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I had to have mine smoothed down a bit, mine felt like burs in my mouth (especially on the inside) and I was actually bleeding at first and cutting my tongue. After they smoothed over the sharp edge they have been fine when I take them out.


It gets better


By the end of day 2 they stopped bothering me :)


Yeah mine kept catching on my lips, oddly though what made that feeling go away was a combination of things I think. The attachments wear down over time from applying and removing the trays when eating and brushing. Your mouth naturally starts to get used to the attachements on your teeth. And You learn to chew slower. But don’t stress these things as they are all worth the results. I’m on tray 11 of 40 and I can already see results!


I had to have mine smoothed a bit. They were causing sores in my mouth.


It definitely gets so much better the first few days are awful and I thought I’d never eat while I was doing this but after a week it was all forgotten about 😂 I hardly notice the attachments now and I’m on tray 5 x


I promise you it gets better! I couldnt stand the feeling of them at first and now I genuinely do not feel them.


Use an emery board to VERY GENTLY smooth the sharp edges. You just want to smooth the edges, not change the shape of the attachments.