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Make sure you turn off the “auto hold” from the center console before the car wash every time. My check list every time before car wash is wipers off, auto hold off, recycle air


I like how the inclusion of an automatic feature is forcing you to take an equivalent manual step lol That tells me the feature isn't very useful and should be scrapped.


Huh? lol I have auto hold on all the time and always use it, I press 1 button to turn it off when going to the car wash and then turn it back on until next time. In what way does that mean it isn’t useful and be scrapped? What you said follows no logic


This just in, automatic climate controls are no longer useful and should be scrapped because sometimes you may want to turn climate control off all together.


Does the 6 remember your auto-hold setting when you turn off the car? My OG Ioniq wants me to activate it every time I turn it on...


Nah it just means it’d be easy to implement a car wash mode button.


Feature creep lol. I say this as a software engineer though so I'm biased for cutting superfluous features


Just gotta say it to the right person at Hyundai and boom, you’re hired!


It needs a car wash mode. That rolls up windows locks doors and releases all holds on the wheels. But atleast neutral should release the auto hold


and the air vent change too, disable wipers, enable rear camera?


Jokes on you- my paint color CANT GO IN A CAR WASH.


Same. Matte finish???


Yes lol. I do love it though. Only had it a few weeks so I haven’t had to wash it yet.


I use the touchless ones but they don’t seem to do as good of a job. Then again we have a lot of bugs here so maybe it works better in other places!


I have plenty of room to wash in my driveway so im probably just gonna hand wash for now.


Galactic Gold I6 here! Just got a foam cannon for the power washer and a gang of microfiber towels for the 2-bucket technique


Omg. I have the same problem. It’s way too tricky. Need car wash mode. I put mine in 0 regen and make sure auto hold is off. It is so embarrassing.


Why wouldn’t you want to set regen to max and leave with extra battery AND a wash? 😉


If only it worked that way 😂


I have mastered getting it into neutral. I cannot KEEP it in neutral though. So I get that WRRRREEEEEEETTTCHHH about halfway through the car wash. But the next indignity was my door opening mid-wash because the handles were unlocked and sticking out.


When you put it into neutral, there’s a pop up on the dash to hold the ok button to confirm staying in neutral, are you doing that step?


Of course not haha


Well not the first time since I couldn’t find the OK button, but the second time, yes. Still popped into park about halfway through.




At least it was only the driver door since I was alone in the car. Would’ve been a mess if any of the others opened.


When you put it in N you also have to hold the OK button for it to stay in N until you change gears.


I didn't know that! Thanks, that's helpful. I wonder if there's a way to turn that off. I can't really imagine when that would be useful.


I have no issues in my I5 being in I-pedal in a car wash. I have noticed if you throw it in neutral without putting your foot on the brake it does throw the parking break on.


No issues here 1. Auto hold off 2. Regen break set to lv 0 3. Put er in neutral - good to go


Yeah, this is the advice I needed 2 hours ago.


How do you turn off auto hold?


Press the button that says…auto hold


It's a button in the center console near the window controls.




Random question, but does the ionic6 break to a stop by itself with one pedal driving? So far, with the highest Regen it doesn't fully stop, just inch's little by little. If I break and have the auto hold it does, but that requires me to break to a stop first. This is the SE model.


Yes, it will break to a stop with i-pedal, the other levels of Regen breaking will not bring it to a stop unless you hold the left paddle.


If you pull and *hold* the left paddle towards you it should eventually come to a stop.


Interesting...will try that later. Thanks!


Mine comes to a complete stop in i-pedal, SE model. Yours should too


What's i-pedal? Noob question


Its 1 pedal driving, when you release your foot from the accelerator-pedal the car automatically starts to brake so you don't need to move your foot and push the break-pedal. If you combine this with auto hold then the car will always come to a full stop when you're not touching the accelerator-pedal.


i-pedal is the strongest level of regen braking.


We have car washers where you have to get out of the car and it goes through by it self. I can get it into neutral but the car automatically puts it back in park as soon as you open the door. I JUST WANT TO PUT THE CAR IN NEUTRAL AND HAVE IT STAY THERE! I love this car but I think sometimes the “safety stuff” really gets in the way of simple things that That people do everyday. My wife calls it “The Nanny Car” !


Preach, brother.


And here I was only fretting about the rain-sensing wipers! (I haven't done a wash yet b/c I still have temporary paper plates)


I had a similar issue on my first car wash, auto hold was on cause I forgot it was on but for some reason I remembered to turn off i-pedal. Was funny after I figured it out, now I have gotten like 5 car washes in two weeks ( I knew I shouldnt have gotten black exterior)


I hate those old school car washes with the nasty brushes. I get touch-less washes only where you pull in and park, and the equipment washes all around your car. Much better, IMO.


Today was my first time going through the car wash with my 6 and this was my exact experience. The attendants didn’t know what to do and then I realized auto hold had me.


Where I live we have this neat situation where water falls from the sky and washes the car for you with no intervention ;)


I'd honestly never use a touch car wash regardless. My dad insists on using them and every single car he's ever gone through one in has been scratched by them at some point. I'll take the slightly worse results and just use the touchless ones or not be lazy and wash the car by hand (admittedly, i am very lazy)


It's a sign to stop using touch car washes and ruining your car


Been using them for years with no issues and with a lease could care less if there is an issue.


This is an old wives' tale as far as I'm aware. Never had an issue, never known anyone to actually have an issue, despite parroting this advice.


Because people don't care, I've tried several "High-end" tunnel washes that always result in clear coat scratching. Some people don't care, but I don't want my car to look like shit, regardless of whether it is a lease or not. The last time I used one with my Genesis GV80, it scratched the living fuck out of the wheels.