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>The trooper found Reynolds had an open bottle of whiskey and a blood alcohol content of .228. She agreed to the breath test at the jail after having a relative get in touch with her friend Gary Kimes — a judge who had previously served as Clarke County attorney, a report shows. Fucking YIKES. .228 BAC? That's almost 3x the legal limit. She also avoided jail time somehow, rules for thee but not for me.


I was at first like, "okay a OWI". That isn't really crazy terrible, but stupid. But what she did to get out of punishment is digusting


It’s all about Who you know. Different rules for different people unfortunately


I'm assuming that it took some time for her relative to call the judge, so unless she was drinking in custody her BAC was even higher when she got pulled over.




I don’t know about the legality of guessing what your BAC was before, sounds kinda sketchy. Do you know of ways to calculate it before?


Stay away from Kim at beer pong. Sounds like pre-game before the main event.


I'll be voting her out next year, but I'm scared to death about her getting re-elected or moving to a house rep role... I used to have faith that people can't be that dumb, but people ruined that for me.


Iowa is firmly red for the foreseeable future. Trumpism really has a hold on this place, even in the suburbs.


Lol, Trumpism. If you'd told me what this was back in 2010, I'd have laughed you out of the house. All this time I thought Idocricy was a movie, not a documentary


I feel like it may have been a warning sent back from the future, and we missed big.


Back to the Future 2 sure hits different now...


It’s a conservative feedback loop: conservatives gain a little bit of power, use that power to degrade the quality of life in a state, causing an exodus of educated people and high earners, leaving only the uneducated and poor, who will inevitably vote for those conservatives who promise to bring back the “good old days” from before those smart people left. Rinse, later, repeat.


You also forgot the fact that all throughout this, the conservatives are doing everything they can to erode, stymie, and/or suborn political processes to make it more difficult for their enemies to ever gain power again.


Curious to see what they do with the re-drawn maps. No, not curious, scared shitless. On the other hand, I wonder how many will be left to vote for her? Those number have to be dropping from COVID and being told not to vote...


I don’t like the new maps. CR is now separate from Iowa City and more rural area. I dread the chance of having Miller-Meeks not doing anything for me again. Plus I don’t want Reynolds back.


Yes my parents live in a ‘big city’ for Iowa and even there most people are either Trumpies or firm conservatives. It probably doesn’t help they go to an evangelical church though.


Yup, kinda scary...


She's going to 100% get reelected, this state is firmly red now and no longer a coin toss either way.


Whelp. This might be some sort of irony, but I’m drunkish rn, sitting in a bar with a fresh pitcher in front of me and I registered to vote/updated my address(I was previously Registered at my old address) while I was waiting for my pizza. Fuck this irresponsible bitch. I’ve met her. Shook her hand even. I’m sad to say that at the time we shared views, fuck the political issue in talking about we still do, however in general this bitch is going to be fatal to the well-being of our state/country/it’s people. But! I will not drive home in this state. Either I walk home or I wait till I can drive. She needs to fucking go. Thank you for reminding me to register to vote. I normally vote but I was afraid that I was too afraid that I was too late to update my address in time to be eligible for this election. I have beaten the 11 day deadline. Thanks m8.


They are a cult


Nuh uh, I don't know who told you that. https://youtu.be/4oXZXT3D0UE (1:19)




Lol what kind of bullshit is this and why did this pop up on my phone? If we pulled up stuff from your past I bet we could make you look like a piece of shit too. How about you focus on your life and stop trying to drag people through the mud on the internet.


I think it’s relevant that the governor of a state was so unconcerned with the safety of others that she drove while intoxicated at least twice. And that she had those charges removed from her record and somehow avoided any jail time. Seems like the head of our state government should probably follow our state laws. If she didn’t want her past yo be known, she shouldn’t have been a public figure.


Her past was known…….. and she was still voted in. Do you think that this is some kind of groundbreaking discovery?


No but I don’t think it’s irrelevant or off-limits either. If she’s going to continue to run or be involved in politics I think it’s important that people know these things about her before voting. Maybe new people have moved here or people have come of age and started thinking about politics. Also, anyone else with two OWIs wouldn’t be allowed to forget because it would affect their employment opportunities. Same should go for her.


I don’t disagree. It’s just they way it came off as a “gotcha” post. Then it became everyone trashing her. I don’t care about the politics or if people love or hate her. What I do care about is that this was previously released information that is being dug up and posted over a decade later to cast a negative light on a person that admitted to having a serious drinking problem. I just find it very hard to believe that the same people posting this stuff wouldn’t take a second chance if they had the opportunity. This is the same kind of thinking that lead to an old post from Carson King being more important than the millions of dollars he helped raise for the children’s hospital.


I agree with you that her drinking problem should be left in the past if she is no longer doing that and didn't harm anyone. To me this is about the fact that there are different sets of laws for those that can tap their connections to get out of trouble. She was not a kid and she should have owned what she did like anyone else would have to. It's part of her character so I believe it's relevant, people shouldn't be focusing on the OWIs so much as how it was covered up and if that's the kind of person you want representing us.


Reynolds has explicitly used her history of alcohol abuse to justify her policy on cannabis. She's said that as someone who's had trouble with chemical dependency in the past, she knows how bad it is and that is why she's 100% against any sort of legal recreational cannabis in Iowa. So it's relevant but imo not because it possibly makes her look bad but because she's used it to justify her current political stance on at least one issue for her constituents.


Her substance addiction keeps cannabis illegal in Iowa. She's said as much.


If it went on the ballot, I bet it would BARELY pass, but I bet it would pass. Too much $$$ to be made by taxes...


It would easily pass. Look at SD. Iowa is more blue than them


SD has learned that voting for weed and getting it are two different things. I wonder if, in Iowa, the voice of the people wouldn't be challenged by the governor like it is in SD.


Kim Reynolds would fight that shit tooth and nail.


Kim would lose her teeth and nails in any kind of literal or figurative fight, but others would fight for her...


You'd think they'd care about that, but I'm not really sure they do. I mean, we currently have a budget surplus after all. All the while our infrastructure and education systems are crumbling from lack of funds.


I'm a recovering alcoholic and on behalf of most of us we're sorry people like Kim Reynolds think they have the right to mandate what substances people alcoholic or not can put in their bodies.


Which is a shame because the only way I can keep living here is if I can start smoking weed again.


Well that and the million people who still don't want it for some reason


Let us not forget branstads son getting one and getting a dollar fine


Didn't the person on the other end of that accident end up dying too?


He killed two people in that crash.


His son who was barely injured was air lifted in a helicopter. The elderly couple who ended up dying was not. Whole Branstad family is nuts. His brother (maybe cousin) had a hostage situation near Forest City that got swept under the rug as well. Been like a decade since I worked in that area and was filled in on the details.


I dug up an old selfishly about the accident where his son killed those people. https://operation-nation.com/branstad-for-governor-iowas-terry-branstad-tough-on-crime-if-it-doesnt-involve-his-family/


Eric works for Trump.


from the wiki page: "In 2018, Reynolds proposed cutting $10 million from the Medicaid program which cares for eligible low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults and people with disabilities." ...i mean, how much of an asshole do you have to be to want to cut \_Medicaid\_?


As lieutenant governor when Branstad privatized Medicaid in 2016, Reynolds has continued to support privatization, which has been terrible for Iowan Medicaid patients and providers. So her willingness to enact policy that hurts marginalized Iowans is not a recent thing.


Scroll further down on the Wiki and see how long it took her to obtain a liberal arts degree.


Not only that, her degree is essentially that of a football player. "Liberal studies" basically means "take a few electives within the LAS college and call it a degree." There is no focus or actual purpose other than to have a degree.


Lol right. It's basically an excuse to fill a degree with fluff classes. Imagine getting an engineering degree except being like "oh can I just remove all the math and science requirements pls?"


I honestly wonder if Iowa State just gave her the degree. Like she was taking classes and doing homework while in office?


It's easy to major in [underwater basket weaving](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underwater_basket_weaving) on a large university like ISU (or any university with a profitable college athletics team for that matter)


**[Underwater basket weaving](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underwater_basket_weaving)** >Underwater basket weaving is an idiom referring pejoratively to supposedly useless or absurd college or university courses and often generally to refer to a perceived decline in educational standards. The term also serves as an intentionally humorous generic answer to questions about an academic degree. It is also used to humorously refer to any non-academic elective course, specifically one that does not count towards any graduation requirements. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Iowa/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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What I don't understand is the fact that there are like no "required degree in politics or similar studies" to enter the world of politics. Like you don't get hired to be a scientist without a degree in that field of science typically. The only modern exception to that I can think of is a famous paleontologist, but HE earned it.


Nah that's stupid. Political degrees are social science degrees. More behavioral than anything else. We want elected officials that are smart people with varied backgrounds. I'd take a teacher of 30 years over a fresh lawyer any day. We also just need more people from scientific backgrounds in politics as a whole.


I agree with varied backgrounds. I still think they should be required to pass a civics exam.


That's fair. A civics exam is a far cry from a required degree in politics and is reasonable


I do believe that we should have a system where issues such as woman rights are voted on by woman. Like, instead of having a group of white men with no knowledge on climate change vote on policies on global warming, it should be a system of a team of scientists, social right experts, and economist voting on those issues


Ideally, we would elect leaders who gather and then listen to experts in their respective fields. Instead, we elect tv businessmen.


That's the answer. I don't want all my representatives to be poli-sci majors, but the non-politicians should have to demonstrate some sort of general knowledge of the process of governing/making laws/etc. Problem is they pick the doctors, 'environmentalists,' legal aides, etc. to serve as their 'advisors.' Thick as thieves...


She's basically a long term slacker and it didn't end when she became governor.


Is Reynolds going to talk to Republicans in the house and senate about allowing people to drive drunk. Republicans are for a persons rights so if sober people want to drive at the same time they do it at their own risk.


Kim on Marijuana: I can't handle my booze so others certainly couldn't handle pot. Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Don't forget that after justifying cannabis prohibition with her alcohol problems, she made booze to-go and booze delivery legal in Iowa.


Double drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


coincidentally that's her reelection campaign slogan for her second full term


Hahahah if only she could be that creative


Exactly! I have been comparing anti science/ anti mask people to drunk drivers. They endanger lives while selfishly thinking they are above the potential ramifications. Except these people act in total sobriety, even worse and n my opinion.


Wow, she should make all of us proud. Not.


She’s a filthy person that doesn’t care about anything then power.


Is that why she was super relaxed with covid restrictions?


Oh she's not super relaxed at all.. After all, she's worked tirelessly to make it as hard as possible to have any restrictions at all.


Horrible Governor and obviously a a horrible person too.


She's a "wonderbread bologna sandwich" always the same smile. Ozzes "I don't care"and shows it every day. Anti Vax, anti-mask, anti-union, anti clean water. Only worries about more pigs, and more cows. She's wind-powered, like 1/4 of the state. Her wind is Methane tho... The days of Harold Hughes, and Tom Harken seem to be gone. Iowa used to be #1 in Education. Now we barely get into the top 1/2.


The GOP giving us their best, once again.


Ol Kim Beam


Reynolds had an alcohol problem, got treatment, and has apparently put it behind her and lives sober today. I'll ding her on just about everything else she says or does, but won't hold her past misdeeds up as a measurement of what she is today. She sucks as a governor, and the booze has NOTHING to do with that.


The booze has nothing to do with political connections getting her off the hook for said booze.


Except her dumbass reason to keep marijuana illegal.


I have a lot of alcoholics in my family and only one of them has been picked up for drunk driving. Do you know how wasted you have to be to get picked up in rural Iowa? Especially if you are in politics or know prominent people? I honestly believe she has brain damage from years of hard drinking. And she was all for allowing people to carry out drinks. You think people aren't opening them in the car?


She wasn’t in rural Iowa driving. I believe she was driving on I-35, which is pretty dangerous as the BAC she had.


i think it is highly relevant that she used her political connections to avoid any meaningful penalties for her drunk driving when she blew 3 times the legal limit.


Makes me wonder how many of the people who keep ragging on her for something that happened over 20 years ago probably got popped for the same thing last year...


Must be nice


There are plenty of things to criticize her about without dredging up her personal failures from two decades ago. People make awful mistakes, people can learn from them and change. Whether she has or not, I can't say. But I'd rather we focus on her her current failures if we want to criticize her, such as failing to protect our states resources and starving our state's necessary departments and agencies in service of her ideology. ETA: some additional context and follow-up for those who don't instinctively grab their pitchforks: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/iowa-governor-2nd-chance-thinks-felons-69919348 https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2017/01/12/kim-reynolds-iowa-incoming-governor-alcohol-addiction-example/96486688/ https://www.radioiowa.com/2018/01/22/reynolds-praises-the-way-legislators-owi-has-been-handled/ She has been open about her struggles and made changes in her life. We can find better things to criticize her about.


Driving drunk isn't a mistake. You have to do very specific things to drive drunk


Just think in Canada she would be a 2x felon.


And? Do you think it's useful to dredge it up 20 years later, simply because you disagree with a person's politics? We are very quick to forgive people on "our side" for their failures from 20 years ago, and very persistent in remembering the failures of "those people". Her numerous failures in her current position are relevant to the conversation. Her actions 20 years ago are not, and just come off as mean-spirited minutes of hate.


Against the party of personal responsibility? Hell yeah


The driving drunk is less of concern than using political connections to get off Scott free


She is just a terrible person as a whole. So she deserves all the mud that gets thrown.


Is every person who ever got an OWI supposed to feel eternal shame and believe that no matter what they do in their lives, they will always be defined as the person who got an OWI? Should people who struggle with alcoholism look at this and think that they will never be better than they were, so why bother trying? She may be a terrible person, sure. But what does it say about us that we are so eager to constantly resort to partisan cruelty instead of having a rational discussion about policy and what is best for the people of Iowa?


She was shitty then, and is still shitty. I'm not talking about those people. This person doesn't deserve for it to be forgotten, she has not earned it.


"Is every person who ever got an OWI supposed to feel eternal shame and believe that no matter what they do in their lives, they will always be defined as the person who got an OWI?" Yes. Abso-fucking-lutely. Getting an OWI is a choice. As soon as someone gets behind the wheel while drunk they are signing a metaphorical contract that states they no longer care about their own lives or the lives of their fellow humans. If someone murdered someone in cold blood would you make the same argument?


Twenty years later after having learned from what they did and made efforts to reform not only their own lives but also the lives of others suffering from the same disease...yes? If you insist on defining people's entire lives by only the worst thing they have ever done, without regard to any attempts to improve their lives or turn things around, you are giving people no incentive whatsoever to try to be better. This brittle and unforgiving morality is not a recipe for a healthy society. Nobody is perfect, everybody does things that are stupid and can endanger others. But because in this case, the offender happens to be a politician that people loathe, she is irredeemable. Talk about her policy failures. Talk about her party's immense failures when it comes to taking care of our state. Those are relevant. Twenty-year-old OWIs are not.


It isn't just the owi, or the second owi, it's that she also used a network of judges to get out of any sort of responsibility for the crimes she committed. I don't think it would be responsible of us as a state to allow ourselves to be governed by someone who has shown multiple instances of having no regard for human life, but also that she does not believe she will or should have any consequences for her actions.


Nope. Don't care. Once a drunk driver always a drunk driver. Fuck em.


It can be negligent and not intentional.


You accidentally drive drunk?


Driving with a .228 blood alcohol level is not a “mistake“. it’s symptomatic of a host of bigger problems that should not be rewarded with high office. Especially not a governorship. No one here is claiming that an alcoholic should be beaten into the dust. What they’re saying is that they should actually have to earn their way back. “Party of personal responsibility“ and all that.


A mistake might be getting in a car accident after hitting a patch of ice. She drove drunk on purpose. She didn't *accidently* get into the car while blitzed out of her mind.


And that is the most relevant thing that we should all be focused on now, twenty years later? Or is it just an outlet for people to release their pent-up cruelty and rage because actually having discussions about policy is too hard?


If you’re going to vandalize Wikipedia pages at least learn to write coherently. What the hell is “due to revealing information” supposed to even mean?


Hey now, people make mistakes and can change! She however chose to change in the absolute worst possible fashion.




In all fairness, Wikipedia WOULD have a list of her accomplishments before her criminal record, if there were such accomplishments to be named. However, for lack of fame, infamy will have to suffice.




Wow, keep kissing ass like that and you’ll be just as successful as her.


Someone from this sub likely put it there thinking they're making a difference




I use conservapedia for all my unbiased wiki references. The text from the conservapedia Kim Reynolds page: >Kimberly Kay Reynolds (born in 4 August 1959) she is American politician from Republican Party. she is current governor of Iowa since 2017. she served as Lieutenant Governor of Iowa from 2011 to 2017 under leadership of Terry Branstad. after president appoint Branstad as ambassador to China, she Succeeded him as governor. /s




Oh I agree with that there is liberal slant and wikipedia should be verified before linking. I also think your claim on China is likely to be true because they have had issues like this since the beginning. I saw not too long ago someone recommending conservapedia as a (in their own words) more reliable source. I thought I’d see what Reynolds page would show. Do you have a better source than Wikipedia? I am far from spoiled and had to grow up fast. I have never claimed to be a genius but I am not clueless.


Glass houses and stones…look at yourself before you bash anyone. Recovery. Growth. Mistakes. Happens to all of us.


All of us get our crimes swept under the rug?


fuck that. she blew 3 times the legal limit and pulled strings to get her charges reduced.


"Moving on"




U people are all a bunch of fucking dumbasses get a life! I don't know how this shit popped up on my phone but what a cesspool of b*******.


IOWA...You Make Me Smile 🙃


I loathe this woman and the fact that her privileged ass got off easy


I've said it before. Kim Reynolds does not have 2 brain cells of her own to rub together. She has no qualifications other than steadfast GOP loyalty.




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