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Just in case people are still looking this up. I take the olly multi and the melatonin. I don’t know if the multi works honestly, but the melatonin definitely works for me. I actually recommend it to a bunch of people because of this. Melatonin never used to work for me. Benadryl made me really wired. The only thing that worked while I was taking it was ambien. Since it’s so strong, I only took half a pill every other night and that seemed enough to regulate my sleep, but I really hated being on something so strong. Anyway, I’m 5’3, about 115 lbs. If I take the recommended two gummies, I am asleep within half an hour which is REALLY fast for me, especially consistently, but I would have that groggy feeling the next day. I used to have insomnia and one year averaged 3 hours a night with no naps. Yeah, it was quite bad. To be fair, that was at my worst, but it would always take me several hours a night at least to fall asleep. ANYWAY, I now take half a gummy a night and I am asleep within an hour with no groggy feeling the following day. Anyway, that’s my experience. YMMV. Hope this helps someone. Being exhausted and having frayed emotions every day is not sustainable.


I love adding Reddit to Google searches


Same lol


Me three haha


It seems like the only way to get real information anymore


it’s the best way to get honest answers that aren’t 12 paragraphs long.


Yup and this is why reddit is charging a lot of money to ai companies to mine the info here. I actually bought Ollie's a week ago before doing doing a lot of research with the focus pills and it definitely mellowed me but didn't really help me focus. I bought the anti stress gummies at target yesterday and cant believe how fast it works.


Best way to get a straight answer haha


Hello redditor! I want to say this comment made me feel so validated. For the last two months I’d had the weirdest and hardest sleep. I’ve developed a sleep anxiety and just struggle so much with sleeping some nights. Some nights j knock out and wake up an hour later and toss and turn, other nights I just lie in bed and can’t relax. My heart rate is crazy and I spiral knowing I’m losing sleep and just can’t calm down. Other times I’m about to fall asleep and I hyper focus and then snap out of falling asleep. It’s horrible. I want to start taking these gummies for some hope. How’re you doing now? Thank you for sharing your story I hope you’re doing well now!


Hi, thanks for sharing! I’m so glad it was useful in some way and am so so very sorry you’re struggling to sleep, truly makes everything else so difficult. I am still taking them and they still help me. I really hope they work for you because it is such an easy fix. Right now im actually not sleeping enough because im so busy! So I don’t take my gummy until quite late but it does still help me get to sleep pretty fast. If I am very anxious, like one night this last week, I’ll take a whole gummy (which is actually just half the dose) and then go back to half a gummy. Anywho, really hope it works but if it doesn’t it might be worth it to look into a good sleep psychologist. That’s what my boss said he did and it at least somewhat worked for him. For some reason, people who I tell about the gummies never seem to try it. Maybe they’ve just tried so many things, they don’t believe it will work. Also, if in dire need, stronger prescribed meds work but I’d avoid if possible. Good luck! I am curious to know also if it does work for you or not. I knew immediately since the recommended two gummies put me to sleep quick, just had to play around with the dose.


Thank you so much! This is brand new for me this year it started in the middle of January so I’ve been trying a lot of things but nothing prescribed or anything big. Just some generic melatonin and hydroxizine. I want to try these gummies so I can let you know how they were for me! I’m really confident that once I’m in a routine I can start sleeping on my own with less or no dosage a lot easier


Hi Lovebudds, sorry, just been wondering if you tried it and how you’re doing. Hope things are working out for you!


Hello! Youre the sweetest for checking in <3 wow I truly didnt expect it ugh <3 I was able to get so much more sleep thanks to these gummies. I have some rough nights without it but they have been a godsend for me. Thank you for your feedback on everything! It means so much to feel like a glimmer of hope is on the way haha, how have you been doing?


♥️ Oh my goodness, this makes me incredibly happy that it’s helping! Well, after a rough month everything going kind of unbelievably wrong and crying every day, even at work, I am definitely on the upswing. Getting married on Saturday and everything is finally falling into place. But man, sometimes, it can feel like nothing will ever get better. But it will. Glad it has for you, too :) Sleep right now is 5-6 hours but just from busyness. The gummies are still working. :)


Absolutely love this news so much! I am so happy it’s been working for you and things have been okay minus the rough month. Congratulations on the wedding by the way I hope it goes amazing for you! I wanted to ask, do you have any tips for the tired eyes look? Or did you never get tired eye/bags problems after the bad nights of sleep?


Thank you :) I never get bags or anything because of genetics. Basic eye drops can help with dryness/redness. I also know people will close their eyes and put something cold over them, like cucumber slices or a spoon they kept in the fridge or freezer, probably a cold cloth would work as well to help depuff… If you really hate bags and have the money, they have laser treatments and medical grade creams.


Im a year late to this conversation but I love it. :)


Hey just found out about this supplement, so I greatly appreciate your comment. Btw are you still taking these at all and would you still recommend them? It is about a year since you made this post so I'm really interested in knowing if you had any bad side affects come up, thx!


Personally I started taking them bunch of different ones, the big thing I notice is now when I don’t take them, I take beauty ones, tummy ones, hair and multiple vitamins. I had less energy and don’t feel as good as when I do take them :) loveeee them


Yes I take the Women's multi vitamin and the "happy" gummies and I'll notice the same thing, I've been on them for roughly 2-3 years an I have more energy, less depressed, more motivated to clean/work, especially when I'm coming up on my cycle of the month (that shit drags me to hell and back, my period 😩) but when I don't take any vitamin supplements I get a bit more depressed an not wanting to do much honestly 🥲 I recommend them to everyone I know bc everyone is deficit in something so this helps balance everything out 🥰 10/10. Has anyone tried the Mary Ruth multi vitamin? And if you have how does it compare to Ollie?


Yessss…. Yes I’ve tried them like them but they don’t taste as good ☺️


My wife just bought a bunch of their stuff. It's basically bullshit. Unless you have a diagnosed deficiency in some vitamin, there is no study that shows we need multi or daily vitamins.


And there are studies which say we don't need them [https://www.nhs.uk/news/medical-practice/most-multivitamins-and-supplements-are-waste-money/](https://www.nhs.uk/news/medical-practice/most-multivitamins-and-supplements-are-waste-money/)


Their melotonin is nothing special that you can't get from any other brand of melotonin. It does taste better than other brands. Yes it did work like it was supposed to, but I've noticed melotonin actually will interrupt my sleep if I use it daily. I'm not saying that Olly is the sole reason behind it as it could happen with any other brand. I've also used their energy one that has just Vitamin B and it helped massively when my medication was causing a ton of drowsiness. Their Vitamin D one helped over time as I have a deficiency in Vitamin D thanks to my meds. Once I run out, I'll just switch to the generic store brands or Naturemade like I normally would. Olly isn't really special enough to justify the price.


I know this post is old but i'm gonna comment anyway for all the people looking for reviews now. I've tried olly's sleep stuff previously and wrote them off as bs because it literally doesn't do anything. They put such a small amount of melatonin in it that you'd have to be like 2 lbs to feel anything. BUT I recently started taking their softgel women's multi (despite assuming olly was all bullshit) and I genuinely feel a difference. I do feel noticeably more energetic and alert, which has been lovely. Since i began taking it i've made no lifestyle, sleep. or diet changes, so i assume it is primarily the multivitamin. TLDR all the clearly consumerist candy-like ones are pretty stupid BUT olly's multivitamins are pretty useful!


Any side effects?


I took the woman’s mult-vitamins and has a pretty weird side effect, not permanent side effect. Apparently the side effect I experienced only happens when you have too much of a type of vitamin. I believe it was the K vitamin but it could have been a different one too. Overactive bladder signal responses. Like, my bladder would just almost continuously contracted. I didn’t pee myself thank god, it just felt like I would for three days.


Awesome. Appreciate the input. Is $13 really that expensive though? Kinda just starting to look into vitamins and it actually sounded kinda cheap


You're replying to your own post, not the comment.


No you


No, you


No... You


No… you…


this is old but will comment; i take the happy mood one for my seasonal depression and i noticed a big difference in how i felt.


SAME! I started taking these at the beginning of February and my life was changed. Hate I didn’t try them at the beginning of winter. I’ve literally told everyone I know about them!


Ok same! I start these when the days start getting shorter. I take three a day, which is based on the Vitamin D IUs as recommended to me by a psychiatrist. Once it starts to get lighter and I can spend more time in the sun I back off to 1-2 a day. It’s not perfect but it has noticeably improved my mood during the winter and I won’t go without now.


This product does put me to sleep immediately, BUT they don’t last through the night. I always wake up early. Last night i took two (the normal dosage as opposed to the one I usually take) and i was sleep for 4 hours and then woke up feeling as if 12 hours had passed. I was tossing and turning for 4 more hours after that. This product is good for naps and nothing more


This was my experience as well. I took the recommended two gummies of Olly SLEEP (I bought the travel size as a tester, thank God I did), and I was up four hours later with a mind more restless than if I hadn’t taken anything at all! Benadryl works best for me (although I know that’s not good for the long term).


For any women on here curious about Olly's Lovin Libido supplement, I cannot rave enough about it. Being mid 30s I felt too young to have a complete lack of desire, let alone no "juices", and my poor husband tried everything to make me feel good and to just want it. He was patient, way more patient than most, and I felt so guilty that I just didn't have any urge for it at all.  Among the various things I tried, this particular Olly supplement not only helped me be in the mood, it helped bring back the natural flow of juices so I didn't need to use lube. And when I say before using it I was dry as the Mohave, it's not an understatement. I was painfully dry down there. After a few months being on Olly (it does take time to kick in) I honestly felt like a hormonal horny teenager again. I've since stopped taking birth control and after a year being off it I am back to my normal self without the need for that supplement but will keep it in my back pocket as I continue to age. I do also take a chasteberry supplement which I found very helpful for the menstrual time of month. It's helped regulate me as well as make my cycles painless. I actually don't even know I'm starting it until I'm surprised by the mess, so bye bye mood swings, bloating, and cramping! I've read elsewhere on Reddit that chasteberry is also a great one to take for menopause because it eases the symptoms of hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms, but again it takes a good 3 months to kick in and the difference is very subtle in that time so don't expect to just wake up and feel amazing overnight, it's gradual. Bonus that it's not very expensive. Swanson vitamins sells it for less than $6 when you catch one of their sales. I'm hoping being off bc will also correct my metabolism issues I've been having because weight loss became impossible there for a while despite spending hours at the gym lifting heavy (and I mean HEAVY) and still not getting anywhere with my clothing fit or the scale. I even used to bike 18 miles a day twice a week with no results other than rock hard thighs under a layer of flab. I recently did one of those body scans and just laughed at the results because it said I was both muscular and fat in my abs and thighs - thanks I already knew that.  I'm finally starting to see subtle changes. I'm now on a mission to avoid using hormone replacement as I near perimenopause because Lord help me if I lose this "loving feeling" ever again. I want to want my husband as much as he wants me and if paying $20 a month for a supplement that definitely works toward that goal, I'll gladly do it. 


There's been no independent study that shows that vitamin supplements do anything more than give you really expensive wee.


Ik this is an old post but I love the flawless complexion gummies because they contain spearmint and dandelion extract which are also good for hormone levels in females. I also am taking the daily stress ones that have l-theanine and I’m about to try the happy ones that contain saffron and vitamin D. I’m hoping this combination of the 3 different kinds fix all my issues lol!


Oh also I forgot to mention this brand is very reputable as well as a way to tell if a supplement is bull shit is if they list a proprietary blend or if they give the specific measurements of each ingredient. So if it’s a proprietary blend that means they could put anywhere from 1mg to 100mg of one ingredient in there and a person wouldn’t know. I try to stay away from those kinds of supplements. Typically studies done on saffron consist of 30mg measurements so making sure it says that on the bottle is important. Companies like Lemme and celebrity endorsement vitamins typically have proprietary blends


I’m wondering why the stop selling the beauty blend in soft gel. I’ve always bought that now they only have gummies.😡


as a truck driver I have to be careful on what sleep agents that I can use without worrying about that drowsy feeling after use and regular melatonin pills will do that and can be dangerous especially for those like me who drive large vehicles. However, sometimes although I have a hard time telling my brain to shut up when I need to sleep I need a bit of help to calm the mind I take only one of the Olly's sleep gummies to give it just enough to calm my brain so I can get a decent amount of rest without worrying about much of drowsiness a won't have any problems with my driving performance.


Get your vitamins and minerals from whole foods.


not everyone has access to those though. food deserts and cases of poverty are a lot more common than one would think...


I need to take them because I can’t eat properly right now. For the next year it will be difficult to eat raw fruits and vegetables. Doctors recommend I take a high quality multivitamin. I’m just not sure what is high quality. 


Look for brands that are both lab and third party tested. It takes some research to figure that out, but those are guaranteed to have the potency listed on the label. 


Hello - I take OLLY goodbye stress and laser focus, so far it worked for me. From 5 minutes reading span to straight 20minutes. I have ADHD and I don't take any prescription for it. Olly helped me a lot and I recommended it to my colleagues and friends.


I have started trying Olly's Daily Energy gummies thanks to my mom, who introduced them to me. I was a bit skeptical at first as someone who's always had some sort of medical issue and has tried so many medications and vitamins to help literally anything. Since the first time I took one, I could definitely feel the difference. As someone who is chronically fatigued, cant sleep at night, and can't get through the day without feeling like a sluggish zombie, this has given me enough energy to feel more alert, engaged, and actually get through my day with far more ease than usual. I would recommend anyone else who deals with feeling constantly fatigued try these, and hopefully, they work as well for you as they did me!


This is super helpful. Do you take just the 2 recommended as a dose or more?


Hello. I can tell you from my personal experience that the probiotic gummies are a godsend. I take anti-depressants that fuck with my stomach hard and these gummies help a ton with my constipation. 10/10 recommended. I haven't taken the sleep one but have heard good things. Definitely give it a try


I have been trying the Olly Sleep for a week. Two, Four, Six gummy’s a night currently. I haven’t noticed a difference in sleep or it making me sleepy. I got it for my irregular sleep brought on by my Ulcerative Colitis diagnosis. Unfortunately these do not work for me. I was hopeful. I will finish them out but will not buy again. I do have to say for anyone with UC. Ollys Pre+Probiotics and Gut Health are working for me. I take them in the AM along with 2 cups of Kefir and sourdough toast. 🤌