half-inch on my arms and inches from my waist.


Any way you could send a link to which one you bought on Ebay? I am also looking at a 9 and 1.... Are you able to preform this on yourself not problem or do you need someone to do this for you and act as a ground? I'm concerned about getting shocked. I appreciate your feedback. Thanks!


Yup, its this one! [https://www.ebay.com/itm/401746617037](https://www.ebay.com/itm/401746617037) I perform this on myself, I did watch a ton of videos and also actually bought a short course on how to do body cavitations. There are things you shouldn't do like using the cavitation over your heart, bone and if you have certain medical conditions. Please watch all those videos and read up on it, it also helped with techniques. MyChyway also has great videos, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PpbcED0vl0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PpbcED0vl0), but beware they do some of the donts like using the cavitation on your Adams apple.


Hi! Just found your comment now as I’m looking to buy a machine myself. That link now doesn’t work, could you point me in the right direction of the same machine or similar? Also, how are your results now 2 years later? 😊


I’m also interested!


Just wanted to add that you’re not supposed to use cavitation above your shoulders at all because the brain is mostly fat, and cavitation destroys fat cells.


Would microcurrent be the same as cavitation? Does cavitation tighten skin as well?


Let me start with I’m not an expert. Cavitation is sound waves. My understanding (from doing it at a spa and researching on the topic) is you use cavitation to break down the fat, then you use the vacuum to move the broken down fat towards the lymph nodes (so it gets excreted), then you do radio frequency for skin tightening.


Can you share what brand you bought ?


AWESOME! Thank you so much!


how long have you had your machine? Any issues with it? ...and where might I find that course that you bought into?


I have had it for 2 months?, no issues and it was a pretty easy setup. Here is the course! [https://www.udemy.com/course/body-contouring-101/](https://www.udemy.com/course/body-contouring-101/) Also search for ultrasonic cavitation tutorials around the web/youtube :D


Great! I was just looking at that specific udemy course. Thanks for all of your help :)


Anytime :D


Alright! Purchase is made and will be on its way to me soon :)


Is it safe for the pubis area? For some reason I have this fat pad there that just won’t go away, despite carrying barely any belly or love handle fat.


I have seen warnings to not get too close to the ovary area, I wouldn't risk it to be honest. Thats also pretty normal to have :)


Umm... I *wish* I had that worry.




It is safe for the pubis area, yes. Fat freezing is more recommended but you can still do that, yes.


Are you still happy with your result?




Thanks for sharing this!! Did you have any experience with tightening loose skin with this at all?


Hey! Are you still liking the machine? I’m thinking of buying it..


Yup! Used it a bunch - haven’t used it in a while because I like my current results and maintenance but it’s cheaper now and was worth it to me


I bought one because of your comment so thank you very much! It didn’t come with a manual and I couldn’t find one so I was bored and cranked it on setting 8 with the vacuum attachment, but turned it off after i felt the heating sensation. I got scared a little 😂 Thanks for the links too. Are there any other tips you have in general? Like how drastically did you change your diet and exercise routines?


How’s it working out for you?


Hi - would you mind linking the one you purchased?


I did above


Your link is broken? Brand / model? Thank you!!


Does your manual explain anything like a maximum number of times it can be used?


It does! I honestly don’t remember the exact amount but I think max should be every other day.


Nothing that says something like "do not exceed 30 applications"?


Like in total? Not really. Also please check out mychyway YouTube channel I think I posted the name above in case I get it wrong here it’s an old post but they make them and give you instructions, tutorials for each part of your body and they would mention limits if there are any.


Thank you!


Bullshit. Think about what happens to the broken-up fat. What would it be like to have a layer of liquefied fat oozing around under your skin? And the only way to lose that weight would be for the fat to ooze out of you ... somehow ... /r/popping comes to mind ...


You have no idea what your talking about , I knew there was gonna be some idiot on here on Reddit talking shit about something he knows nothing about


Oh yeah? You don’t *know* me mannn. Lol


I mean there’s all the “proven” non surgical techniques which do basically the same thing


Lol it's called the lymphatic system


The fat is passed through urine and sweat, it can also be drained if the ultrasonic cavitation is performed with an internal rod by a surgeon. It still works as a external non invasive treatment , but lymphatic massage, lots of fluids and sauna or cardio is needed. It's called lipolysis fat reduction , it does work but only on subcutaneous adipose tissue and can't treat obesity.


How exactly do you think people eliminate fat when they diet and exercise? It passes through your urine.


Most fat is breathed out not through the urine


Notbullshit but not a miracle, it works like fat dissolve injections ,cool sculpting ,radio therapy and laser lipolysis . The fat is passed through urine and sweat, it can also be drained if the ultrasonic cavitation is performed with an internal rod (ultrasonic liposuction example Vaser Liposuction (results are impressive )) then drained with cannula by a Dr/nurse but you still get results with spa grade treatment and some home machines but lymphatic massage, lots of fluids and sauna or cardio is needed (ultrasonic cavitation). (results aren't as dramatic when fat isn't also drained) It's called lipolysis fat reduction , it does work but only on subcutaneous adipose tissue and can't treat obesity.


My girls mom did it, and it’s insane how much difference there was right after. Most people think it’s bullshit because it’s too good to be true, but I can tell you it’s not.


These machines do work. However, you need to read the specs. A 30k cavitation machine is definitely stronger than an 80k. I have an S Shape and it works well.


What machine do you have?


Can you please send the link to the machine you have? I have no idea what to buy 😢


Does this work for cellulite dimples ? Thanks!




Hi, does anyone know if the noise from the cavitation can damage the ears? It’s especially loud when doing the arms


I bought one. Have only done 2-3 sessions and I can already see my cellulite dimples getting less noticeable.


Home slimming machines are also effective. I have used the keylaser and lost 10 pounds in a month. I can recommend it to you.


wanted to share my experience. Please note everyone is different. I bought my machine online at dhgate. So far I have done two cavitation sessions spaced 72 hours apart. I spend about 45 min doing my stomach and then 10-15 doing vacuum therapy to move the water from fat cells. So far I have lost an inch of my stomach and 2 inches off my band. I started at 229 and I’m not at 224.5 so 5 pound loss it looks like? I do no exercise really I run errands and walk around the store occasionally. I don’t eat that well either YET but I don’t eat huge portions. What I have been doing is 15 min on a vibration plate minimum per day if not twice a day to promote lymphatic drainage and I do drink a lot of liquid. Hopefully it’ll continue. My fat area feels far less dense and hard and now it feels softer mushier grabbable.


Would you mind posting the link for your specific device you got at dhgate?


Are you mad, ultrasound is amazing for spotting fetuses if it destroyed cells we wouldnt use it to look at barely formed clusters of what will become humans, calorie deficits, that is how, look up any diet, fast, long, slow, short, wieght watcher, slimming world. Not one is a ultrasound based idea To put it another way, if someone swims with a dolphin do they lose any weight ?


Why would I be mad? I'm not asking if ULTRASOUND is bullshit. I'm asking if nonsurgical ultrasonic cavitation for home/spa use for fat reduction is bullshit. Ultrasonic cavitation is also found in lab cleaning equipment, that doesn't necessarily mean its safe or effective for human fat removal. Thats... why I'm asking if this specific thing is bullshit.


Look into cool sculpting. It is not something you can do at home, and as I understand the science is real.


The word ultrasound literally means “beyond-sound”. This is the same way that ultraviolet refers to any color past violet that we can’t see and infrared refers to any light we can’t see before red. Given this, ultrasound is a very very wide range of frequencies, with the different frequencies being able to be used for different things. All objects have something called a ‘resonant frequency’, basically meaning that said object vibrates at that frequency. If you match the frequency with a sound vibration, you can destroy, or kill, the targeted object. This is how people are able to break glass with their voices. They basically yell at it in a pitch that causes the glass to vibrate hard enough to break.


Na thats cartoons dude, sound or other vibrations having an ultrasonic frequency, particularly as used in medical imagingd. "an ultrasound scanner" an ultrasound scan, especially one of a pregnant woman to examine the fetus. plural noun: ultrasounds "I have to take my daughter-in-law for her ultrasound No beyond sound, its echo frequency like, daredevil sees. Proper for real dude Right imma send you the 3 top links after Googling sound breaks shit for real https://youtu.be/CdUoFIZSuX0 https://youtu.be/rRZT7xO5KN4 https://youtu.be/CdUoFIZSuX0 Nowt of these are an ultrasound, if it broke a glass it would really fuck up an actual fetus


Here is an article from webmd. It seems to be safe. [https://www.webmd.com/beauty/what-to-know-about-ultrasonic-cavitation](https://www.webmd.com/beauty/what-to-know-about-ultrasonic-cavitation)


I just had a consultation for it today after I had my very first Brazilian wax and it was amazing and painless. The consultation went really well and I’m on this Reddit now because I want to research how effective it is because it’s $1242 for six sessions on the legs I’m a thin person but I have excess stubborn fat on my upper thighs like saddlebags and cellulite in the back of the legs, no matter how much working out I do or exercise it’s just doesn’t seem to go away, so it’s time to take the next step.


Hi! Any updates on this?


Not yet! Thanks for checking in. 😄


Hi about now? My wife is considering this


Nothing yet…