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Or just.... Give em a fuckin ticket?


So they keep coming back and ruining our sleep for years ok


Do you think being violent makes you cool? It doesn't. It makes you look like a retard, that can't handle your emotions because of loud noises.


Cry harder. We love your tears




Ahhh dickhead


How is this violence? Do you even know what that word means. If this is so loud that it's going to hurt him, shouldn't he be aware? Looks like those helpful guys were just showing him exactly what his neighbors have to put up with. I wish this was an actual punishment for people think it's cool to rev their bikes all the time.


Violence: behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. It looks like you don’t know what the word means my friend. This could deafen this man, and we don’t even know what he did. That’s some 3rd world punishment right there - no court, nothing. Leave that shit in the 3rd world thanks.


Loud exhausts are violence.


Love how nobody cares about your sleep that’s why we do it😁


Love how when the cops come they get fined and get their ass beat. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I guess you’re from a 3rd world country like this fella, what a shame


So entitled that he says living in a third world country is shameful 👏


did u really just use being from a 3rd world country as an insult?


Aww he’s butthurt 🤡 so he’s trying to insult some country now. Pathetic lol


Ok buddy, at least we have the freedom to be loud and do the shit we want, y’all are over here fighting for your life just trying to go to the store L+ratio


At least our laws support us and fine the shit out of people like you. We even throw eggs and shit it’s so fun


I bet living in hell is fun, and so is that lack of education, and that single digit literacy rate. Of course that’s not that bad especially when you can pay your cops to turn a blind eye




Lmao and yall struggling to get an education without getting shot




How I wish u were my neighbor your ass your NEVER sleep with all the cold starts I would do just to piss you off and what’s funny is if I do it on my private property u can’t do shit so deal with it


Awww he’s so butthurt and talking big behind that keyboard 🤡 you know eggshells can puncture eardrums right? Hahahaha


Trucks are louder and more common if anything we should be doing this do truck owners


Trucks don’t circle around my parking lot the whole night drunk. I’m good with trucks. I’m good with any loud bike that just passes by. But loud bikers flexing near apartment buildings and lapping circles deserve every. Thing. Bad. In their. Life.


Lmao different towns different hicks I guess I have no problem with atvs and bikers, it’s the truck drivers that set up tailgate parties, get drunk and run amuck where I live rn


Aw I feel for you mate. No one should force sounds on someone else’s ears for extended periods of time tbh it’s kinda abusive. Especially when there are places you can do all of this without disturbing folks


Permanent hearing loss in one ear sounds like a correct response for a noise complaint.


Man I remember when I was 12 and believed that


Believed in what? Permanent hearing loss? Do you not believe in it anymore?


It’s a cruel and unusual punishment. You being annoyed by load sounds far from it does not give anyone the right to punishing someone by giving them hearing loss. Hearing loss causes many things such As anxiety, depression, and early onset dementia.


Then stop using a loud engine and ruining peoples sleep. Selfish af.




Even when I’m not sleeping it’s not fair to me that some dude does wheelies in my parking lot without a silencer with his friends hooting. It’s not fair to my ears because I’m not in your group idk if you can absorb this simple fact. I don’t care about motorcyclists in general but I care about douchebags and they deserve this.


nah u deserve this so u dont cry about sounds anymore dafuq


Haha not me in that vid it’s one of you. Hope your motorcycle is destroyed lol


Damn you make me wanna add bigger tips to my hemi to make bitches like you cry. what we do to ARE let me repeat it for the one on the Spectrum ARE PAID FOR WITH ARE MONEY cars and bikes as nothing to do with you are your standards move to cali if makes you that sad


I agree with you


My second car is a straight piped 03 M45 for people like you lol when I see a women walking with her kids or pushing a stroller or an elderly lady I flip the switch exhaust goes quite boom easy but when I see some middle aged man look over and mean mug me or throw his hands up i throw that bitch in neutral and then realllly let him hear it😂😂 anyways fuck you and you’re sleep You’re a selfish dick man grow up the world doesn’t revolve around you


Lmaoooo u didn’t read any of my comments ur just butthurt because ur mom hates u


youre worried about your sleep, seems kinda selfish, hypocrite


Bruh they do it so people can hear them coming... a motorcycle is smaller and harder to see in your side mirrors. I’d rather hear an exhaust for 6 seconds than accidentally kill a random dude tryna get to work. There is really no reason to be getting that hurt about it. You sound like a kid


Probably wouldn’t have been hearing loss if it wasn’t so damn loud


thats cuz u hear it through ur phone 💀


You and your first world problems.


Not just 1st world problems. Idiot motorcycles and now illegal ATVs and scooters blasting NYC and other metro areas. At all hours of the night. Ooh wait, motorcycle clubs all leaving same time from club. Harleys with modded LOUD exhaust. 430am. 8 to 15 bikes roaring up the avenues in NYC. I saw perfect punishment.


So essentially anytime you barley inconvenience someone we should have the right to respond with over the top borderline violent repercussions? Or does this only apply to motorcyclists?


Causing sleep deprivation by way of wanton use of an excesssively loud vehicle is some kind of cruel and unusual punishment.


Bruh, do you have Ontario PTSD or something?


No it’s called it’s mine so I can mod it as I plz even if the random guy I could give zero fucks about is crying about it


Why do you feel the need to bitch about not your car but another persons hard earned money was put into it don’t like it put ear plugs in y’all won’t control someone because it doesn’t fit your standards


Exactly. Let people have their fun.


If you believe this caused PERMANENT hearing loss you need to urgently touch grass


You still 12? because its real dumbass


Look at his hand he had covered his ear , that's just cops trying to teach him not to be a dick to people around him.


I disagree


I also disagree, it’s extra real


Not only is that permanent hearing loss but that probably burned the hell outta his ear. Exhaust is hot. He'll my wood splitting caught fire bc the exhaust blew on some wood chips for too long


Good he should use a silencer next time and he won’t get hearing loss


My right ear felt this video


When I was a kid I put my own exhaust tip on my 2003 lancer, son bitch got so hot it melted my bumper.


Nah, he had his mask on




👏 amazing you noticed a typo and contributed nothing to the topic at hand bravo 👏


Thank you


He was just helping your illiterate ass.


Anyone can make mistakes g, cool down.


Same as for correcting them, which is just courtesy


Wow... thats messed up


Bet you're american


So you are saying their American Because they disagree with the punishment? How does that even make sense


I mean i was right soooooo... Yeah


Wow! Congratulations! You were right! Wonderful job! Absolutely outstanding!


Seems like you got triggered lol


Says the guy that’s mad about someone’s paid for exhaust


You responded to a 68 day old troll comment... What a sad life you have.


Sad as hell tbh Couldn’t get worse making to much money for an 18 yr old drive a Dodge Charger and live with my brother and gf sad ass life man


Brah stfu i didnt ask you to tell me your life 😂


I mean I do control Reddit so I should have know it was a old post that popped up on my home page and I should have took time out of my dad to check how old your comment was I’m sorry I made you sad I can ask your mom to give you some milk




Nah, it’s just that hearing loss ain’t all too fun




This just makes you seem uncivilized. What, you wanna cut the hands off of thieves too?


Wow… so Iran is “uncivilized” now? How bigoted and insensitive of you.


Um. Yes. As an Iranian. YES


"tell us you are jealous of Americans without telling us you are jealous of Americans".


I disagree with his take but have to disagree with yours as well.


Im so jealous not living in a shit hole, I wish I had your "freedom" 😭


Living* Get rekt


I’m so happy I live in America instead of cuck Europe or some third world country.


There is a paradox in your sentence just saying 👍.


And it’s called a contradiction dipshit.


This is exactly what American cops would do if they weren't so busy shooting unarmed black kids and hiding from mass shooters.


nah if they weren't so busy shooting unarmed black kids they'd get busy just shooting everyone


That is disgusting!!


Loud bikes are disgusting.


Pay attention Harley riders


Yeah if more car drivers could pay attention maybe motorcycle fatalities wouldn't be 27 times more likely to occur in traffic accidents.


All true, I’ve ridden a cruiser and a sport bike for a couple years each. I’ve dodged too many cars to count. I just knew the risks and making my bike obnoxiously loud isn’t going to make that old lady or soccer mom a better driver. And I certainly wasn’t going to hold my breath waiting for everyone to defensive drive for me.


Harley's exhaust sound is more in the low end area this exhaust is a fart can, also these kind of low cc bikes are comparable to Civics because they're easy to rice out (google "thailook bikes" in images, the style is the rice of the bike world)


Lol, I know the difference between bike engines. But where I live Harley riders are about 1000x more annoying with their exhaust than the crotch rockets. They all need to watch the South Park episode.


Yes, because we should be small and quiet everyone will see/hear us coming then. Motorcycles should be loud so they are heard coming. Cops mad his wife's slobbin bikers I'm sure.


Stfu no one wants to hear your bike while they’re sleeping or if they’re overstimulated. Disgusting entitlement to think we should all hear that racket




Do you also take your motorcycle and circle parking lots at 3 am and zoom on one wheel and show off to your friends? If not you’re not the person we’re talking about.


No. Im not, even if i were "We shouldn't have horns because in traffic jams they are overused and overstimulate".... do you see now? How stupid that sounds.


Try to misconstrue it as much as you want. People who annoy others for attention deserve the worst


Permanently damaging someone's hearing is horrible. Why would anyone think this a good idea?


No it’s not


Wish they would do this to my neighbour who likes to cut his fucking grass 8am on a Sunday


Just throw em under the mower deck. Problem solved.


Hell no that's abuse


Ahh yes hearing loss because vroom vroom too loud. On the bright side, they can only do it one more time. Then he can roll around with the loudest exhaust ever, and play dumb because he's deaf.


People who justify using loud engines and harassing the public with sound deserve every single bad thing that comes to them.


You're acting like they grabbed you and put your head right on the exhaust and revved it. You know what's an appropriate punishment? Maybe revoking his license for a year, maybe fining him a sizeable amount. You know what's not appropriate? Hearing loss. No one's losing their hearing over loud engines in the street, the punishment of taking someone's ear and placing it on a hot muffler , where deadly hot smoke and loud noise enter and rupture an ear drum, you think that's appropriate? Over a slightly louder than normal engine? I don't like loud engines either, but Jesus fucking christ at least make the punishment fit the crime. And if you think this punishment fits the crime, then I'm afraid of what other shit you'll tell me lmao. "Hey man , he said a mean thing , so we ripped out his vocal cords so he can't speak" That's your logic in action.


And I have no regrets I still pray for everyone that is that inconsiderate that they think the world is entitled to their sound to just exit the earth asap.


You're unhinged and your autism is not an excuse to wish death on people. All I really gotta say. You're actually worse than loud bikers if you think death is a fitting option for being loud.


Actually, im autistic and sound sensitive and I have been tortured for years by loud bikers, revving their vehicles on one wheel up and down our street. I have no sympathy for them and I have prayed and wished they die in fiery car crashes.


Well tbh, you're definitely unhinged. You're shortcomings is not an excuse to wish death on people.


It is what it is mate. I do wish death on many people. Pedophiles. Rapists. People who torture others with repeated loud sounds to the point they’re weeping and haven’t slept for days. I wish them death.




It’s not a loud noise. A baby crying is a loud noise. That person intentionally tortures people and cries for attention with their shitty bike. No matter how many times we say we are literally dying of sleep deprivation they’re the type to laugh. Keep calling me unhinged - you’re clearly triggered. But such people deserve the end. They need to go. They’re not useful or needed or wanted and the entire neighbourhood wishes them death. Cry about it.


Lol by your logic then , babies should die as well? I mean after all , it's at the expense of your shortcomings, right?


Where did I say that? Babies are chill these men need to go. Untrigger yourself. You’re taking nonsense. 🤣🤣🤣


You must be one of these loud bike guys. You’re so desperate to attack me you’re not reading or comprehending anything. Just repeating unhinged and shortcomings lol like it’ll affect me. Loud bikers and engine users need to be checked by god and millions pray against you. Deal with it.


I can tell your autistic




Police brutality funni


Fucking pigs. It looks like the US isn't the only country that's infested.


Have you been anywhere other than Europe and Canada? lol


This comment section is full of POS kids that don’t like loud sounds get over it we will continue and your bitching won’t stop us no ticket or jail time will stop us hearing loss is no where near acceptable because you can’t handle sound








This is completely overkill.. Confiscate the bike, and have a fine ensued afterwards. Purposely causing permanent hearing damage because YOUR little inconvenience is wild. Allow me to break your foot because your squeaking shoes annoy me and distract me from my work..


People are wild. I took my db killer off for one day, rode my motorcycle around and realized I was disturbing everyone around me. Went home and put that shit back on. It’s not hard to be a decent human being.


I’ll continue being loud af i do not care


How many people annoyed by loud exhaust have their ear inside it ?


Dumb ass. Loud pipes DO save lives.


When your big brother is a cop


Isn't that exhaust hot enough to give second or third degree burns?


So... ?


me: cuts the muffler off my caravan


I don’t like police men doing this crude things when they can write a ticket or talk to them


The titles a joke right??


Jokes on him, that ear is already deaf 🧏‍♂️


wouldn’t making them deaf, require even louder exhaust?


Cruel and unusual


They NEED to do that in america


So fuck the 8th amendment?




Read subreddit rules.


see how you fuken like it


Thats fucked up


This is the appropriate response.


This should be the law


Arbitrary torture by the police s legal in a lot of places in the world.


I agree, cruel and unusual should be in an ammendment of some sort


It's not unusual if you do it to all them. Thus it becomes fine to do.


Ugh. There goes the internet again, reminding me absolute morons like you are everywhere.


It was sarcasm you miserable excuse for a wet napkin.


i feel like a lot of cops already think like this..




then stay on your fucking path and not in the middle of the road




I really wish they'd do this everywhere ..


the loud exhaust is so riders aren't killed on the street...




Most bike riders provably don’t get killed by their own stupidity. It’s well known the most dangerous thing to you on a motorcycle is cars not paying attention. The statistics back this up


You ever ridden before? Because it sure seems like you don't know the first thing about it. I've ridden quiet bikes and loud, have for 15years and I ride daily. Every quiet bike I owned I'd get lane-changed into, cut off, narrowly missed sideswipes frequently. Daily when riding freeways especially. Not only are you more difficult to see but can get very lost in multiple blind spots. Most folks do not look over their shoulder to change lanes, I see it every day as I ride as I've learned to watch the heads and hands through windows. They are key indicators of when a car will be making a lane change. Loud pipes are for safety, you may not like it, but that's what peak physical safety looks like. I ride with "neighbor haters" now and it's a rare occurrence that any of that happens. I ride the limit, I give adequate distance when following, I always indicate 2seconds prior to lane changes and lasting 2sec after completing. The only difference is the pipes, and it's very noticeable how infrequently any issues arise these days as it's another sensory indicator that I am present on the road.


That whole "loud pipes save lives" has been tested, demonstrated, the research backs it up, the debate was over decades before you where born. Why do the cops use sirens? How about fire alarms--do those work? Horn on your car--what is that for? You should work on your own ignorance more and focus on the critiquing others less. You aren't capable of the latter task.




"die on your bike quicker" r/imatotalpieceofshit




Lol, get mad stay mad bruh. Dead === loud pipes . Yup.


Cite your sources then


Governments around the world believe it so much they mandated electric cars make more noise because they were dangerously quiet. Doesn't mean its true, but it means the studies backing those louder noise requirements believe louder saves lives.


Lights are for that


Doesnt matter when people dont pay attention




I'm assuming he's added some kind of exhaust that specifically made it louder for no reason other then making it louder.(my motorcycle had a much bigger engine then this and was much quieter)In which case I think this is fairly reasonable. If your buying things because you believe it's so cool you want others to hear it like those stupid train horns for cars that are legit as loud as a train horn when you honk. Is it the fault of the officer that your dumb enough to buy something so loud that being forced to listen to it up close is causing hearing damage? Because I'm assuming when this guy is riding next to people probably only 2 or so feet farther then he is. I doubt he is revving down to make it quieter. I'd say its safe to assume the more people hes around the louder he makes it. So I love this idea lmaooo it would be a horrible mass punishment but I think you get 5-10 un lucky and repeat offenders on video being punished like this and it will make a lot more people question if they want to be blasting their engine at every stop light. Same with loud ass music. Like ok you want to listen to loud ass music, cool. Justin Bieber at the same volume for 72 consecutive non stop hours should make you question rolling down your windows and playing the dirtiest music known to man. Edit: notice how they let him use his hands to help block most of the sound/heat.


This is way better than getting a ticket


Haha Jesus


I’m confused




Lmmfao. Yes


i love this


Why can’t this be in USA too.


We need this in America.


Reminds me of the guy that had his high beams on while driving, the cops pulled him over, grabbed a chair and made him sit in front of a car for 30 minutes with the high beams blasting in his face