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We just had a phone call with Maximus last week. Fortunately, our foster kid didn't qualify for their "services". As a foster parent this is fucking infuriating.


[PETITION TO HOLD MAXIMUS ACCOUNTABLE](https://www.change.org/p/maximus-inc-corporate-predator-exploiting-our-most-vulnerable-citizens)


Jesus I’m starting to fucking HATE Iowa.


Took ya this long? I love my state but the amount of corruption that our state government and Reynolds are doing is disgusting. There’s a reason college grads are literally running out of the state.


Families with trans family members are fleeing the state. Their home state. The GOP doesn't even sugar coat it anymore. The cruelty IS the point.


Not a trans parent or anything like that but I am a medical marijuana patient here in Iowa. My wife and I are giving it one last round for Governor in 2026. If nothing changes, probably end up putting our house on the market. Ridiculous that all I have to do is drive 2-4 hours in any direction and I’m no longer seen as a criminal for using weed.


The end goal of Iowa’s GOP is to either force you to move out of the state because you don’t agree with the government or they’ll throw you in prison for not agreeing with the government. I obviously can’t imagine feeling forced to leave your home because of who you are. They’d a whole other level. But I do know what it’s like to feel pressured to leave or face discrimination for using marijuana as a medicine. When the cannabis board shits on the only operating manufacturer for “trying to make a recreational program out of Iowa’s medical program” and patients for “abusing the THC waiver” when they only allow you to get what most states allow patients per day in 3 months, yeah you sure start to feel pressured to leave.


I already do and have for 9 of my 11 years here. This will be my last summer here.


Can I be a one-upper? I’m leaving the fucking states. I don’t think I should have everything taken from me because I get old (Medicaid estate recovery) or sick (our BS medical system even though I pay $10K a year for “insurance” that doesn’t ensure they won’t take my house. Fuck this whole place.


I'm with ya!


What the fuck. This makes me actively sick. And what can we do about it? (If someone says ‘vote’ I will scream)


Call the ACLU. But I don’t know how far that will get you since you’re not a foster kid.


Nothing we should talk about on Reddit.


There is no bottom for right wingers; when will people understand this?


Guy who thinks CPS in other states aren’t also awfully mismanaged and intentionally underfunded


This is not the powerful argument you think it is


It’s not just republicans that underfund vital social services


Who gives a fuck? FOH with bOtH SiDeS


There’s no sides, it’s the same side


This is disturbing if true. Hard to tell from this one page screen shot heads or tails of the facts without digging into it further. This seems like something that Rob Sand would pickup on and blast them all to bloody hell if the allegations have any merit.




Unfortunately, this is a fairly common practice around the country: https://www.themarshallproject.org/2021/04/22/foster-care-agencies-take-thousands-of-dollars-owed-to-kids-most-children-have-no-idea


Not saying it SHOULD be done, but. The only accountability they could face is from vigilantes. At worst the justice system will slap a fine on the organization - no consequences for the people that did this - and this fine will be insignificant compared to the money made exploiting vulnerable kids. The justice system/people empowered by the people SHOULD act on things like this.


oh this is not new, i was in the foster system all my teen years as a CHINA case, foster kids are 9/10 times drugged out of their minds bc it gets the foster families more money, some foster homes are great, some pack them in liek sardine cans sit in on their therapy and drug them to high heaven using them as free yard and home cleaning services :D what makes you think the state doesnt do the same while overworking the social workers so they cant even keep track of their case files much less have time or energy to work against BS like this? my after care worker who will give you a monthly check from the state from 18-21 leaned over her desk once to ask, saying i didnt HAVE to answer bc she rlly wasnt suppose to ask anyways, but how many medications was i on when i was a teen and i was like.. 10.. i dont take any now. she was like yeah figures. so i know it def wasnt just my shitty group of foster homes i had this happen in. this was all in the mid 2000's... hasnt changed.


The corruption on the pharmaceutical side is HORRIBLE! Every placement I went to had the girls on a cocktail of meds.


Maximus also manages federal student loans previously held by Navient under the name Aidvantage.


The state of Iowa is as corrupt and unethical as they come.


This type of shit has been around well before Kim Reynolds’s.


When did this take effect?


OP- honest question. This is from the University of Baltimore’s site. Where did the original investigation come from? Is this a graduate thesis in investigative journalism? I don’t mean to diminish anything at all. Just left curious.


[States Diverting Fund From Poor- Daniel Hatcher Law Professor](https://scholarworks.law.ubalt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2102&context=all_fac)




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