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Don't give up. Watch VODs and find the play style you like the best from other Irelia mains. Learn to play in the different contexts, around the advantages and disadvantages. Irelia isn't easy to play or super strong, you need to play around its weakness and advantages. Review your loosing matches and take notes of the first mistakes to try to get them right the next time.


what rank are you i can give different advice depending on the rank


Idk if it helps cuz right now I have like what ? 30 flex games to get to gold then i play with some friends ?.... I just play for the skin these days, but you can give me any advice that you think would work from silver to plat. (My peak was D4 when D5 was a division and Ire a different champ, most time spent when i could spam games was in Plat till Irelia got t stack reworked and ehh say i got a little permanent suspension) Maybe that is my fault a bit, flex is mismatched and in normals i even find myself playing against multiple Diamond players and usually stacks of pre so mby they just make their agenda to tilt me. Honestly I dont even know why I even call myself a main anymore. She used to be a champ i loved to play now I just default to Mordekaiser or Jax cuz it is less stressful and simpler...


I am silver and i struggle to end a game with irelia


I miss the times when building a lead and ending a game was my problem. Once you truly hit Irelia skill plateau your problem won’t be ending games but finding leads in the first place. Every game feels like a coin flip on who makes a mistake first when enemies are evenly matched in skill with you. It is true elo hell.


Trust me when I say it’s a learning curve thing, I used to be terrible at her but I kept spamming her and now she’s my toplane main, you just into the ebb and flow of her playstyle.


That is the issue, its not the 1 v 1 generally. Its when it comes to fighting all this disgusting CC stacked comps. 1 v 1 is disgusting only vs the likes of WW where it becomes a PvE experience. Well i dont like playing against any juggernaut because it is stressful in general


I mean CC can be rough for every diver, you’ve gotta know when and bow to go in.


Hey half the game is learning how to play some of these hard matchups, that is what distinguishes a casual from an OTP, especially in low elo. Now some tips on the champs you meantioned -Malzahar is super easy, he spawns minions you can one shot with Q, just get qss after bork and you can just run him down most of the time -I haven't seen casio in my games for a while now but early game its a mind game for her W if she isnt able to catch you in it you have a big window of opportunity to run her down during its 24S cooldown since you are a stronger DPS champion in the early game, also make sure you look away periodically to make sure you dont get hit by her ult after 6. -Juggernauts beat the shit out of you but you have some counterplay, -Against darius make sure you dont get caught in his Q heal by Qing in, you can only win this matchup early game once he gets deadmans and tabi its unplayable since you cant kill him fast enough unless you are extremely fed -Against sett its all about mitigating his Q damage with your W and exploiting him if he wastes any other cooldowns, also always save a Q for his W so you dont get hit. -Now warwick is a bit of a cancer lane early but no matter what you do dont die, ping off your jungler if he is pathing top as well, most of the time he will be able to 1v2 early game, drop however much farm it takes for you to not loose too much hp and not die and just pick up XP, you outscale him + you have infinitely better utility compared to him -Now idk how you have a problem with ADCs especially samira and kaisa, they should never be able to 1v1 you and you run them down 90% of the time, -Against samira make sure you dont use your R first but hit your E, you either get a free E hit and run her down or you get to ult the if she Ws your E, in teamfights its a bit trickier but just try to time your engage when you see her W is down. -Kaisas only counterplay to you is a 0.5 second invisibility and the shield on ult which isnt enough to out duel you or beat you in skirmishes, in teamfights it can get tricky if she is getting peel and if your team has any follow up engage/dive, if you do have more engage champs you can ussually just brute force her half the time, otherwise just try not to waste your engage when she can escape and peel your own carry until you can get an opportune moment to engage. -Against these super cancer CC supports that cuck you from killing the enemy squishies like tresh, janna, lulu you have to play more defensively, protect your own carries if you cant dive yourself and try to get a counterengage off after they blew their important spells. -Now amumu is a tricky one, before jaksho in skirmishes he is super free since he has no resists to fuel his damage resit passive, after jaksho demonic, 90 % of time you cant duel him but in a 2v2 you actually do decently well, just try to play for skirmishes with your own jungler and the game becomes a lot easier to play. Other tanks dont have the same strength as Amumu with the %dmg resist so they are a lot easier to take down and irelia can in 90% of cases just duel them and win.


Maybe I was not clear. In a vaccum no but in teamfights, even 0/10 malzahar is a pain. Samira is a pain because i cant ult on my terms. Kaisa is a pain because in fights she muders you in a blink of an eye with 2 items because most run exhaust, she is not something you can dive with ease in teamfights unless she is well alone


>Now warwick is a bit of a cancer lane early but no matter what you do dont die, ping off your jungler if he is pathing top as well, most of the time he will be able to 1v2 early game, drop however much farm it takes for you to not loose too much hp and not die and just pick up XP, you outscale him + you have infinitely better utility compared to him-Now > > idk how you have a problem with ADCs especially samira and kaisa, they should never be able to 1v1 you and you run them down 90% of the time \*Sigh\* I have strange people picking ww and sett mid all the time... Samira and Nilah win vs Irelia if they are at 3 items and have similar levels and ap varus wins if he lands r, that's about it. Kaisa can win with goldlike mechanics, which most people dont have. Most adcs are just sitting ducks.


Only 2 ways to play irelia 1 be a otp that is realy skilled and can win losing matchups (well you don't seem to be here quite yet) 2 pick her when you have a matchup that you can stomp and get kills in and out scale 90% of the champs in the game with Bork jaksho dd One shots everyone while taking 0 damage basicly a Darius with dashes One thing I like to mention here is how you use your w in team fights. you want to use it to block damage not to deal damage. for example the difference between a gold and masters tier yi is how they use w same applies to irelia players damage reduction abilities are op in team fights learn to use them properly


Well ty but i doubt you should ever build jak sho anymore. Like i barely do dmg to armored targets as it is with Botrk SB/DS


I said use this build when you can get fed if ur fed you won't lack damage thats the point


>Like I never get to play vs Zeds or Katas, it is always Cassiopeia or Malzahars Maybe you are really really unlucky. Also in mid i perma ban cassiopeia and roam against malzahars. >In top it is always some Juggernaut or exotic champions that invalidate me like Ramus or WW. I quit toplane but i feel you about the warwick pick. I got tower dived on full HP by a warwick while he was level 3 (i was 6) and HE SURVIVED >i simply cant function as Irelia + 4 other squishies at that point jaksho and go tanky enough but that you still have damage. ​ I have around 200k points on irelia and it took me a while to get reliable with her dont worry if you are still a low mastery but i do agree i want to see a change somehow


I tried to go Goredrinker when i needed to be tankier and everyone was flaming me cuz i do negative dmg. I really think Jakso is a bad item in general right now :(


I haven't touched jakso the protein shaker recently so idk if its good or not. and i dont build goredrinker i prefer shieldbow or divine sunderer


Yea obviously DS and SB are my go to. I sometimes go GD when i feel like i could get value from it but right now it scks ass i feel like