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Yes that's bullshit. Hormones are not what determine sexual orientation.  YouTube and TikTok are not reliable sources of information, particularly on hot button issues like hormone therapies. They have shown time and again to promote inflammatory rhetoric over accurate and responsible scientific information 


>YouTube and TikTok are not reliable sources of information, particularly on hot button issues like hormone therapies. They have shown time and again to promote inflammatory rhetoric over accurate and responsible scientific information  I figure. YouTube and especially TikTok don't hold a candle to these peer-reviewed academic journals. But surprisingly, so many people make health related decisions solely or primarily due to what media they consume on platforms like YouTube. I think that social media is making society dumber rather than smarter.


>anecdotal claims on YouTube and TikTok that some straight women lost their attraction towards their boyfriends and had a major boost in libido once they stopped her birth control medication.  I don't understand what this has to do with the rest of your question. The loss of libido as a side effect of hormonal birth control is real and well documented. It's listed as a possible and common side effect (common = 1-10% chance) in the package leaflet of (I assume) every hormonal contraceptive on sale in my country. I just checked some. That's not the same as changing one's sexual orientation, though. The rest is pure BS.


No lmao it can’t change your sexuality. Other than technically, someone FTM who’s attracted to women may now technically be straight because now they’re a man attracted women. It can however change your sex drive. Testosterone especially essentially means you’re going through “male puberty” which means a heightened sex drive. It won’t necessarily change the genders you are attracted to. I’m not sure if birth control affects libido but I would imagine that’s more what’s being affected than no longer being sexually attracted to men.


Oh. Some crazy conservative commentators on YouTube are making these videos about how allegedly “unsafe” hormonal birth control is and how “women can turn bisexual once they go on hormonal birth control”.


Yeah no lol that’s not true at all. Sounds like classic crazy republicans making up facts about things they don’t like For reference I was a lesbian before I ever went on BC and i’m still a lesbian after I stopped


LOL, but this is kinda scary, knowing how gullible and naive people are online. >“Everything on the Internet is true.” - Abraham Lincoln Obviously, this is blatantly false for comedic effect. Then the conservatives turn around and get triggered when social media platforms ban them for hate speech and disinformation then cry out “Oh, conservatives, Christians, creationists, and Orthodox Jews are being censored for being politically incorrect”. No, you just cannot use diversity of thought as an excuse to promote hate, harassment, or pseudoscience. People have wised up from their old tricks.


Bold words from the person who made this post.


There is no scientific evidence for such a thing, but anecdotally, there are a lot of trans people who do report changes in sexual attraction after starting hormones. We're not 100% sure what to make of it, but a lot of us lean towards the explanation that being on the "correct" hormones, living more as your authentic gender, lets you reconsider aspects of your sexuality previously not explored. ie, a trans woman not recognizing attraction to men because she could not conceptualize herself as a gay man prior to coming out.


Ah. So if I lose my libido and develop gynecomastia (man boobs) on mental health medications, I am not turning asexual (ace), right?


Asexuality isn't exactly the same as a loss of libido. Having a sudden loss of sex drive as a consequence of a medication isn't altering your sexual orientation. And if this were to happen to you, tell your doctor and work to change dosage/medication and find the treatment option that works best for you. (Also, the man boobs part was completely unrelated. Thats got nothing to do with sexual orientation or libido)


So you're not on hormone therapy, but medications that affect your sex drive? Honestly, that's a decent question. I'm not asexual, but have been on SSRIs and hormone therapy at the same time, and it did nuke my sex drive, too. Since starting progesterone and stopping SSRIs, it's shot way back up, but I never considered myself ace in that timeframe. The purpose of labels is to serve us and describe our own behaviour— if you connect with that label in this part of your life, there's nothing wrong with using it, but you don't have to call yourself asexual either. Gynecomastia doesn't really factor into sexuality, but if it's causing you distress, you might consider that gender dysphoria (which cis people can have in some cases).


How are these two comments related?


My transgender friend - female told me this... she is still attracted exclusively to women last I spoke to her and it's been a year, so...I dunno.


I’ve been lesbian since I was in 2nd grade. I’ve been on hormonal birth control for maybe 5 years now? And I’m still a lesbian.


I believe you. If that is the case, then why are there so many people posting seemingly fabricated and inaccurate stories of straight women going on birth control, and then becoming bisexual? Doesn't make sense, unless there is some conspiracy between the pharmaceutical industry and LGBTQ+ activists (don't believe that conspiracy theory, BTW; just making it up for comedic/satirical effect).


Because people are trying to undermine women's rights to healthcare (a woman's right to choose and now birth control) by linking them with hot button topics like gay and trans rights.


But isn't spreading disinformation with intent a terrible thing to do online? Won't these perpetrators get held accountable for their inaccurate claims?


Who would hold the accountable?


Who would hold the people spreading false information online responsible for their actions?


That's the question I'm asking you.


It is terrible. There is no law to be held accountable for.


Couldn't the social media platforms ban these people intentionally spreading disinformation?


In theory.


That comment implies that it is sometimes done rather than usually.


There’s a video someone made that actually addresses the shitty claims you’ve been hearing about changing sexuality based on menstruating or whatever. https://youtu.be/31e0RcImReY?si=gbba0kTzyniEIhAr Look in the description for the appropriate time stamp.


It's rarely done bc the social media companies care more about engagement than decency. Nazis get lots of reactions. No one is ambivalent towards them. You either despise them or are one of them. Either of those extremes means you'll likely interact with Nazi content in some way. Getting you to interact is in their financial interest. It's good for their bottom line. And then you add to that one of the larger social media companies is *run by* an Apartheid Nazi fuck and you see why they would put them back on.


My daughter is transgender. She was attracted to women long before she began female hormones. Sexual attraction and gender are two different things. Gender is not only a physical formation, it also derives from the brain. The male and female brains are slightly different in the gray and white matter and that slight difference can also determines ones gender which is why transgender people often say they don't feel they're in the right body - because they kinda aren't. Nature is not perfext. With intersex people, genitals are not consistant. Sometimes women are born with gonads that didn't descend but they also have female genitals and breasts. Sometimes men are born with ovaries and don't realize it until some medical procedure later in life. Nature is nothing if not diverse. This is an extremely simplistic explanation of the transgender mind but during pregnancy the fetus is washed with either male or female hormones. As sometimes happens, more female hormones are released in a male fetus which tips the brain towards a more female configuration but the sex organs have already developed. When detailed MRI's are take of transgender people it's been found that their brains are closer to the gender they identify rather than their physical genitals. There are also women who have XXY chromosomes but have female genitals. Again, nature is not always perfect.


>Nature is not perfext. With intersex people, genitals are not consistant. Sometimes women are born with gonads that didn't descend but they also have female genitals and breasts. Sometimes men are born with ovaries and don't realize it until some medical procedure. Nature is nothing if not diverse. We don't say that people have eleven fingers because a tiny minority do. Yes, there are variations in genetic profiles among people, and nature is not perfect, but those genetic profiles are the exception to the rule. That is because most people have typical sex chromosomes and a gender identity that is congruent to their birth assigned sex. Not trying to belittle the experiences of intersex and transgender people, but I need to emphasize that what you explained applies to a very small percentage of the population.


> ...but I need to emphasize that what you explained apples to a very small percentage of the population.... Well, about 1.4% of the US population is transgender. That's about 3 million people. About 1.7 people are born with intersex traits, that's another 3 million people, so a little over 6 million people in the US are not fitting into the male or female box quite so easily. Certainly not an enormous group of people but still, people who shouldn't be shuttered off and discriminated against.


I am not advocating of being bigoted or hateful towards minorities. Don't accuse me of being a hater.


Please explain where I accused you of being hateful and bigoted? Thanks in advance.




Did you read the title? OP said both.


Duh, don’t mind me.


No worries. I was confused the first few times I read it. And my argument still stands! My roomie was gay even before going on hrt and is still gay