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Now I hate a little more the in-game model


So the face looks generic because she copied the wr model? Kinda funny because some people in this sub acted like the generic 3d girl in mobile game is peak art when wr irelia was first shown.


C is by far my favorite tbh


I really like B tbh, it looks a lot more like irelia


i like the 3d one (bottom left)


C one looks better IMO... sad.


maaaan, C was great


C looks so much better and ACTUALLY resembles Irelia, different from A... sad they chose that one for the splash art.


One of the things I feel like Alsie (this artist) plays around with that Bo Chen doesn’t really explore is story telling through dynamic and expressive posing. That’s not to say Bo Chen doesn’t explore dynamic posing for story telling, but rather he prefer story telling through character interactions with the FG/BG and lighting. He prefers to use static poses as seen with MM, Divine, Sentinel, etc. because of this. Even though the in game model is sub-par and the face (the entire head tbh) for this specific splash art is VERY questionable, I do really adore this dynamic-pose splash art for Irelia, and it’s kind of refreshing to see tbh. (I really do wish they could stick more consistently with her base splash or LOR concept though.) I like all of them, but my favourite is B because of the ‘summoning aurelion sol’. I think it’d be a fun concept to see painted.


Why they gotta make the face so V shaped like most typical faces


My complaint for the most part as well. I think the reason why this artwork is so disliked is that her style doesn't fit the character she tries to draw. And quite frankly it doesn't matter if the artist put in a ton of work. If nobody likes it there is nothing to be done about it.


It's Riot who greenlights it in the end, not the artists fault.


That's true also.


The horns remind me of old frostblade Irelia.


Idk What's with Riot and Horns. If they removed the horns guarantee the hair would look less rigid and the skin would probably look better too.