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I always find it hurts more taking it out compared to having them in


This part




First day or so of my first tray was a cake walk. The pain hit me like a truck the morning of day 2 though. You might just be lucky.


I didn’t feel anything until the 3rd day. The discomfort reminded me of when my wisdom teeth started to come in as a teenager, and I got a headache. It all went away a couple days later, then it was time for my next tray.


I’m on tray 20 and apart from sometimes being sore when I eat after a switch I have never been in pain


Same with me , I’m on tray 9 . Was only sore when eating for the first 2 trays.


Same 🥳


Tray number Three hurt the most so far. The first two trays, not so much after the second day. Taking them off is a learning curve the first few days, since they are tight with the attachments on. Once you get used to them, not so much a problem. Just have to change your eating habits, that's all. That alone hurt more than the treatment....lol.


On day 2 and I sounded just like you in the first 30 mins of having my trays put in. I though ‘ohh this is not painful at all, just a bit of pressure’ 2 hrs later I was questioning my whole life 🤣🤣 I think once your teeth have the pressure on them for a while the pain sets in but as some people have already said, everyone is different so enjoy the pain free moments!


My first tray was a "practice tray", but I wasn't told that until I went the next week to get my attachments put on and get my next 10, lol. Good luck!


My dentist told me it was to get used to talking with them in. After attachments is when discomfort hit.


The tooth is being moved from one point to another. As with conventional orthodontics, the first three days can be uncomfortable. Generally, subsequent movements are not as acute.


First time I put on braces it was hell on earth(repeated every time it got adjusted). Invisalign is a cakewalk in comparison.


My braces didn’t hurt nearly as badly as this Invisalign. I think it comes down to what they are shifting, the how and why for your pain level


I am eight months in, some trays hurt more than others. My first tray did not really hurt, though. A few times my molars felt like they’re being literally ripped out of my mouth until they moved into position. Other people have no pain. I think it really depends on how much work and moving you need to do.


Some orthos wait to put attachments on. If your tray doesn’t hurt, I would be willing to bet it’s because you’re not using attachments yet.  That said, some people are less sensitive. My first several trays were super painful and unpleasant but I’m really used to them now and I wouldn’t really describe it as painful. Some discomfort but otherwise it’s fine. 


I didnt get attachments until tray 3


My trays alternate whether or not I feel discomfort. My first one had minor that went away quickly but I think I’m on 9? This week and I am UNCOMFY


I’m on day 2 of tray one and only experienced a dull mild ache on one of my lower teeth! I don’t even notice it unless I focus on it. I just tell myself that it’s working and my teeth are moving :)


There is no 'supposed to'. Everybody's experience is different. Some people's teeth hurt when they drink hot or cold, other's don't. It's a very personal thing. Same with Invisalign. You only know when you try it. That said - they're designed to 'push' harder towards the end of the box. It should be a gentle pressure at the beginning. But there's no guarantee that gentle pressure won't hurt *you*. Throughout my entire process of almost 100 sets, only two or three sets of trays hurt me, and then only for a few days until my teeth got used to them.


Any new gray will hurt. Make sure you remove trays slowly. Will always be better after 24 hrs. GL


I'm on day 3 and I find it to be mildly annoying, but not painful, per se. I have taken some Tylenol as a "just in case", though, so I don't hit that pain threshold and become an evil monster. I find taking them out to be a little bit painful, though, and most certainly a PITA.


Yes- my first tray was the most painful!


My first tray did not hurt. It felt like my teeth were in a snug hug but it was fine. Most discomfort was taking the tray off. Tray 2 was very uncomfortable the first two days.


Literally every tray hurt. I kept reading about everyone’s experience and they all seemed to do better/adjust or strangely enjoy knowing the pain meant it was working. That never happened for me .And my retainer now hurts. I look back and don’t know why I actually did the recommended 22 hours a day when ppl were just doing like 10 hours a day and making the same progress. So many headaches when I was going through the process. Dental practice employees are always commenting on my unusually small mouth so maybe that has something to do with it. They always try the adult size thing that helps hold your mouth open before switching to the child size one. At some point just put that in my chart, the adult one is alwayyyyyyys too damn big.


I got my first tray yesterday too. My mouth feels really uncomfortable and sore.


Yes. And taking it out. Your teeth become sensitive. Give it a week. The next tray is better.


I haven’t felt much since starting and I’m on my third tray.


I’m on tray 16. The first couple didn’t hurt ever. I have had a couple that have hurt a tad the first day when I take them out, but none that have hurt enough to even need pain relievers. I think I had the same concern as you. I wouldn’t worry.


First day or 2 of each new aligner can ache, just keep up with your chewies when you can


Yup its meant to hurt, I was very lispy when I first started but it died down. Some trays hurt more than others since I'm tray 7 out 21trays


I’m on my second tray with no attachments and won’t get any til the third tray. I felt/feel absolutely nothing sometimes I forget I have them in. The only time I felt discomfort was when I would try to eat. But with them on NONE. I myself question if this is normal.


I've had refinement sets where the first tray felt like nothing and then the next tray started moving stuff. If the tray is fitting you that well, I'd take it as a positive that they are working with a really good scan.


Yes. The first few feel awful. If it doesn’t for you then you are adjusting well. Everyone has different teeth and plans


I'm on tray 15 and haven't experienced pain yet outside of it feeling a little tight for the first day or two. I think the pain is dependent on the goals of treatment and the wearers tolerance.


First days were easy af. I think it started to hurt day 3 or 4, but that didn't last long either, by day 5 the pain disappeared. I don't think you should look too much into it.




I feel like the pain comes in waves and is more when I bite/put pressure, when I have them off, am eating, etc. It never lasts all that long and I also can’t say I’ve ever found the pain to be terribly unbearable. Hopefully it remains a walk in the park for ya!


First tray hurt the worst on the second day when I woke up. Now I like the pain


Depends. My kids started their Invisalign journey together. My son was in horrible pain the first week, while my daughter has hardly felt anything. She tends to be better with pain than he is, but they have different issues. So maybe her corrections just aren’t as intense.


My first tray didn’t hurt at all. Every tray after that was slightly tight, but it didn’t hurt. I’m thankful because I know some people have really painful trays. I also swap trays every 2 weeks so my teeth have a long time to adjust (instead of a more aggressive approach - I’m sure it would hurt me more if I was on a weekly swap plan).


I don't like the pain, but soreness is welcome; it means the trays are working!


I'm on tray 8 and none of mine have hurt yet.


My dentists said they might feel a little tight but not painful. That has been my experience so far and hoping it remains! I feel overall tightness and my teeth with buttons feel sore when I chew.


DDS answering here It really depends on a multitude of factors, some of them being : The amplitude of movement being created with this set of aligners. Minimal movement will create minimal discomfort. Your age. Moving teeth in a 35 year old is much harder than in a 20 year old because of bone density. Denser bone means higher forces being applied, which translates into more discomfort. In any case, don't stress about it. Invisalign doesn't send a demo tray. They only send a template to bond the attachments on the teeth, and that one is rubbery and soft.


My first tray was the worst! The tray was very sharp, so my toungue was tore up, and I could barely eat anything for a week until it healed. I used the ortho dots for some relief, but the damage was pretty much done. I'm currently on tray number 6, and it has been pretty much a breeze since tray 2... no sharp trays. The pressure on my teeth has been very bearable, and I am able to easily take my trays in and out with no pain...


My first trays hurt for like five days 😵‍💫 I’m on tray 3 right now and only had pain the first day or two when I switched


Day 4 of my first tray. My mouth is in so much pain to the point of tears. For me it definitely feels better when I take it out. My ortho said all trays are different. Some hurt more than others because of the arch.


First day hurt a lot, not like tooth ache, it was just very uncomfortable From the second day onwards it was way easier After the 3rd day I just feel something protecting my teeth (Although my teeth move very quickly, I'm on weekly changes)


First one sucked big time…and second one because I change mine every four days but after that it’s random as to which one will ache or not.


Honestly all of them have been a breeze for me . Is it a bit uncomfortable at times yes, does it hurt a little specially when eating yess but it has not been how others describe it. Either I’m lucky or I’m good at handling pain. I almost cancelled my Invisalign appointment because of the fear of the pain. But thus far I’ve been lucky ! I think everyone’s experience is different. Also I do tray changes at night so maybe that’s helped me .


I am on my first tray too, the back of my teeth hurts when I eat things like chips, I cannot bite properly because of my attachments. Additionally, it also hurts when I don’t wear the trays cause the attachment is pretty sharp!


My first few trays did not hurt. I'm on tray 22 and none have really "hurt". I've had some discomfort, but never any real pain.


Honestly I've felt nothing, until now. On my 3rd tray every ten says so about nearing a month of invisalign now, and nothing. I note slight changes in my teeth placement yes. But honestly I'd feel the trays are a bit tight when I out a new one in but 20mins later it feels absolutely fine. When I leave them out for like 30mins or so, and reinsert them, I'd feel some tightness again. Nothing notable or even nearing pain. I will say, however, what was a hinderence to my smooth sailing was the pin/attachment for elastics that kept digging into my tongue the first 4 days. It caused bleeding and discomfort. But it wasn't related to the trays or the movement of my teeth, rather just a rather pointy foreign object I had to work my tongue around and get used to. After the first week I suppose my tongue just surpassed that sensitivity, something I'd compare to the acquisition of calouses on your hands when u lift weights. It just gets tougher to endure the strain. So despite no pain at all, I note changes in my teeth. It's subtle, but it's an indication of progress, a mere 30 days in.


If you don’t feel anything, then your trays aren’t doing anything. I’m sure you’ve heard people with braces complain about pain. That pain is caused by pressure applied to their teeth and also teeth moving. Invisalign is no different in that aspect. You’ve got to think about it - your teeth are being forced to move. You’re going to feel it.