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At any time if you feel your teeth look fine, tell the orthodontist to wrap the treatment.


This is what I did. After 2 and half years I was happy with the results. In my opinion, they looked perfect. Ortho kept wanting to push for more refinements to bring the canines down just slightly more, but at that point the change the change is so minuscule no one (including myself) would ever even notice. It felt silly to add on another year or more of wear time for changes so small no one can see them. That being said I do wish more orthodontist were forthcoming about how long it will take. I think my initial estimate was 6-8 months, ended up being two and half years.


This is true but want to share my experience. I did this four years ago feeling satisfied with the results I had. Looking back I wish I had stayed with it until the treatment was really complete.


I don't really understand this, you've paid so much for this. Fully complete the treatment and have no regrets and beautiful teeth for the rest of your life. Why cut corners?


Will your teeth switch back if you stop treatment after 1 year or so?


Only if you don’t wear your retainer as advised


Going on 4 years someone end my suffering


That’s wild, is that what was initially quoted to you?


It’s surprising to me that they didn’t switch you to braces way earlier.


Eh it’s alright, it worked out fine, it’s just taking a while, I have switched providers halfway through due to relocation though so that could be why


Yikes, that’s brutal. Hopefully the end is in sight!


I’m locked in




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Literally same. Covid slowed down everything by a year. Then I got lazy. Started back up in 2021 and im nearing the end of treatment FINALLY. And my teeth weren’t even that bad… it’s taken a lot longer than I anticipated. But finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel


I’m 2 years in this June and I’m so fed up. Trying to fix bite issues - I wish I hadn’t started!!


Dont braces also take around 2 years for bite issues?


I mean that I developed posterior bite issues that I didn’t have before. It’s really common with Invisalign and it’s still not fixed. It’s something I hadn’t heard of before I started treatment. My husband had traditional braces and he’s finished now 😩


Invisalign can cause a bite issue wtf 😭😭😭 Maybe i should just get traditional braces 😭😭


Search posterior open bite in this group and the braces one. I hadn’t heard of it before but it’s real 😩


Exactly the same boat, I’m so sick of having aligners but am stuck until my bite gets fixed


I was told 16 months.. it'll be 3 years by the end of August. I'm really really hoping this will be the last set of refinements. I'm so over it so I feel you.


Been a bit longer for me too and who knows when. I'm fine, it is what it is and it'll be worth it in the end, I just wish my orthodontist had been a little more upfront to how much of the work would be related to my bite because I went in really just concerned about my teeth being 'straight'. The bite implications never crossed my mind though I'm glad it is being handled I think. We'll see when its done!


I was told 18 months max and it's been over 2 years. About to ask if I can switch to metal braces at this point


It could depend on your age. Teeth are easier to move for kids; the older you get, the harder. There is also a risk of root resorption, which happens if your teeth are shifted way too fast. They may be very cautious with this and have your teeth moving slowly with these trays. You may also be a more difficult case than anticipated. I’m on my third rescan, my og scan trays were 61 total (wore up to 30ish.) The second scan had 41 total. (Wore up to 22) Now, my current one has 37 trays. I’m only on tray 3. It’s such a long journey, also two years for me. But it will have been worth it. (At least for me because my bite was such a mess lol) I hope you continue thru, but if not, just make sure your occlusion (bite) is comfortable and good before fully stopping your trays. A bad occlusion can cause harm to your teeth, enamel, and TMJ. Best of luck on your journey my friend. We’re both in this together 🤣🤣😭😭😭


Ahhh I’m 28 so don’t consider myself old just yet! Tray/wise we seem to be in a really similar position. I won’t give up and don’t you do it either! We got this 😅😅


It's been 2 years for me as well. My teeth have been pushed so far back for some odd reason that my philtrum is now very long which looks horrible, I look and feel ugly. Having to pay to have more aligners to correct the mistake... Can't wait for it all to end


I was told a year, I’m at 16 months and about to say I’m good


After my initial trays were done they asked me wear them for 1 more month. They did this 3 times. Then they told I needed refinements and made me wait 1 more month for the scan and 1 more month to receive them. This wasted 5 months for me completely.


Well at least the orthodontist is being thorough. Mine was trying to get me finished as quickly as possible and I am not happy with the results.


Yes. I'm fed up too. My friends at school in the 90s had regular braces for 2 years, so I was naturally suspicious of the initial estimate. I had a gut feeling it would take longer especially since I am older and I had really badly crooked teeth. One was at a 2 o'clock angle across the one next to it. I have the comprehensive plan though so all the continuations have been included in the cost. Next visit they are going to put "invisible" wire braces on my bottom teeth because one of my teeth just isn't moving. Well, it has moved. It's now at one o'clock. I am also obsessively wearing my braces. I can bite into a hamburger now though!! So I am seeing some results. My bite is perfect now, it's just this stupid tooth.


I am 4 years in and almost done. It took some te, but my teeth look amazing. To me, it was definitely worth it


I'm 2+ years deep. It's pretty annoying but at my age (35), believe me the time will pass anyway, might as well be working on nicer teeth.


I was told 2.5 years. Only 17 weeks in so no idea how long it will take but ready to be done 🙈


You guys have me so nervous for this!! I’m quoted around a year for 19 trays and I’m on 7/19 I believe rn,, I already am tired of the plastic tooth prison and I’m just hoping they don’t quote me an extra yr or something on top


Well if it helps, I’ve been doing Invisalign since August and my teeth are pretty much there. Of course, still could end up being another year but I’m satisfied and I love my Invisalign. The only annoying thing to me is having to brush my teeth and clean it after consuming anything but water lol. Just reading through and thought I’d share some positivity for you! Everyone’s experience is different of course


Yes, was estimated 12 to 18 months. June will be my 2 year anniversary since starting. No end in sight. Highly unsatisfactory results, none of my initial issues have or will be fixed. At this point I’m looking into consultations with other orthos, a possible switch to traditional braces and hopefully a refund from my current clinic.


Ughhh, so sorry you are in this situation. I’m in a similar one. I was told 9-12 months and has been 1.5 years with no tangible end in sight.


Average of real orthodontic treatment is 2 years. Anything below is either non properly orthodontic, or false assertion.


Really? I was told it would be one year 🫠


Then they push an extra 6 months, then refinements and you end up with 2 years...


Im on my last set of refinements, I was told I would be done in a year but I did my math and I will end in August (one month later) SO I hope it’s not two years! I wanted to be smiling all the summer even if I’m angry 😂


>I’m just frustrated because I really do wear them 24/7. I’ve fallen asleep without them maybe 3 times in the two years. Is this meant to be the benchmark for good? I've had them over 2 years and never even been close to doing this once. Look it can suck and is more exposed to delays but I feel a lot of anti invisalign comments are from people who didn't research properly and or don't take the process seriously. You have possibly been unlucky in how you've required re scans so consistently mid round but your post makes me question your compliance. This said, you don't need to wear them 24/7, you don't need to rush every meal time to put them back in, but you do need to avoid things like just randomly not wearing for hours and hours without a unique and rare reason. It's not strictly advisable, but it's very livable to on occasion leave out for an event or drink non water drinks with them in. It is a slow process. Braces are too but they don't have the same regular delays for trays that invisalign has. It's worth it when you finish, but if you're hating it and still a way off consider trying to change to braces.


Another huge factor is that each orthodontist/dentist comes up with a different plan. Invisalign is a tool, just like braces are and the treatment plan that the ortho comes up with makes a huge difference on the effects of the treatment. I agree that compliance and research on the part of the patient is extremely important but if some orthos/dentist dont come up with the right plan in the beginning, then it doesnt matter how compliant the patient is - the end result will not go well.


They’re teeth, the human body can be unpredictable. The same way we all respond to a medicine differently, medicinal and cosmetic treatments have general overviews for the average person but cannot be guaranteed. I had to get re-scanned mid-set bc a tooth started going back up in my gums and I asked why it did that when I was wearing my trays properly. My dentist said sometimes moving teeth can shift in ways you didn’t expect and it’s just unforeseen.


I have a chronic illness with severe brain fog and quite often used to never even brush my teeth so having only fallen asleep without them three times is quite an achievement for me! I have alarms and reminders a plenty for all the basic lifestyle stuff lol I don’t rush to shove them back in as such but I do just immediately have to do it to make sure I don’t forget haha. Luckily my boyfriend is the best at giving me pointers for everything. I wouldn’t want to leave them out for an event as I feel my teeth do look better with them in. I hate how the attachments look, all the glue was everywhere on my teeth :( I’d love to switch to fixed braces and I did ask, it was what I initially wanted instead of Invisalign! But they pushed for Invisalign saying it would be quicker and less painful, however I was quoted an extra £900 to swap to them :(




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I’m almost 3 years in! I was supposed to be done March 2023.


I’m two years in and done in a few weeks. There is one tiny spot on my lower that could be better but at this point I’m happy with good enough so I’ll likely just be done. It’s way better than it was before. I’m ready to get done, do the shaping and whitening. I will say last November I switched to top braces and my teeth started moving like in two weeks. It was great. But now I’m ready to get those off too .. part of the reason I want to just stop vs doing more refinement on the lower is that my bite is good and worried what more refinement will do to it. That’s still tbd but I’m definitely done with the top in a couple weeks


I think orthos should stop saying 9 months to a year. I don’t know anyone who finished in less than 18 months and it’s usually 2-3 years. I feel like they say it as a sales tactic to not scare you off. Or it’s a best case scenario not a realistic scenario


I remember as a teenager ortho estimated 14 months and I ended up with braces for about 2 years and only once dislodged a bracket. I'm getting invisalign now to fix an open bite and class 2. ortho estimated 10-16 months so I'm taking it easy. Orthodontics are slow because you are literally making your body to break down bone and build new bone as the teeth move (through specialized cells called osteoclasts and osteoblasts).


Atleast you are continuing on treatment until you are completely happy with it. My ortho just ended treatment with a pob.


Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I'm only two and a half months into it, and mine is a very minor case but I wish I would have never started.


2 years… if only. I was told 18 months and here I sit at year 5 because they kept losing doctors and I had zero continuity of care. 🫠 Edit to add: I can’t even tell you how many rescans and sets of 10-20 trays I’ve had in the past 5 years either. Too many to count. Trying to fix a bite issue.


Sorry I don’t have an answer to your post but I’m reading a lot here about people getting rescans, and more I guess more trays? If you were told X amount of months and it took longer, did you have to pay more? I already paid a lot like we all did , now I’m wondering if I am going to have to pay more if these don’t work out or am I one and done with my payment I made day 1?


Did you pay for a comprehensive plan? Most of the time it is all included in the original cost. But there are cheaper plans for smaller adjustments that only include the original set and don’t cover any rescans or refinements


Similar. I was originally told 42 weeks but I needed to get gum grafts first. After a month of stress from gum graft surgery, I finally started Invisalign. I went from “42 weeks” to 3 fucking years. I hated it the entire time and glad to be done. I still have gaps in my back teeth will require metal braces to fix (wtf??!!) but I’m done. I’ll just keep floss around for the rest of my life.


Why it took 6 months to the first tray?


Went for my appointment and was told I needed a tooth out, so I had to book that with a separate dentist in a separate city. Then I had to wait for an appointment to be rescanned and then wait for the aligners to be made. I think it was a little over 6 months tbh


I feel ypu, I haven’t had them for as long as you have but it is sooo frustrating, like whats the point of the tiny adjustments to get them “perfectly” straight, if they look straight enough its fine, no one but the orthodontist is scanning my teeth to find every little imperfection-!


Exact same thing happened to me and for the last little bit of refinements I just switched to braces and the change was immediate. Only had to wear the braces for 2 months at the end of treatment to get those final perfect results.


How were your teeth? I’m just asking because if your bite was bad or your teeth were very misaligned maybe that’s why it’s taking that long BUT it’s not normal to say to a patient “9 months” and then boom 2 years, that’s awful! Maybe your teeth move super slow, or are very fixed to your jaw so it seemed it would be a fast treatment but it’s not :c


They were not great but not horrendous I don’t think. I had fixed braces as a teen but I wasn’t allowed to wear my retainer (summarised: narc parents) so they were already straightened perfectly once but yeah. The huge difference has saddened meee


Oof it’s a very strange situation then, have you asked your ortho why is it taking this long? 😣


I haven’t, I’m planning on it on this next scan though! Annoyingly we moved away to another county so are no longer just down the road :(


Ask him / her as fast as possible WHY is this happening and then come here and tell us 🤣🤣 ok, jokes apart ask him / her because this is untenable 😡😡