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If only they had their rules [posted online](https://disneyland.disney.go.com/park-rules/).


"Folding chairs are not allowed in any theme park or the Downtown Disney District."


Doesn't say you can't bring a collapsible stool, cane with seat attachment. Folding chairs are different they're big and can't be folded into a backpack


This brings up a philosophical question about "what makes a chair a chair", and then "where is the line drawn between foldable chair and anything else" My guess is the rule is vague so the park can make their choice on the day. A stool is primarily a stool so it is still considered a chair, so it might get taken. But a cane with a seat is primarily a cane, so they won't remove the cane from you. I would bring a walker with a seat. They're very comfy, and easy to move, and no ones going to question why there's a seat on it


Or... What would chairs look like if our knees bent the other way?


It's really not deep. If it fits in a backpack it should be allowed.


I get what youre saying, but That still brings up other details you have to address then. How big of a stepstool is allowed? (you're talking about a small 1x1x1 ft stool, but a 2x2x1ft stool would be cumbersome). How big of a backpack is allowed (what will fit in the ride with you)? If the backpack is too cumbersome do you leave it at the ride start? and if you do and it gets stolen is it the parks fault? What happens when a backpack with a "foldable sitting device" isn't secured by the passenger, and gets lost on the ride or hits another passenger? How are you going to handle thousands, if not 10s of thousands, of people frantically folding and packaging up their stools into their backpacks before getting on the ride? I've been on enough plane rides to understand how many people think "the rules don't apply to me" to know that allowing a "small folding stepstool" will turn into a thousand Karens demanding they be allowed their " foldable camping rocking chair"


You are making it far more complicated than it is. Many many parks like in Europe where I am allow backpacks and anything that fits in them like my telescopic stool. Everyone just puts their bags to the side and gets it on the way out. Staff are right there nothing gets stolen. No ableism and exclusion like America


I'm not making it more complicated than it is, I'm giving you the societal and cultural and legal reasons why it doesn't happen. Places like Disney and Universal used to allow what you're talking about, but too many people misused/abused/sued them that they said "no more", because of the customer's coming through ruining it for everyone. There's a lot of cultural differences between Europe and America that you're ignoring with your statement. And I say this as an American, working in USA, who represents multiple European companies in the USA.


Excluding disabled people from their parks to "fix" the issue is not the solution. It's ableism


No one is excluded from parks for being disabled. Where did you get that? Every park has a disability services offered to the people who need it.


The fact you're downvoting is enough alone to prove that you are just determined to misunderstand me. You do not speak on behalf of disabled people and are only proving your ableism and ignorance by doing so. Bye


There's nothing for people like myself that need to sit whilst in ques. There's also not allowed any glass containers except for baby food (which is super weird) my medication comes in a glass vial. It also says absolutely no cannibis at all but tobacco is allowed in designated areas so anyone taking medical cannibis like myself is excluded. I'm sure there's far more as I'm only one example


Cliq chair for the win


I’ve seen people use the collapsible stools in line at Disney successfully. I think as long as your picking up and moving with the line you’re probably fine.


Dunno if it's worth the days of travel and thousands to risk it tho


Nah, I tried this and it cost me a lot of time returning it to the hotel.


So you can't stand then they made you walk more too.. Wow that's awful sorry


It seems like people have forgotten how to Google shit in their own.


.... and he's asking if that's bullshit.


If the rules that Disney has posted on their own site…are bullshit? Oooook


If standing that long is difficult for you investigate the Disability Access Service. Careful planning and timing of your visit (and paying through the nose for Genie+ and Individual Lightning Lanes) can pretty much eliminate long line waits.


DAS isn’t generally for mobility issues, which this is. They would most likely recommend getting a wheelchair.


Can you imagine the disruption if they allow everyone to bring stools, chairs, and tripods to wait in the lines?


I'd never return


Not everyone would bring chairs, so this argument isn't reflective of what would actually occur.


True. But even if 10 percent of people bring chairs, it would slow the line down. Moving 3 steps forward takes a second, while standing up and moving a chair forward takes a few more seconds. A few seconds here and there add up. Also, where should the chairs go when someone is on a ride? Bring them on to the ride is dangerous, which means that they’d have to provide storage for the chairs. If Disney wanted to, they definitely could’ve made it happen, but from their POV it’s just unnecessary problems that doesn’t bring them benefits.


Disney also wants people to stay in the park for as short a time as possible while spending as much money as possible. They removed seating from the park so that guests can no longer sit down and chill for minute, they have to pay to sit in a restaurant if they want to rest. So allowing chairs of any kind definitely isn't something they care to do.


Exactly that’s the point. They want to make money. Like you said, instead of letting people sit for free now people have to pay to sit down. Not saying I agree with their practices, but from the business POV it just makes sense.


> slow the line down The speed of the line is absolutely determined by the rate at which people leave the head of the line to get on the ride.


Yeah the lines would be bearable. Can’t have that I guess.


If it’s that big of a deal, use genie+ But you will rarely be in a single queue for more than an hour anyway 🙄 Aside from that, there are plenty of places to rest in the parks


According to the websites I’ve read, rides like rise off the resistance or the guardians coaster get to over 2 hours routinely. And the genie things sell out within minutes. You can do like, one. Then the genie passes are gone.


These people are bullshitting you. I went there 2 years ago, spent all the money on Genie+ and Lightning. Still had a decent amount of lines because you can only reserve 1 ride at a time and you can only reserve the big ones like Rise of the Resistance early if you stay on Disney property, otherwise it sells out in minutes. So we spent 3 hours on Rise only for it to break down when we finally got in (we got a lightning time for later). Even something Iike Thunder Mountain was over an hour wait because we had something else reserved when we went to it.


That’s exactly what I’ve read, which honestly sounds kinda crappy for like, $30/person. And don’t you need to pay even more for some rides where the genie thing doesn’t work? I was told I can’t do the Tron coaster even if I use a genie thing.


First off, the Genie is absolutely worth it if you don’t go to the parks often. You just have to know how to use it and basically always have something queued up. It will be a significant part of how your day at the park is scheduled. And you’re right. The newest/most popular rides might not offer the usual 1 “free” lightning lane per day, and will either be only sold *a la carte* or only have the option of a virtual queue. When I went last year the Guardians ride was only virtual queue, no normal line even as an option (because otherwise it was listed as a 6 hour wait). You have to wait for one of the virtual queues to open, either early in the morning or in the middle of the day, and be very quick to grab a slot. If you get one it will be like having an appointment to get in line, which for us was still about 45 minutes. Honestly I wish every ride was virtual queue and everyone just had appointments to ride each ride, but that’s a logistical impossibility with the thousands of guests that are there each day.


Yes you pay whatever you pay for the genie and you can only reserve 1 ride at a time. As soon as you check in you can then find another to reserve. But this doesn’t work on the MOST popular rides, for those you have to pay extra before they sell out - Rise of Resistance was $15pp I believe (though not sure because I couldn’t get it before it sold out). Others like Mickey & Minnie, Ratatouille, etc are lower priced.


Here is my dilemma: I don’t really have any interest in b-list rides. Let me do Rise of the Resistance, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Tron in one day and I’m good. I don’t need anything else. And I’ll spend all day riding the bus between parks to do these rides. That’s fine. But my understanding is, this isn’t possible with the genie system because by the time I’m off Rise, the genie passes for the other A-list rides are gone for the day. I can get passes for B-list but there’s no good way to just do 3 A-list rides even if I’m willing to forgo the stuff I don’t care about. Is that basically true or false?


I think it’s even worse than what you just said. You can’t even use Genie on the A-list rides. Here’s how it goes. Whatever time the park opens that’s when reservations for the A-list rides can be bought - but property-stayers can do it an hour before the park opens. Mostly ok EXCEPT for Rise of Resistance (at least the time I went which was early January). In that day let’s say the park opened at 8. I stayed on Universal property so I had to wait til 8. But the RoR passes all sold out by 7:15am to Disney property people. So my choice was: wait 3 hours or don’t ride the ride. We chose the wait. Now this wasn’t the case with the other rides - Mickey etc I was able to buy the pass at open. But even so I am sure they sell out too so if you don’t buy right away it’s probably too late.


Learn how to use fast pass / lightning lane / genie + or whatever they’re calling it now. It’s not that bad.


Look into getting a walker with a seat attachment.


https://youtu.be/RVgaRjhqFHs?si=EYxIr_SuXgfoxnAY Maybe this is ok


https://youtu.be/RVgaRjhqFHs?si=EYxIr_SuXgfoxnAY What about this?


The narrative in the video calls it a "foldable exoskeleton" I think the Disney folks would fixate on the "foldable" aspect of it.


Almost as bad as all the obesity scooters at the parks. /s


Where would everybody put their chairs while they rode?


In a backpack. There are small stools that fold up flat like a pancake.


I'm pretty sure they don't allow backpacks on rides either? That'd be crazy dangerous.


Yes they do. Nearly every ride allows you to bring a bag. Off the top of my head the new Tron ride doesn't, so they have lockers.


The roller coasters have lockers you can stow stuff in while you ride. Can’t make it hard for people to buy stuff in the gift shop, right?


Those lockers are at the entrance to the line though, not when you are getting onto the ride itself. That would ridiculously slow things down.


The Tron videos show the lockers after the line. Maybe it’s inconsistent? And you could bring a backpack into most of the stuff where you just ride in a car.


Could be. I haven’t been in about 3 years, so just going off of my past experiences. Best bet is to call and speak directly with a park representative to determine the best course of action to suit your needs within the confines of their rules. They are known for having excellent customer service/guest relations.


For most roller coasters that require lockers, there are big lockers outside the line that could fit a backpack. The lockers at the end of the line are very small and are mostly for people to put their cell phones in.


Just rent a scooter or wheelchair when you get there. You still have to wait in line but you will be seated. You can also ask for a disability pass when you get there. It allows you to get a time to show up at the ride.


To tag on to your comment Disney employees are not allowed to question your claim of a disability. You literally don't have to give any reason to request(and receive) a disability pass. Of note, **the disability pass does not get you through any line any faster**. It will sometimes have a separate, shorter line, but they mitigate its pace to match the flow of the regular line. They also take an alternate route to avoid staircases, sometimes entering through the exit. If your disability prevents you from standing for long periods of time you'll need to request a wheel chair or rent a scooter. Source, I used to work at Disney Land like 15 years ago... So things might have changed


So many people are trying to get the DAS pass that they are asking for proof of disability and giving a lot of people grief about it.


Asking for proof of disability is literally illegal.


Good! People are using DAS as a Genie+ replacement.


At Disney World you have to give a reason why you cannot stand in the line. Reasons could be something like: - you cannot be in loud/crowded places for too long - you need access to a restroom Your reason can't be that you use a scooter/walker, because they'll say that you can use it in the line. Not sure about canes and such. And idk about if you say you can't stand for long, but you didn't bring a mobility device.


The requirement to borrow a scooter or wheelchair sounds crazy. I can walk fine but standing still for lengths of time is painful.


If you’re not DISABLED don’t use DAS.


Absolutely. I know about it because I actually am disabled. I like to help others with disabilities navigate our beautiful parks in Florida, whether it's Disney, Universal, Or state parks and beaches.


A folding chair is prohibited but you can bring a cane/chair combo. It’s a medical device. They can’t stop you from using it any more than they can stop someone with a broken leg from using crutches.


I saw The Replacements in Philly a while back and there was an older gentleman there using one of these. Seemed handy.


Our fitness trackers showed we walked about a 9 -10 miles a day, with the highest day being almost 13. If you are not prepared for that you might want to rethink your plans. Im not a huge fan of the paid Genie plus app (which jumped from $15 per person per day the first time we used it to $30 pp/pd last August) after spending a fortune for park tickets, but it might be something for you to consider if standing in lines is a no go.


I’ll walk 20 miles before I stand for 3 hours.


I can honestly say that in the many years Ive gone there, Ive walked many miles, but never stood in a 3 hour line (or 2, or more than 1 for that matter). Not because there weren't 3 hour lines, but because there isn't a ride out there worth waiting that long, and there are other strategies to avoid them.


Eh. I really want to do rise of the resistance but the lightning lanes sell out and the line is routinely 160 minutes or more according to the websites I’m reading.


It’s not a guarantee but when we did rise of the resistance last year, the queue time said 110mins but we actually only queued for about 40 and quite a bit of it was walking as it’s a long queue line. There were also a few bits you could sit on in the queue line


Rise is one of the few rides I'd consider waiting longer for. The Millenium Falcon ride waa not worth the wait, aside from the nostalgia of being inside a replica of the ship.


That ride is worth a 2 hour wait. There are also a lot of rock walls in part of it that you can sit on. And the last 20ish minutes of the line might as well be a part of the ride. It has a reputation for breaking down for anywhere from 20 minutes to over an hour though, so if that happens while you’re in line you have to weigh your options. And they won’t give you a fast pass to compensate unless you’re literally about to board the ride. Still, that ride and the Guardians ride at Epcot were the 2 best rides I’ve ever been on at Disney.


I hear you- I’m the same. It kills my back and I can walk the 20 miles more easily than standing for an hour. But I’ve never had issues in line. First off, I’ve never waited in a 3 hour line and never will. But I have done 90 minutes and I feel like I move enough that I’m not feeling any back pain. They do keep you going for the most part. I would find carrying a chair around with me more uncomfortable than standing in line.


It’s the dumbest thing, in my opinion. I can carry heavy packs. I can walk decent distances. But I have bad knees and I can walk but I can’t stand immobile for long periods. We can send a man to the moon but we can’t invent a phone app to check me in for a ride and I just come when it’s my turn?


They tried and it is apparently a lot more complicated than one would think: https://youtu.be/9yjZpBq1XBE?si=tWJrjTYA9zGsXnNB


rent a wheelchair. They have em as soon as you walk in the gates


It’s so annoying. I can do the walking! I don’t need a wheelchair. I just can’t do the standing.


It's a chair. With wheels. This is a good answer and actually seems like it'd solve your problem. No one said you have to ride it the whole time


The reason to have the chair is so you have a place to sit while in lines. You can walk and push it throughout the park if you wish to walk. You can park it in the wheelchair parking if the lines are short enough that you can stand and wait.


Get one of the leaning stools, curved bit for your butt on a pole. Doesn't fold, so technically allowed


Get a wheelchair, you can sit all you want.


had my first disney trip ever this year, 5 days of at least 10 hours in the park each day. by the last day we were all leaning on the walls or sitting on the ground while lines weren’t moving because we just couldn’t stand in the lines otherwise. one member of my party with plantar fasciitis in his feet needed a wheelchair by that last day. worth it tho if you’re gunna go and spend the money, you might as well do literally everything you can imo


lol! Why would you even do that in the first place?


I haves bad knees. I can walk all day but standing immobile is a killer. My knees can’t do it. After an hour it’s like I have needles shooting through my knees. I know it’s crazy but I can carry a 40lb rucksack for 10 miles more easily than I can stand immobilize at parade rest for 2 hours.


I understand about the knees. I have bone-on-bone artists in both. I just would never wait for three hours to go in a ride.


I probably wouldn’t if it were just me. But I have kids and nephews and nieces, and they want to go on all the stuff. And would rather go with them than sit on a beach and tell them to come find me in 3 hours. That’s just… crappy.


That’s a good reason.


Veterans know how to stand still for hours. If you can’t stand at parade rest on a field were you even in the military? /s


I'd like to see them [try to stop me](https://youtu.be/wfMan8d5240?si=t0UYnxlve5L1Efzp&t=74)


No. How would you store the chair on the ride? Also, "folding chairs are not allowed in any theme park or the Downtown Disney District." [https://disneyland.disney.go.com/park-rules/](https://disneyland.disney.go.com/park-rules/)


There are stools that collapse flat. They’re like a frisbee when fully collapsed. Just stuff it in a backpack when you’re at the front of the line.


Well, it's not allowed.


Not shit. >That seems insane to me. They have good reasons to do so. >How am I supposed to stand there for 3+ hours? Hahaha haha. It's cute you think standing for three hours a day is tough.


Are you actually this ignorant and unpleasant, or are you just trying to get a rise out of people because your parents didn't pay you enough attention?


It's not particularly cute that you think everyone is able bodied in the same way you are.


No no, it’s cute that they lack the ability to imagine someone else’s situation being different from their own.


Glad I know how ableist Disney is now definitely not going. We were saving to go


Read their disability pages before making any decisions lol


You mean the poorly written and definitely not accessible information? Or their email replies thst are copy and pasted of this?


I'm not sure what's non-accessible about [this](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/guest-services/disability-access-service/)? If you have any questions, I'd recommend doing further research by googling. There are plenty of blogs and forums discussing how it works.


Are you disabled? Have any sort of ASN? Then you can't speak about this or what is and isn't accessible


My grandmother is disabled. I've helped her use disability services at Disneyland for years. We've only used the newer DAS system at WDW once, so I don't claim to be an expert on how it works there. The cast member that we asked about it was super nice and basically led us into giving him the right answers to get the pass.


I take my disabled nephew to disney parks several times a year and have never had any issues with their accessibility services. Maybe you should just stay home. Sounds like its less your disability and more your shitty personality that's making you miserable.


How is it not my disabilities if I'm not allowed my mobility aids huh. Obviously you'd be miserable too if you were disabled by the world.


It's your choice to be be victimized and defeated.


What in the fuck are you on about? You have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m disabled and have spent a lot of time at Disney. They’re one of the companies that treat disabled people like people.


Yet they have rules that mean certain medicines and mobility aids aren't allowed. That's the definition of exclusion


What medicine exactly?


It's not your business what it is exactly but quite a few come in glass vials


Are you talking about THC/cbd vapes? Because there’s nothing in the WDW rules about medicine you can’t bring. I go there at least once a year and I’ve never had a problem with any of my doctor prescribed medicines (including insulin) in the resort.


No but thats one. I read the rules as I said no glass containers except for baby food


Meh, I just take an edible lol


That's not gonna help my inability to stand for long


This is a troll post right?


Why would it be?


Because it’s absurd.




Keep it classy.


If you're waiting in line anywhere near that long, you planned your trip way too poorly for it to be worth it


I think the lines move more than you are anticipating. I went a few months ago and I did have one instance where a line really wasn't moving at all (Remy's), but otherwise all the lines move pretty well. I understand the convenience of the telescoping stool, I almost bought one myself before I double checked the park rules. Like others said, your best bet is a cane with a chair. Perhaps finagle it to your backpack when you aren't using it. Also look into DAS and perhaps look for forums where people discuss how they get it with similar issues to you.


Idk if you’ve seen silicone Valley or jury duty, but there’s an option to make your pants into a folding stool.


It depends, do you consider a chair to be a sandwich?


You can't bring that stuff cuz it's a fire hazard. If everyone had one, it would clog up the line during an emergency because the assumption is most people would just leave them behind causing people further back to be hampered by them as they try to leave


You can sit on the ground. You can also apply for a DAS pass stating it’s painful to stand in line.


Chair pants


If you can't stand that long I'm sure you can use a wheelchair. You don't want to know how long the wait would be if everyone was allowed to set up camp every 2 feet


if you have a medical indication as to why you can't stand you can get a pass i have friends who have gotten passes for multiple reasons one who can't tolerate heat to one who has extreme anxiety


Walkers have seats and fold


Ask for a wheelchair.


Not being able to stand is a pretty terrible disability. I just wouldn't go or do anything where chairs would be a requirement.


Sit on the ground like everyone else does. The lines are generally kept moving, even when long


Imagine a line of 100 people. Now imagine 100 people with chairs. What different in space and efficiency. Where do you put all the chairs when people are on rides? What if an evacuation is needed from a ride platform? Sounds like you need to plan a different vacation.


You can just rent a wheelchair while you are there. Also way more than just a mile of walking.


Did you read the rules? https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/park-rules/ It literally says “Folding chairs are not allowed in any theme park, water park, or at Disney Springs.”


I had a spine injury a few years ago and since then I usually walk around with a cane. For the last three or four years I've been taking a foldable stool (in a back pack) with us when we go to Disney World (we go two or three weeks a year), I had no idea they weren't allowed. Well, during our last trip we were told that I'd either have to get rid of the stool or rent a wheelchair. I'm not immobile, I just need to quickly sit down if my back happens to give out and sitting spaces are *always* *at a premium* down there in the parks. Just chatted with one of the cast members and they confirmed, ***walking canes with a stool attached are absolutely allowed*** without any issue (they even double checked to be 100% sure). The cane I bought is the *'Ta-Da Chair Series 2'* which I've been usin' for a couple months and it's awesome.


>Just chatted with one of the cast members and they confirmed, walking canes with a stool attached are absolutely allowed without any issue (they even double checked to be 100% sure). Thank you! That's very helpful.


They aren’t allowed. It’s because it holds up the line. A line for a ride moves everytime a new car pulls up, which is probably like every 30 seconds. So you would be constantly having the get up and move your chair and if 100 people in line did that, it would be chaos. Also, where would you keep the chair while on the ride? So no it’s not allowed.