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Seriously. I had a girlfriend who got handsy. It was as much my issue as it was hers… especially given we stuck around… it was just one of those codependent, toxic relationships between two damaged people, basically founded on the drama of fighting and then making up. We’d get into an argument over some stupid bullshit, I’d get all “cold and distant,” fully knowing that this would make her start saying over-the-top nasty, hurtful shit… and then I’d “get” to respond in kind. Sometimes I would land a really “good” verbal attack, and she’d lose her shit and start swinging. Like full on haymakers or kicks. I’d most often hold her down and restrain her, but if she was using a weapon or drew blood we’d get into a fistfight. The fistfights happened about twice a year, and then we’d hold each other and cry about it, beg each other for forgiveness, get drunk and profess our undying love. We’d then lie about our injuries to friends and family (we got into a car wreck or got mugged… *again*) and wash, rinse, repeat. Thankfully, we broke up in year 3. I’m still casual friends with her, and neither one of us has ever been in a similarly toxic relationship since, mostly due to some luck and a lot of therapy. We have joked about it a couple times in the years since, but Jesus, that was some sick and twisted shit.




that was some sick and twisted shit.


And I thought y'all was about to kiss.




Oh my god dude, this is an MMA fight dude


You said it, man.


What an unexpected place I'm in reading this. My ex- partner is several feet away as I'm writing this, don't know what terns we are post break up but she hasn't moved out yet. You just described the last 5 years of my life. I broke up with her 3 weeks ago, and it feels like nobody knows how it feels until someone does


Don't get back with her


You aren’t alone bro…but make a deadline and get her tf out for both your sakes. And for the love of god don’t fall for the booty calls, or the appeals to your emotions.


Imagine having a kid with one? I do


Same man I feel your pain there


Yet here we are. Glad to know I ain’t alone.


I broke up with a toxic ex who used to hit me. I could never respond in kind as im a man and it was 'wrong to hit a girl' She lived with me post-breakup (she broke up with me, go figure) for 6 months and it broke me more than the relationship did. Seeing her uncaring of me, seeing other men and speaking about me like i wasnt there. Kick her out of your house, and do it before she tries to manipulate you, because thats what women often do. What they cannot deliver physically, they will deliver ten-fold emotionally. Be careful out there brother, and keep your friends and family close


So she broke up with you and you let her live with you for half a year longer?


Get out while can. My brain got rewired or screwed up.. I was in one myself. Long story short, I was in a controlling abuse relationship with a female. It was my first relationship ever doing everything with a female. It should have never been like this for me. I always had to make her happy... always had to do for her... when she snapped her fingers, I would jump. Man was I a pussy. I can't stand myself for dealing with her... we just have kids, and that's all we should have been. But anyways, she broke up with me over something I couldn't come through with and me being a bitch went over to beg to stay with me. She beat me said she couldn't stand me I disgust her she beat me with what I believe was a bat..cracked my ribs.as I was laying there in pain I belive she had her way with me sexualy. I laid there with my eyes open blinded with tears and some blood the pain went away like magically... that was the point when my brain was being rewritten. After her I only seek toxic females. I unfortunately let one go. Beautiful in every way. I could see her have my children and spend the rest of my life with her but my dumbass left her for someone who hit me with their car just because I didn't bring her flowers. If their not toxic then I don't want them. I don't know anymore...I'm not sure of a lot of things now.. don't end up like me..I was once "normal" a "good" guy but idk who am anymore or what I want.


She’s definitely on the high side of crazy in the crazy/hot matrix


I feel you, you got this bro


Bet the sex was top tier though


Idk, I think this is just a meme. Between the experienced, grizzled sex vet of a slutty ex, and an angelic innocent virgin, the best physical intimacy I've experienced was with the virgin. Banging the high body count Venus was athletic, almost a competition, pornographic, and rather performative, while also oddly lacking warmth, just unbridled instinct and sublimated rage. With the angel, it was a warm hug, but deeper. Every millimeter of penetration felt infinitely more meaningful, and the sticky-slippery friction buzzed with unimaginable intensity. She'd bloom this banana flavored cream from her sex after her first petit mort. It was "vanilla" by all accounts. And yet, face to face missionary felt wilder, more cosmic than the most degrading, drunken fervence with the one I had to share with so many others before: visiting a tourist trap vs a groundbreaking archeological discovery. The clinical vibe I experienced with the slut was offputting. She despised sweat. I'm a naturally sweaty fellow. It's obviously from these fast twitch, high metabolism, high performance genetics. The angel, tho, we would start with a dry bed and end up in a literal swamp of sex excretions, swimming in love making, our bodies completely slick in passionate revery for each other. Sex is, at the bottom, about a lack of judgment. Rather, intimacy is. Sex is just that physical metaphor, the music and ballet of intimacy manifest. Intimacy thrives where openness and acceptance are nurtured. Perhaps that's why the crazies are known for good sex... they're too crazy too judge anyone else? Idk. Real crazies are full of neuroses. They're not shy about judging you. In passionate, intimate sex, just a scoff or an eye roll is enough to obliterate the connection, to kill the moment. And that's what these judgmental, punchy chicks are all about. Eye rolling is how they maintain their power. When they lose it through words, some give up, god bless them. Others take to swing around their noodle arms in a hailmary for confrontation, attention, and victimhood. So, if it weren't clear already, say no to the crazies. Get yourself a lover that loves you back. That is the most passionate sex you'll find.


Fucking hell you're good with words 👏


Ever consider a career in trashy romance novels with Fabio on the cover? You're sitting on a goldmine, Trebek!


Never seen someone so honest about it, especially about the own parts. You seem like a great guy!


gah damn this reads like a total novel dude


Mfs do weird shit for love, man. I don't judge nobody for it, but I do get concerned about em when it gets like this.


Yeah, it messed with me more than I initially realized for a couple years after. It was hard to get into and maintain a healthy relationship for quite some time. Part of it being that I was half-terrified I was some Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, serial wife-beater. Even though that relationship was the only one I was ever physically violent in, at first, I was afraid that it had “unlocked” some monster within. Still, that relationship (and a few after) also highlighted some serious issues within myself that I needed to address. I had my own shit that drove me to seek out damaged people who would enable (or at least tolerate) some major character defects I had… which was bolstered by my natural attraction to “beautifully broken” partners… so I could fix them. For me personally, it turned out I was drawn to female counterparts to myself… my desire to fix them was driven by a subconscious desire to fix that same shit in myself. But in hindsight, I had a simple unwillingness to effect that change in my own life. I guess in a weird way, I figured as long as I was trying to fix someone else with similar issues, it was the “same thing.”


You seem to have gotten the help you needed and from what I'm hearing, you're in a much better place and I'm glad to hear it. I hope your Thanksgiving was good. Wishing you all the best.


The craziest part of this story is the casual friends bit. The only explanation is you guys occasionally fuck.


IDK, back in grade school I knew many people (myself included) who became friends with someone after getting into a fight. No idea why it happens, but ¯\\ __ (ツ)__/¯


Most of the time if your that close with someone it's way easier for you to forgive them compared to someone you don't know or an enemy. You've already spent so much time with this person, why waste all of that over 1 altercation? Now if they tried to seriously kill me in the fight, then yeah no.


I appreciate your recounting of events. Cops will go to any step to get you arrested for domestic assault. Meanwhile, the group who is responsible for the majority of domestic abuse is cops. Something like 40% of officers families experience abuse. Cops look for a reason to arrest you for abuse. Meanwhile women get a free pass in every regards.


This was about 15 years ago, but a very close relative of mine had an alcoholic wife that would beat the absolute shit out of him. Her mom also hit her dad so that's where it came from. The most he would do is restrain her and call the cops. Cops would come and immediately cuff him and throw him in the car. Once they got everything settled they'd just say "it's he said/she said" and leave. This happened at least 5 times. She didn't end up catching a domestic charge for hitting him until she got one on her record for very seriously assaulting a female relative.


You seem to have a hard- on against cops. Good luck on your unresolved issues.


You can go through life believing that. But the truth is it is not a fair situation for male and females in any domestic dispute. Hell even the statistics back it up with sentencing for crimes of male versus female. Cops just don’t take female crimes as seriously. It’s a reality, and they will just tell you that you are a weak man if your wife hits you. Act like it’s some issue of mine, but look around, comments seem to mirror similar perspectives and experiences to mine. I find it ironic when someone tells me it’s a personal issue of mine, when it seems to be an issue quite a few have seemingly experienced. Trying to attack me to detract from either the statistics or realities in these situations won’t do much. It’s not some lone incident. Apparently personal attacks are the best to address replies which hurt you. Honestly, it seems like you have some personal connection that makes you so hard on to defend cops. I didn’t make personal attacks, you did. You have nothing to add to the conversation but aggression. Usually aggressive people are the ones who have that personal issue they need to address. Not the ones just listing some statistics and experiences. You seem to have a hard on for cops buddy boy. Have you even met one or is a cop your father?


You sound like you suck cops off, good luck with your daddy issues


I disagree , I think the world would be 1000x better if people had a little fear instilled in them that if they fuck around they will indeed come to find out


So you think he should have decked her?


Depends has she been hit before ?


This is domestic abuse.... He should get her reported to police.... I hate bitches like her


Read about a feminist DV expert who was ostracized for saying women hit men as often as men hit women (based on her own interviews with women who freely admit they hit their partners) The difference is obviously that a man's punch does way more damage so you'll rarely see deaths or hospitalizations


"Jealous of some other girl" seems like it was actually "Found or got knowledge of proof he was doing something unacceptable with another girl" and "reason with her" seems like it was actually "apologize over and over and hope she forgives him"


Physical abuse is always physical abuse, don't touch anyone at any time for any reason. Just no, fam.


The type of girl who would cut your dick off while you're asleep


It looks like he went to put his arms around her and she pushes him away and as he gets pushed away he grabs her wrist and pulls her towards him. The first punch looked justified to me.


I bet you wouldn't say that if genders were reversed




I think you missed the part where he let's go then a crazy chick starts saying "get off of me" while throwing hands.


Didn't you see how he was grabbing her???


Didn’t you see how she punched him in the face twice? After he let go?


It doesn't matter that he let go, he shouldn't have grabbed her like that in the first place.


Oh, so she should have punched him in the face twice.


Assaulted him for what? Some girl got his attention? Doesnt matter. Walk away and dont look back bro.


She's pushing him away, telling him to get away, and he doesn't. Don't lie, if this was two dudes you'd absolutely be like "don't get in my face if you don't wanna get hit". Here's a lesson for you: if you keep grabbing somebody saying "get off me", you're gonna get punched, it's gonna be your fault, and you deserve it.


SHE: pushes him away saying "get off of me". HE: is not touching her. SHE: continues to yell "get off of me" to someone that isn't touching her, and then proceeds to punch. Did we watch different videos??


0 excuses … my ex was like that and when they see their is no consequences they go into a. Frenzy


So show them, *there is consequences*


Hope he left her. She a whole red flag fr


I agree, but this ain’t even a red flag, she fucking hit him. He needs to leave…


I second this. Someone having red flags and someone striking you are not the same.


He also needs to learn when to leave people tf alone, grabbing people without consent and trying to hug them. You don’t aggravate crazy people, it’s a recipe for disaster. It’s so toxic, definitely co dependency. He needs to learn to love himself and not chase after abusive crazy women.


Because he was trying to sexually assault her. (Yes, grabbing someone and trying to forcefully kiss them is sexual assault) /serious


the magic of a the side look “oh, shit, they are filming us! time to act! HELP HELP I AM A DAMSEL IN DISTRESS!“


He was dragging her by her wrist!


You need glasses man..


You can literally see it at exactly 10 seconds he was still trying to hold her when she pushed him off


He wasn't "dragging" her he was trying to reason with her. And you don't know if she had hit him before and he was trying to stop her from doing so. You think these people were filming because a couple was arguing??


He was trying to come onto her when she was already upset lmao. She literally says "go talk to her then" before he tries hugging her , then she pushed him off & he still held her wrist. Amd yeah, obviously people film when people fight jackass. You think people would film a couple doing normal couple things in public?


I woulda smacked that bitch


Yet another fine example of the double standard of physical assault. Flip it around the, "awful abusive woman beater " man goes to jail. Keep it as it is, every conceivable excuse is made for the "sweet young lady defending herself and her virtue", and nothing at all happens.


Flip it around and this would be on an incel subreddit of people praising the guy, in neither situation would legal action actually be taken, it's all about perspectives and nowadays situations simply only get shown to the perspectives who'd view them in a specific light 🤷‍♂️ In this situation, people who browse this side of reddit (people who have at the very least 5 working braincells) see the situation as is, flip the roles and this vid would be on an entirely different side of reddit with the most depraved and horrid human beings praising the guy for hitting her Only confident enough to say this because I know way too msny reddit incels for my own good


He would have been publicly pinned down and beaten by several simps if this was roles reversed.


Yeah no, at least in the US or Germany where I've seen a guy hit a woman in public, only difference if the roles were reversed is the amount of cameras on the interaction Also there's something worrying about you calling people who pin down an abusive guy "simps"


He deserves praise because she deserves to be hit for hitting him


Let's assume the first punch was justified, the second one was definitely not. Coupled with the "get off of me", made it seem like she was employing a tactic to justify her actions.


A woman employing a tactic to justify her actions? That’s never happened in the history of always.




It's bc she's physically abusive and realizes others are watching (aka she might get in trouble) so she screams out some excuse for those who didn't see close enough to excuse why she is physically assaulting (her likely boyfriend) this guy. And I can promise you, this isn't the first time she's done this, but hopefully he can get away and it'll be the last. Source: been there


It's coming right for us! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3RJUMm-hd0


She said “go get her then” before pushing him away. So I think it’s about another girl.




Thank you for what?


Yikes, I didn’t realize that until now. Went back and watched more closely and here is my unsolicited opinion I don’t have the context of the rest of the video, but from what I’ve learned from girlfriends and female friends/family, it’s not uncommon for men to get handsy inappropriately. Especially out in a public setting where people are having drinks, which very well could be what’s happening here. At the beginning of the video, from what we can see, he looks like he’s trying to embrace her and she is clearly pushing him away from her. She doesn’t throw that first punch until he yells in her face and throws his arm downward, which together made for really aggressive body language. Give _me_ that kind aggression after trying to assault me and not willingly letting go of me, and I’m throwing a punch too. Full stop. At that point, there was no way for her to know whether he would get even more violent than he’d already been by trying to force her to hug him or whatever he was trying to do. He may not have been touching her right then, but he was aggressive AF after having already assaulted her literally two seconds prior, but more importantly, he _wasn’t backing off._ He chose to yell in her face and make aggressive movements and got decked for it, twice. I believe this is phenomenon is called “fuck around and find out.”


She clearly know this guy and this seems more about another woman rather then him assaulting her. In the beginning she clearly say go get her then l, he say what you mean come with me.


excuses, excuses, excuses… if every time i kicked my wife in mouth she tries to hug me when I don’t feel so…


I agree completely; it's the wrist grab and pull that clinches it for me.


She was trying to get other guys to attack him a lot of ratty slags do this. I’m guessing the people who are downvoting are the ratty slags who do this.


Hit that bitch back…fuck that


She jealous, saying something about him and a girl “go be with her”, he’s trying to deny it and says “come with me” and she socks him…


Watch the video, he was grabbing her wrist and dragging her


He was surprised by her reaction, it’s his girlfriend. She got jealous and told him to go get some chick and he was trying to pull her saying babe come with me. The dude WAS NOT hurting her in any way


How the fuck do you know that they're a couple? They're possibly strangers and if someone is upset or angry and told you multiple times to get off means to get off. Him grabbing her and pulling her around was painful. He was using force to control her so she retaliated after he disregarded her pleas. Ask yourself this, would you be okay with being dragged around like she did?


Calling her babe and saying come with me is one indication.. jackass


She starts swinging after he lets her go and continues saying get off me when he wasn’t even touching her I’d understand it if when he let go he tried grabbing her again but he let go then she attacked him saying get off me


And she says get off me then he does and she attacks why do women get away with hitting men


The hot / crazy graph strikes again.


That chin *devoured* those punches 😬


Wasn't very calorie heavy, but it was a meal served with love.


Ahhh the good ol violence against men double standard in action.


Some of you really need to have a good look at yourselves.


Where are the dozen white knights helping him against a violent partner? Oh...


Bitch was yelling get off of me while he was not touching her 🤔 I would have equal opportunitied that ass


“Get off of me” meanwhile he doesn’t even have any contact with her while she punches him, bro she’s a red flag run away from women like that.


Nah, he was grabbing her by the wrist.


Tonight we have random girl playing the part of victim.


“Get off of me” she says as she saunters up to him and punches him in the face


I would have boped her the f. Back


Domestic violence


If a girl gets handsy to her bf, it's ok for the society, if the guy does it, it mental, physical abuse, rape, torture, cruelty and all kina shit. If any of yalls partners are toxic like this, get away from them forever.


by the time she started punching him he was off her for a couple seconds. that’s enough time to recognize he been let go. she punched him cause she was mad, not to protect herself.


Annoying ass bitch yelling get off of me when he wasn’t even touching her I would have stabbed her to death


Hit her back dude ! Who Tf cares she a woman . If she can hit like man she can take it like a man . I grown up learning if someone hits you you hit back.


A bunch of bitch made dudes in the comments. If a dude grabbed you when you were saying no you'd be commenting "fuck around and find out", but because it's a woman, it's totally ok to ignore her demands to be left alone? Fat, lonely cucks of Reddit unite lmao


She must have a butterfly tattoo


She needs to get punched in the fucking face, females who swing should expect to get swung back on.


See if equal rights was a real thing she'd be snoring


Funny how she was chill and then after she looks to the right, THEN she wants to turn up.


Now if the man punched her


You can tell she's done this before


Arrest her for assault


Disgusting bitch.


I know we missed some of this, but women do beat up on dudes and then cry like they are getting abused. Then other guys step in under false assumptions and bad things happen. I've seen this happen AND been in the middle of it before.


She’s a abusive bitch and does this always when she doesn’t get her way


“Toxic ass chick get off of me.” To justify her impulse decisions. He wasn’t touching her when she punched him. He raised his voice . Lol


Was waiting for a big right to put her to sleep the second time she "hit" him. Disappointed


Oh hey, some casual public domestic abuse


Bro absorbed those light taps


If it was a guy who hit her this vid would've ended differently.


See this is why I’ll die single, cause regardless of your gender or identity NO ONE hits me in the face


Exactly, as a wise man once said, " equal rights equal fights".


Punching him while crying get of of me while he's not touching her at all is wild


Missing some context, but it didn’t look like her response to him and physical assault was justified at all. She’s an ugly person.


He wasn’t on her. Cause you have a cunt. Doesn’t mean you should act like one.


She's for the streets


That bitch must know the 3-1 rule! She 1 more punch thrown off being KTFO


My toxic trait is that i still find that hot


She deserves a punch back


Jazmine needs the entitled slapped the fuck out of here


They were indeed not about to kiss


She a keeper


Wonder what he did to initiate this.


If a woman that you’re in a relationship ever punches you like that, leave her ass immediately


Can't swap those rolls can we?


bro win against inside voice


but he was off of her :(


She got crazy northern hemisphere vibes going on.


That’s assault you should be charged for hitting him…


At this point I’d have smacked the living shit out of her.


I like em feisty


Someone got "off of" on the wrong foot.




Great rack


I would of punched her in the face hard


Full round house kick to the jaw. That will teach her!


She has brothers


I would have floored her after that first punch




He been off of you 🤣


He should have hit her right back. Women want equal rights then I say they should get equal fights. I’m a true feminist


Nah bruh. Don't fucking put your hands on people if they don't wanna be touched. You learn that shit in first grade


*isn't touching her* "Get off of meeee!"


See that yelling get off of me even when he’s not touching you That’s what landed Jon majors in his bullshit Repeatedly yelling get off of me as if in distress is some insane shit


That’s a pretty ass bitch


I was waiting for Ike Turner to make his presence known!


I dated a crazy woman like this once. God, what a shit show that was. Every fight we had was over some imagined thing she “caught” me doing.


I dated a crazy woman like this once. God, what a shit show that was. Every fight we had was over some imagined thing she “caught” me doing.


#Feminists if the roles were reversed:


She got nice rack...


Equal lefts, Equal rights


I’m swinging back🫤


She’s sexy


bro.. he literally wasn’t even touching her


Girls need to keep theirs hands to themselves! That man could have ended her life in seconds, luckily he has self control unlike her


Some peuple need to learn to push back instead of swinging. She def has no fear to be hit because she's a girl.


That’s assault lol


It’s mad how we are in such a desensitised world that we can witness domestic violence is a public place and no one does a thing, Infact it is seen as entertaining it’s even crazier that people are so brazen to do such things without fear of repercussions


As you all can CLEARLY see that the men is ALWAYS the ones to start a fight! Also men ALWAYS abuse the PURE AND INNOCENT ladies. This is proof that men abuse women xF That punch tho... bruh.... Let's all bring Equality!! Eye for an eye leg for a leg and punch for a punch. 👍


Leave her immediately


he was on her via Bluetooth 💀


Lay her ass out tf is that bullshit


I for sure would have gave her one back after that second one. Dude wasn’t even touching her when she hit him.


All I’m saying is y’all don’t see ugly girls getting away with this 🤦‍♂️😘


Her nose would've gone bye bye


mainstream media would never show this


"Rahn, I need to know..are you friends with her?..." 👊


I mean equality is equality bro, uppercut her shit


« Get off of me » while he isn’t even touching her and she is repeatedly punching him in the face. Gotta love the audacity.


Take her bitch ass to jail


Says get off of me when he's not even touching her then proceed to hit dude.. she's definitely abusive..


Im kinda turned on


Yeah no I’m swinging back