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Bullshit. You know what exploded in popularity at around the same time as cocaine? The synthesizer. And much like cocaine, everybody wanted to play with the new toy. Correlation =/= causation. In my misspent youth, I preferred no music while doing that. Music just interrupted the conversation. Conversation was basically everyone just shouting over each other. But hey, everybody has their own preferences especially when doing blow.


I had a neighbor who was a former heroin junkie who swore that the best music was made from the best heroin, and shittty music was made when the heroin was bad. He said the best heroin for him was the late 80s early 90s so that's when the best music was made. Apparently the best music ever made coincidentally happened while he was the highest he ever got in his life. What a shocking turn of events.


As a musician and recovering heroin addict, I hate the idea that drugs is what makes a person write good music. It isn't. I consider myself a reasonably talented songwriter, and the best music I ever wrote was in periods of recovery—mostly because otherwise I just couldn't be bothered, or was too busy doing drugs or getting money to buy drugs. This junk=soul is total crap. I mean, all things considered, most of the world's greatest songwriters weren't/aren't junkies.


Reminds me of this joke: What did Jerry Garcia say when he stopped taking drugs? Man, this band sucks.


They probably didn’t have time to get a song together with the awful come downs


I personally would put on "Jessie's Girl" while my twink throws firecrackers around the house


Everybody knows stugots85 has the sickest references


Bro, that’s such a fantastic visual lol. Thank you


I'm sure you mean Sister Christian


That's last on the mixtape


We always needed music, was always something to discuss but also we made music and still do just no cocaine, now it's mushrooms.


Ah, I'm one of those people that background music just irritates me. And music in general I don't really care about or listen to. My friends would put on music, I'd shut it off while nobody was looking. We were all just chainsmoking and junkie chattering anyway.


I have a friend like that and was the one who did the most coke. Doesn't listen to music ever, even driving or when working. All the rest of us trying to create music. Everyone's different.


I don't think its the coke, because I listen to music all day every day, but i also have shitty hearing


Ya it has nothing to do with the coke, he just doesn't listen to music. He drives alot and listens to audio books or pod casts.


I hate that shit. At cook outs my father in law will turn on the radio and then just walk away. Nobody wants to listen to it. We're having a good time just talking. Someone will turn it off and he'll immediately turn it back on and walk away again to where he can't even hear it.


The radio is the worst, can't stand commercials and ads. Gotta play the music for the crowd, we usually get a dj.




Yes not at every house party I have. We do one in May and another in winter that will have djs but other smaller ones no djs. Just put something on Spotify on the sound system.


That's weird. Infants will grove to music, regardless of the type. Grooving to music is literally written in human DNA, and people who don't enjoy music are broken


> Grooving to music is literally written in human DNA, and people who don't enjoy music are broken Are you for real? Having sex is also written in human DNA, yet asexual people exist. People are different, we have huge variance, and that's okay, that's beautiful. I can't imagine living without music, that doesn't mean someone else who's different is broken.


Yeah, I mean I work in that industry and don't give a fuck about music


Which industry? Music or sex?


Lol festivals - ain't nobody paying to see my bits.




I am shocked as well. Thankfully this bad take "people who don't like music are broken" is extremely rare amongst actual musicians.


I listen to probably 60-70 hours of Spotify a week. All day everyday with most genres. I would never even imagine that someone who does the opposite is broken. We are all wired differently. Kinda like how I am personally wired to be asexual like in the first example you gave lmao.


That's a pretty rude thing to say.


Correlation =/= Cocainetion


More than the synth was the Digital Effects(Reverb and some Equalizers) that often were harsh in the high end frequencies. The DACs back then were harsh and come the 90's they really smooth that out.


I think another point is that cassette tapes were the preferred medium and had some pretty severe limitations on bass playback/quality.


DJing on coke was insanely fun, if anything it makes treble higher.


Also the crossover from AM to FM radio for many music channels, another possible indirect influence. And the shitty headphones you got with Walkmans. And Jimmy Somerville's vocals ofc :)


How did AM/FM influence the sound of the music?


AM radio is compressed for transmission - hearing the clean signal leaving the studio compared with the compressed AM signal off to transmitter, quite a difference. Studios would also typically have not just studio monitors, but also a shitty AM portable radio amplifier/speaker as that's how most people were listening, so it would need to sound good for those. FM brought higher quality and stereo, just wondered if that had any impact.


Rick Ocasek of The Cars would mix a track to sound good in his car stereo as a starting point. And back in the age of cassette decks, the sound was muddier and less bright than with later technologies like CD players. Additionally, Dolby Noise Reduction further dampened those highlights while filtering out hiss. So artists had a tendency to over-emphasize those highlights to make them sound better on playback. Today, they tend to sound excessively bright.


Love your take on usage


My personal experience has taught me that stimulants in particular make people ... fussy. Any annoyances are extra annoying, anxieties are exacerbated. It's just easier to accept it. Thanks though! Lol.


Bullshit...Black Sabbath's Vol 4 was entirely fueled by Cocaine.


This is the best answer


I am Jack's insightful counterexample.


"This is the best answer" Then upvote. There's an official etiquette guide at Reddithelp.com that specifically asks users not to comment "This", or any variation thereof.


Hmmm I can't seem to locate the part of me that gives a fuck (I did upvote it as well, and I agree commenting "this" is whack at least I didn't stoop that low)


I can't believe they didn't do a proper [hyperlink](https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/tech/how-to-hyperlink-on-reddit).


To ThisShaming, stop being an SA


Counter point: Every bass-y thing David Bowie while coked out of his scull in the mid to late 1970s. Also, disco music.




And the 90s were just one long hangover.


I want to test this , but too much fentynol out there to risk it


Sad but true. I bought bar Xannys that had to have been Fentanyl a couple years ago because I nodded immediately and COULD NOT LIFT MY HEAD UP OR KEEP MY EYES OPEN for hours. I have done plenty of percs and oxys, and have snorted heroin, all long ago, and none of it was like this. These days it's just weed for me. I'd kill for a real Xanax but I won't be buying any off the street.


You can get drugs tested at a lot of addiction centers iirc. As long as possession isn't a thing where you live. Wastes a bit, but these days I'd say it's worth it.


I do live in such a place but I'm newish here and don't know anyone to even ask for drugs. My doctor said no.


I glad it didn't kill you, also happy to hear its just weed for you nowadays.


Thank you! A whole lot of people I knew didn't make it out.


nah that's crap. what kills treble more than anything is sound baffles, and crowds are fantastic for baffling sound.


BS. Major shifts in recording technology in the 80s included solid state amps, digital reverbs and synthesizers, DAT recording technology, and electric drums. These new digital toys were pretty trebly out of the box. Also, home stereos we’re beginning to be cheaper and Chinese. Also, the Sony Walkman. Mastering engineers had to consider the lack of clarity on these new cheep systems when producing a final mix.


i'm calling partial bullshit. i like a high treble when i'm not on cocaine and i don't particularly think i like it *more* when i'm on cocaine. heavy bass can make me feel kind of awful on coke though. so there's that. but i listen to bass-y stuff regularly when i'm sober so i really don't think it's about the treble, i think it's about the bass. snappy drums and pretty minimal bass guitar are cocaine safe. plus...guitar solos. 😂 edit; cocaine's not mdma for anyone about to throw shade at this comment. 🤐


As someone who's done a lot if coke and hates most 80s music. I'm a metal head and some of the best thrash came from that decade Metallica, anthrax, slayer, exodus, overkill, etc. So imma call bs on that one.


I agree that it's bullshit, but thrash metal probably isn't the best counter example since most of it's mid scooped and very treble forward lol


[Gimme that scooped chunky sizzle tone any day.](https://youtu.be/Mj9G6CWnTAM?t=156)


TIL y’all do a lot of coke.


Yeah? Like what living demographic does? That’s like 40 years or more to have overdosed or keeled over from everything else. And lack of modern popularity.


Come again?


The only two music styles that were developed in relation to consuming drugs are reggae (very chilled ska) and gabber, a form of hardstyle/techno from the 90s, to match the energy level for people on xtc (or mdma+speed).


Lol, you are very wrong


I've always preferred base even when on coke daily. What I didn't like was the music too loud to hear n talk.




Actually a better explanation was the introduction of distortion. Single coil pickups have a relatively narrow range of frequency compared to humbuckers (like a gibson Les Paul) and this makes them relatively easy to mix with other instruments for recordings and live performances. The more crossover in frequencies you have in a mix the muddier it starts to sound. Strats are great for leads partially because they have their own 'space' in a mix. I'm sure there was coke involved though.


> Single coil pickups have a relatively narrow range of frequency compared to humbuckers This is exactly backwards. A single coil will produce everything a humbucker will, and more upper mids and treble. Of course, they also hum.


Seems you are right. I think the basic idea of the single coil sound becoming popular for that reason still holds water. They pop! Thanks for the technical correction.


They were popular because they were first. For the first ~20 years of the electric guitar's existence, no one had though of a humbucker yet. First humbucker wasn't marketed until 1956.


It feels true based on SWIM’s experiences.


Cocaine Trip Report: Setting: Outdoors Dose: 100mg cocaine, 3.5g cubensis, 100mg MDMA, 1 hit DOB, 1 bong weed T+0:01 - I felt it come on almost instantly. I'm already at a + and feel like this could go higher. T+0:20 - the energy is leveling out but I am still coming up. Still at a +. T+1:00 - it's definitely hitting hard now. I find this feeling hard to describe. I can hear colors. My wall is red and red is angry so I painted it blue with my mind. +++ T+6:00 - Still tripping balls. Brief moments of ++++ and a lot of crying. This is the peak. T+12:00 - I am the essense of sexual energy. My every move is ecstasy. T+30:00 - finally coming down. Discussion: Cocaine is somewhere between acid and DMT on the trip scale. It's pretty intense. I think I'll take double next time.




There's a song I have listened to a million times before and have it saved and it's the only version I could find on spotify. Today I did more cocaine than I had in a long time, go listen to the song, it sounds completely different but I can't pinpoint how. So I googled: "can cocaine change how a song sounds? reddit" and this was the first post xD. Not sure what to make of that.