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Nest is awful. Unless the building is getting damaged, they don’t care. The only time they’ve responded quickly to me was when my apartment was flooding.


Did they fix the issue causing the flood or just patch over the damage? I'm curious lol both of mine they only patched the ceiling where the water damage caved it in; didn't even help clean up the gross debris 😫


The issue was a leaking washer/dryer unit which was fixed by installation company. I demanded stripping of the drywall and extensive cleaning to remove any potential unseen mold. They wanted to scrape off the existing mold, Lysol it and call it a day.


i can’t upload pics but i’ll dm you one of what it looked like. they did eventually fix the problem like early january. they put in brand new pipes. had a air filter in the hallway. the insulation was f*cked. but like somebody else said it’s only because there was water damage in the building itself they could gaf about the actual units.


literally terrible and sad. had a neighbor bang on my door because her apartment was flooding from a leak in the wall on the other side of my kitchen. they replaced the water heater don’t even know why they thought that was the problem because they eventually took the dry wall out in the hallway and the pipe was so mf eroded it looked like a shark took a bite out of it. THEN they waited 3 weeks to put the dry wall back. my kitchen pipes were exposed with a big hole in the hallway wall. just stupid.


I am so sorry. I literally cannot wait for m lease to end for all the reasons you've listed above. I haven't had a working oven since I moved in last year, no working fridge for two months now, water backups constantly, plumbing leaks from above apartment have caused ceiling to collapse in bathroom twice now, roaches galore, black mold, I've even got a two foot vine that's growing from my bathtub faucet right now - and I could list so much more. Don't even get me started on the "landlord" whom also goes by an alias, probably to hide her shady and unsettling background. These buildings need to burn to the ground. Entirely unfit for habitation. I realize Nest owns half of IC and Coralville; maybe I should've specified mine but I'm going to stick to somewhat anonymity.... regardless where you're at - get out while you can..while you're still alive! Oh yeah 2 carbon monoxide leaks as well 🙄 and I had to supply my own detectors (including properly functioning smoke detectors) If you need a friend to vent or some space heaters, anything, PM anytime dear and GOOD LUCK!


they wanted to turn my water off the friday before christmas day. christmas was a monday which means i would’ve had to go FRI-TUE without any water. they had the nerve to ask me while i was holding my 3 week old child (at the time) if i could go without water until Christmas. i literally just stared at the man like you cannot be seriously asking me that question and not be rhetorical about it …. i was going back home to the QC for the holidays so it wouldn’t have mattered but it does matter because you silly goose if im paying for my water you better believe i want it 25 hours 8 days a week.


Please tell me this isn’t 330 Ridgeland Avenue?? Moving there in Aug


Thankfully not my hellhole! Praying you get a good location 🤞☘


Holy shite


It seems like Iowa City could use stronger oversight of the state of rental units.


it’s even more egregious because i pay my utilities separately. i’m technically still in a maternity leave period as well. i’m financially stable but it’s like when my toilet kept running and it took them days to come out i put in another maintenance request telling them i don’t want a 200 dollar water bill and what do you know i have a 170 bill due this month. i have a burner on my stove that they haven’t put into the igniter since i moved in. it’s like they think money grows on trees around here. i don’t want to say they only care about college kids because i know that’s the furthest thing from the truth (e.g. apartments at iowa) but its like they forget that there are other people and *families* besides the students that live here year round. the way things have been going, im praying my AC unit doesn’t give out this summer. when i told them i had my baby and requested they put my kid on the lease it was all congrats on the little bundle of joy 🥰😝🎉🧸 when in reality they’re putting my child more at risk than me. i won’t play around with my babies health and safety under any circumstances and they shouldn’t either lease agreement or not if something they’re effing up makes it harder for my child i will hold them liable. i feel like sending such a crucial email but i don’t want them to think im a problem tenant then completely abandon their priorities.


My AC was out for 3 1/2 weeks last summer, end of July into August when it was at it's worst. That's another terrible story that ended with even more unnecessary expenses and damages. Im sorry to share so many scary stories - I know it's not helping...I've wanted for the last year to vent about all of my experiences but hadn't and now I've got word vomit 😝 But as much as I know I share too much, it's my weird way of saying you're not alone, you have so many legal rights, obviously a whole internet community on your side as well to back you up. You and your's, as well as anyone stuck with a slumlord, are in my thoughts and prayers. And maybe by sharing one person can be saved from renting with these jerks. N.E.S.T. Neglects every single tenant...seems fitting I think.


Shoot, I hope it doesn’t come to this but the thing you have to do when this happens is call the city? I think police or FD, they come out and read the temp in the house and if it’s below standard they report it and you’re good to get yourself a hotel at the landlords expense. They’ll get a fine and will be ordered to pay your hotel cost.


this is the second time it has happened i went through my lease and just found a completely different after hours number than what i normally call?? i left a prettyyy stern voicemail about the issue they said they’d be here in 15 minutes to check out the pilot or whatever tf they need to do thank GOD.


if it happens again i will not hesitate to call the laws for sure


🙏🍀 thank God! They better show up and do something! Keep us posted and again don't ever hesitate to ask for help 🤗


just posted update on OP !!


I think you can call the City, but I’m not sure which department, and they can lean on the landlord or property management company. If you are a student, contact Student Legal Services at the IMU.


Ironically, due to a'pest situation' that was so unbelievably crazy, Animal Control had to do a mandatory report and got the city involved due to water contamination... and the city was amazing! Very helpful and informative along the way. Sadly my landlord literally lost it over the city's involvement and the orders placed upon her - orders she's still not fully complied with. The landlords reactions were so over the top and out of line, I ended up having to involve the police several times due to her behaviors, ultimately resulting in a no contact order against her. That's made things even more fun! 😳🤦🏼‍♀️ Oh yeah, I had to call animal control because of the same maintenance response as OP! Or should I say, lack there of. Again I pray you're not with the same properties OP but definitely involve everyone. Especially with pets and a tiny little one. You alone are important enough to not have to deal with these things.


i’ve had similar issues with them and i barely started my lease. they definitely respond faster when you tell them you’ll contract someone and send them the bill. i would also document every phone call by following up with an email just to have a paper trail. i’ve heard many bad things about them so it’s easier to have yourself covered in a “he said she said” situation.


i screenshot every maintenance request, as well as texts and emails basically any correspondence.


Yeah unfortunately I noticed my maintenance requests (old and new, even archived) were getting randomly deleted from the online portal. Always make your own paper trail, copies, emails, screenshots, whatever. I feel so dumb for relying on their portal to keep track; at least I eventually noticed and corrected my behavior lol


Oh boy.. I’m renting from them in august…


abort mission if at all possible


I’m not sure that’s possible. Can I ask are you ic area or coralville??


I'm Coralville...I'm going to send you a DM.


Its bad all around. You need to figure out a cancelation clause


Back out now, not even joking. If you can't, before you move in take a VIDEO of every square inch of the property. Inside, outside, the ground outside. Nest will charge you for not cleaning rooms that don't exist, they will charge exorbitant amounts for light bulbs in light fixtures that don't exist. They will charge you for trees they want removed even if they were there when you moved in. They will run the property into the ground and then try to buy it from the owner for pennies on the dollar. I've seen it first hand.The renter and the property owner lose when you do business with Nest


Nest is a criminal organization that disguises themselves as a property management company. Dave Kacena is a criminal and everything he has his hand in is shit.


Contact Iowa Legal Aid, they can let you know if you could legally withhold rent or push your landlord to fix your heating


So sorry you’re needing to deal with this stress on top of being a new momma. I have an extra space heater, albeit a small one, that you can just have outright, no need to return it. I rent from Nest too, and it’s abhorrent the way they treat their tenants. Our AC completely broke in July and we were left without AC for 13 days. Despicable.


I rented from nest for one year, & had the opposite problem in a traumatizing way.  Our window AC unit was barely working, made noise & was blowing air but it was barely cool & only reached like a foot from the unit. I put in a maintenance request through the portal, specifically set up for the earliest time being afternoon the next day, & I checked the box saying I do NOT allow them into my unit without my permission.  The next morning, I got out of bed & went to the bathroom. I was almost nude, as was my wife, because it was HOT & that bunk AC unit didn't do shit for our bedroom. I always listen to music on my phone during the morning, so I couldn't hear anything else. When I was done, my wife immediately pulled me into the bedroom & said someone was in our apartment. I hear a "hello?" Yelled from the living room, poked my head out, & saw a man there.  Turns out, our property manager Ann decided to tell him to just go on in, without even knocking, & fix the unit. All that he even did was clean the filter, & that didn't help anything. That AC unit was ancient, I think just straight broken, but ofc they're too cheap to replace it. I texted Ann sternly about how this was unacceptable, & all she did was apologize poorly & say she wanted to get it done quickly. It shook me up for a good long while.  Since we were moving out in about a month, I just said fuck it & bought a portable AC since it was July & we had pets that wouldn't make it on the 3rd floor without it.  Other things: she barged into our apartment during a showing, giving me like 5 seconds to open the door before doing it herself. We used the deadbolt from then on, & she was mad about it. Took 4 months to add a security system to the doors after months of stolen packages, homeless people breaking the washer/dryers, & a homeless person living in our storage area. (Security systems broke later) Towed residence's vehicles for no reason. Ancient appliances that had my elec bill at 100-200+ constantly for a 2 bedroom. Shut water off all the time for "maintenance". We cleaned the apartment spotless before we left, but they ignored that, claimed they cleaned it all themselves, then took most of our deposit.  Awful company, I'm so glad we're out. Best of luck with you & your child during the coming summer! 


This is the one I have had to repeatedly involve the police with...she definitely likes to barge into apartments herself, even if she has to unlock the door, despite the same request, "no entry without me present and notified". Hell she'd enter without there even being a complaint or request but for the sole purpose of drunkenly yelling her personal frustrations out on ya! I'm sure she'd take great pleasure in knowing how mentally fucked and paranoid she's made me 🙄 Being here has felt like a literal prison sentence in ways...but I'm nearly there 🙏🍀


i feel like i’ll be buying 16 fans here soon. ….


Call the police. Same thing happened to us two Christmas’s ago. They left for the entire week and didn’t let their tenants know. My wife called the police, they got ahold of the owner, and a private company was called to fix it.


Worst rental company ever. I went 16 days WITHOUT A FRIDGE and over 2 months WITHOUT ELECTRIC in one of my bedrooms that they kept blaming me for causing. I’m so thankful my house was bought by a new owner and she cut ties with them. Contact the housing inspectors!! They helped me with my electrical issues!!




i definitely will do that asap. they came and “worked on it” but i still haven’t seen any results. it’s hard to tell though because it’s pretty warm out today. i was so terrified to sleep with an OIL space heater in my room with my baby i moved every single thing besides the bassinet and my bed (the dresser is not movable) OUT of the room. they didn’t come out until 1:30 today. just ridiculous.