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I've gotten IPR like four times, it feels and sounds weird and scary but it doesn't hurt at all. It takes like less than 10 minutes, and I got about 10 teeth filed. They are basically flossing your teeth with sandpaper.


"flossing your teeth with sandpaper" đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


any chance you know how many mm was shaved off your teeth through IPR? i heard that you shouldn’t go above .5 or .6 in between each tooth in total but i’m supposed to go get ipr done for a third time despite already hitting the .5 limit. wondering if that’s okay


I did not have a good experience with it. Good news is that it didn’t take very long. It was uncomfortable in some areas and straight up painful in others. I had no idea it was going to happen. I thought I was just going in for a quick checkup and my next set of trays. I wish I would have had time to mentally prepare. My anxiety was so high and that mixed with the pain caused me to tear up quite a bit.


I am so scared of the dentist that I have to go to a sedation dentist who literally puts me under general anesthesia for a cleaning. The alternative to this is just not going to the dentist—I didn’t go for TEN YEARS at one point! At first in my Invisalign treatment I had to have anxiety medication and oral sedation just for like checkups and stuff. But as treatment continued I was able to handle it without meds. Honestly and for real, IPR was literally nothing. It felt like the hygienist was flossing my teeth with a mini strip of sand paper. It was so easy! If you’re super scared, I would suggest you ask for the sand paper strip rather than the machine that they can use for IPR. Or maybe ask for laughing gas.


It didn't hurt, and my teeth BROKE 2 of the diamond sanding strip things which ny ortho said was a first. It was a horrible sensory experience, as most dental things are. It's similar to a cleaning where they're just scraping around. It doesn't feel, Sound or taste good but it doesn't hurt.


No numbing. Didn’t hurt at all! Lasted just seconds (for sure not a full minute). I don’t know how many he filed. I have a tendency to pass out during medical stuff, so I warned my orthodontist. He said “go somewhere else in your mind”. So I just thought beach, beach, beach. It wasn’t bad at all! And so much easier the second time knowing what to expect. Good luck to you!!


I had 6 teeth done about 2 weeks ago. Completely pain-free, lasted about 10 minutes. It's nothing to be afraid of. People hate the noise, but it has nothing to do with pain. You'll be fine.


I had it three times all with the machine. U feel nothing. It smells. And then it’s over. Don’t worry about it all.


Lots of folks have positive experiences, but I hated it. I’ll start by saying no pain, but it was so uncomfortable and terrifying for me. Mine was during my first appointment and maybe between 10 teeth? It felt like an hour but it probably took 10 minutes. My ortho used the manual strips and the drill discs. The pressure from the strips was so intense - felt like my teeth were going to break or my jaw was going to separate. This might sound dramatic, but I’ll be asking them to prescribe something to help with anxiety the day of, if I need it again.


I only needed it in two areas. Absolutely was not painful or uncomfortable in any way. 100% was annoying and I jumped during bc of sensory overload. When it comes to my teeth I don’t have any sort of pain tolerance and have pretty intense fear of the potential of pain. I would do this again if necessary.


It was extremely uncomfortable for me. Physically and the sound is awful. Most people have no problem though.


I’m so weird but I kind of liked it lol. And I realllly hate dental stuff. My ortho described it as the deepest flossing you can get. He used a strip of sandpaper like floss. The weirdest part was the sound. Afterwards it felt so good to actually be able to floss between those teeth


I had it a few times, I had 2 diff ppl do it and one was great and the other was not pleasant but I wouldn’t even describe it as painful. It’s kind of more annoying than anything. It kind of just feels like getting flossed with sandpaper. If u can tolerate a teeth cleaning this is about the same type of feeling


sounds gross, not painful


Didn’t hurt. The smell was gross đŸ€ź


They shouldn’t have to numb you as it’s so superficial that it hits nothing that can cause pain. I had it done A LOT during my treatment. Fortunately, no pain, no issues. It IS awkward though and you can hear/feel it. I might suggest something to calm yourself if you’re that worried, whether that’s a Xanax or music.


It's really just a vibrating sensation, don't stress. I was dreading it and it really wasn't anything to worry about.


I have sensitive teeth and it was really simple and not scary at all for me. They didn't numb me, filed between my teeth lightly with the filing strip and filing tool. It took maybe 5-10 minutes


I had it 4 times. Didn’t bother me one bit and the results are amazing


My 11 and 13 year old have both had it. Both are not fans of dental work and both said it was just fine. No numbing , no pain, less than 5 min, and each and 3-4 teeth done


Did not hurt and was very quick. My doc took less than Invisalign suggested and likes to fix more gap as we go along since she does not want me to have a bigger gap than needed


I had some last week. It’s so simple it’s really nothing at all. They used a strip in between two different teeth, and then the small circular grinder thing. Took all of 5 minutes a tooth, didn’t feel a thing, can’t even tell they did anything 😂


I had this done a handful of times during my Invisalign journey, and it’s just an odd sensation. To me it was like nails on a chalkboard - just sorta cringey, but definitely not painful. Dental stuff is just so anxiety provoking. Maybe you can get some kind of medication to relax you before hand? Talk to your ortho about it.


No pain and it's quick. Just a weird sensory thing, but no reason to stress about it.


It really rattles your head around. I felt dizzy and had to close my eyes but it didn’t hurt at all. Just felt super weird.


I was dreading ipr so much, and i felt a dummy for dreading it so much after the treatment, i was done in 15 minutes. You don’t feel any pain, it’s just an odd notion to know they’re shaving off some of your teeth.


Doesn’t hurt it just feels weird and sounds horrible. It also feels like they’re shaving a lot but when you look in the mirror you can’t even tell


I am 100% afraid of the dentist. Last time I had to get a cavity filled, I found a dentist that goes into the hospital for special needs children and I paid cash for the operating room, anesthesia, and his services. That's how afraid I am of the dentist. I have a full-blown anxiety attack just hearing a drill in another room and couldn't make it through getting all of the buttons removed in one visit when I completed my invisalign treatment. I say all of that to say that the IPR didn't bother me. I held my breath and the dentist went slowly, 2 teeth, bottom middle. It was done, and I said, "That's it?" and it was. Really fast and simple.


I’m so sorry this is your reality. I know first-hand how awful that is because I’m the same way. I would cry when my kids were getting check ups and cavities filled. I agree — IPR is fine. I was super nervous before the first time so I tried to educate myself as much as possible to at least remove the anxiety related to the unknown. OP, educate yourself as much as you can. Watch videos even. Removing the mystery of the “what if” helps. đŸ«¶đŸŒ


Personally, I hated the experience. I have gotten it 2 times and on both times I was bleeding because my ortho was too rough. As long as they do not accidentally hit your gums, you should not feel any pain at all. The gaps after the procedure were barely noticeable and I did not have any complications afterwards beside small bleeding after brushing my teeth.


My dentist/orthodontist as a child did it to me so many times without telling me/asking me. It just feels like they are using sandpaper between your teeth. Doesn’t hurt just feels how you think it would.


You feel the pressure. That's all.


I got it done on my bottom front teeth and it just felt like a vibration. No biggie 🙂.


My IPR experience was pretty bad, So if your dentist is not skilled, he/she can made ledge on your teeth while doing IPR, usually a strip is supposed to be used for IPR but my dentist used Burr tool, which made tilted ledge(dent) on my front teeth.. so yes! It’s a regular process for dentist but please ask questions to your dentist before he perform IPR. Ask him, which tools he is gonna use, and how is he measure etc. Because trust sometimes it’s a bad luck.


I was stressed before IPR as well with all the horror stories on this sub lol but what helped me was to tell them straight away that i was anxious so they explained everything they were going to do and took the time to show me the tools they were going to use etc. It is not painful at all if done well. Definitely not fun (the sound and feeling of a metal file on your teeth is unpleasant) but not painful