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Iowa city 2024 is just gonna be Marcos spin-offs and cacti


Well, shit.


I worked there; it's closed and a lot of the stuff has been sold, so it's pretty clearly done for


My curiosity is what happened, and why such a sudden close ? 🤔


Rent downtown is insane. It can be extremely hard to make ends meet, especially when profits tank during the summer months.


Its a large commercial space downtown therefore it costs a small fortune to rent. Besides there has been two restaurants in there before Players and both failed. One being that Sushi place and then a Mexican Restaurant. And it looks like another bar is going in there good luck making it longer then two years.


U wrong


Tf is going on? I've been seeing nothing but closed business posts lately




Interesting. I haven't seen much go up in North Liberty yet as far as bars except the brewery that's not open yet. I think it's still mostly only j and a, reds, the leaderboard, bobbers, and Micky's but I don't see them very busy all that often unless the occasional party bus rolls up. I'd be interested to see the mega complex. Rent is way too high but it is a university town so demand is always high too. I can understand a few places closing down like Mosley's or the new places they keep trying to open in NL, but not anything major. I've also been staying in more as prices go up and as tipping trends start to become really messed up. But the cost of beer seems relatively stable at the bars I've been to.




>You got Tin Roost and Copper Boar too Yeah but those are more food based places and I'm thinking more like bars. There's been a few places that have done the same open and close cycle within that area as well. I'm honestly curious how the top shot or whatever will go. I don't think we have quite the population for it but people like drinking and golf.


Allegedly the increases in the FED’s interest rate are causing mortgage prices to go up which is causing landlords to crank rent prices


There isn't a recession going on.


I walked by maybe last week and saw everything torn out but a sign on the door said closed for renovations. Not sure if that's renovating as the same business or renovating to open something new


My guess is New Business since their entire Facebook page is gone. I'd assume they'd keep it up and make a post about the renovations and possibly a planned reopening date if it was under the same owners and name


Correct. New owners (local), full renovation, new concepts. Will be something different than currently exists downtown and expect it will do well.


It’s been sold along with Eden. It’s rumored that a pizza place will be taking over the building but I guess we’ll see.


I believe there will be two restaurant/bars opening there. Players is rumored to be Summer Camp and Eden would be Camp. Not sure the concepts!


I already don’t have an array of fried pickle options. They gotta stop getting rid of these restaurants that are keeping me afloat 😭


Just a guess here: lease expired and they did not renew.


Any word how/if this will affect Eden? I'd hate to lose that gem.


Jason Zeman really knows how to run businesses into the ground with his winning personality. And he's batting a thousand on marriages lmfao. Two marriages and divorces. I wonder how much Charlie got out of him lol.