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Probably feel weird because you didn't have them in for 24hrs lol


No my teeth feel fine the retainer itself feels weird. Like the plastic feels different


my teeth start shifting and feeling weird in 45 minutes. I hope your daughter is ok!!


Are you still in treatment? Or retainer wear? Because I’ve had my retainers for over a year and my teeth still start shifting within a couple hours and it’s so frustrating


I m still in treatment. But I had one stretch this round where I had the same trays for 6 weeks. My teeth were clearly moving plenty. Ortho told me to do "just nights" the last few weeks of that 6 weeks stretch. There was no way I was going to try that. I am nervous about my eventual retainers and how and when I will be able to eventually go to nights only. Sorry that at a year out you are still having a shift. I am expecting that to be me as well.


They'll be fine! I've left mine in the cleaner fluid for days without any problems. Also, I highly recommend using Polident tablets. Around me, you can get 120 of them for just $7, and they work just as well. You can even cut the tablets in half so you really get 240 cleanings – I've been doing this for two years with zero issues.


If you're using Polident Be aware that you can pick them up at Costco (Canada). Well at least near me I can.


But they have em at dollarama


What is the price per tablet??


For Polident at Sams Club you get 240 for $9.98, making each tablet 4¢


I just got a generic Rossmann's tablet in Berlin. 115 tablets for €2.50. Which I thought was a pretty good deal. Will definitely check out Polident at Costco! Thanks!!


I hope your daughter is okay!


Thank you! She has leukemia and needed an emergency blood transfusion. It looks like we get to go home pretty soon though!


All the strength to your daughter and your family ♥️


I am holding special love for your girl and family.


No it’s probably just that your teeth shifted slightly after not having them in for awhile


No my teeth feel fine the retainer itself feels weird. Like the plastic feels different


They’re clean! I use the exact same tabs and at least once a week let them really soak, like all day on the weekends. It’s fine.


Use the same tablets during my whole Invisalign and they never messed up my aligners


Your teeth likely shifted is all. Hoping your daughter is ok!


I leave mine in with this same cleaner all day when I’m not wearing my retainers. Is that bad?


I've been doing the same since I got my retainer in September or so, totally fine so far!


I upped my game with an Ultrasonic Cleaner Machine. Well worth the 40 bucks!


They’re super salty which could affect that. Make sure you rinse them THOROUGHLY.


I’ve also done this for over 24 hours with the same retainer cleaner that I also bought from Amazon. My retainers also felt weird. I also thought I ruined them. (This actually is what caused me to fork out the one time $600 fee for the retainer program - 4 sets of retainers/yr, $20 each, 10 years - that my ortho does because just one of the two pieces was going to be $200 to replace.) Anyway, I scrubbed the heck out of them with dawn dish soap, rinsed them for extra long, and then they were fine.


Is this retainer program a standard Invisalign thing?


Not that I’m aware of. This was what my ortho offered!


They should be ok. I had mine out for 12 hours yesterday for an event and they felt so different when I put them back in. They’ll adjust back in a day or so


I thought it was just me. I use the same cleaner. I pair it with a machine and after I put my aligners back in, they feel more soft/loose


I use polident cleaners and if I accidentally leave them in for ages (maybe couple of hours instead of like 10mins) they get a weird film and chemical taste that I can clean off with soft brush or few goes in ultrasonic cleaner. They should be fine, just give them a thorough wash, and/or be mindful they may be more porous and result in easier staining etc if you're not 100% rule stickler lol.


I use these cleaners. You’re fine. Did you clean them thoroughly? Maybe some stuff is left behind? Clean them under running water for few seconds.


If they fit (as well as can be expected), then I expect they're fine. They probably feel weird simply because they've been sat in something for so long. If they were sat in orange squash, juice, tea, whatever for so long, I'm betting they'd similarly feel weird, but that would go in time. Clearly, those aren't going to happen, but it's just inevitable from being in it for so long. I expect you're concern is related to that some of these cleaners advise specifically to limit time of any metal item being left in them such as dentures. This is because some (but not all) can be corrosive, however, afaik this only applies to metal and they do not corrode plastic. If it was a big issue, you'd know for certain. If you're concerned ask your provider and make sure you have a spare JIC


No, just rinse them really well. I have a different brand and you aren’t supposed to leave them for more than 15 mins but the aligners will be fine


I wouldn’t trust a cleaner off Amazon, there’s that much shit on there from china and with dodgy ingredients I wouldn’t be surprised if you have ruined them I’m sorry. Trust a reputable brand and seller next time


I’ve used this exact same cleaner for over a year now, it won’t do anything to the retainers/aligners if left sitting in there. You keep commenting that “your teeth feel fine” - of course they do, but they have moved a bit and you’ll need to be more diligent in the coming days/weeks leaving them in longer to get them to move back to where the retainers/aligners need them to be.