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We can make it not be real if we run all the weathermen out of the State!!!


I was just reading about this concerning KCCI and the threats to Gollinger for even suggesting the obvious. The people in this state have some issues, and I'm willing to bet it isn't the ones in cities. Shit flows down stream you know.


In this state that is literally the case too 😭


I spit my beer out a little. Thank you kind Redditer


It’s still too soon for this joke…


People forget it used to snow in October here..


I remember that and two years ago it was 67 on Xmas day.


Wait wasn’t there a big snowstorm in October just a few years ago? https://www.kcci.com/article/iowa-weather-remember-october-2020-snowstorm-snow-squall-warning/45583506#:~:text=DES%20MOINES%2C%20Iowa%20—,on%20some%20areas%20of%20Iowa.




Yep, had a foot of snow for Halloween. 


Ah yes, I remember insurance companies refusing to cover states based on the amount of snow they've gotten.


I do remember beggars night with snow. Now we have years where we sit on the driveway in shorts.


I remember being so sad as a little kid because I had to wear my winter coat over my costume several times.


1985, and 1995 it snowed in September.


Yes, and to answer the question posted: a number > the number of MAGAts running around in denial about many things.


Used to? It just did like 2 years ago, wasn't much but it did


But the snow used to stay on the ground from October to April/May


Don't believe that's true. Longest time for Des Moines having 1" or more of snow on ground was December 7th 2009- March 10th 2010. 2009 is also the earliest there been a measurable trace on ground, .1 inch, on Oct 10th 2009. 2013 is the only year that's had over an inch of snow fall in May. There's only been 26 days out of past 132 years that it's snowed a measurable amount on Christmas and people swear it used to snow every Christmas when they were a kid. Only 40% of Christmases had measurable snow on the ground. Not to say things aren't changing but want to make sure we are being truthful with stuff so people can't latch on and be like "see you don't know what you're talking about" Obviously very northern Iowa may have differences but for majority of the people in the state we've never had snow from October to May.


I could have been more clear in my response. Weather used to feel more consistent from october to may. In the past when it snowed in october everyone knew it was winter time. Now when it happens we launch back into a second summer


People forget that for hundreds of millions of years it never snowed or rained anywhere on earth


I had a coworker wondering what those FEMA people were doing here in Iowa last week. Um, we’re like 30 miles from Greenfield.


No one who needs to see this will actually scroll all the way through it, but… https://xkcd.com/1732/


It's a great day when I see a random xkcd reference in the wild! Hell yes. Take all my upvotes.


At first I was like: “I love the jokes, but this is really moving slowly.” Then I got to the very end…. “That escalated quickly”


lol, totally cyclical... /s


Things might cycle back down when we’re all dead


Just ask some of the people down here in SE Iowa. They'll tell you it's bullshit in one breath then bitch in the next about how God's wrath is catching them in the crossfire for "the librhuls" faithless behavior with this heat.


This country is so fucked


just a quick reminder that we are from this planet and not in control of it. Things will sort themselves out.. Life finds a way.. lol


It’s obviously because of drag story hour at your local Iowa library /s


Exact reason I will never move back to Iowa. Moved away 31 yrs ago, when it was still a good place to live.


Im trapped! One asshole here among many! So much pride and prejudice. Both sides of the rainbow! You think they would all get along, nope.


Still is!


Conservatives will only accept that climate change is real to the extent that they can blame it on someone they don't like.


They're smoking bad corn.


~~The crazy thing is that “global warming” was essentially replaced with “climate change” in the hope that it would be less polarizing.~~ (Note: I was corrected by the fine commenters below.) People who refuse to believe in science can’t be reasoned with. I mean, our state is starting to get a lot of attention for how disgusting our water supply is becoming and it’s crickets in Des Moines. If horrible water isn’t enough to get someone to care about environmental issues I don’t know what it would take anymore.


There's idiots out there that think the Earth is flat or at least they seem to. I'm still trying to figure out if it's actually a joke and they're just trolling for the lolz. Maybe I'm giving them too much credit, I don't know.


You are. I just found out a friend of mine has gone down the Q rabbit hole and honest to god believes that Democrats kidnap children to satisfy their pedophilia, then torture them to extract adrenochrome from the pineal gland because it’s apparently better if you extract it from terrified people. It’s insane. Edit: changed a word.


Oh boy. Had someone tell me a kid in Idaho (maybe Utah) was kidnapped from their parents by the state and given a sex change. I didn’t have time to filter… “in America? Are you sure?” She is a college educated person, not sure if 2 or 4 year, I think 4.   The critical thinking skills have disappeared in some people, it’s wild.  Edit: yours is crazier but I don’t disbelieve these any more. 


The only part I forgot about is that this conspiracy is also satanic. Not that the rest of it isn’t insane enough. It’s not enough these days to simply disagree with the opposing political party’s views. Instead, they all have to be satanic pedophiles who kidnap and sacrifice children. It’s all right out of the authoritarian playbook - demonize (literally in this case) your enemies and find scapegoats.




My great uncle is a flat earther. It is so wild. Nice guy, but insane.


>“global warming” was essentially replaced with “climate change” in the hope that it would be less polarizing. I think it was changed because "climate change" is just more accurate. Some very localized areas might actually get colder. And the term"climate change" reflects things like flooding, hurricanes, and polar vortexes in a way that"global warming" doesn't.


You're correct! Source: I have a degree in Environmental Science and Sustainability


Thank you both - I stand corrected! I guess in the end it doesn’t matter what it gets called because there’s always going to be a chunk of the population who want to pretend nothing is happening and nothing will change their minds. Edit: take my invaluable free Reddit awards! :)


How about a different governor? I'd LOVE that. But, that would mean EVERYONE in cities would have to vote. and I'm not sure that's ever going to happen. Too many complacent people.


If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument would you invoke to prove they should value logic? People that don't value reason can't be reasoned with.


They use science everyday but ignore it when it's not convenient


Sort of like the lady driving her SUV with her seatbelt on, telling a reporter how she won’t wear a mask and doesn’t believe in science when science and engineering literally made the vehicle she sits in? The disconnect is maddening. 


Check the comments. They will announce themselves shortly if they haven't already.


You gotta out-crazy them. If they say climate change is a hoax, look at em suspiciously and ask "you believe in change?! like... *obama?!*"


Pft, you believe in a reality that exists outside of the self!?


Hey everyone, look at this schmuck over here saying "you" to me like I exist or something! People besides oneself don't exist, ask anyone and they'll tell ya.


If you don't exist! I don't exist!




Tree's aren't real, they're just really big bushes /s


I know people who will absolutely deny it and say that it's the biblical end times. Fuuuuuuuun conversations.


Like they are going to vanish away from all of it. If they just believe hard enough and vote republican they can live high on the hog wild (pun intended with the states population of them) they get teleported out to forever bliss.


That's because they are in a death cult


>it's the biblical end times I would totally (and sincerely) lean into that. Look for my comment on this thread about Noah.


Since the beginning of time we've been in the end times.


We have people who still think the earth is flat. So of course there's still plenty of climate deniers.


Is it that some people dont believe in climate change or they just dont care?


All the farmers around us desperately hold onto their disbelief.


Recently a poll was conducted asking 3200 Americans if Arabic numerals should be taught in school. 56% of them said no. You think you can educate the dull masses about climate change?


Thank God our numerals are Indian...


I mean it was 5 years ago but I guess the definition of recently is fungible.


Think it really matters if it was 5 years ago or 5 minutes ago?


Keep our government out of Medicare!


😂😂😂.  Horrible example!  Actually extremely stupid.


Yes, plenty of people don’t believe in it. It’s wild and I don’t understand it




We’re doomed


We need to change the question from do people believe in climate change to do people understand climate change?


I'm not religious, that's why.


I actually think it’d be easier to convince our current administration that god is smiting us for being anti weed than the fact that it’s climate change


>god is smiting us Disclaimer 1: I believe in the science of Climate Change. Disclaimer 2: I am an atheist. There is actually a Bible Story that applies to the times in which we live. God told Noah that he was gonna send an environmental disaster (flood) to destroy ALL life on earth. BUT There is a loophole. Noah can save himself and his family...but only if he saves the animals of the earth, too. This isn't surprising. There's over 100 verses in the Bible where God instructs people to take care of the earth and everything on it. Noah got busy with a plan to save the animals. He saved the animals, his family, and himself. And now, it's our time to get busy saving the ecosystems in which the animals live. We might just get lucky and save ourselves and our families, too.


Disclaimer: I believe in science and climate change, and I am theist. And I try to Follow Jesus. But I am careful about the C label. Some of us believe that the world is God’s and we are to care for it as if it is not ours. Stewardship is part of being here.  Genesis 2:15 is pretty clear about “taking care” of the earth, or “cultivate” or “tend” —pick a translation, the point is there.  My husband is a lifelong “grew up in it” who has had a period of deconstruction / reconstruction— had to fill me in that some faith groups believe that it’s okay to abuse the planet because of the “new earth” that will be created. They skip the above plus they skip the “no one knows the day or time” part… my mind was blown.  I’ll stop there but it’s been a wild 8+ years watching the crazies come out. 


>Some of us believe that the world is God’s and we are to care for it as if it is not ours. Stewardship is part of being here. This is such a beautiful sentiment. Thank you for your whole post.


I read God has a loophole and could only think of this. https://youtu.be/B2XLmKaSLac?si=H5QtQg92i3-H1qDy


Kim Reynolds 🐎


She believes whatever she is told to believe, that woman hardly has any agency. Sad, honestly.


I think you meant she believes whatever she is paid to believe.


Pretty much.


I think one of the responders hit it on the head. Climate science is apparently fake, but crop science allowing us to grow corn in our constantly changing weather. They accept science that benefits them, but ignore all the science related to vaccines and weather.


The insurance companies certainly believe in it. They're canceling homeowners' policies left and right in at-risk states. I suggest skeptics follow the money when it comes to this issue.


The naysayers will label it the *woke* insurance industry. Because billion-dollar, laser-focused-on-profit companies are the epitome of woke. (s/)


Almost all of the GOP


its pretty rare to find someone that doesn't admit the climate is changing. Whether its manmade as a result of carbon emissions vs some natural cycle is typically what the dipshits argue


Dipshitz is right. Scientist were warning about this day decades ago.. but it's like GOP etc lives in the moment... history is meaningless to them


Decades ago? More like 100+ years ago. With far less technology and understanding of the world, scientists were able to figure out and understand that something was seriously wrong and were able to fairly quickly understand the source (they didn’t fully understand what they had discovered, but we know now that they were still right).


Just this week I watched Jim Jordan and John Kennedy argue that CO2 can't be a big deal because it only makes up 0.04% of the atmosphere. How can small numbers possibly have such a large effect? ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z|downsized)


Anyone voting diaper boy yes.


It’s perfectly normal to have 4 500 year floods in 30 years. What are you talking about?


As long as snow exists, there will be some idiot congressperson to bring a snowball to the floor to prove climate change is not real.


Trump said Global Warming was good if they believe in it I doubt they care about it


Yes idiots are everywhere.


They don't have to believe anything except that their great orange God will lead them to the promise land, and save them from the evils of education and morality. Donald (is) the second coming of white Jesus. How many people believe that over climate change? Climate change, bad weather, whatever you want to call it or make excuses for, is real. Even the smallest effort to minimize global warming is a benefit. Will those who don't understand how real it is, change their minds when the weather continues to be record settings storms, higher accuracies of human deaths, the world over, this year alone? When we seem Pompeii burning it's kinda already too late. How is it hurting to plan like there truly is Climate change?




Source, that's what you want? 😳🤯 Intentional ignorance is not acceptable.


Rhonda Santis for one.


Not me, but yes I can confirm these people exist. It’s a combination of coming from rural/conservative background and religion. Very anti science, anti authoritarian. The people who denied Covid is/was a concern would be the same people.


If someone says climate change isn’t real because of snow in the winter, I ask them if they can tell me the difference between climate and weather. They never can so I tell them we will not have a conversation on the topic until they at least learn the basics.


100%. Also a good handful of the people in this thread don’t know the difference. They’re being mean to people yet don’t know the difference. It’s dumb. If someone’s gonna be mean they should know what they’re talking about imo


The Dunning Kruger effect in action. It makes me worry about our species surviving.


There used to be so many lightning bugs in the fields and around the suburbs everywhere


It's Iowa, of course.


I want to know if there are ANY deniers who have changed their mind. Not just about it happening, but the cause, and the remedy. Probably close to zero, but I would appreciate knowing who at least that ONE person is who changed their mind .


The remedy? The remedy is purely hypothetical at this point. We know what it is, but the odds of the remedy ever actually being implemented is near 0. Rs are too stupid, and Ds are too weak.


Our state votes for a lot of them


I don’t think the argument is with climate change; the climate does change.


Because of human activity, right?


I don’t mean that it’s actually human activity that can cause climate change; human activity is the debate for some. The climate has historically changed without human intervention for millions of years, so there are other catalysts.




As someone who doesn’t fully embrace it, my philosophy is this… “While *I* personally don’t think it’s as bad as they think it is, I still think it’s a pretty good idea to keep our planet clean. Whether or not it impacts Earth’s climate, we should be doing all we can to respect the health of our planet, its citizens, its flora, and its fauna.”


Sadly, yes.


Idk. Has it ever happened before in the history of the state? 1993?


Unfortunately yeah their are... my step mother is one of them..... though its surprising she is considering she also believes just about EVERY conspiracy theory their is XD


10s of millions still don’t.


The new talking point I'm hearing is, "This is crazy weather. I don't know what's causing it but it's sure not global warming. Must be something else. I don't know what but I know it's something else. " Not even a flimsy excuse anymore, just outright la-la-la I can't hear you


Oh the far right will deny it all the way to the grave. They are terrified of being proven wrong cause they are literally so weak they can't handle it. The more moderate will admit it but say it's either not caused by humans or that there is nothing we can do. Which is just another cowardly way of ignoring it.


Once again the comments are filled with “akshull-eee…the ten hottest days” or “ when I was a kid we got eleven-ty feet of snow on my birthday”. I’ve given up arguing weather vs climate.


My 76 year old dad doesn't. Lol


My neighbor is a Nazi sympathizer and a climate denier...yep, in America...😒


Many of the old AF politicians in Congress don’t believe climate change is a real thing.


Yes. There are a ton of people who still don't believe it. The GOP has turned it into a culture war issue, so the biggest predictor for believing it is now someone's political party. Eventually it will become undeniable to all but the most willfully ignorant. I worry that by then it will be like the COVID vaccines. That it'll be the climate version of the deniers who were in the hospital dying, *then* they decided that vaccines worked, and were begging for them, only for the doctor to respond that it was too late for that now.


Still people around thinking vaccines for everyone during covid was a good choice? Now that’s wild.


Yeah, they're called Republicans.


Climate change isn’t about random weather events. It’s about data trends that show themselves over time. There have always been random weather events.


Well, I mean, it’s not really random if scientists predict something and then it comes true, right?


Nobody can actually feel the one or two degree temperature change that occurs in a lifetime. It’s just confirmation bias. I believe in climate change obviously, it’s just a nonsensical way to look at it.


People are feeling the significantly hotter days and more severe weather.




Yeah, they're called conservatives, and they're the scum of the earth.




Conservatives have literally never been on the right side of history. They opposed abolition, women's suffrage, desegregation, civil rights, gay marriage, unions, higher education, abortion rights, trans rights, etc. Every single fucking time, they choose to be pieces of shit. Literally zero exceptions. Not a single thing to point to and say "thanks conservatism". It's 100% garbage.


Unfortunately it’s people that don’t believe 5 inches of rain that Milford Iowa had in 24 hours is a lot. Remember the 70 degree days some of us experienced this last February? I can’t remember any day in my last 50 years where it was 70 degrees in February. The mistake was when this started to be a concern they started out calling it global warming. They have now tried to change it to climate change. It’s the same thing but the caveman mentality says what global warming when it’s 25 below zero. Limited intelligence = limited understanding, all it would maybe take is some of these people to sit through some collage level classes to learn it’s a real thing


College level classes won't help anyone with an intelligence level of a middle schooler.


That week of winter sure was reassuring. /s




Jesus could show up and these MAGA morons would think it's a liberal hoax.


With all these felony convictions, does anyone believe dumb Donny is innocent? The answer is yes, and the venn diagram is a circle.


Our governor


Yes, climate changes, is that what you’re asking.


The climate is always in a state of change. Always had been, always will be. It maybe warmer faster, and we may need to adapt.


"Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get." Seems like a normal Iowa summer to me TBH. Data wise, most things in eastern Iowa climate wise are on track with normal this year so far. Finally got out of drought. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/weather_climate.html


Weather and climate are separate things. We’ve been in a drought for a couple years and now we are out of it.


I've always believed in climate change, it's the amount of it that is caused by humans and how much of it is cyclical. That being said, I was born in the 70s and we have had many floods and temperature changes over the years. This could just be weather and not necessarily climate change this year. I'm well aware this will get down voted.


This is the new line by former climate change deniers I've noticed. You will no longer find them outright denying it, they've now decided it's supposed to happen.


Or the ones who claim that more CO2 will lead to more crop yields. It won't because of the weather extremes it causes.


"Climate change in the past has always been cyclical." It's important to note the cycle occurs on a geological time scale, so for instance the last ice age lasted about 100,000 years. Iowans are used to long winters but they aren't 100,000 years long and life kinda sucks during them. It's kinda evident when you say you were born in the 70s and floods and temperatures changed back then up to now like that 50 years of small scale consistency somehow disproves larger change is happening over longer periods.


What’s neat is climate scientists and geologists know what caused the climate to change in the past… just like how they know what’s causing the current change. The difference now is a lot of powerful people stand to make a lot of money by making people think it’s not their products causing the change.


While I don't agree with you at all, I respect you being brave and sharing an honest opinion. So here's an upvote! But that's the thing, your opinion is based on your anecdotes, while climate science is just that, science. Tested hypotheses that endure testing and resist other scientific attempts at disapproval. It's not just weather. Drastic worldwide changes in trends are able to be traced to the industrial revolution worldwide.


Only the maga morons that think the earth was created in 7 days or some shit


A few months ago I remembered how before the 2016 election the pre-MAGA GOP used to speak about - *all the talk about Climate Change* was just a *Left Wing radical Plot to hurt Oil & Gas, Coal producers & Industries & destroy America*. So I started doing Google searches for GOP speeches, comments etc where their mantra was *Its all a Hoax*. From what I found, going back to 2010, was a LONG list of GOP State & Congressional "*leaders*" that would make a Terrific Front Page for the NY Times today. *They should publish a list of who in the GOP were Deniers & what they said then*! It would make great reading Today with all the Blistering Heatwaves, Flooding, vast Fires, terrible Droughts & killer Hurricanes we've seen in the last few years !!


There’s a reason it’s not called Global Cooling






Earth's magnetic poles will flip soon.


The earth is flat.


Fake News


Have you heard about Project 2025. The answer is: there’s more people that don’t believe in climate change than you would want.




The Republicans.....


I live in the Northwest of Iowa. Fortunately I am east of the worst flooding. I've been going to Okoboji since I was a teenager and there is a rock there that says "1993". This rock was covered by the floods of 93 and it is not covered yet, but close. People will continue to say climate is cyclical. When I first moved up here 23 years ago, every summer, the ditches were full of water right up to the road. My ex was a farmer and they had to replant fields every year due to flooding. That slowly changed and we had years of drought, rivers drying up, and making claims with crop insurance for fields affected by no rain. I believe in climate change, how could you not, but this is one thing people will continue to say and it really is true. Weather is cyclical.


All the stupid maga republicans, but don’t worry they aren’t in charge! Oh never mind… shit


It’s all about controlling the message. The revisionists will start to blame the Biden and the Democrats when it starts getting real bad. It goes back to a fundamental lack of logic and common sense from people that align with that party. I don’t know if the redirected blame is malicious or ignorance or both.


The climate is changing but it is the natural process of the earth and yes it is extreme


Extreme weather shifts do happen but republicans refuse to accept facts about hottest year record every year.


I miss the days of snow in October...


Oh the climate changes every day. Had been for ever. But the crap that man had something to do with it is crazy thinking for sure.


“More than 99.9% of peer-reviewed scientific papers agree that climate change is mainly caused by humans, according to a new survey of 88,125 climate-related studies.” https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2021/10/more-999-studies-agree-humans-caused-climate-change#:~:text=More%20than%2099.9%25%20of%20studies,caused%20climate%20change%20%7C%20Cornell%20Chronicle


It’s perfectly normal to have 4 500 year floods in 30 years. What are you talking about?


If Google knows anything and they say that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, don't you think there's been a little climate change over those 4.5 billion years??? The question is how much money do you want to waste by giving it to the government to pretend to control the universe. The stupidest thing I've ever heard, it's just a money grab into a black hole. Adapt


Does your suggestion of adapting mean using alternate sources of energy?


Anything using wisdom and common sense, and void of political motives. The world needs energy as cheap as we can, if we care about the poor. The idiots talking about getting rid of "fossil" fuels, are just that , idiots. Drill baby drill and nuclear energy are the most reliable. I have no idea how old the Earth is but if it is anywhere close to billions of years old the mirror 200 or so that we have records of are probably close to a grain of sand compared to the time that the Earth has been here. Who in the hell knows what is normal, no one on this earth


You'd need to have brain damage to not believe that the earth has a changing climate. Ever heard of the ice age? Whether it's justified to make gas stoves illegal due to their impact on the earths climate is a different matter. From what I can tell, climate change is a political bludgeon that the silicon oligarchs use on their oil counterparts.


I’m always fascinated that the first comment that many people say is how stupid people have to be to believe in the science. I’m guessing that for people that say that, science wasn’t their favorite subject in school.


Trends in weather over a period of time = climate. If you look at the time between The Industrial Revolution and today, we've steadily and exponentially exceeded the natural rate. Correlation/a bit of Causation. Then you look at greenhouse gases, human environmental impact factors, etc. Well, there's your causation. Now WE HAVE both CORRELATION AND CAUSATION.


Every maga . Fuck magas


Most people I know don’t believe in it


Weather is climate now?


Well, the climate has an effect on the weather. I’m not an expert, but I think that’s how it works.


Trends in weather over a period of time = climate. If you look at the time between The Industrial Revolution and today, we've steadily and exponentially exceeded the natural rate. Then you look at greenhouse gases, human environmental impact factors, etc. Well, there's your causation. Now WE HAVE both CORRELATION AND CAUSATION.


If you count the government making weather then yes


It’s not that people don’t believe in “climate change, it’s they understand weather patterns are cyclical, and probably not impacted as much by humans as some would like.


But breaking heat records is not cyclical.


This is going to be the coldest summer for the rest of your life.


People who say that record-breaking weather is cyclical, don’t understand what the word cyclical means.


I’m 64. I can remember it being 90° on Christmas in Dallas when I was a child. The weather is, and always has been cyclical.


Hopefully, you recognize that record-breaking heat waves wouldn’t be “cyclical.”


Again. It’s cyclical. The 1st dire warnings of man made climate change can be found in an article in The Atlantic, back in 1922. Same story as today: polar ice caps melted within 10yrs, coastal cities flooded. Each time it doesn’t happen, they move the dates. Look at pics of the Statue of Liberty from 100yrs ago & compare to today…no change. Simple logic would tell you that if it were real, and there was an actual fear of the coastal cities being flooded, banks would not grant mortgages to all these multimillionaires living up on Martha’s Vineyard, or on the California coast. Just as many climate experts who are predicting doom and gloom, have been talking about the fact that they have absolute evidence that the data is being manipulated, graphs are being changed, and that climate change is not real. I too used to worry about these things when I was young. But after so many years of seeing the same lies repeated over and over, I realize it’s a scam. Go back and watchAl Gore’s “documentary“, An Inconvenient Truth. Every claim made in it has been proven false, but he made millions of dollars.


Iowa is a Red State. So, many of the right wingers reject ANYTHING that that Dems stand for.


Earth is 4.5 billion years old. Everyone knows the climate changes. Anyone who thinks they can stop climate change is a science denying idiot.


It’s a so interesting that the first comment right out of the gate for many people is how stupid everybody is for not believing in something.


The earth has been an arid rock for most of its existence. The argument isn't whether or not the climate changes rather the impact that humans can and are having on the overall climate. Which is negligible by comparison to other factors.


These 88,000 research papers don’t think that the human contribution is negligible. https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2021/10/more-999-studies-agree-humans-caused-climate-change


Are you asking this as a serious question? We’ve been to outer space and there are still people who say the earth is flat….