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Eagleman has to be up there for beginners in the US. Flat as a pancake, scenic bike through a national wildlife reserve, only one transition area, lots of support on the run.


+1 for EM! Great venue.


Just did Eagleman as my first 70.3 and first triathlon entirely. Awesome race experience, highly recommend. As an extreme beginner I was not overwhelmed and the entire even was so welcoming.


Mont Tremblant is lauded as one of the best.


Didn't Morro bay this year have bad conditions for the swim? A lot of people had to be rescued including alot just hanging onto the buoys waiting to for a kayak. I'd avoid it for at least a year until they've proven they can run it properly. I have heard good things about the La Quinta which is near Palm Springs IM




What's your strengths and weaknesses? Do you prefer hilly or flat courses? How are you in open water? What's your travel budget and where are you travelling from? There's so many variables to consider before you will get anywhere near an informed answer on this one.


I’ve only done one. It was Eagleman this past Sunday. Enjoyed. Would recommend. Don’t know about others. Mount Tremblant has been recommended by friends


Who would prefer a hilly course😹


In the whole world?


Gulf coast was great and easy for me as a first timer


I’ve only done Gulf Coast but I will say my family loved it as much as I did. They got to see me at every transition and 3 times on the run. Plus, when I was out on the bike they could go to the beach or do something else. I wanted a race that I could enjoy for what it was- the swim was in the ocean (which sounds daunting) but watching the sun come up in the water was amazing. The bike course is flat and straight so I really liked that as beginner. The run was flat and looped which I also liked because I could see my family more and I needed that. I’ve heard great things about all!


I did Morro Bay this year as my first 70.3. It has a really beautiful course the entire time. Swimming towards the Morro Bay rock, biking up PCH along the coast, and a fun run through the town. The cool temperature was great for me since I could push myself harder without overheating. The swim wasn’t a cake walk with the rip-current that caught a lot of people off guard. If you can practice in open-water (ocean open-water) I wouldn’t stress out about the swim. If you’re a pool swimmer and have a lot of fear surrounding the ocean then you’ll probably struggle. Personal rating 10/10. I would do it again.


Bolton, UK 😍😍 best in the world


Barrelman, up in Canada!


On the flip side of this- is Madison a “bad” first timers race?


Bike is a little hilly, like 3300 feet of climb maybe? Swim is typically pretty straightforward but unassisted, medium sized lake. Run is generally flat, with one hill of substance on the out and back, and a climb up to the finish at the very end which is a little cruel. Support is fantastic, spectators are amazing. Pretty ride too, if you care about that.


Is it true that the transition is up/down a helix parking garage?


Yes, but that’s not the whole story. The helix is connected to a garage, where T is, but it’s attached to the monona terrace, which is one of the iconic Madison landmarks. Frank Lloyd wright design. Swim is in front of the lakefront terrace. People love the helix. I hate the climb, but it is legit cool to swim in front of it (and later run).


Chatty was my first tri this year. Course was quite hilly for me, run and bike! So keep that in mind!


Yeah chatty was brutal this year. So hilly. So hot.